Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 429: right of interpretation

The sound of early morning prayers fluttered in the sky of the capital city in the middle of the lake. It flew into the clouds in the rainy season, turned into the sound of thunder above the nine heavens, and sang the glory of the Lord God. In the magnificent Great Temple, hundreds of priests chant simultaneously. The burning incense rose a pleasant green smoke, surrounded by the holy fire, and scattered up and down the pyramid. At this moment, the Great Temple Pyramid in Shenyan is like a snake mountain of the Lord God, and the capital in the lake is the coming of the Kingdom of God!

Xiulott lightly sniffed the fragrance in the divine smoke, his whole body felt at ease, and his spirit was lifted. The incense of the Great Temple is made of a mixture of various spices, and the daily burning amount is very large.

He discerned that the base was relatively cheap rosin, with the fragrance of pine forests. Then there is the red sandalwood, called balsam bean, which is sweet and cool, and can make people feel heartfelt pleasure. In the rich sweetness, there is a hint of freshness and elegance, which is a calming agarwood. And taking a deep breath, what I finally noticed was the yellow sandalwood incense hidden in the fragrance. When Dalbergia is burned alone, the fragrance is not strong, and burning with other spices can make other aromas more pure and beautiful.

The voice of prayer gradually subsided, but the lingering smoke of the gods persisted for a long time. Seeing the low-level priest approaching the holy fire and continuing to add bags of spices, Shirot couldn't help feeling emotional.

"The spices used in a single prayer are enough to make European kings jealous! Only the high priests who serve the Lord God in the Great Temple can enjoy such luxury and solemnity, and even King Avit can't compare.. ."

After a while, the morning prayers of the priesthood ended, and silence was restored in the priesthood. The high priest sat solemnly at the top, looked at Shirot at the bottom, and spoke in a deep voice.

"Praise the Lord God, He blesses the servants of God! ... Patriarch Shilot, how is the mission of the Diocese of the Lake going?"

"Praise the Lord God! Respected High Priest, the faith of the Diocese of the Lake spread very quickly. Every village in the north and center of the parish has erected a sign of the Lord God, and a priest of the Lord God leads the believers. In the area of ​​Lake Patzcuaro, Tara The belief in the old **** of Sko has almost dissipated. Every year, the main **** festival is held in Qincongcan City, and tens of thousands of believers will come from all over the world to participate devoutly in prayers, and many people burst into tears.”

Sherlot smiled and answered confidently.

"And in the south of the Diocese of the Lake, the priests of the Lord God have just begun to penetrate into the countryside. The traditional nobles who hinder the spread of the faith have been wiped out, and the symbols of the Lord God have been erected in all towns. Used to identify and deal with recalcitrant Old God believers, the effect is quite remarkable."

"Well, there was a letter from the Lake Diocese before, focusing on the Inquisition Team."

The high priest nodded. He pondered for a while and looked at the elders who were present in the High Priestess.

"What do you think?"

"The Texcoco Lake District is where the Lord God has descended several times. The Lord God's belief is extremely firm, and there is no need for an inquisition."

Priest and elder of Yazar thought for a while and then spoke first.

"But in the city of Hilotepec in the north, and the land of the Jontars in the southwest, there are many remnants of old **** beliefs. You can form an inquisition team in these two places to capture and judge the stubborn old gods. Cultists!"

Afterwards, Elder Yazar looked at Shirot again and nodded slightly.

"Besides, the three states of the Ortomi in the north have been converted to the main **** for a short time, and there must be many old gods left. Although the old **** of the Ortomi people, the **** of day and night is also one of the gods, the priests The supremacy and uniqueness of the Lord God must be emphasized. The three states of Otomi can also conduct inquisition!"

"Set up an Inquisition team in the three states of Otomi?"

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows.

The old nobles of the three states of Otomi control the tribal force, and most of them are currently managed by the kingdom. The old priest of Ort was highly respected, and led the Otomi priest group in the mountain city to convert to the main god. Although the priests of the old gods convert to the new gods, the power of tradition will not fade so easily. The **** of day and night still has unparalleled influence in the hearts of the Ortomi people. The naturalization of the three northern states requires a long time and patience. If the Inquisition team is dispatched at this time, it may cause a tribal rebellion.

Elder Yazar is a priest and elder of the lineage of the **** of war in the capital city in the lake, and his style is relatively tough. When he was in the capital of Qin Congchan, the chief priest of Marvelo mentioned Elder Yazar, saying that he would always be the first in the group of priests and elders to give opinions, and sometimes even refute the words of the high priest. However, the messenger sent by my father to the Kingdom of the Lake brought a message saying that the son of the elder Yazar, the third-level priest Arelli, had a very close relationship with his father and talked very happily...

The hall fell silent, and several priests and elders thought to themselves. The high priest pondered for a while and looked at the elder priest Ugel.

