Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 377: South topographic map, 3 road south!

The southern part of the kingdom, the northern part of Lithospermum County, the small town of Alto (now El Puente Alto). A low stone wall of less than two meters simply formed a circle, forming this small town with a population of one or two thousand people. It is said that it is a small town, but it has almost no military functions. Perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as a town. There are no large buildings in the city, only a newly built temple of the main god, a small commercial market, and some ordinary houses for traders to rest.

During the Western Expedition, the 5,000 South Road reinforcements of Marshal Iscali, the "Last Moon", passed through Alto City and headed for the battlefield of the Royal Capital in the Lake District. Here they forced a forage and executed the local lord. After the Western Expedition, Alto City became the direct territory of the kingdom, and it was also the dividing line between the central and local control of the royal family. From here to the north, the peasants have been organized into Qimin households and incorporated into the military villages of Mintun; and from here to the south, there are large areas of noble territory and autonomous tribal villages. Of course, this default dividing line will soon disappear.

On the city of Otto, the flag of the black wolf fluttered high, and outside the city were continuous military camps and patrolling samurai. King Seirot is leading the 7,000 Guard Corps to be stationed here, waiting for the southern nobles to come. He did not live in a small city, but rested in a large camp outside the city.

In fact, as long as he left the capital, Shirot habitually lived in a tough military camp, accompanied by simple warriors, just like the Eastern Roman Emperor Basil II did. Because, in the loyal legion, under the protection of tens of thousands of warriors, he can always feel a strong sense of security and the power to change the world!

At this moment, the king sat cross-legged in the tent, looking at the southern topographic map on the table while checking the reports of the various legions.

From the kingdom of Gyeonggi to the south, the terrain of the mountains gradually increased, and the north-south mountains began to block the east and west. There are roughly three main routes from the southern part of Gyeonggi to Shicao County and the southwestern mountainous area. Small towns the size of Otto are distributed on three passages and rely on caravans traveling from south to north to survive.

The first westernmost passage is to march 250 miles southwest from the southwest Tingambato mining area (today's Tingambato) to the city of Apatzingan (today's Apatzingán). There was the fief of the Palm family, on the edge of the mountains to the southwest, and further west were the Tecos tribe in the mountains. From Appachingan City, continue to the west for four hundred miles, and after passing through the tortuous mountain aperture, you can reach the center of the Colima Mountains, the center of the Colima Mountains, the city of Colima (now Colima).

Sherlot stretched out his pen and drew a red circle in the middle of this passage. Although he is waiting for the response from the southern nobles, the tens of thousands of troops will not wait. The three legions have split south, giving the southern nobles no time to mobilize resistance.

Now, Toltek's 8,000 Guaquili Corps is in the red circle. They had just breached the manor of a hereditary nobleman. The hereditary nobles in the area occupied the mountain passages, built their villages to protect themselves, and did not allow the legions of the kingdom to pass through. In the next two days, the great noble who issued this order became a prisoner of Wang Jun and was sent to Alto City to act as a "turkey" for killing chickens and warning monkeys.

The second westward passage is straight south from the Chingambat mining area, through two intertwined mountain roads, and arrives at the westernmost side of Atoyake Lake. The total length of this road is 200 miles, and it is quite flat along the way, with broad mountain plains and valleys.

Ezpan's 8,000 2nd Pike Legion was heading south along this road. The Second Pike Legion are all Prepecha warriors, and the local coordination is much more powerful. The lords along the way obediently provided food and grass, made way for the passage, and did not dare to raise their troops to resist.

The third passage in the middle is more than 300 miles south from the city of Patzcuaro, an important storage town, through the small town of Alto, and arrives at the city of Curamo in the middle of Lake Atojac.

Shulot is on this road. Orosh's Gyeonggi Corps had already headed south along this road, and it was less than 100 miles away from Kuramo City. In front of them is another powerful noble noble, the Sitley family with a population of more than 10,000.

