Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 357: At the end of 1485 AD, new changes

In the early morning, the Congo River woke up from its slumber, and the mighty river was full of life. The giant dog fat carp swayed its silver scales and chased the strangely shaped elephant trunk fish. Congolese sunbird stretches multicolored feathers catching riverside

Transparent frog among water trees.

Large mammalian beasts roost comfortably in the rainforest. Large herds of hippos undulate in the water, and small groups of African forest elephants sit on the shore. The Congo River is the real river of life, where tens of thousands of peculiar species thrive in the fertile land of the tropics.

On the banks of the river, the three Caravelle sailboats were busy. The crew stowed anchors, hoisted sails, and set sail west again. Everyone was so impatient, the sailors on the mast kept adjusting the angle of the jib, just to leave this devil's land faster.

On the leading flagship, the sailor Diego looked smug. Sitting on the bow with his legs open, he commanded the sailors to keep busy while eating the sumptuous food of the captain's rank. Beside Diego, there were several cronies surrounded by sailors, eating, drinking and laughing together.

A few people talked for a while, and a sailor raised his right hand, imitating the style of the nobles, and performed a nondescript captain's etiquette.

"Dear Captain Diego, greetings from the lads! We'll be passing through the village of the Black Natives soon. When will you take the lads ashore and do it again? Foda-se! We've resupplied in this village before, Those headmen have valuable rubies on them!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the captain's name, Diego laughed in satisfaction. He reached out and patted the sailor's head heavily, scolding with a smile.

"Foda-se! Stupid! Not only are there rubies in this village, but there are dozens of warriors with feathers on their heads! Right now, just the few of us, what can we get ashore?"

"Boss, we can pull the sailors of the other two ships and work together for a while! Anyway, on the way back, we will leave after we finish, and the natives can't catch up!"

"The other two boats..."

Hearing this, Diego's eyes flashed. If you can win sailors from the other two ships, you don't have to return to Lisbon. Just slaughter Diogo's old dog and Bruno's stupid cow, and kill all the nobles on the other ships. At that time, with the captain's top-secret charts, whether it is to go to the Moors across the sea, or to the Spaniards to the east, or even to join the pirates in North Africa, it will be better than returning to Portugal. Maybe, he could be a nobleman himself.

After thinking for a while, Diego grinned, revealing sharp yellow teeth.

"The indigenous tribes in this area are too powerful. Brothers, please bear with it. When we reach the sea, we will find two weak indigenous villages and have a good fight! Kill all the men and children in the village, and search for gold. Silver gems and food, and get a few young women on board, the brothers can be happy every day! Anyway, now on the boat, we have the final say!"

"Foda-se! Done!"

"The captain is right!"

"I can't wait!"

Hearing that the woman was getting on the boat, the cronies of the sailors all gleamed and cried. Diego laughed with satisfaction, as long as he drew the sailor, then... haha!

After thinking for a while, Diego suppressed his excitement and yelled at the cronies beside him.

"Go, let the chef bring some wine and let the brothers continue to eat and drink!"

A sailor immediately got up and walked towards the deck opening. The deck opening was not far from the captain's room at the stern, where the imprisoned captain stayed. The sailor glanced in the direction of the captain's room, and the accustomed awe welled up in his heart, making him unable to resist a slight salute, and hurried down the deck.

There was silence in the captain's cabin. The deck and quilt were cleaned, and a piece of cardamom, which was newly obtained from the Kingdom of Congo, was also ordered, and the faint aroma drifted away, covering the musty **** smell.

Captain Diogo, with his back straight, in a freshly laundered captain's suit, sat on the plank bed. His hair was meticulously combed, and his face was as quiet as a sculpture. At this moment, he was looking at the sea chart he had drawn by himself, staring at the river where his exploration had ended, without making a sound.

The noble knight Bruno knelt on one knee on the deck of the captain's cabin, and also kept silent. His expression was full of guilt, as if he had been kneeling for a long time.

There was silence in the cabin. It was not until the wild laughter of Captain Diego came from a distance that Diogo put down the chart in his hand and sighed softly.

"Bruno, what are you doing?"

"Dear Captain."

