Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 379: Dinner in the barracks

The moonlight was indifferent, the night was low, and large bonfires rose inside and outside the school grounds, dispelling the shadows of the mountains. The king gave a banquet in the barracks to entertain the great nobles of the south.

The vast school grounds are full of flames. The warriors sat in different small circles according to the battalion, cooking their daily food. And in the center surrounded by everyone, there is an exceptionally bright bonfire, which is the big circle of kings and nobles.

Xiulot sat at the head, surrounded by more than a dozen armored bodyguards. Although it was a night banquet, he did not remove his armor. The nobles sat down, and all the guards were driven away. And outside the big circle, there are hundreds of elite warriors standing tall, each wearing bronze armor and holding a spear, killing silently.

"I returned from the northern expedition and led the army to the south, intending to reorganize the south."

The king spoke calmly, his eyes were like sharp knives, and he swept across the crowd in front of him. There was silence in the field, only the words of the king.

"You are all great nobles in the south of the kingdom, inherited from the old Tarasco dynasty to the present. You are willing to obey the summons and come here to meet me. After all, you still have some loyalty and awe."

The flame flickered, illuminating the restless faces of the nobles. The king smiled lightly and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"In this case, I will host a banquet in the camp to entertain you! Praise the Lord God!"

"Praise the Lord God! Praise Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, the nobles exhaled softly, their expressions relaxed, and they responded with smiles. However, when the warriors served the meals and placed them in front of the nobles, everyone fell silent again.

The old crow, Sitley, looked astonished, looking at the clay bowl and cup in front of him. There were only two rough tortillas in the earthenware bowl, a spoonful of stale black bean paste, a few slices of cooked kidney beans, and not even a piece of meat flower. In the pottery cup was cloudy fruit wine, which smelled sour, and it turned out to be miscellaneous wine drunk by commoners.

"This this..."

Even the personal servants of the great nobles would not bother to eat such food. The last time Sitley ate such a meal was thirty years ago when the Terkos barbarians invaded. He looked up at the king, but saw the king's face was normal, and he was eating pancakes.

Gulamo glanced at the food in front of him, and the gloom on his face flashed away. Afterwards, he lowered his head, concealed his expression, and ate the tortillas. Beside him, Medina was wearing a black robe and a veil, staring blankly at the meal. She had just recovered from the terrible roar of the brass beast and was starving. However, she looked at the crude food in front of her, but she had no desire to eat it.

"Metina, you still have to dance later."

Gulamo looked at his daughter coldly, and ordered in a low voice.


The girl's body trembled, and she lowered her head obediently, gnawing on the cooked beans, like an obedient deer.

Xiulot scanned the crowd, his eyes paused here for a while. He had noticed the veiled woman a long time ago, and he could probably guess Gulamo's plan, but he didn't take it seriously at this time. After looking around, he asked with a smile.

"What, it's not to your liking?"

The old crow, Sitley opened his mouth, but didn't dare to make any sound. The nobles in the field looked at each other, but no one spoke. Only Gulamo raised his head and answered with the same smile.

"Your Majesty, although this tortilla is thick and hard, it is very filling. Although the black bean paste is old, it is well preserved. The kidney beans are cooked very well, and there is no risk of poisoning. I have eaten such food before. It is the dinner of the warriors! Your Majesty treats us with the courtesy of warriors, and I am overjoyed. Praise the Lord God! Praise Your Majesty!"

"Oh? That's right, this is the meal for warriors when they go out for battle."

Shulot looked at Gulamo in surprise. The other party's appearance is quite handsome, his demeanor is calm, and there is an elegant temperament, which makes him feel good.

"I marched north for several months, going deep into the wilderness, and food transportation was extremely difficult. Most of the time, I ate such meals with the warriors."

Hearing this, Gulamo showed reverence and sincere admiration.

"Your Majesty is invincible and invincible. He is revered by warriors and girls!...Come, let us raise our glasses together to honor Your Majesty!"

After finishing speaking, he raised the earthen cup and drank the sour fruit wine in one gulp. The nobles around looked at each other and raised their glasses to congratulate.

"Praise Your Majesty!"

With a bitter face, Sitley resisted the urge to vomit, and drank the water and wine with difficulty. He glanced enviously at Gulamo, then at Medina who was wearing a veil, and sighed in his heart.

"This guy is as slippery as a snake, and he has such a beautiful daughter. Maybe I will have to rely on him in the future..."

"Very good!"

Xiu Luo nodded and drank his drink. Then, he lowered his head and continued to eat the food in the bowl. The nobles relaxed and worked hard to cope with His Majesty's dinner.

Soon, the king finished his dinner, leaving a clean and empty bowl. Seeing the king stop, all the nobles stopped as if they had been pardoned.

Shulot pondered for a while. He glanced at the uneasy nobleman and smiled slightly.