Further east from this road is the rolling hills and forests, facing Weta Mobang in the south across the Tulsa River. There are only a few tribal villages and scattered Tecos barbarians in the mountains and forests. The cost of direct rule there is relatively high, and the status quo of restraint and autonomy will continue to be retained, which is not within the scope of this southward expedition. However, if there are big nobles from the south wandering among them, Wang Jun will definitely not show mercy.

In general, the fief of the Comfrey family is around the city of Curamo (now Los Cimientos), and the fief of the Palm family is around the city of Appachingan. The two hundred miles between the two cities, with a population of more than 100,000, is the essence of Zicao County, and it is also the most concentrated place for the great aristocrats in the south.

From the performance of the southern nobles, the further westward and closer to the Colima Mountains, the stronger the resistance of the southern nobles. And the further east, the closer to Lake Atoyak, the weaker the nobles' will to resist... At least, in the eyes of the king at the moment, this is the case.

After some examination, Shulot nodded in satisfaction. Tens of thousands of warriors descended southwards, and the nobles in the south had no ability to resist. In this case, there is no need to show mercy, reduce seals and reform, and directly belong to the 200,000 mouths in the south!

Thinking of this, Shiroute smiled confidently. His eyes descended down the big lake, and more plans emerged one by one. After reforming the southern nobles, a shipyard was set up on the shore of Lake Atojak. Then, the army continued down the river and attacked the Tecos tribes on both sides of the river until the Tulsa River estuary. Afterwards, follow the coastal waterway controlled by the merchant Tralee to the north, and crusade the Colima tribe...

At this time, a messenger came in a hurry and had a conversation with Bertard. Afterwards, the samurai chief replied respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, Gulamo, the patriarch of the Zicao family, has requested to meet you alone."

"Gulamo, the patriarch of the purple grass? Meeting alone?"

Shirot frowned. What Gulamo wants to ask, he doesn't ask himself. But he had already prepared to swallow all the territory around Kuramo City. There are convenient waterways, fertile riverside farmland, and lucrative foreign trade routes, and it is the center of the kingdom's future development in the south. And the southern shipbuilding division of the kingdom will also be established there.

As for the destiny predetermined for Gulamo, it is to change to the north bank of the Leman River, to be enfeoffed in the barren state of Guamare, to accompany the tribesmen of the wasteland, and to check and balance the local Otomi nobles.

The heart of a king is unbreakable. Shilot indifferently refused.

"No! I will summon all the southern nobles collectively! Has Zotor from the Palm family arrived?"

"Zotto didn't come, and I'm afraid he won't come. The scouts reported that the Palm family gathered four or five southwestern nobles and moved the women and children into the southwestern mountainous area. Their warriors and militia were all mobilized and assembled in the city of Appachingan. It seems that they are ready to resist to the end."

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows. The Palm family is a noble in the mountains. The original arrangement was to relocate to Palmsbang on the wasteland to settle the fields and supplement it to Balamo's command... After a few He smiled lightly and stretched out his pen on the A red circle is drawn on the city of Pachingan.

"In this case, there is no need to hold back the rebellious southern nobles! Order the Black Wolf's Guaquili Legion to speed up and attack the city of Apatchingan! Let him restrain the Guaquili tribe and not let the nobles flee into the southwest. In the mountains, don't wantonly kill civilians!"

"Follow your will."

Bertard respectfully took the lead. Then, he said solemnly.

"Except for a few families in the southwestern mountainous area, the great nobles in the south have basically arrived. When are you going to summon them?"

Shulot looked at the sky outside the tent, the sun was falling, and dusk was coming. He threw away the pen in his hand, got up and asked.

"Are all the noble captives sent by the Guaquili Legion ready?"

"Your Highness, it's ready. The artillery battalion is also ready."

"Okay! Then let them go to the campus outside the camp, meet the wheel of history, and listen to the voice of truth!"

"...follow you, my king."