Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 413: At the end of the Southern Expedition, t

In early March, the warm spring breeze blew across the fields in the south, and the growing grass and trees showed fresh green. It's the season for birds and beasts to breed again, and there is vitality everywhere.

Xiulot led 3,000 guards, and after inspecting the Apa Plain, he returned to the Apa Army City in the east. At this point in the Southern Expedition, the curtain came to an end. The land in the south needs to be rearranged, and the closed areas need to be resettled and assimilated. The hunting kestrel is temporarily full, quietly accumulating energy for next year's hunting.

Before Xiuluote went south, Zicao County in the south had a population of about 210,000, including more than 70,000 in the east, 60,000 in the middle, and 70,000 in the west. After reducing the seal and reforming and punishing the rebellion, 40,000 rebels in Zicao County were escorted to Gyeonggi and demoted to serfs. Conquered the various tribes of the Southwest Coalcoman, and gathered a population of 90,000. 40,000 of them also moved to Gyeonggi as serfs, while the remaining 50,000 stayed in the west to reclaim the Apa Plain. On the north bank of the Leman River, the three Otomi states each had one or two thousand nobles and military officers who had been exiled.

In such a rough calculation, after the Southern Expedition, the population of Zicao County was about 220,000. With Kuramo City as the center, the eastern part has a population of more than 50,000, and the central part has a population of more than 50,000, with a total of 110,000, mostly of the Prepecha ethnicity. With Apa City as the center, the Apa Plain in the west has a population of 110,000, with Prepecha and Terkos each accounting for half.

On the way to the west, Xiulot has been thinking about the arrangements for the south.

The Apa Plain will be dominated by farming, reclaiming wasteland and gathering Tekos mountain people. The Atoyak Lake area outside Kuramo will focus on foreign trade and develop shipbuilding. Each of the two cities stationed a semi-full-time 8,000-man army, which was in charge of Ezpan and veteran Etalik respectively.

"The south is vast, with different development priorities. Veteran Etalik has profound qualifications and was born as a family warrior in the Holy City. Ezpan is a model among Prepeca's surrendered generals, and he will soon be promoted to a noble noble. The two are different from each other. Commander, no matter who is appointed to be in charge, the other person will not be convinced."

Xiu Luote considered for a long time, and finally decided to divide Zicao County into two, and separate counties in the west and east and middle. With fifty miles east of Apa City as the boundary, Apa County was established to the west, with jurisdiction over 110,000 people. , the government is located in Kuramo City, and at the same time, the southern Talesas estuary is directly under the jurisdiction of Etalik.

Because both of them hold heavy soldiers and have the power to levy taxes. The king set up a new official position for this position, called County Yin, which was the same as that established by Chu State in the Spring and Autumn Period. County Yin has the army in one hand, and wealth in the other hand, and has the power to suppress internally and expand externally.

Xiulot made a decision, and Wang Ling immediately passed it to the south. And another county governor, Kuluka the monkey from Hekou County in the north, also had a messenger.

At the end of last year, Monkey dispatched 4,000 long spear corps, and recruited 4,000 young dogs, and with the cooperation of the Kingdom's navy, they went west along the Leman River. Taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the Feather Legion, the 8,000 troops plundered the edge of Sakapu State and the Chapala Lake District. The army plundered for three months before and after, and returned with 20,000 people. Most of the young men of dog descent have gained a lot, and the morale of the army has become more stable.

Relying on the navy and using light soldiers of canine descent, the Hekou Army moved quite quickly. In order to prevent the kingdom from being plundered, hundreds of canoes were dispatched from the Chapala Lake District to patrol along the Leman River. The Royal Navy fought against the navy in the Chapala Lake area several times. Relying on the superiority in the number of double-hulled canoes, they steadily gained the upper hand and killed hundreds of enemies. And when galley warships are launched one after another, the advantages of the navy will be further expanded. Everything is ready, and the time to conquer the Chapala Lake District is about to ripen.

Benefiting from the plunder of the war, the number of people in the four counties of the Kingdom has increased. Hekou County increased by 20,000 to a total of 230,000; Gyeonggi increased by 80,000 to a total of 360,000; and Apa County and Zicao County each had 110,000. The total population of the four counties is 810,000, and the foundation of the kingdom is growing day by day. It just takes some time to integrate.

"Everyone in the kingdom is eager to fight, and they are happy when they hear about the battle! Once the opening of the military merit award is opened, it means that if you fight, you will prosper, and if you don't fight, you will perish."

Thinking of this, Xiulot was silent. Not long ago, the veteran Etalik sent an envoy from Kuramo City with a letter, mainly talking about two things.

One is that the 3,000 people of Heilang are resting in Kuramo City, and there are many spoils that need to be transported to the north first, or converted into cocoa beans or cloth that are easy to carry on the spot. The other thing is that the population in Kuramo City is empty. Hearing that the king returned from the conquest and gained a lot, he asked if there was any surplus population and moved to Kuramo City?

