Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 392: Execution and Purge

There was a chill in the temple hall, with the silence after the explosion of thunder. The king's words were like rolling thunder, echoing in the ears of the two, shocking their hearts.

Horta was terrified in the sky, and a layer of cold sweat burst out from the back of his neck. He slammed down on the hall and kowtowed heavily.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!... I... I was wronged, I was deceived, I have no objection! Your Majesty!..."

Shirot watched coldly, and then looked at Puapu, the dusty soil.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Pua Pua kowtowed heavily three times, and even his forehead was almost bleeding. His thoughts were racing, and he struggled to speak.

"Your Majesty! The patriarch of Zicao deceived us and gave us psychedelic drinks. These... These are all crazy words after drinking. I have long wanted to report myself to Your Majesty, but I am afraid... The Lord God witnesses I have no second thoughts! If I have the slightest thought of betraying Your Majesty, I will separate my body from my head, and my soul will fall into the abyss forever!"

"That's right! This is what we are often forced to write after drinking... Your Majesty! We went south in the starry night, crusades the Zicao family, and crushed the nearby nobles. There has never been any infidelity! The Zicao Manor has been completely reduced to ashes. The nobles have also been pacified... We are your loyal hounds, biting all the traitors!"

"Lord God witness! Your Majesty, our hearts are full of loyalty! You are our only sun! ... Bang! Bang!"

The two kept kowtowing, and the words of defense became more and more panic and hurried. The king listened for a moment expressionlessly, and asked coldly.

"Are these two secret letters written by you?"

"Your Majesty, this is being deceived and forced after drinking..."

"Yes or no?!"

"Ah! Yes... but, at the time..."

"Say. Who is Prince Tarrasco? Where?"

There was an instant silence in the arena. Puap glanced at Horta and spoke bitterly.

"we do not know..."

"do not know?"

"...Gulamo showed some royal tokens and said that he had a prince of the false dynasty in his hands. If the time is right, it can be so...We were drunk at the time, and we were on a whim, never I really thought about how... so I didn't ask..."

"Exactly, exactly! Your Majesty, you are the supreme sun and oppress the kingdom. How can we dare to disobey? In fact, after sobering up the next day, we regretted it..."

"This time we attacked and destroyed the Zicao Manor, and we did not find any trace of the prince of the false dynasty. It is estimated that it is just a false statement of deception..."

"Yeah! Your Majesty, we, we...were framed..."

Shiroute was silent. He knew that if he was still there, the two in front of him would never have the guts to rebel. And if he is not there, there will never be many generals who can stand the test... Among the two letters, what caught his attention the most was the so-called "Prince Tarrasco". Most of Tarrasco's princes were executed, but only a few escaped...

"Your Majesty! We were framed!..."

"Your Majesty! Forgive us!..."

The king shook his head and stopped thinking. He looked at the two people with disheveled hair and miserable expressions in front of him, and said indifferently.

"You two wrote a secret letter of infidelity, colluded with the nobles in the south, and committed a serious crime! Guards, drag them both to the sacrifice stone and behead them for sacrifice!"

"Ah! Ah this!..."

"His Majesty!..."

Several armored guards immediately stepped forward, clamped left and right, and dragged the two struggling desperately to the two sacrifice stones for sacrifice. Then, their arms were tied, and their heads were pressed against the dark red sacrifice stone, exposing their tanned necks.

The two guards raised their bronze axes high and aimed them at the necks of the two hereditary nobles, waiting for His Majesty's order. As long as the order is given, the big axe will fall, and the two will be separated immediately!

The shiny copper axe hangs on the neck, and the dark red sacrifice stone is placed under the neck. I don't know how many sacrifices there are, and they die here in despair.

Sniffing the blood coming from his nostrils, Puapu's heart was finally broken. He struggled all the way for so long, betrayed the chief, old friends and relatives, and saw that he had become a noble nobleman, and he was going to die silently here? Thinking of this, his face twisted, he howled in horror, and his voice was full of unwillingness.

"Ah! Your Majesty, I beg you! Look at the merits of my expedition to the west! I am willing to die for you, and I am willing to fight for you as a vanguard! Ah!...Ah!..."

"Woooooo! Woohoo! I don't want to die! Dad, father, family..."

Horta next to him has completely collapsed. Tears poured out of his nose, and he couldn't cry. His father passed down the family to him before he died. He was only about 20 years old and was the only direct line of the family. All the people in the Chapala Lake District were executed by feathers... Could it be that the sky family that has been passed down from generation to generation will perish here? ? How did he go to see his dead father? ...

Shulot stared blankly at the two of them, never calling out the sacrifice Wang Ling.

The big axe did not fall. The two of them endured the torment before they died. Sweat, snot and tears were mixed together, flowing down from their faces and necks, and the dark red sacrifice stones were soaked and scattered. The scattered blood stained the faces of the two of them red, dyeing them like dead fish, only their bodies were still fluttering.

"Your Majesty, please..."


After a while, the screams of the two had become hoarse, and the fear of death overwhelmed their hearts and turned into an indelible shadow for a lifetime. Shirot said coldly.

"Cut their hair off!"


The sharp big axe fell precisely, stuck to the scalps of the two, and cut off the hair directly. Puapu's liver and gallbladder were split, and he closed his eyes in fear, waiting for the pain in his neck... He closed his eyes for a long time, tears rolling down silently, until he suddenly found that the head on his neck was still there.


"Ah! Woohoo..."

Horta screamed and screamed like a quail again.

Seeing the performance of the two, Shulot smiled lightly.

"Drag over."

The armored guards dragged the two over, and as soon as they let go, they both collapsed to the ground like mud. Puapu was in an unusual state of embarrassment, his face was gray, but his heart was filled with joy.

"His Majesty..."


"You said just now that you are willing to make meritorious deeds and die for the kingdom?"

Shirot asked indifferently, his eyes were calm and sharp.

"Yes, yes! Your Majesty, I, Puapu, would like to commit my crimes and do my best to serve you!"


Shuluo nodded. He wasn't going to put the two to death. Horta was born in the Lake Chapala region and was useful in the subsequent expeditions. Puapu was an example of surrender in the Western Expedition, and it was better to keep it than to execute it.

"Then spare your life and give you one last chance! But the death penalty is exempt, and punishment is essential!"

The king spoke calmly.

"Come here, under the watch of the Lord God, each of them will be whipped twenty times!"

Several guards stepped forward, took off their armor and pressed them to the ground. Then, the two samurai swung their leather whips and whipped them on their backs mercilessly.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!..."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!..."

A miserable howl sounded, and the whipping without leaving the hand was extremely painful. After twenty lashes, Puap was covered in blood, and Horta almost fainted.

After the whipping, Shulot stared at the two people who were unable to move, and shouted sharply, giving the final judgment.

"Horta handed over the sky warrior battalion, transferred to the Tuntian Army, and served as the battalion commander of a thousand people! Puap handed over the Qin Congcan warrior camp and exiled Pams..."

Shulot paused, a thought flashed by, and when he spoke again, his words changed.

"Exile at the end of the Tulsa River, the southwest entrance to the sea, and guard the southernmost border of the kingdom!"

Hearing this, Puap's eyes turned black, as if he had fallen into a bottomless abyss.

With the popularity of the king, the boundless big lake has been given the concept of "sea", which is a dangerous journey to a distant continent. And the southwest entrance of the Tulsa River is quite far away, more than two hundred miles away from the city of Kuramo. There are only a few Teks tribes who nominally pay tribute. Only last year, with the exploration of Trapanic merchants, they were officially included in the kingdom's jurisdiction... This is a real exile.

"From today, the Sky Warrior Camp will be renamed the Chapala Warrior Camp, and the Qin Congcan Warrior Camp will be renamed the Patzcuaro Warrior Camp. At the same time, the purge will be carried out!..."

Sherlot shouted in a deep voice and made a decision.

Among the five legions of the kingdom, the Imperial Guard Legion is a senior warrior recruited from various ministries, the First and Second Spear Legions are well-trained elite militiamen, and the Guaquili Legion is a newly subdued dog. Only the Gyeonggi Legion has absorbed Many surrendered nobles and surrendered samurai of Tarasco Kingdom.

In the early days of the establishment of the kingdom, these surrendered troops were used to appease people's hearts, and it was not easy to act lightly. And at this time, the kingdom has stabilized, so I took the opportunity of the rebellion of the southern nobles to completely clean up this legion! Completely remove the influence of the Sky Family and other nobles in the old private army. And the Prepecha warriors in each legion must be brought under the direct control of the kingdom.

In fact, the king once thought about completely dispersing the four thousand Prepecha warriors and rubbing them into other troops. But in this era, local friendship is an important source of combat power. Ordinary warriors are grouped together according to their origins, and the battle will be tougher and braver, so it is better to keep Well, after the expedition to the south, the Second Pike Legion will also be slightly rectified. "

The king pondered for a moment and looked at the two hereditary nobles in the hall. Horta's tears were still in the sky, and her face had both the joy of escaping death and the sorrow of losing military power. The gray soil Puap looked bleak, lying motionless on the ground, as if he had already accepted his fate.

"Sky Horta, Ash Puapu, are you dissatisfied?"


"...Praise Your Majesty! Puap is willing to obey and die for you in the south!..."

Xiuluo nodded, looked at the two for a moment, and waved his hand.

"Go on! Deliver the camp items as soon as possible, and then take good care of your wounds."

Several personal guards stepped forward immediately, supporting the two people who could not walk, and descended the temple pyramid. Then, the five hundred imperial guard warriors went with them to the barracks outside the city for the handover of the army. There, the head of the regiment, Olos, had already chosen a new successor for the two samurai battalions.

The cold wind of December blew through, and the Gyeonggi Corps carried out a purge on the spot. All the officers mentioned in the letter of the Zicao family were strictly abolished and sent to the city of Palms on the wasteland thousands of miles away. These officers, who were able to connect with Guramo, were mostly of Tarrasco's noble origin, and were replaced by civilian warriors of outstanding merit.

The king personally sat in the town and came prepared, and the purge of the Gyeonggi Corps proceeded extremely quickly. Ten days later, the purge was almost complete. Dozens of officers and more than a hundred warriors are about to be exiled for thousands of miles. Only then did the king convene the generals in the main temple, and under the witness of the main god, burn all these secret letters, promising to let go of the past!

Changfeng flew over the Great Temple and headed west. In the west two hundred miles away, outside the city of Apatchingan, after several days of entanglement, a crucial pursuit battle is coming to an end.