Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 419: The King's Teaching: Failure is the moth

The huge "eye of the main god" rose from the red altar of Shenwei University, with the marked pattern of the main god, floating to the sky belonging to the gods. Thousands of eyes widened for a moment, full of surprise and awe, looking up at this flight destined to go down in history!

At this time, the wide school ground was silent, and everyone waited for the hot air balloon to take off, like the dark clouds waiting for the thunder, and like the night waiting for the dawn.

Shirot stood on the altar and also raised his head. He watched the hot air balloon rise higher and higher with uncontrollable anticipation on his face. The knowledgeable priest Chimer next to him squeezed his fingers and calculated nervously.

"Thirty meters! The Eye of the Lord God has risen to thirty meters! It is level with the little Yakata in the capital..."

"Fifty meters! Up to fifty meters! It's level with Dayakata..."

"Ah! It has surpassed Dayakata and is still rising!"

Under the action of sufficient buoyancy, the hot air balloon climbs steadily upward. Soon, the huge hot air balloon surpassed all the buildings in the capital, surpassed the hills around the capital, and continued to fly into the sky! And in the bamboo basket under the hot air balloon, a fat turkey sticks out, looking at the ground farther and farther in horror. It didn't even move, didn't even dare to spread its wings, like a petrified turkey sculpture.

"Such a big ball actually flew... flew?!"

The girl Elaine stared blankly at the sky and turned into a petrified sculpture. She murmured in disbelief. After a few breaths, the girl closed her eyes, bit her lip hard, and opened it again. The red "Eye of the Lord God" is still rising and getting smaller, even as big as her fist, and it can be grasped in the palm of your hand with a light squeeze.

Elaine reached out her hand subconsciously, first scratching her hair, and then holding the hot air balloon above her head. Then, she suddenly had a strong urge to study.

"I want to study hard and master the mysteries of the gods! Fly to the sky!..."

"More than 100 meters! Praise, praise... the Lord God! The mystery that guides us to fly!"

Chimer cried out in excitement. Hearing his cry, the craftsmen on the altar also chanted prayers, and then the hundreds of apprentices on the school grounds. In an instant, thunder bloomed, dawn broke, and boiling cheers echoed in the school grounds.

"Praise the Lord God! God bless the kingdom!!"

The corner of Shirott's mouth twitched into a smile. He raised his arms, enjoying the cheers of the crowd and the achievement of exploration. This kind of satisfaction that comes from the soul is by no means comparable to ordinary happiness! At this moment, the king was extremely convinced that he made history with his own hands!

"Respected Sect Master Priest, let... the rope released exceeds 150 meters, and the Eye of the Lord God... finally stopped!"

Chimer's fingers trembled with excitement, and he even stuttered when he spoke. As the responsible priest of divine enlightenment, he personally participated in the making of the hot air balloon. At this moment, compared with the onlookers, Chimer felt more confident and proud from the bottom of his heart.

The huge hot air balloon rose for several minutes, carrying a rope weighing ten or twenty pounds, and the buoyancy and weight finally reached a balance. The eyes of the gods stopped steadily in the sky above the capital of Qin Congcan, turning into red eyes in the sky, watching the entire capital silently, like the eyes of the real Lord God!

"The Lord God is coming!..."

"A miracle has come to the world!..."

The continuous exclamations spread to the entire capital, and tens of thousands of citizens of the capital were alarmed. People walked out of their homes one after another and looked up at the sky. Today is a good day for miracles, first the roar of the sky, and then the eyes of the Lord God. Huge "eyes" floated on the capital, painted with the mark of the main god, swaying and undulating in the air.

After a while, priests from various communities hurried over. They had already received a notice that there would be a prayer ceremony for the Lord God in the afternoon. Soon, under the guidance of the priests, the devout prayers of tens of thousands of people resounded throughout the city of Qincongcan, as if the kingdom of God had come.

"Praise the Lord God! We must believe in my God, Huizilopochtli, whose power is infinite and who controls the sky! He bestows blessings on us, blessing the spring and autumn harvests!  …"

Sherlot listened to the prayers of tens of thousands of people and felt the extra piety in his voice. He moved slightly inwardly, thoughtfully.

"People revere everything in the sky! It seems that although small hot air balloons cannot be used for combat other than reconnaissance, they are excellent missionary weapons! Especially in large cities with a large population of converts..."

"Praise you, the suzerain priest of Shen Qi, thank you for your guidance!"

Chimer lowered his head and saluted the king with sincerity.

"We...we have the power to fly! That's the realm of the gods!"

Hearing this, Shirot raised his brows and looked at Chimer with a half-smile.

"Master the power of flight?"

"Exactly, the sect master sacrifices adults!"

Chimer's eyes almost lit up. He estimated confidently, and more ambition surged from his chest.