"The Terkos captives will either move to Gyeonggi, or develop the Apa Plain, and where will there be surplus population..."

After reading this, Shulot shook his head slightly and continued to read the letter.

The black wolf came back from sweeping the mountains, brought back a thousand Tekos fishermen, hundreds of canoes, and found out the information about the southeast Tekos tribe. There are 40,000 to 50,000 Tekos tribes near Haenyeo City, relying on the small seaside town for defense, and the number of warriors who can fight is only a few thousand. The purge of the Gyeonggi Legion has been completed, and there are still 4,000 warriors remaining in Kuramo City. And the newly formed Zicao Legion also has 3,000 people, enough to suppress the local area.

Therefore, the black wolf Toltek and the veteran Etalik jointly petitioned for orders.

"Your Majesty, four thousand Gyeonggi warriors and three thousand Guajili regiments, if they sail down the river by boat, they will be enough to break through Haenyeo City, and bring back tens of thousands of people!"

Seeing such a request, Shulot fell silent. As long as the food delivered by the navy can keep up, the 7,000 troops will have a great chance of defeating the Haenyeo City. However, the turmoil in Zicao City has only been quelled for less than three months, and the people's hearts are still uncertain. The spring plowing in May will start soon. Even if tens of thousands of people are plundered, they will not be able to keep up with this year's plowing anyway. They must be supported until next year's autumn harvest in order to be self-sufficient. In order to support the army, spring plowing in Zicao County is likely to be delayed...

After much deliberation, Xiulot made a safer choice.

"Prepare for spring plowing with peace of mind! Before the autumn harvest, Zicao County is not allowed to mobilize troops. The Gyeonggi Legion will soon be transferred to the north to suppress the tens of thousands of serfs who have moved into Gyeonggi."

The king's messenger had just left, but Toltek, the black wolf, came from Kuramo himself with his personal guards.

"Your Highness! I, the black wolf Toltek, lived up to my mission, went deep into the southwest mountainous area, and returned after burning food for seven hundred miles!"

Since the Southern Expedition, the two have not seen each other for half a year. Toltek knelt on the ground excitedly, and reported to the king with his head held high.

"Very good, very good! My black wolf, you fought well!"

Shulot smiled and was also a little excited. He stepped forward and lifted the black wolf from the ground. After a few months of separation, Hei Lang's figure was a little thinner, but his energy and spirit had improved to a higher level. Looking at it now, the black wolf's sword eyebrows and star eyes are like a bronze sword out of its sheath, with a sharp temperament and an unusually dazzling eye.

The two talked for a while with smiles on their faces, then Shulot put on a straight face and gave serious instructions.

"However, my black wolf, as the commander of the army, you still have to put your own safety first! You must not be so reckless in your marches and conquests in the future! The entire Guajili army is under the command of one person. As long as you are here, the army will be able exist!"

"Witness of the Lord God! Your Highness, this time is a rare opportunity to fight! The hinterland of the Southwest has no defenses, and the troops are very empty, and there are Tekos' personal guards as guides. If you miss the opportunity, let the enemy be prepared, or flee Entering the mountains, I don't know how long the conquest will be..."


"Your Highness, I will always listen to you in the future, listen to you!"

Seeing His Highness really serious, Black Wolf Toltek saluted again and again and respectfully responded. Then, Hei Lang's eyes flickered, and he asked cautiously.

"Your Highness, the conquest of Haenyeo City..."

"Before the autumn harvest, it is absolutely impossible!"

Xiulot shook his head clearly. The hearts of the people in the south are uncertain, and tens of thousands of people have been plundered. The foundation of the kingdom is really unstable. Only after the formation of the flag team is established, the priests spread the faith, and the spring plowing and autumn harvest are successfully completed, can they stabilize slightly.

"After the autumn harvest..."

"Toltek, you left more than half of the legion, and only took 3,000 people to conquer. Don't you want the remaining 5,000 people?! Hurry up and go to the camp outside the city to appease the 5,000 Guacili legion! "

"Uh... yes, yes! Of course, the more troops the better. Isn't this a lack of food? If you take 8,000 people into the mountains, you will definitely starve to death on the way. Otherwise, you have 8,000 people in your hands , I can take down Haenyeo City directly..."


"Your Highness, I'm going right now!..."

Looking at the back of the black wolf leaving in a hurry, a smile appeared on the corner of Shulot's mouth. After a long period of polishing, he finally cultivated the first outstanding general with his own hands, which is worthy of the responsibility.

A few more days passed like this. Shulot sits in the army city of Apa, appeases the various ministries in the south, and gathers and feasts with Hei Lang and other generals from time to time. After a day of feasting, Toltek suddenly took out several dark blue stones and displayed them in front of everyone.

"Your Highness, this is the strange sacred stone that I obtained from killing the priest of Tekos together with Puap in the Tekos sacred mountain outside Trout Village!"

Hei Lang was half drunk with wine, his face flushed. He smiled and put these sacred stones in both hands, then put his hands behind his back and rubbed them vigorously a few times.

