Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 310: The Battle of Taniguchi Continues 2

The sun slowly slanted westward, and the breeze blew the smoke away. The mountains cast huge shadows, and there is a sweet smell in the wind. The vultures smelled the enticing aroma, and from time to time they tried to fall, and they flew up in surprise by the moving warriors. Unlike the vultures of the Old World, these New World scavengers were more eager. They have sharper beaks and are especially fond of corpses that have just died and not decomposed.

The black wolf Toltek came to the vanguard camp with a cold expression and said nothing. He just undid his commander's banner and inserted it into the formation. The flag slammed into the ground a foot, and it didn't move. Then, he looked forward, and several vultures were hovering on the battlefield, surrounding the corpse of the vanguard brute.

Toltec looked cold, raised his longbow, and narrowed his eyes. He aimed a little bit, shot in the air, and a vulture fell to the ground! The vultures in the mountains were frightened, and all of them flew away, and the cry of "quack" echoed in the valleys, mournful and wailing.

"Bird shooter!..."

There was a low cheer in the pro-military. The black wolf looked around, and the warriors of the vanguard camp still had a calm expression and high fighting spirit. It's just that they fought for a long time, and they were smothered by thick smoke, and they couldn't help showing a little tiredness.

"Samurai! The **** of war is watching you! You are the glorious royal guard!"

Toltec slowly lowered his longbow, cheering loudly.

"...His Royal Highness is about to arrive! The army is going all the way north, and all the attacks are invincible! We are ferocious jaguars, are we going to be blocked by the local dogs in front of us?!"


Hearing this, the warriors of the pioneer camp showed killing intent, and a low roar sounded in the array.

"Guardians! I plant the flag here! I have the longbow in my hand!"

The black wolf held the flag in one hand, raised the longbow in the other, and roared loudly.

"I attack with you! I fall with you!!"

"Roar! Roar! Kill!"

The two thousand warriors raised their heads in unison, their morale was lifted, and they let out a heaven-shattering beast roar!

In the camp not far away, Keka looked solemn. He clenched his hunting bow and looked carefully at the generals under the banner.

"Damn! Who is this?!"

"Chief, he should be the black wolf! The big tribe chief under the death chief, the eight thousand warriors in the middle!"


Keka's eyes widened, turned slightly, and faintly thought. However, before he thought about it for long, the terrifying sound of war drums rang from under the camp!

"Dong Dong Dong!"

Under the leadership of Heilang, the 2,000 Pioneer Battalions directly overwhelmed them all! In just a few moments, the Pioneer Camp came to the camp about a hundred paces away. The Thousand Temple crossbowmen immediately stopped, raised their big crossbows, and shot towards the camp.


The crossbow arrows hit like a torrential rain, and they were nailed to the wooden boards fiercely, suppressing the hunters at the head of the city. Keka shrank his neck, turned his head and shouted to the guards.

"Quick! Order the soldiers to charge!"

Soon, three hundred dogs Ding Zhuang shouted and rushed out of the camp, facing a rain of arrows. Dozens of people were brought down by crossbow bolts, and their shouts instantly turned into howls, and the charge of the canine descendants slowed down.


The deadly crossbow arrows attacked, and as long as the armorless Ding Zhuang was hit by the arrow, he was destined to see his ancestors. Under the cover of crossbow bolts, the vanguard battalion had already reached within sixty paces.

Toltec stopped and raised the longbow in his hand. He narrowed his eyes, just aiming slightly, that is, an arrow with all his strength! The copper arrow was extremely precise, piercing through the neck directly, cutting the trachea, and bringing out the bright red of the lasing. A dog breed, Ding Zhuang, suddenly stopped shouting, "hoho" and fell down while covering his neck.

The black wolf didn't stop, and shot three people to death in an instant. He was wearing a half-body bronze armor and a face-covering bronze helmet, standing in the center of the army formation, not doing any evasion. Beside him, eighty longbow personal guards, also wearing medium armor, raised their bows and shot together.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Precise feather arrows shot at the city head, and a dozen tribal hunters rolled over and fell. The Pioneer Camp has already rushed within forty steps! The nine hundred vanguard brute shouted furiously and began to climb the **** and charge towards the camp!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Hundreds of red-haired hunters poked their heads from behind the planks and began to shoot arrows down hard. At this distance, the Guaquilis are so precise! Dozens of vanguard brute soldiers were instantly shot in the neck with arrows and rolled down the slope.


The fierce crossbow bolts roared and shot more than a dozen hunters to death. The vanguard brute did not stop, along the **** full of corpses and blood, and formed a group with the out-of-the-camp dog Ding Zhuang Kill.

The battle situation is getting more and more fierce, the senior red-haired hunter can keep calm, and the ordinary tribal hunter is almost completely crazy. They desperately stuck their heads out, braved the incoming crossbow bolts, and shot arrows under the camp, killing the canine and the brute together.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The narrow **** was especially tragic for a while! The canines and the barbarians assassinated each other, their bodies entangled and fell to the ground. The people on the ground shed a large amount of blood, let out a dying cry, and then stopped in the trampling. New warriors kept filling in, continuing the **** slaughter.

"Middle head!"

Toltec narrowed his eyes, growled suddenly, and shot an arrow into the head of a tribal hunter. Immediately, he wound the arrow, moved slightly to aim, and shot another swift arrow.