"Priest Elder Uger, what do you think?"

After not seeing him for four years, Ugel's face became more rounded and his smile became more kind. His eyes flashed slightly, and then he replied with a smile.

"The city of Hilotepec in the north and the land of Jontar in the southwest can both set up inquisition teams, spread the glory of the Lord God, and guide those lost people. As for the three states of Otomi in the northwest, Or The chief priest of the special sect has been in charge of the land of Otomi for decades, and he is naturally capable of handling everything. I heard that he works hard all day long, and his soul is getting closer to the main god. You might as well wait a little longer..."

Shirot bowed his head and said nothing. The closer the soul is to the main god, it means that it is about to go to the kingdom of God. After the death of the old priest of Otto, the independence of the Ortomi priesthood will be gradually deprived. In fact, in Shilot's heart, he didn't want to see the Ortomi priesthood as a self-contained body.

"Very good! Priest and elder Uger, you have a profound understanding of the teachings of the Lord God. The Lord God controls the sun and thunder. He is warm and kind, but also strict and decisive. The dissemination of educational affairs should be the same!"

Hearing the words of satisfaction, the high priest nodded and decided.

"Decree: In the city of Hilotepec and the land of Jontar, set up an inquisition team to handle civil affairs for a period of two years! After two years, depending on the beliefs of the two places, a decision will be made whether to continue."

"Praise the Lord God! May His glory be spread over the earth!"

With many high-ranking priests saluting at the same time, this teaching task was decided. Soon, the flame of the Inquisition will be ignited in the peripheral parishes of the alliance, strengthening the spread of the belief in the Lord God.

After the salute, a priest hurried down the Great Temple with a decree. Afterwards, the hall returned to solemnity.

"Patriarch Shilot, you reported to me the miracle in the sky in the Diocese of the Lake not long ago."

The high priest pondered for a while and said aloud.

"Now, in front of the priests and elders, I can elaborate on one or two things."

"Follow you."

Shirot smiled, nodded to several elder priests, and then spoke slowly.

"The Divine Enlightenment of the Diocese in the Lake was enlightened by the Lord God. The priests of the divine enlightenment learned the natural principles of the Lord God and were able to use the mighty power bestowed by the Lord God to lift a huge rubber paper ball into the sky two hundred meters! Not long ago, The miracles in the sky of the Kingdom of the Lake come from the creation of the divine revelation.”

"What! Up in the sky?"

"Giant rubber paper balls?"

"The principle of nature of the Lord God?"

"It's another creation of God's Revelation!..."

The high priests whispered, and there were low voices of discussion in the hall. Several priests and elders looked at each other a few times, did not speak, just thought to themselves.


Shirot nodded solemnly. After thinking for a moment, he simply explained.

"Lord Priestess, the Alliance has a striking part in the traditional ritual of worshipping the rain **** Tlaloc. That is to take out the intestines of a jaguar or lynx, tie one end, blow on the other end, and then tie them all. . Then, use the holy fire to burn this intestine for a while, and it will fly to the top of the temple..."

Hearing this, the priests present nodded. This is a traditional ceremony that proves that the rain **** holds the power of the wind. Sometimes the temple warriors are also made to shoot arrows, bursting the air intestines, imitating the sound of thunder. Ordinary people would be in awe of such a ceremony. It's just that with the deepening of the uniqueness of the main **** to the high, the sacrifice process of the subordinate rain **** has been greatly simplified, and such a ceremony has not been held for several years.

"The Lord God is supreme and great. He also controls the power of the wind, and his power is far greater than that of the Rain God!"

Shirot paused and set the tone for the invention of the hot air balloon. In the eyes of the powerful theocratic priesthood, most of the new inventions are defined as blasphemy or miracles. Actually, it doesn't matter what was invented. Who invents it and who controls it matters.

"So, relying on the divine power of the Lord God, Shenqi Institute in the Lake District made a rubber paper ball with a diameter of several meters and lifted it up into the sky with the help of the power of the holy fire! People, proclaim the glory of the Lord God!"

The low voice of discussion sounded again. Hearing this, the eyes of the priests and elders lit up. A flying fetish that can rise into the sky and symbolize the Lord God! Its missionary value is self-evident.

"Excellent! Patriarch Shirott really received divine enlightenment and spread the brilliance of the Lord God!"

The elder priest Ugel shook his round face and showed a kind smile.

"For such a flying fetish, the Alliance's Divine Revelation also needs to be built as soon as possible. It is best to use it in the New Year festival at the end of the year!"

Hearing this, several priests and elders present nodded and looked at Shiloh. After Shulot left, the Divine Revelation Institute of the Alliance was gradually marginalized, and many people were arranged by the high priests. Now it has almost lost its research and development ability, and has become a craftsman's camp focusing on manufacturing. If there is no strong guidance and supervision from the upper echelons of power, institutions and systems that surpass the times are really difficult to survive.