Bruno raised his right hand in a courtesy to the captain.

"In four or five days, the fleet will reach the mouth of the Congo River."


Hearing this, Diogo raised his brows slightly and repeated in a low voice.

"Going to the sea."

"Yes, Captain."

"After going to sea, are you going to return to Fort Elmina?"

"The quartermaster Matim wants to go back to Fort Elmina to supply supplies, but Diego the sailor wants to loot the villages along the way and go straight back to the kingdom."

Bruno nodded, hesitating.

"Oh, I see."

Diogo glanced at him lightly.

"So, you are here today to give me a ride back to the arms of the Lord?"

"Ah, Captain..."

Bruno looked startled, and then sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Then let's do it."

Diogo calmly took out a dagger from his arms and threw it at Bruno's feet with a thud.

"Divine teaching does not allow me to commit suicide, or I would have ended it long ago. It is better to die at your hands than at the hands of others."

"Captain, I, I didn't mean that..."

Bruno knelt on the ground, looking at the captain who died calmly, and seemed to feel the brilliance of the Virgin again.

"Come on, child! Don't be a burden, you're helping me out. I'm under the devil's curse and won't last long."

Diogo smiled. He stretched out his hand, took off the silver cross that Dias had given him from his neck, and put it on Bruno's neck.

"The Lord, through redemption, has shown His grace throughout the ages and eternity... Bruno, there is a light of redemption in your heart! Hold on to the cross around your neck and don't let it go out in the darkness of the devil."

After speaking, Diogo took out a bottle of olive oil, drew a cross on his forehead, and prayed.

"Peristamsan, iibi Dominusquidquiddeliquisti, Amen."

This is a dying prayer anointed with oil. There was no priest on the ship, so Diogo did it himself. Then, he quietly closed his eyes.


Bruno's eyes filled with tears again. After two voyages and several years, the captain's teaching and promotion flashed in his mind, and he finally made up his mind. He took a step forward on his knees, grabbing Diogo's hand.

"Captain, please put down your courage to die for a while. The responsibility of the kingdom and the church does not allow you to stop here! There is more than one route to Elder John's country! After reaching the sea, you left the devil's land. The crew no longer have to fear the power of the curse. We can continue south, around the border of the African continent, and head east!"


Diogo's eyes opened in an instant, revealing the eyes of a lion. He suddenly grabbed Bruno's arm with his backhand, and asked in a deep voice.

"Are you willing to go south to explore?"

"Yes, I do."

Bruno nodded affirmatively.

"But you said that Matim wants to go back to Fort Elmina, and Diego wants to go straight back to the kingdom?"

Diogo's eyes were full of light, and he stared at Bruno's expression.

"Yes, they want to go north and return."

Bruno looked earnestly at the captain.

"Captain, although we advised you to return to the voyage together, we are not a group! You are my captain, elder, and teacher, and my heart will always be with you. I am different from them!"

Diogo lowered his eyes and tilted his head slightly, hiding all the changes in his expression. After a while, he nodded slowly and asked in a low voice.

"So, Bruno, you want to get rid of Matim and Diego?"

Hearing this, Bruno's face froze, and he glanced at the captain in awe. Although the other party was imprisoned in the captain's room, he seemed to be able to see through everything on the ship. Thinking of this, he stopped detouring and nodded solemnly.

"...Captain, Diego is too brutal. He has over a dozen sailors in his hands, and he is threatening the lives of all of us! So, he must die! Matim is a quartermaster, able to repair weapons, and his men There are not many people. Just take away his position and power, and you can keep him alive."

Having said that, Bruno licked his lips. He looked at the captain earnestly and said respectfully.

"Respected captain, as long as you get rid of them, you can restore your rule on the ship!"

Diogo didn't speak or get excited. With a calm expression, he looked at this nephew who was hand-drawn with his deep eyes. From the other's eyes, he saw the growing ambition, the burning desire, and the deepening darkness.

The cabin fell silent again. The flagship went down the river with the sound of rushing water; the long wind blew through the wooden windows, and Diego's wild laughter came. After a long time, Diogo asked indifferently.

"Bruno, tell me, how did Navigator Reinaldo die?"

