Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 322: Wasteland Heritage

"Oh? Old tribal priest?"

Shulot looked at the camp with interest, only to see a dilapidated red crow flag, and a low longhouse of the leader, and other places were full of traces left by migration. He looked for a while, then looked at Chief Red Frog next to him.

"Keka, do you know this wasteland priest?"

Keka stared, looked at the flag of the camp, and nodded.

"It's Kakaro of the Red Crow Tribe. He is both the priest of the wasteland heritage and the chief of the Red Crow Tribe. The Crow is a wise bird, so he is also a man of wisdom and mana. Warchief, when you go north, The Red Crow Tribe was the first to sense the danger and the first to flee!"

"Red Crow Tribe, the first to escape the valley? Kakalo, crow?"

Shirlot chewed on this Nava word. Crows are indeed a kind of magical bird in Mesoamerican culture, which can predict death and the future.

"Since he is the chief and priest of the Red Crow Tribe, why didn't he leave with the tribe?"

"Great Chief, the wasteland tribes are always on the move, and those who can't keep up with the migration will leave forever. It is the custom of the wasteland to abandon the old and the weak, whether he is an honorable priest or chief."

Coca shook his head and said calmly.

"Actually, because of being a wasteland priest, Kakalo has lived longer than most people."


Shulott nodded. He has always been interested in the priests of the wasteland. The king pondered for a moment, then decided with a smile.

"Since it's a wasteland priest and a rare old man, let me meet you! Bertard, Keka, you accompany me."

The samurai chief nodded. He made a warning gesture, and several guards were fully armed and entered the chief's longhouse to check. After a while, the guards came out again, returned a normal gesture, and then guarded around the longhouse.

Only then did Shilot move. He lowered his head slightly and got into the low longhouse. Sunlight penetrates through the gap, illuminating the earthy ground. Scattered on the ground are the skeletons of various animals, as well as wood sculptures and stone panel paintings. A scent of herbs permeates the house, and a slight sniff makes one feel at ease.

In the corner of the longhouse, there was a priest with gray hair. He was wearing a priest's costume, his face was gray and old, and he was sitting on the ground weakly, holding a wooden board in his hand. Looking closely, the old priest's clothes were stained with blood, his eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

The king moved his gaze, saw the sculptures of the moon and the wolf, and reached out to pick up a pair of board paintings. On the small stone surface, dense figures are carved, and in the center is a stone container with square flowing water and flames. On the left and right sides of the container, there are dense flowers and fruits; up and down the container, there are long grass and roots. On the outside, there are trees that look like people.

"Ahem... Honorable Death Chief. This is the heritage board painting of the wasteland priest..."

Kakalo spoke with difficulty. The guards had informed him of the identity of the visitor.

"Oh, heritage board painting? Dear wasteland priest, can you explain a thing or two to me?"

Shirot smiled gently, approached the old priest, and sat down cross-legged. Bertard held the bronze sword and stood guard beside the king. Kaka looked at the dying Kakalo with a complicated expression.

Kakalo opened his turbid eyes and looked at the death chief in front of him, and was immediately surprised by the youth of the other party.

"Cough cough... Chief Death God, you are so young!... I have heard your name for a long time. It should be fate to meet you before dying..."

Kakalo sighed softly, then coughed again. Shirot took out a piece of cotton cloth from his arms and handed it to the old priest. The other party took it with difficulty, covered his mouth, and quickly dyed the cotton cloth red.

"Cough! Don't worry, Mother Wasteland is calling me. She is always impatient."

The old priest smiled with difficulty and looked at the board painting in the king's hand.

"Chief Death, I am happy to tell you about the spirit of the wasteland, and I implore you to treat the people of the wasteland kindly. The tribes who moved south have done a lot of killing, but they didn't kill for the sake of killing, just to survive. Survival is the eternal life of the tribes in the wasteland. The pursuit is also the mercy and cruelty of the wasteland mother."

Shulot lowered his eyes slightly, did not answer any questions, just listened patiently.

"Cough cough... We were born in the wasteland, we believe that all things have animism, we love the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon, and we believe in the balance and circulation of the world. The wasteland priests respect the way of nature and believe in the unity and coexistence of all things. "

"Head of Death, please look at this panel painting. One side of the wasteland is a world of unity and derivation, the coexistence of nature! The container of stone symbolizes the tolerance of the earth and the restraint of nature. Even flowing water and flames can The narrow container coexists. The water flow brings life, the flame brings light and heat, and the earth breeds vitality... The combination of water, fire and soil can grow dense long grass, dig deep roots, and bloom gorgeously. The flowers, bearing the fruit of the harvest. The grass, roots, flowers, and fruits are the symbols of flourishing life.”