Upstairs in the watchtower, a red-haired hunter just showed his head from behind the plank and was about to shoot downwards, when suddenly his neck hurt and his eyes darkened. The red-haired hunter lost all strength in an instant and rolled down the wall, dyed red all over.

With a long bow, the black wolf shot the tribal hunter with precision and emptied the watchtower at a high place. Soon, the red-haired hunters reacted.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Hundreds of bone arrows shot at them, hitting the bronze armor of the guards, making a "puff" sound. Many bone arrows shot through the cloth, and were immediately blocked by the bronze armor, so they could only be embedded in the armor in vain. From a distance, the armor looks like the fur of a hedgehog, draped over the guards. Faced with such a thick skin, the red-haired hunters again aimed fiercely at the key points. Feather arrows came like strong rain, and the bronze helmet banged, but only two personal guards were injured.


The sharp crossbow pierced through the sky and nailed it to the wall again, and a dozen redheads with exposed heads fell down with a groan. Coca felt a pain in her heart. He looked at the longbow personal guard who had been hit by more than a dozen arrows and roared angrily.

"Ah! What is this? Why can't you shoot to death!"

"Chief, the red fox scouts mentioned that these are the thick-skinned warriors of the cactus tribe! They wear thick leather and can be shot with a hundred arrows without dying!"

The red-haired guard Miwa stepped forward and explained.

"What? Thick skin? What sorcery is this!"

Keka's eyes widened, and he looked carefully in front of the camp, but couldn't see what happened for a while.

The fierce fighting has continued for a moment. The three hundred soldiers who left the camp had no way to retreat, and almost all of them were killed. The large group of cactus warriors shouted furiously and gradually rushed up the slope. They approached the wall in the rain of arrows, and would soon climb up. Although the wall of the rear camp is slightly higher, it is still only two meters, and it cannot stop the charge at all.

"Miva, how much did the second batch of stormtroopers recruit?"

Coca asked eagerly. The battle is tight, and the first thousand people have been exhausted.

"About 600 people, shields and spears have been issued! The follow-up is still under investigation..."

"Divided into two teams! Add a hundred red frog warriors to each team as backbones, and quickly leave the camp to fight! The Aztecs cannot be allowed to climb the wall!"

"Listen to you, heroic chief!"

"By the way, let the guard in my wolf robe move forward with a banner! Send twenty soldiers to guard with a large shield. Well, let him boost the morale of the soldiers, and then attract the enemy's bow and arrows!"

"Listen to you, chief cunning!"

The sound of the charging war drums was getting faster and faster, and the bone whistle of the dog-born became more and more sharp. After a while, four hundred tribesmen rushed out of the camp and once again joined the vanguard brute on the slope. Immediately afterwards, the chief in the wolf robe held the flag of the red frog and came to the vicinity of the wall in person. The canines cheered in the camp!

"Hey! This Red Frog Chief is an admirable warrior!"

Looking at the moving flag, Toltec was slightly startled. He nodded respectfully, and then without hesitation, it was a quick shot!


Bronze arrows came like lightning, nailed fiercely to the shield under the flag, and shot the warrior in the wolf robe back a step. Then, dozens of feather arrows attacked at the same time! The warrior fell to the ground in shock, huddled behind the shields and guards, like a boat in a storm.

"Temple crossbowmen, take twenty steps forward, and shoot!"

Toltec fired another round, making sure the longbow couldn't break the wooden shield. He immediately waved the flag and summoned the crossbowmen to step forward. On the slope, the canines and the brute soldiers fought fiercely again. The tribal hunter shot arrows desperately, killing the barbarians below, and then being shot to death by the archers in the distance.


The crossbowmen, panting, tried their best to fire a shower of arrows. The sharp crossbow bolts came screaming, shooting through the red cat's flag, breaking through the shielding wooden shield, and wounding the surrounding guards!

Toltec looked carefully for a moment, but there was no figure behind the shield, and he didn't know whether the chief in the wolf robe was dead. However, looking at the calm reaction in the camp, it seems that they have not done their best.

"What a tough warrior!"

The black wolf sighed slightly and shook his head in disappointment. He raised his long bow again, shot a long arrow sharply, and nailed a redhead to death!

"Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!"

Keka's eyes widened and shrank behind the wall. Feather arrows and crossbow bolts flew over his head, nailing down the guards under the flag one by one. After a while, the red-haired personal guard Miwa came over with a heavy expression.

"Chief, the guard in your wolf robe was shot dead!"

Coca's pupils shrank. He looked at the black wolf with arrows like shooting stars, as if he saw a skeleton that was dying. Chief Red Frog pondered for a while, then whispered.

"Quick, find another bodyguard and put on my wolf robe again! Remember, to attract the enemy's bow and arrow, stack several layers of shields!"

"Listen to you, chief cunning!"

Coca nodded. In the view of the dogborn of the wasteland, as long as the goal can be achieved, treacherous and cunning are praises. Generations of canines have fought for survival, trying their best to adapt to the cruel environment, and disdain for faith and glory. Therefore, in the face of new gunpowder weapons, they will quickly find a way to deal with it, and will not, like their compatriots in the south, regard the coming of the gods and even give up resistance.

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