"Your Highness, guess how many sacred stones there are now?"

"Six dollars."

Xiulot was slightly drunk, guessing with a smile. He just glanced at it and counted the number of dark blue stones.

"Haha! No, it's one piece!"

Black Wolf laughed. He brought the hands behind his back to the front and slowly spread them out. All the divine stones were gathered together to form a large dark blue stone.

"Your Highness, these sacred stones are very interesting! Priest Terkos said that the sacred stones are endowed with divinity, with male and female twin souls, living at both ends of the sacred stones...I present them to you as gifts! From now on, take a look Once you see this sacred stone, you will be able to remember my military exploits..."

"Same-sex attracts, opposite-sex repel? This is, this is, a magnet?!"

Shulot was startled, his eyes became clear for a moment. He suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand eagerly.

"Show it to me!"

Hei Lang was a little surprised. He looked at His Highness's serious and unusual face, and suddenly he was half sober from the wine, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and said cautiously.

"Your Highness...these are the creations of the evil god, and they may indeed offend the main god. I didn't mean to..."

"Bring it!"

Hei Lang obediently stepped forward. Xiulot took the "Sacred Stone" and repeatedly checked it in his hand. These "divine stones" appear dark blue as a whole and have strong magnetism. Their mutual attraction and repulsion are stronger than the Cuban "black gems" offered by Mayan merchants. They are indeed magnets! In other words, they are natural magnetite.

"Hei Lang, where did you get these magnetite ore?"

Xiulot watched for a moment, suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

"Huh? Magnetite?"

Hei Lang pondered this difficult word curiously. It seems that His Highness is very concerned about these sacred stones.

"Your Highness, the sacred stone is in the Tekos sacred mountain to the west of Trout Village. There is a low hill there, but there is a mountain god, which can attract thunder and lightning during the rainy season... The location is west of the mouth of the Tarsas River, about 60 inside."

"Magnet mines? Magnet mines near the mouth and coast?"

As soon as Shulot's expression moved, the joy on his face could no longer be suppressed.

"It's really the blessing of the Lord God!"

The king held the "sacred stone", prayed in a low voice, and fell into thought. After a while, he made up his mind and looked at the warrior commander beside him.

"Bertard, I want to go to the mouth of the Talsas River and have a look!"

"Ah?! Your Highness, it's nearly 400 miles away from Apa City..."

Bertard's face was no longer calm. According to the original plan, His Highness will be stationed in Apa City for one month. When the south settled down in April, he led the Imperial Guards back to the capital and presided over the spring plowing. Thinking of this, the samurai chief cautiously advised.

"Your Highness, the spring plowing is about to begin. We are dispatching a large army to go deep into Haikou in the south. I am afraid that too much food will be consumed..."

"No need for a large army! There is no hostile army on the southern coast, and I will not conquer Haenyeo City for the time being. The matter is important, I will leave the king's flag in Apa City, and only bring two thousand loyal guards. Go to Shenshan to check it out for yourself. Within a month, I will return."

Xiulot looked firm and made a decision.

If the so-called "Sacred Mountain" is really a magnet mine, the kingdom's southern strategy will have to be fully adjusted. And the significance of an iron mine to the Kingdom of the Lake, and even the entire world, cannot be overemphasized. This is the key to the development of Central American civilization, the key to transcending the shackles of the times, and the key to completing the "thrilling leap" in the development of productive forces!

Since coming to this era, Shulot has been looking for iron ore for too long.

The Colima Mountains are too far away to conquer, and the iron ore buried underground is too deep. Under the constraints of realistic conditions, Shulot accepted the obedience of the chieftain of Colima and maintained peace with the various ministries of Colima. But in the king's heart, there has always been some unwillingness and regret. Until now, when the news of the magnet mine in the south came, the excitement and anticipation in his heart could no longer be restrained, and it turned into the determination and motivation to go south!

"...Okay. Follow your will, Your Highness. I will make arrangements as soon as possible!"

Seeing His Highness's expression, Berthard knew that the king's mind was determined and could not be dissuaded. At this time, going south to the the journey is far away, there is really not much risk, just make good arrangements and preparations.

Xiulot nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the surprised Hei Lang again. He smiled gently and pressed Hei Lang's arm.

"Toltek, my black wolf. I am very satisfied with your gift! The Lord God blesses the kingdom and brings divine enlightenment. If that 'God Mountain' is as I will also be rewarded! "

"Ah? Big reward?"

Hei Lang was startled and blinked his eyes. Your Highness must do what he says, and if he says it is a heavy reward, he will definitely not take it lightly. But the reward was given because of a few strange "sacred stones"? ... He was a little puzzled, but still fell to the ground respectfully.

"Your Highness, you are the wolf king blessed by the Lord God! I, the black wolf Toltek, will never let the wolf king down!"

"Haha, the Lord God blesses you! Hei Lang, my beloved general, you are favored by fate!"

The king laughed loudly, and the happy place was like a spring breeze blowing on the face, and birds soaring.

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