"After dinner, the next thing is to enjoy singing and dancing. Come, my warriors, dance for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A tidy shout sounded from the surrounding armored warriors, shaking the nobles for a while. Then, the majestic war drum sounded. Under the leadership of Shield Weiters, hundreds of warriors raised their bronze spears, beat drums, and danced around the periphery! The warrior Tupa was wearing heavy armor, with a red cloth bag tied around his waist, beating on his shield, right in the center where the nobles were sitting, singing loudly!


Whoops! Woohoo! Hiss! ah!

The jaguar is running, the wolves are howling, the green snake is dancing, and the goshawk is flying high!

The heart of a warrior has never had any fear!

I lift the blade of obsidian and come to the field,

I can't wait, I want to fight to the death!

I, who was fighting, was eager to die. I wanted to cut off your head and dig out my heart.

Dedicated to the supreme Lord God together!

Remember, you must use the obsidian blade,

I also use obsidian blades!

This is a battle dedicated to the Lord God,

Let's fight to the death together!

Let's fight to the death together! ..."

This is a battle song of the Mexica Lord God, which has been passed down in the alliance for a long time, and is usually sung before the big battle. The senior Mexica warriors are devout, killing like hemp, without fear of life and death. They grew up in the war and were always accompanied by death. When they sang this song, they naturally had a shocking momentum!

Listening to such a song full of murderous intent, Sitley's hands and feet trembled, and he felt a little bit pee again. He lowered his head, screaming crazily in his heart.

"Damn it! Dreadful Mexica savage! Dreadful savage!"

Beside him, Gulamo stared intently at this strange singing and dancing art. The warriors waved their spears and walked in neat steps, with clanging armor and killing intent. Their movements have been tempered, concise and powerful, just like fighting on the real battlefield!

"It's really a beautiful art! The art of killing! This is a war dance that only warriors who have survived a hundred battles can dance!"

Gulamor muttered to himself, sincerely admiring. Then, he looked to the side coldly, and said to the shivering Medina.

"Raise your head and look at Your Majesty."

Medina bit her lower lip and raised her head, revealing her moist eyes. She looked at His Majesty above, who was the leader of the warriors, the mighty God of Death, and even more so, the brutal king of barbarians.

The warrior's spear danced just two steps away, as if it could stab out at any time, killing everyone present. The bodies of the southern nobles trembled, and they barely lasted until the song and dance ended. Afterwards, Tupa opened the cloth bag at his waist, took out a blood-stained head, stepped forward, and dedicated it to the king.

"Your Majesty! This is the head of the hereditary aristocrat Yolodila! Dedicated to you, my supreme sun!"

Xiulot looked indifferent. He took the head, glanced at it, and nodded. Although Yolodilla was killed by artillery fire, his face remained largely intact.

"This is the fate of the rebels! Come here, pass it on, and let the nobles check it out one by one!"

The fresh heads were passed among the nobles in the field. Everyone's hearts were full of fear, and a cowardly nobleman even fainted on the spot. Sitley looked at Yorodilla's terrified expression before he died, and felt sad in his heart. He handed the head to Gulamo tremblingly, and the other party glanced at it lightly, then handed it to Medina.

Medina's hands and feet trembled, her body went limp. At this time, a low and cold word came from her ear.

"Remember, Medina. If you don't make it, this is what will happen to you. And what will happen to our family... the Mexica, that's how brutal."

Hearing this, the girl bit her lip hard. She passed the head down in her hand, looked at the red stain in her hand, a strange flush gradually appeared on her face, and she smiled charmingly. At this moment, it seemed that a soul that had been suppressed for many years woke up in her body.

"I know, father. I know what happened to mother."

Gulamo was stunned. It was the first time in many years that Medina called his father. However, the current situation cannot be considered slowly. The words of the king have come again.

"Everyone, after eating the dinner of the samurai, and enjoying the singing and dancing of the samurai."

Seeing the awe-inspiring expressions of many nobles, Xiulot smiled with satisfaction. he said loudly.

"Next, we should talk about the southern fief."

"Your At the moment when the king's words stopped, Gulamo stood up suddenly. The surrounding warriors immediately raised their spears and aimed at the patriarch of Zicao. Surrounded by the spears, he saluted respectfully , suggested with a smile.

"The samurai's dance is heroic and unusual, and it is unforgettable to watch. Your Majesty has given us hospitality, and according to the etiquette, we should also reciprocate."

Then, Gramo reached out and pulled down Medina's veil. A beautiful face appeared in front of everyone. Seeing her, the nobles in the field let out a low cry, with admiration in their expressions.

"Beauty Rose, the most beautiful girl in the South, Medina!"

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows and stared at the beautiful girl. Those bright eyes are like water, and when she turns around and smiles, she is infinitely charming.

The king lost his mind slightly and pondered for a moment. He wanted to refuse, but when he opened his mouth, he said nothing.


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