"Respected suzerain, as long as you double the diameter of the eye of the main **** and heat more particles of the god, you can bring one or two people! They stand in the eye of the main god, they are the best scouts, and they can even watch Hundreds of miles away!"

Hearing this, the king looked at Chimer and nodded with satisfaction.

"Not bad! Chimer, you're right!"

If the diameter of the hot air balloon is doubled, from 6 meters to 12 meters, the volume of the hot air balloon will become 8 times, more than 800 cubic meters. After fully heating the air in the ball, the buoyancy will become 300-400 catties. Even after deducting nearly half of the weight of a small hot air balloon, it is enough to take people into the sky!

Of course, as the volume of the hot air balloon increases, the difficulty of manufacturing will increase exponentially. Moreover, the risk of this primitive hot air balloon is high, and if there is no traction rope, the manned person is risking his life.

Shiroute thought for a moment, then retracted his thoughts. He smiled and shouted to the excited apprentices in the audience.

"The Lord God witnesses! We sent a turkey into the distant sky! This is an immortal moment destined to be recorded in the epic. And each of you is a participant in the epic!"

Hearing this, the priests and apprentices shouted again. They shouted the name of the Lord God and sang the wisdom of the king. Until Shilot waved his hand, everyone calmed down one after another.

"My students, seeing all this, you must learn to think! Think about the natural principles behind all things!"

Xiulote smiled and sowed the seeds of enlightenment silently while the apprentices were shaken.

"Think about it, where does the power to fly into the air come from?"

The apprentices pondered and looked at the hot air balloon in the sky, not knowing how to answer. After a while, someone asked in a low voice.

"Does the power to fly come from the gift of the Lord God? Or from the divine energy in the flame?..."

Shirot smiled slightly, noncommittal. He observed everyone's expressions and spoke at the right time.

"As I said before, there is an interaction force between the tiny **** particles! These forces are related to the weight of all things, and determine the position of the **** particle. When the gas is heated and expanded, the weight per unit volume will decrease, and the surrounding The **** particle will exert buoyancy..."

Seeing the familiar confused expression, Shilot pondered for a while, then switched to more common language.

"In short, in air or water, the lighter ones float up and the heavier ones sink. We drop a drop of fish oil into the water, and the fish oil floats on the water. We throw a dried bean into the water, and the dried bean sinks. What if we hollow out the center of a dry bean, leave only the outer skin, drop it in fish oil, and put it in water?"

"...Sink? Float? First sink, then rise?"

A low voice of discussion resounded in the school grounds. Shulot smiled and listened to the conversation of the apprentices. After a while, he raised the corner of his mouth and waved his hand.

"I won't tell you the answer. You have to practice and explore by yourself. Under the guidance of the Lord God, follow the laws of nature and discover the mysteries of the gods!"

"Remember, the eye of the Lord God above our head is the same principle. Many laws in the air are actually similar to those in water. Their **** grains are easy to flow, can be crushed, and sticky... They are collectively called Fluid... When the air in the eye of the Lord God is heated with fire, the huge eye of the Lord God will become lighter. Then, the light person is forced to float up in the fluid. This force is called buoyancy... For a simpler example, When you heat a pot of hot soup, you see the water rise from the hottest bottom..."

"Fluid, crushable, sticky?"

The girl Elaine's eyes were blurred, and two "??" numbers appeared again. As she listened to what the Great Chief said, she inexplicably thought of delicious mountain nectar... The girl licked her lips and sucked in her saliva.

"Huh? The Great Chief just said that there is also nectar in the sky? Suck it, it must be delicious!" Gu

A gust of wind blew, and the girl's ponytail rose in the wind. She twisted her messy hair, raised her head, and looked for the "nectar" in the sky. Suddenly, she saw a little bit of dazzling light emerging from the eye of the Lord God in the sky.

"Huh?! What is that?"

Elaine was stunned, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the sky carefully again. She grew up in the mountains. From birth until Shenwei University, she only touched the book for half a month, and her eyes were naturally excellent.

"Ah! This is, this is..."

Elaine looked carefully for a few breaths, and the light on the eyes of the Lord God became more and more obvious and bigger. She finally exclaimed.

"Great Chief, here it is! Eyes in the sky, here it is!!"

On the red altar, Shiloh was stunned when he heard Elaine's cry. His heart tightened, his expression unchanged, and he looked up. I saw the hot air balloon swaying violently in the wind, and the little flames rose from one side and quickly formed a line!

Soon, the thin paper shell and rubber coating were burned through, and the huge eye of the Lord God leaked. The hot air balloon slanted down from the sky while burning rapidly. The turkey in the bamboo basket was terrified, stuck its head out, flapped its wings desperately, and made a rapid chirping.

"Cluck! Cluck!"