"Respected Elder Uger, when I came east, I brought a new flying fetish to be used in the upcoming wedding ceremony. Now, the flying fetish is placed in the village on the north bank of the long embankment."

Shirot smiled gently, ready for it.

"All the priests and elders can go and check it out. When the flight is successful in the ceremony, the fetish will remain in the Shenqi Institute of the Alliance. The accompanying Shenqi priests will also go to instruct them, so that the craftsmen of the Shenqi Institute can master the manufacturing ability! ..."

"Very good! Sovereign of Shulot, you did a great job!"

The high priest smiled slightly and said to the elders of the priesthood.

"The Divine Enlightenment Institute of Huzhong Diocese received divine enlightenment, studied the doctrine of the Lord God, and held the power of creation... Decree: The Divine Enlightenment Institute of Huzhong Diocese was devoted to the study of doctrines and created sacred objects that were beneficial to the priesthood. The elaboration of the doctrine does not fall under the supervision of the High Priesthood, but neither does it enter the Kalmykkak in the capital of the lake!"

Hearing this, the elder priest of Yazar frowned. The meaning behind this decree is not simply "God's revelation to act freely and without supervision", but to grant Huzhong Diocese a separate right to interpret the meaning of the scriptures! Once this right is released, the status of the Diocese of the Lake will be greatly improved, and even to some extent, it will be equal to the Diocese of Texco.

"Damn old guy! Even if the Huzhong Diocese is in charge of your grandson, don't be so impatient, and even give him the right to interpret the meaning of the scriptures!"

Yazar cursed in his heart, but he never dared to say it. He tilted his head slightly, looked at the unwavering high priest, and closed his mouth abruptly.

There was silence in the hall. The priests and elders all lowered their eyes, not even the amiable Uger.

"Old priests and elders, do you have any objections?"

The high priest looked around inside and outside the hall, expressionless, and clenched the divine scepter in his hand. He waited for a while, before waiting for a reply, he calmly nodded and ordered.

"Testimony from the Lord God! If there is no objection, so be it! Write down the decree, the elders will stamp it at the same time, and then hand it over to the Diocese of Huzhong!"

Under the watchful eye of the high priest, the high priest in charge of the record wrote down his instructions with trembling fingers and sweating down his spine. Then, the high priest was the first to use the jade seal, followed by the elder priest Ugel. The teachings were passed on in turn, and all the priests and elders sank their faces and stamped their jade seals. The situation is set, the elder priest Yazar sighed and finally used the seal.

Afterwards, this teaching was carefully packaged and handed over to Sherlot.

The high priest looked at Sherlot gently, with a certain emotion flashing in his eyes. He lowered his eyes slightly and announced expressionlessly.

"Praise the Lord God! Sovereign of Shilot, take the teachings. Be pious, be solemn and self-defeating. Always keep it in your heart, and don't act recklessly!"

"Praise the Lord God! Witness the Lord God! I will bear in mind the teachings of the Lord God and follow the resolutions of the High Priestess solemn and self-controlled, and pious praise!"

Shirot suppressed the shock in his heart. He bowed his head and replied respectfully, even though there was a lot of confusion in his heart.

He also understands that this doctrine represents an extremely important right to interpret the meaning of the scriptures. Normally, the High Priests would never grant this right to a distant parish. Because that is equivalent to cultivating a noble little Holy See outside the Supreme Holy See...

The expressions of the priests and elders became a little better when they heard the oath of Shulot. Ugel nodded and said with a smile.

"Praise the Lord God! Patriarch of Shilot, from now on, you are one step closer to the glory of the Lord God. We will stand together and serve the Supreme Lord God!"

"Praise the Lord God! Patriarch of Shilot, may the glory of God shine on you, just as it shines on us!"

The priests and elders responded to greetings one after another, most of them with smiles. Only the elder priest Yazar looked gloomy and did not say a word.

"Praise the Lord God! Priests and elders, the Lake Diocese always obeys the decisions of the High Priestess, and does its best to spread the faith of the Lord God!"

Shilot respectfully returned the salute one by one. From this moment on, as the Patriarch of Lake Diocese, who holds the right to interpret the meaning of the scriptures, he has been on par with, or even slightly surpassed, the priests and elders of the capital.

The divine smoke rises from the jade incense burner, bringing a soothing breath. The formal interview and answering came to an end, and the high priests relaxed and began to chat and laugh. The high priest sat high on the throne and looked at the scene in front of him calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but vicissitudes in his eyes.

"Respected High Priest, Prince Tracopan is here to meet!"

After a while, a high priest came hurriedly and reported to the temple. All the priests and elders sighed in unison.