Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 432: Alliance Secrets, Books and Documents

"The power of benevolence can last forever, and the dedication of the gods is admirable. The most powerful power is contained in ordinary people!... These are the truths in the long river of time."

Shulot looked at his grandfather and whispered some kind of explanation.

Hearing this, the high priest thought for a while, then nodded gently. He patted Shulot on the shoulder and smiled calmly.

"My child, I will depend on you."

Shulot pursed his lips and nodded silently. He continued to look down, and then came the third part of the doctrine system, "God's chosen people", which is the theoretical basis for the establishment of the priesthood.

The concept of God's chosen people refers to those who are inspired by the Lord God and blessed by the Lord God. This kind of concept is making a kind of comparison all the time, which has a strong aggressiveness. People who believe in the Lord God, compared with unbelievers, believers are God's chosen people. Pious believers, compared with ungodly people, pious people are God's chosen people.

Among devout believers, the more enlightened they are from the gods and the more they bless the gods, the more they are "God's Chosen". According to this logic, the Mexica were inspired and blessed by the Lord God, so they are a nation chosen by God. Priests have more revelations, so they are chosen by God.

The Chosen have the gift of ruling responsibility to guide and enlighten mortals. Priests chosen by God established the priesthood to guide thousands of people, not for power and pleasure, of course, but to spread God's enlightenment and shepherd people for God.

And the ones at the top of this chain are the elders, the high priests, the god-born kings, and His Royal Highness who inherited the divinity!

Seeing this, Xiu Luote thought for a moment and was amazed.

"This part of the doctrine is explained, logical and well written...Who wrote it?"

The high priest lowered his eyes and said calmly.

"It's the elder Akapu priest."

"Huh? Acap..."

Shulot was slightly taken aback, thinking of his childhood friend, the young priest who accompanied his grandfather. he asked softly.

"I didn't see Akap in the hall today. I haven't seen him for many years... Where is he?"

"Elder Akap has always had a good relationship with the priest leader of Petel in the holy city of Cholula. At this moment, he has already sent an envoy to Cholula to make preparations for the Eastern Expedition after the autumn harvest."

Speaking of Acap, the high priest's voice was very calm, without any emotion.

"I see."

Xiuluo nodded with a pensive look on his face.

"I'm afraid this mission will not be easy! The alliance will attack the four states of Tlaxcala, directly threatening the holy city of Cholula. The priest leaders of Cholula will never stand idly by. I wonder if they will take their anger on Akap. ..”

"Well, I have to send someone to try it, even if it takes a while."

The high priest smiled deeply.

"The holy city of Cholula does not have much military strength. Their greatest strength lies in serving as a banner, calling on the nobles of the three tribes of Totonac, Mixtec, and Zapotec to unite to resist the alliance. The three tribes The mobilization of the nobles takes time, and cooperation also takes time. If we arrive a few months later, the Eastern Expedition may be over..."

"That's right! The most important thing in war is time... The priest leaders of Cholula may not have the courage to openly oppose the alliance."

Shulot pondered for a moment and asked softly.

"I remember that at the beginning of the Western Expedition, the Alliance had negotiated with the Cholula Priests, promising them a high-level priesthood in the Alliance?"

"Everything in the world will change with the changes of the world... My child, how can the situation of the alliance before the Western Expedition compare with the present?"

The high priest smiled like an old fox.

"The Cholula Priests are large in scale and have profound influence. They have held religious power for generations. They are completely different from the Otomi Priests...the current alliance has long lost their place!"

Hearing this, Shulot raised his brows, realizing the unfinished meaning of cruelty. His expression remained unchanged, and he agreed.

"That's true. At the beginning of the Reformation, the vain priesthood given to the priesthood families of the alliance states must be gradually cleaned up!"

The grandparent and grandson looked at each other and smiled, with the will of blood and fire, no more words.

Xiulot continued to read the teachings. The fourth part is "Reincarnation in the Kingdom of God", which outlines a complete afterlife world.

"Pious believers ascend to the kingdom of the sun god, gain the satisfaction of their souls, and enjoy peace and beauty forever... Warriors who die fighting for the gods enter the red kingdom, where they are loved by the gods and can be reincarnated as beautiful birds and flowers... The sinner sinks into the land of death, becomes a rock sculpture, and suffers from the cold wind and the knife forever..."

Seeing these discussions, Shulot nodded slightly. These expositions are extracted from traditional alliance myths, and are used to appease the hearts of believers and bring hope after death.

And what determines the destination of a believer after death is naturally his faith and dedication during his lifetime. This leads to many specific religious requirements such as "obeying the teaching law", "devotion", "daily prayer", "repentance and atonement", "regular worship"...etc. This part of the content will continue to be revised as society and the times change.

The last part is "Destruction of the End Times". Eschatology is an extremely important and indispensable component of the belief system, and it is involved in various denominations in the world. It tells about the ultimate destiny and determines the core belief goal.

The universe will die, everything will end. What is the purpose of human existence? In religion, the answer to this question is belief in God...

Similar sayings have already been reflected in many traditional myths of the Mexica.

The birth and destruction of the four eras is the end of the world for the world in the era... The sun **** needs vitality and blood to fight the evil moon **** and keep the world running, otherwise the end of the world will come...Every day The rekindling of the holy flame once every 52 years is also to prevent the world from being destroyed by darkness... There is also the Mayan calendar cycle, the coming end of the world... In the understanding of ordinary people, the alliance continues to launch divine wars, and the warriors are helpless. Fear of life and death, all to save the world!

Shulot was contemplating while looking at the newly organized teachings. He read it softly, savoring the last paragraph.

"...In short, the Kingdom of the Lord God will come to the world. The Lord God will show boundless power and judge all the people in the world, whether they believe in it or not!...The end of the world Will come, to be or not to be? Everything will be determined by faith!"

The high priest smiled lightly.


"Very good!"

Xiulot was a little surprised. He looked at the familiar quotes and asked.

"Who wrote this?"

"I wrote it. I used a sentence in it, something you said when you were a child."

The high priest smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched his grandson's cheek kindly.

"My child, when you were young, you said many divinely inspired words. I knew you were extraordinary at that time..."

Shulot's face was inexplicably red. He remained calm and changed the subject.

"...God is unique, God creates the world, God chooses people, the reincarnation of God's kingdom, and the destruction of the last days... These five parts of the teachings confirm each other, and they have generally become a system, which is enough to convince the people. However, there are some shortcomings. ..”


The high priest's eyes moved. He looked at Shulot solemnly.

"Where are the shortcomings?"

Shulot pondered for a while Thinking of the Buddha who became a Buddha in Buddhism, the Son of God who resurrected from the dead in Christianity, and similar descriptions in other religions... he opened his mouth after deliberation.

"There is also a need for physical sanctification, examples of incarnation, and preaching in the mouths of believers. So that future generations can, um...'Seeing is believing, empathy'. Perhaps, we can deify the first leader of the Mexica, Chief Tenochtitlan. It tells the epic story that he received divine inspiration from a young age, led the tribe, led the people to move south to the valley, and established the lake capital Tenochtitlan..."

"Apotheosis of the first leader, Chief Tenoch?"

Hearing this, the high priest looked serious and thought for a moment. Afterwards, he shook his head, an inexplicable smile appeared on his old face, and he said with deep meaning.

"My child, you have been inspired by the gods since you were a child, and you are born to be extraordinary...Let future generations tell the story of the gods in the world!..."

Hearing this, Xiu Luote was startled, as if realizing something. He stopped talking, put down the books, and opened the alliance's documents. The first one that catches the eye is "Divine Blessing Alliance, household registration, cultivated land and tribute".

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