"Blessed by the Lord! Blessed by the Lord!!"

The continuous exclamations of tens of thousands of people resounded in the city of Qin Cong Can, accompanied by terrified prayers. In the eyes of everyone, the eye of the Lord God was burning, and under the traction of the rope, it fell to the Shenwei University in the capital.

"...the balloon is on..."

Shirot put his hand on his forehead and pursed his lips helplessly. The danger of early hot air balloons is still too high, and the design of the brazier needs to be improved... At this moment, the king's mind flashed many thoughts. He made a quick decision.


"In the!"

"Try to recover the rope and let the Eye of the Lord land in the open school grounds!"

"Follow...follow orders!"

Chimer blushed, and with his own hands, pulled back the fluttering hot air balloon with the craftsmen.


"Sect Master sacrifices adults!"

"The Eye of the Lord God follows the east wind and will fall to the west of the school grounds. Let the apprentices move to the east!"

"Follow your orders, Sect Master!"

Bravo immediately ran down the altar and instructed the apprentices to move to a safe position.


"Your Highness!"

"Samurai commanding the guards, prepare to put out the fire!"

"Follow your will."

Bertard nodded respectfully. He didn't leave, just let the guards go to prepare. Then, he asked cautiously.

"Your Highness, do you want to avoid one or two..."

"...not necessary!"

Shulot looked at the hot air balloon that had fallen to about 100 meters and shook his head.

"The landing point is 70 or 80 meters to the west, and it won't burn here... Well, the hot air balloon itself has no fuel. The fire looks big, and it will go out in a while."

The apprentices under the altar were in a hurry, and the people on the altar were unusually calm. The king narrowed his eyes, watching the burning remains of the hot air balloon. But after a while, the fireball has begun to weaken. The wreckage's falling speed is getting faster and faster, and it has fallen below fifty meters!

"Cluck, cluck!"

The flames finally burned to the bottom of the hot air balloon, blown off half of the rope connecting the bamboo basket, and the bamboo basket overturned immediately. The fat turkey that ascended to the sky screamed in horror, jumped and jumped from the sky more than 40 meters high!

"Push puff!"

The fat turkey fluttered its wings, the tail feathers were on fire, and fell like a golden crow! Its not fat body danced as nimble as a fresco in the sky. Against the background of the hot air balloon fire, it showed a dash of coquettishness. Then, it crossed a long arc, thumped hard, and with a thud, smashed into the soil in front of the king.

"Cluck! Cluck!!"

The fat turkey struggled in horror for a long time and stood up from the soil. The flames on its tail had been extinguished by wind pressure. Then, it looked at the two-legged beast in front of it in confusion, and twisted its round buttocks.

"Cuckoo? Cuckoo? Cuckoo!"

The spread wings provide the support for gliding, and the fluffy feathers reduce the cushioning of hitting the ground. This fat turkey went back and forth in a circle of one or two hundred meters in the sky, and he was unscathed!

The king widened his eyes and looked at the fat turkey more than ten meters away. Then, he turned his head to look at the Eye of the Lord God, and only scattered fragments remained. The guard warriors of the brigade are fighting the remaining fire, and it will be completely extinguished in a short Good chicken! "

I don't know when, Bravo appeared next to the king again. With a surprised look on his face, he pointed at the landing turkey and shouted to the crowd.

"Blessed by the Lord! The chicken flew into the sky and returned in good condition. This is an auspicious omen bestowed by the Lord!!..."

Shilot blinked, looked at Bravo's deliberate expression, and suddenly realized. He nodded slowly and announced loudly.

"The priest of Bravo is right! The Eye of the Lord God was sacrificed to the Lord God, and the turkey returned safely. This is a good omen for the gods to bless the kingdom! Praise the Lord God, God bless the kingdom!"

"Praise the Lord God, God bless the kingdom!"

The priests and apprentices paused for a moment, those who responded quickly had already shouted, and those who responded slowly were still in a daze.

Bravo smiled and suggested.

"Sect Master Priest, you should immediately dispatch people to inform the priests in the city of the auspicious omens! To avoid unreasonable suspicions among the people... This turkey should also be raised and used as a sign of miracles for the people to visit!"

"Not bad! Priest of Bravo, you are right. This fire... God chicken, I will give it to you!"

Sherlot nodded slightly and calmly ordered the guards. More than a dozen personal guards immediately took the message and went to various places in the city.

Then, the king looked around, looking at the young and serious faces. He pondered for a moment, leaving his last teaching.

"My students, the mystery of the gods is the law of nature! As long as we understand it, we can master the mighty power of nature, fly into the sea, move mountains and fill lakes, and do a lot! ... However, those who explore the mysteries of gods In the journey, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly! Failure is a common thing, and success is a rare harvest. But you must not be discouraged! Because success will be born from failure!"