Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 438: Grandfather's Promise, Food, Stronghold,

"Food... Migrating the population and resettling the tribe all need food. And the Eastern Expedition is imminent, and the food from the villages in the lake area will be confiscated, giving priority to preparing for the war."

The High Priest Shuttle stared at the candles in the temple and thought for a long time. Afterwards, he looked at Shulot and made a silent promise.

"Sholot, my child, I will give you food for 200,000 people for a year! Thirty percent of it will come from the stocks held by the high priests, and 30 percent will come from the granaries of the Holy City. The remaining 40 percent will be distributed after the disposal After the great aristocrats of Trokan and Lazico, they collected from the local nobles of the two states to support the migrating team."

"Two hundred thousand people a year!..."

Hearing this number, Xiulot was quite excited. If there were so much food, it would not only be able to accommodate the migrating tribes, fill in the food gap in the kingdom, and even ensure the supply of the imperial guards for their eastern expedition.

"Well. Population and food should be transported by water as much as possible. The first batch of food will be transferred immediately, and the navy of the kingdom must be ready for transportation."

The high priest smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, and touched his grandson's cheek.

"The last batch of food is estimated to wait until after the autumn harvest in October... Don't worry, my child. As long as I'm here, nothing will go wrong."


Shulot fell on the ground and saluted his grandfather sincerely.

"Blessed by the Lord God! Blessed by the ancestors! May you be in good health and shine on the Alliance!"

"Blessed by the Lord God! Blessed by the ancestors! May the holy city shine brightly all over the world..."

The high priest nodded and chanted softly. Under the bright candlelight, the two highest-ranking priests sat opposite each other, praying for the future together.

After a while, the high priest stopped chanting. He looked at the alliance map, pondered for a while, and his eyes flashed. "Sholot, the kingdom's supply of tin mines and the southern trade route, both need to go along the Talsas River and pass through the land of Jontal... In fact, these two problems can be combined to solve."

As he said that, the high priest lowered his finger, and it was a little heavier in the middle of the land of Chunthar.

"There is a settlement of the Chuntal people here, named after the river, called Ta'er Village. Ta'er Village is located in the middle of the Tahe trade road. To the east of the village is a medium-sized tin mine that has just been developed, and there is a sporadic development small gold mines."

"Tal Village..."

Shulot looked intently, and saw that Tar Village (now nuevobalsas) was located in the west of the capital city in the lake, more than 400 miles away, and Kuramo City was located in the east and south of the city, more than 600 miles away. It is connected to the Kingdom of the Lake through the Tahe waterway, and it can be reached by boat for half a month.

"My child, this is the middle reaches of the Ta River, an extremely important node! Land from here, go to the southeast, within a hundred miles, it is the territory of the Mixtecs. And along the Ta River waterway, go to the northeast, Travel two or three hundred miles, and you will be in the Tepeyakak state of the Tlaxcalans.”

The high priest spoke calmly, having been prepared for a long time.

"Tal Village is located in the mountains, and only waterways can easily reach it. Although it seems that it is closer to the capital in the lake, the actual communication is more convenient in the kingdom. Shulot, when you marched east, It is necessary to set up a transit base in the middle reaches of the Ta River, so I have chosen this place for you."

"The high priests will hand over this place to the kingdom in the name of the Eastern Expedition. You only need to build a mountain fortress and send a thousand warriors to guard it. Combined with the kingdom's new large ships, you can control the upper and lower reaches of the Ta River... "

"...Located in the middle reaches of the Ta River, surrounded by mountains and rivers, the terrain is dangerous. It is also the junction of various ministries, and the place where the southern trade route must pass. If you retreat, you can defend yourself according to the danger, and if you advance, you can attack the upper reaches. There are tin mines and gold around mine..."

Shulot muttered in a low voice, the expression on his face changed. If this dangerous and important place is controlled by other people, the south of the kingdom downstream will be fully exposed. He pondered for a moment, then bent down again, and saluted his grandfather.

"Grandpa, thank you!"

"My child, there is nothing to be thankful for between us."

Hearing this, the high priest shook his head lightly, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Everything I do is for you, for the family... Before the end of the Eastern Expedition, I will try to do more..."

The words of the high priest gradually became insignificant. Then, with a solemn expression, he solemnly promised again.

"As for the various talents needed by the kingdom... Over the past few years, the Priestly University in the capital has recruited many common people's children and cultivated them into young priests who know how to write and count... There are about four or five people who have not yet served. Hundreds of people. Their abilities can be guaranteed, and the reason why they have not taken office is that they are trapped by the current situation in the Lake District... In the Texcoco Lake District, after all, there are too many descendants of nobles, waiting to obtain positions of real power."

"Sholot, my son, I will hand over all these young priests who were born as commoners to you! Their families will also migrate to the Kingdom of the Lake. With this group of backbones, you don't need to rely too much. The elite of Prepeca..."

"Excellent, really excellent!"

Hearing this, Xiulot was very satisfied and nodded with a smile.

"Four to five hundred young priests who know how to write and count are a rare help for the Kingdom of the Lake!"

The corner of the high priest's mouth raised a faint smile. He thought for a while, and then spoke slowly under the expectant eyes of his grandson.

"My child, there are many senior craftsmen you have commanded in the Divine Inspiration Center of the capital city in the lake...Give me a list, and I will try to recruit you...The water control project of Lake Texcoco, back then It was planned by the elders himself. Master craftsmen who are good at water control, if you want to ask for it from the elders, please leave it to me... As for the professional old farmers who are familiar with the construction of Chinanampa, the Holy City itself has them. here you are..."

Hearing his grandfather's promise, Xiulot was moved. He pursed his lips and asked in a low voice.

"Grandfather, over there with the elders, or I'll go..."

"The elder is seriously ill and doesn't have much time to be awake. Leave these things to me."

The high priest spoke calmly, but his expression was full of determination. Then he asked softly.

"My child, do you need anything else?"

Hearing this, Xiu Luote was silent and pondered over and over again. After a while, he looked at his paper armor and said softly.

"Grandfather, I still need some guards who are proficient in and are good at detecting intelligence. And instructors who can train such guards."

Only guards who are good at assassination can effectively prevent assassination. This kind of work requires special and professional training, and it has never been good for warriors who fight head-on.

"A guard skilled in assassination and detection..."

The high priest's expression changed. He lowered his eyes, thought deeply for a moment, and nodded slowly.

"Sholot, my child, I heard about the assassination you suffered in the south of the kingdom."

Having said that, the high priest's face was calm, but his words gradually became lower.

"There are indeed such talents in the Holy City. There are also special priestesses in the High Priests. Over the past few years, many assassinations against me have been prevented by them..."

"In a few days, I will let her see you, personal guard!"


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :