Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 41: start

The strong wind swayed the curtain of the big tent, just like the swaying bonfire in the big tent, flashing bright or dark light on the faces of the generals. The showers pounded on the soft ground, as if the scout's hurried narration caused ripples in everyone's hearts.

"The Tarrascos have mobilized an army of more than fifty thousand, the exact number of which is unknown. The army includes the Bronze Axe Guard directly under the royal family and a large number of Bronze Spear warriors. These corps are currently assembled in Acambaro, on the south bank of the Leman River. In the region, there will still be troops arriving in the future.”

"Now the enemy scouts have obscured the banks of the Leman River, and it is impossible to detect more accurate enemy conditions. Near the Ottopan siege camp, we found the whereabouts of the enemy scouts. It is estimated that the army of Tarrasco is only 100 meters away from our camp. More than a week's marching distance."

This is amazing news, but it did not exceed the expectations of the generals in the camp.

Now that the spring ploughing has passed, the Tarasco people no longer have any worries about mobilization, and will inevitably send troops. The targets of their troops are either the strong Mexican army, or the dying Otomi people, or both, which are subject to change at any time.

Everyone in the tent began to whisper. Those who participated in the discussion today were all the commanders of the legion directly under the king who obeyed the king and were loyal enough, and the commanders of the city-state legion who did not waver in their minds and advocated retreat. No matter what their inner thoughts are, everyone will obey the king's orders.

Shulot stood on the edge of the tent with his hands tied, looking at the king sitting high on the altar with the corner of his eyes.

Tisock, who was in the middle of the tent, only wore a set of light Chinese clothes and a simple feather crown today. He didn't spend much effort to maintain the "majesty of God". Compared with the last meeting, his face was obviously much paler, showing a sub-healthy state of poor sleep. It is estimated that he was deeply troubled by this prolonged siege.

At this time, there was still an unhealthy flush on his cheeks, which seemed to be the combined effect of emotional agitation and insomnia and irritability.

After listening to the scout's remarks, Tisok took a deep breath and calmed down, then said solemnly: "The movement of the Tarrasco people is unknown. The army will split a branch and go to the Leman River in the south. Garrison. One is to use the river to hold the Tarasco people, and the other is to establish a connection with the capital through the river and open an additional channel for food transportation.”

"Who do you think is more suitable?" After speaking, Tisok's still sharp eyes swept over every commander present, carefully observing the expressions of the generals.

Kasar held his head high and strode forward. Beneath his confident expression was a strong desire for victory: "Please give me 20,000 warriors, and I will definitely be able to defeat the Tarasco people in one fell swoop!"

Tisok didn't speak, just nodded calmly. Then, his eyes turned to Avit.

Avit nodded solemnly: "The Tarrascos are our formidable enemies, we don't want to defeat them, we just need to hold them back. This time, we will not only have samurai warriors, but also militiamen who will be responsible for building strongholds. Commander-in-chief Totec is good at using soldiers and has an extremely precise grasp of the situation, so he is the most suitable candidate."

The king observed Avit's expression and saw only true sincerity. He nodded slightly, and finally looked at Totec: "Commander-in-chief, what do you think?"

Totekluo pondered and said with certainty: "I recommend Avit. I can deal with the Tarrascos, but Ottopan's siege is more important. Avet fought against the Tarasco two years ago. The battle, and the results are mutually beneficial, he knows the Tarasco tactics very well. Moreover, the purpose of this partial division is confrontation and defense, not offense, Avet's defense has always been very good. So he is more suitable !"

Tisok pondered for a moment, and tapped the stone surface of the throne lightly with his fingers. Then, he stared at Avit for a few seconds again, and finally nodded.

"Avit, you will be the commander of the southern division." Tisok's eyes were always on his brother's face.

"The army now has nearly 20,000 directly subordinate samurai and 24,000 city-state samurai. This time south, I can only give you 15,000!"

Tisok's eyes became sharp. "Regardless of the size of Tarrasco's army, you must hold the north bank of the Leman River, and you cannot let them cross the river until the city of Ottopan falls! The messenger has sent a message to the capital, and a new army is being mobilized. Just hold it for a month, You'll have a steady stream of reinforcements."

Avet bowed his head solemnly: "Follow your will! My king."

Immediately, he looked up at Tissock again and said sincerely: "15,000 warriors is already the upper limit of my commander's ability, and it is enough to resist the Tarrascos. However, this time south may be very difficult, I will 10,000 direct legion warriors, and 1,000 Jaguar chapters as the core. They have a higher degree of obedience and can last longer."

Tisok hesitated. If so, there would be less than 10,000 warriors directly under him, 1,000 directly under the Eagles, and 500 guards. The core strength of these absolute loyalty is reduced to about 10,000.

The king looked at his most trusted commander-in-chief.