Hearing this question, Bruno was shocked. He fell to his knees, not daring to look the captain in the eyes.

"Renaldo... he was... everyone didn't trust him, worried about his men, so they killed him together."

"Oh? Unfortunate child."

Diogo gave Bruno a deep look and meant something. Then, he put his hands together and prayed a little sadly.

"May the Mother of God bless his soul!"

"May the Mother of God bless you!"

Bruno bowed his head and prayed in a low voice.

After a sincere prayer, Diogo straightened up and asked in a deep voice.

"Bruno, how many people do you have in your hands?"

"Head chef Haroldo and his logistics sailors, carpenter Ivo and his apprentices, plus several of Reinaldo's men, my own cronies... There are about twenty people in total."

Bruno's eyes flickered. Because only with the name of the captain, he can command the hands of Ivo and Reinaldo.

Although Captain Diogo was imprisoned in the captain's room, his prestige for more than ten years is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Before, the crew members united to resist together because the captain insisted on exploring eastward, ignoring everyone's life and death. Now that the fleet has returned, the crew has gradually moved away from the devil's land, and the captain's authority has recovered somewhat. What's more, they also want to return to Fort Elmina to supply supplies, and return to the kingdom and hometown in honor.

The captain's position is being silently restored in the hearts of men. Bruno was keenly aware of this, and that's why today's visit came.

"About twenty people."

Diogo nodded slightly. He pondered for a moment, then showed the usual melancholy smile of the Portuguese.

"It's not enough. Noble knight Bunolu, since you came to see me today, you must have other preparations."

Bruno lowered his head, countless messy thoughts emerged in his mind, and quickly fell silent. In the face of the lion-like captain, he couldn't hide it at all. And once the male lion is released, how can he ensure his own safety? He hesitated for a while, until he shook his neck again, and the cross that the captain put on him with his own hands did he make a complete decision.

"Dear Captain. I am in charge of communicating with the other two ships."

Bruno gritted his teeth.

"The two noble captains, Pero Arnes and Pero da Costa, have always been suspicious about the status of the flagship. As long as I send them your secret letter, both ships will send elite sailors to the flagship. Come and follow your command and put down the rebellion for you!"

"Invite Pero Arnes, Pero da Costa, and send sailors to the flagship?"

Hearing this, Diogo raised his brows and carefully looked at Bruno in front of him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Very good! Bruno, you're very bold. What the **** do you want at such a risk?"

"...Captain, I want to be a glorious and honorable royal knight like you!"

At this time, there is no need to hide everything. Bruno raised his head, making no secret of the desire and ambition in his eyes.

"Captain, I also believe in you. I believe in the piety in your heart and the responsibility on your shoulders to overwhelm the hatred for our rebellion!"


Diogo looked at Bruno, his eyes narrowed and a lion-like smile appeared.

"Bruno, what does my piety and responsibility have to do with you?"

"Respected captain, after the rebellion has been pacified, I will assist you to go south with you and continue to explore! If you die of illness on the way to the voyage, I will dock to the east and erect the last padr?o for you, the explorer's stone pillar. ! Bury you on the last land you arrived."

Afterwards, Bruno put one hand on his heart and held the cross between his neck with the and swears devoutly to God.

"Lord testify! Not just this time! I will inherit your responsibility, continue to explore new routes, and find the country of Elder John in the east! I will also follow the teachings of Prince Enrique, explore new seas, and find no owner. lands. For the future of our Portuguese, sea expansion!"

Diogo put away his smile and looked solemn. He stared into Bruno's eyes, as if to see through the man in front of him. After a long time, he nodded calmly.

"Bruno, a real man, should do what he says. I don't have much time to see your future. Your oath, your promise, I will believe it for the last time. In order to live, you can choose to betray; Ambition, you can be ruthless; for faith, you can even kill."

"All of this, I can forgive you, and the Lord will forgive you. But you have to remember that you are a noble knight and a good man of my Awish! Your courage and your responsibility must not be let down! "

"Go down and prepare, noble knight,"

Water birds chirped, hippos roared, and the jungle of beasts was full of fighting. And the Congo River flows in waves, rushing westward, and never returns.