Having said this, Kakalo paused, trying to suppress the fishy smell in his throat. Then, he continued to speak.

"When life is flourishing to the extreme, there will be trees and people, as well as surrounding animals and wind. People are the love of Mother Earth, and they should live like trees to meet the wind, rain and sunshine in high places. Water, fire, soil, grass roots, flowers and fruits, Trees, animals, wind and people. All things are born from the same source and coexist with each other! They all have strengths and weaknesses, so they depend on each other..."

Hearing the words, Shiroute's eyes flashed. Water, fire, soil, flowers, trees, animals and people sound like a familiar feeling of "two in one life, two in one, three in three".

Kakalo looked into Shirault's eyes, pondered for a while, and then pointed to another board painting on the pile of bones.

"Chief Death, please look at this painting."

Shirott looked up and was surprised.

I saw a huge round hollow ball nest in the center of the board painting. The hollow ball nest has a gap, and the inside is the shape of the combination of the petals and the ovary. On the inner wall of the ovary, there are human heads and bodies. These human heads and bodies are combined to form a new breed of canines, walking out of the gap in the ball nest. The old canine will return to the ball nest, merge into the inner wall, and re-form the scattered body.

In the center of the ball nest, the newborn and the dying are talking, greeting and parting to each other. In the breach of the ball's nest, the priests of the wasteland are conducting ceremonies, welcoming new births and celebrating death. On the periphery of the ball nest, there are busy dogs spending their youth.

"Chief Death, the side of the wasteland is the cycle of birth and death, the balance of nature! Mother Earth is a hollow cactus sphere, she nurtures new life and accepts old death. Life is in constant cycle, He came out of his mother's womb, young and healthy. He went on a journey through the wasteland, planting, hunting, multiplying, singing. He returned to the lair where he was born, old and weak. He returned his life to the earth, disintegrated, peaceful Death... The spirit of the wasteland tells us that laughter is about birth, and laughter is about death. New life and death are both part of nature, the end point and the starting point, and there is no need for gods to control it!...Ahem!"

Hearing this, Shulot's expression became solemn. This kind of natural thought contains the philosophy of life, but it is the enemy of theology. The king looked at the old priest and said calmly.

"Respected wasteland priest, you said it very well! I like the inheritance of the wasteland very much, and I also feel the spirit of nature. However, in the whole world, including this boundless wasteland, birth and death must be the supreme authority of the gods, the gods. A gift to people! My name is Shurot, the incarnation of the **** of birth and death!"

"Cough cough!..."

Kakalo coughed, a look of pain on his face. He stretched out his hand with difficulty and said to Shulot.

"Chief Death, the wasteland priests have no intention of challenging your authority... The inheritance of the wasteland can be modified, as long as it can continue... I beg you, show mercy... Cough!"

The old priest coughed violently, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, completely unstoppable. He was trembling all over, his hands loosened, and the wooden board he was holding rolled down.

Xiulott glanced at the wooden board, his heart beat rapidly, and his pupils contracted sharply. I saw a black wolf head symbolizing the **** of death engraved on the wooden board, and three neat square words: "Shirot".

Bertard followed His Highness's gaze, and his color suddenly changed. He pulled out his bronze sword, stepped forward suddenly, and pressed Kakalo's chest.

"Speak! Who taught you these three words!"

"Cough cough... three words?"

"It's the wolf's head and words carved on the wooden board! That is His Highness's emblem and real name, and it will never be known to outsiders!"

With a murderous expression on his face, Bertard put the bronze sword on Kakaro's neck.

"Say it!"

"Cough, the real name of the death chief?!"

Kakalo looked shocked. He remembered the origin of the wolf head and the words, and couldn't help laughing at the vicissitudes of life, and even forgot to cough.

"It's so! It's so! Haha!..."

"You are exercising sorcery, spying on Your Highness?!"

Bertard clenched his bronze sword angrily, almost beheading Kakaro on the spot.

"Bottard, let him finish."

Shirot's heart was ups and downs, but his face was as calm as a flat lake. The samurai chief then let go of his hand and stepped back slightly.

Kakalo wrinkled and trembled, showing a strange smile. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Shiloh, but his body was facing east.

"Haha! Life is a rotating circle, and many fates meet in the circle!... The shadow of death comes from the south, and it actually contains the hope of life, but it is not known by mortals... Hardships and challenges are In the East, it is a difficult journey and a fateful node!...Alan, the soul you have been looking for is in the place you are trying to stay away from, and you are destined to never see it! Cough...cough...uh !"

After saying this mysterious sentence, the old priest coughed violently again. Then, he suddenly fell to the ground, a large mass of blood flowing from his mouth. His body trembled twice at the end, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, he was completely motionless.

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