Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 318: surrender

"His Royal Highness, the Red Frog Tribe has a messenger coming, I pray to see you, and are waiting in the camp at this time!"

The night was dim, the sky was full of stars, and there was a fire in the Taniguchi camp. Barda, dressed in an eagle battle suit, strode into the medical tent and reported to His Highness. He stole his eyes and saw that there were only two people in the tent. His Highness stood in the middle, with a stern expression and a hint of anger. The black wolf Toltek was lying on the grass bed with a face full of shame, obviously being scolded just now. Seeing this scene, Barda quietly raised the corner of his mouth and laughed secretly.

"Emissary of the Red Frog Tribe? Comes at night? . . . um."

Xiuluo thought for a moment, nodded slightly, and looked at the ashamed black wolf again.

He had just screened off the crowd and scolded Toltec alone. As a legion commander, how can you personally rush to the front line and throw your life and death lightly? As for the storming of Taniguchi, the Imperial Guard lost 800, but the troops were sturdy and need to be pointed out a little. Now that Barda is present, it is not good to scold him so harshly, to prevent love from being laughed at by everyone. In fact, the general must not be humiliated in front of everyone, otherwise the enemy will be at the Honneng Temple...

The king put away his anger, looked at the love general, and shook the opponent's hair.

"Toltek, my black wolf! You went north this time, bravely and diligently, and even broke down the camp, and made a lot of credit! The middle legion assaulted the wasteland like a jaguar, and let the Guaquili dogs see the power of the alliance. But, weapons that are too sharp are easy to break; corn that is too tall is not very strong. The same is true of soldiers. Both toughness and gentleness need to be combined, and the battle depends on timing and situation, and should not be rushed..."

"Take a good rest! Black Wolf, I will let the guards send you a volume of my marching notes, which contain some experiences from last year's Western Expedition. You can take advantage of the opportunity to recuperate, and you can read it slowly and think about it. This injury is actually not a bad thing... Well, when you recover, I will let you lead the legion!"

"Ah, Your Highness! I am willing to die for you!"

Toltec looked excited. He turned over and bowed to His Highness. .

Shilot smiled, reached out and patted the black wolf on the shoulder, then turned and left. Barda glanced at the black wolf with admiration, and followed His Highness.

Starlight sprinkled on the mountains not far away, and there was a faint mournful song in the wind. The king paused in front of the tent, looked at the Red Fox Valley not far away, and then opened the tent door and walked in.

In the tent, the eight guards looked calm and guarded in bronze armor. In the corner is the messenger of the Red Frog Tribe, who has been waiting for a long time. Shulot looked at the messenger. The other party was short and stocky with a rough face. Although he tried his best to squeeze out a smile, he couldn't hide the smell of fighting.

The king looked at the messenger, and calmly walked to the top and sat down. Barda held down his weapon and guarded him. The tent was quiet, full of awe-inspiring killing intent.

After a long while, the messenger of the Red Frog Tribe finally couldn't bear it any longer. He looked at Shiloh in awe, and said carefully.

"Cough... Dear Great Chief Death! Your mana is as boundless as the sky, and your warriors are as brave and numerous as mountains. The Red Frog Tribe, willing to take 20,000 tribes in the valley, honor you as the supreme Great Chief , fight for your flag!"

"Oh? The Red Frog Tribe wants to surrender?"

Shirot's expression was calm and his voice was low.

"Then hand over all the weapons, walk out of the mountain camp, and accept the arrangement of fate."

"Surrender... No, I'm here to negotiate! Chief Death God, there are still 20,000 brave Guaquilis in the valley! We still have two camps in the mountains! Our food has been harvested and can last for months!"

The red frog messenger widened his eyes and said fiercely.

"Although the cactus tribe is brave, it will take thousands of casualties if they want to lay down the valley! In Palms City in the east, we still have tens of thousands of reinforcements, and they will arrive soon! When the time comes, they will be destroyed by internal and external attacks. It's you!"

"Oh? Then you go back and tell Chief Red Frog. He can continue to hold on to the valley! The army will attack tomorrow, and I want to see how long he can hold on."

Shilot glanced at the fiercely low-pitched messenger and shook his head slightly. After all, it is a wasteland dog, and the messenger of peace is as hard as a warrior, and is completely unqualified.

The red frog messenger was speechless for a while, unable to speak. After a while, he bowed his head with difficulty.

"Head Chief Death, as long as you preserve the Red Frog Tribe and allow the Red Frog Chief to continue to lead the headquarters, we will hand over the camp and the valley and surrender to you with more than 20,000 Guaquili tribes!"

"Oh? Save the Red Frog tribe and continue to be the chief?"

Shirot smiled faintly.

"How many people are there in the Red Frog headquarters, and how many mouths do you want to keep?"

"Seven thousand... No, only six thousand mouths! The remaining ten tribes, 16,000 or 7,000 people, will be handed over to you! In addition, the Red Frog Chief will also lead the soldiers of the headquarters to fight for you! "

"Six thousand mouths... 16,700 tribes..."

The king became serious, pondered a little, and asked again.

"The headquarter of the Red Frog Chief is only 6,000. How can he decide more than 20,000 tribes? There are three major tribes in the valley. The Red Fox tribe has fled, and the Red Frog tribe wants to surrender. How does the Red Cat tribe plan?"

"Head Chief Reaper, our Red Frog Tribe now controls the valley, and there are thousands of warriors! No matter what the Red Cat Tribe intends, it can't be done."

The red frog messenger straightened his with a confident face.

"The camps in the East and West Valley are all in our hands. As long as the camp is opened, the Red Frog Tribe takes the lead and surrenders, and the other tribes can only surrender together!"


Shulot was very interested and looked at the red frog messenger again.

"Reserving 6,000 pieces, the number is a bit too much, why don't I get it myself!"

"Five thousand mouths... No, only four thousand mouths!"

The red frog messenger widened his eyes and shouted anxiously.

"The Red Frog Tribe only wants to save 4,000 mouths. We will hand over the valley and return to the wasteland to the north, and will not go south to plunder! We will also surrender to you, Great Chief Death, and fight for your banner!"


Shirot smiled faintly. He looked at the anxious red frog messenger and said with a smile.

"The Red Frog Tribe surrendered and saved 4,000 mouths. This condition is acceptable. But the Red Frog Chief leads the south and must be punished! Tell the Red Frog Tribe to hand over the Chief's head, the camp and the valley, and they can do it. Back to the wasteland!"

"How can this be done! How can Chief Red Frog die!"

The red frog messenger immediately straightened up and jumped hurriedly.

"The Great Chief, the Red Frog Chief is brave and good at fighting, and is willing to die for you!"


The smile on Shiroutte's face grew stronger. He smiled and looked at the messenger in front of him, suddenly his face turned cold.

"Let the guards be around, take it for me!"

Hearing Wang Ling, several guards rushed up and pinned the struggling red frog messenger to the ground. Then, the king stepped forward with a smile and looked at the messenger.

"Again. Who are you?"

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