Totec nodded and confirmed: "This is the correct tactical choice. The defense of the front line still depends on the core directly under the command, and the proportion of casualties that the city-state legion is willing to bear is much smaller. The remaining 10,000 direct subordinates of the main battalion are enough to command 20,000 city-state warriors. siege the city."

The theologian king then nodded: "Avit, I will give you ten thousand direct samurai. Do you have anything else to ask for?"

Avit thought for a moment: "I need 15,000 militiamen directly under my command, who will be used to build and station the camp. Finally, I also need the command authority of the capital's boat force, so as to establish a water transportation route."

The king gave Avit a deep look, and finally agreed majestically: "These are all promised to you! Remember, you must guard the Leman River, and you are not allowed to let the Tarasques over. If the Tarasques don't come to attack, You are not allowed to cross the river to attack! Finally, without my order, you are not allowed to retreat!"

Avit then bowed his head deeply and saluted, hiding his expression, so that only the king could see his complete obedience.

After discussing the most important issue of the South Route Army, the next meeting was carried out easily and quickly.

During this time, the logistics line of the army was once attacked by the Otomi warrior squad and the Toltec rebels. The Otomi have a city as their backing, but the Toltec rebels do not.

Totek then sent a large number of scouts to find dozens of Toltec villages in the depths of the forest. Then he sent 200 broken-haired imperial guards and 800 senior warriors to sneak into the deep forest. These most elite warriors of the Chapter grimly wiped out all the Toltecs they saw. The combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers who cut off the guards is still higher than that of the Jaguar warriors, and almost no rebels can escape.

Now the logistics line is back to normal again. The only enemy of food supply is the wet and continuous rainy season.

The discussion is over soon. In the meantime, King Tisok didn't have any extra energy to focus on Shilot, and he didn't even ask about the boy's previous attack. He just exhorted: "You have to continue to study the trebuchet!" Then he and Totec discussed other arrangements again.

The army was quickly reorganized and organized. In less than two days, the division of the army was completed.

So, on a cloudy and rainy morning, Avit wore a bright sunstone cloak and tied a heavy flag nearly three meters high behind his back. He led an army of 30,000 men with a determined face.

No horses, no carriages. Commanders at all levels can only walk, and use high back flags to mark their identities. Avet's flag is a huge yellow canopy on a long wooden stand, with the same dazzling green feathers on the striking canopy. This is the emblem of the supreme commander of the army, sure to be seen by all soldiers.

In this era, if you are not physically fit, you cannot be a commander.

At this time, Avit looked a little high-spirited. After leaving the siege camp, he greeted the drizzle and listened to the cheers of the swifts. He smiled and said to Shulot: "The corn has sprout, and the rainy season has finally begun!"

Behind the Supreme Commander, surrounded by a thousand elite Jaguars, this is still the core of the army.

The Jaguars and Eagles are both advanced shield-wielding chapters, with the Jaguars favoring agile offensive assaults, while the Eagles favor defensive battles with heavy shields. The number of broken hair guards is scarce, with more outstanding individual martial arts, and absolute loyalty to the king.

The 10,000 directly affiliated samurai had high morale. They were the backbone of the The ten directly affiliated samurai battalions were divided into front and back, leading the 5,000 city-state samurai with ordinary morale, and also maintaining the 15,000 militiamen carrying food.

Thirty thousand people shuttled through the drizzle like this. The army marched on the soft soil in the forest, along the gradually slowing mountain, marched for a week, and finally reached the Leman River.

Shilot climbed a high hill and looked towards both sides of the river. Underfoot are rolling hills and trees, and on the other side are staggered gentle slopes and fields, and you can vaguely see Tarasco scouts. On both sides of the river bank are relatively flat tidal flats that extend infinitely from east to west.

He first looked to the west, and the tens of meters of long river Taotao went westward, passing through Lake Chapala, the western border of the Tarasco people, and then meandering into the distant Pacific Ocean. Then he looked east. Upstream here, by canoe, in just ten days, you can reach the western Mexica city-state, then the prosperous Valley of Mexico, to the great lake capital.

"Canoes and boats are still too slow, and the upstream flow is only more than 20 kilometers a day. If there are vehicles and boats from the Celestial Dynasty, it will only take a few days to communicate." But shipbuilding technology is too difficult to come up with out of thin air.

The Leman River, a 750-kilometer long river, originates from the center of the Mexican Plateau, connecting the three capital cities of the Empire, the western cities of Mexica, the Otomi city-state group, and the Tarasco city-state group, straight into the most Pacific Ocean to the west.

"This is really the core waterway of the Mesoamerican Empire!" Scholot sighed, the canal was the lifeblood of the classical empire, and the surrounding area of ​​the canal was the core area for effective governance.

The young man's thoughts seemed to travel through time and space to reach the distant and prosperous future: "The Tempon River in the north, the Leman River in the middle, and the Balsas River in the south are the Yellow River, Yangtze River and Pearl River in the future of the empire!"