Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 468: The starting point of 1488 AD, the huge

The wind howled at the bow of the ship, and the turbid sea was churning. The eastern continent was covered by dark clouds and disappeared dozens of miles away. Dark clouds enveloped the sky, and the drowsy sky seemed to be collapsing. Large flocks of petrels screamed "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogime" swallows, like fleeing to the north.

And more than ten miles away in the south, thick black clouds stacked into mountains, cut off all the sea surface, and connected the sky and the sea into one! Looking from a distance, the churning waves and clouds are violently surging, with the light and cry of lightning, like an abyss that swallows everything!

"Lord! The real storm is coming!"

Bruno stood at the bow, his face turned pale, and he murmured. He watched the cloud storm rapidly approaching from the south, and his heart was full of ominous premonition.

It has been more than a week since the celebration of Epiphany. After the expedition fleet regained some morale, it continued to travel south for hundreds of miles. The desolate African continent still has no end in sight, but the sea of ​​sand stretching for thousands of miles finally came to an abrupt end and was replaced by a green field full of vitality.

The change of scenery along the coast made the sailors on board very excited. They had grown weary of the rolling sand dunes and wondered if it was the end of the world. And the appearance of green, more or less brought some expectations. In the wilderness along the coast, some wild deer and goats grazing can be seen faintly, which is even more exciting.

"The rapidly changing scenery, the large expanse of green vitality, and the extraordinarily lush aquatic fact, it indicates heavy rain and storm..."

A wry smile appeared on Bruno's face. He recalled the situation of the past few days.

Three days ago, the expedition fleet had reached 33-34 degrees south latitude, and it was still far away from the 40 degrees south latitude that the captain promised to return. On the other hand, the dark clouds on the southern sea covered the sky, and the continuous wind and rain seemed to freeze, and it seemed that it would never dissipate.

In the entire fleet, no one knows that this is already the southern border of the Atlantic Ocean, a dangerous area where storms and thunder are intertwined all year round!

Here, the warm Mozambique Agulhas Current flows from the Indian Ocean and the cold Benguela Current flows from Antarctic waters. The two met at the southern tip of the African continent, and along the continuous land, they collided with each other to their heart's content! When the warm current meets the cold current, it turns into a torrential rain that never disperses all year round. When the ocean current encounters the lateral obstruction of the land, it forms a huge wave. Coupled with the ten-level strong wind prevailing in the westerly belt in the mid-latitude area, it is simply a terrible storm!

The fleet waited here for a few days, and the crew members were full of emotions and discussions, saying that this was the end of the world created by the Lord. And further south, there is an endless and terrifying abyss, it is better to return to the voyage earlier...

Seeing this situation, Captain Dias stepped forward without hesitation. He resolutely hanged several sailors who took the lead in making trouble, hung their bodies on the mast, and successfully influenced and persuaded everyone. Then, he didn't wait any longer, and directly led the fleet to set sail, resolutely, headed for the stormy southern sea.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!..."

The violent northwest wind swept in, blowing the sails of the fleet, and blowing the canvas into an arc. The caravel sailboat flew towards the south wind and rain like an off-string feather arrow. The speed was so fast that even the hull kept tilting to the left, while the bow of the ship was pressed down one after another.

Bruno grasped the cable tightly and stared wide-eyed at the rapidly approaching storm in the southern sky. Feeling the wind on his face, he confirmed that the speed of the boat at this time far exceeded 20 knots, which had already reached the limit of a caravel sailboat. The new captain panicked and shouted at the sailors angrily.

"Damn it! Damn it! Why don't you all roll to the right side and press on the hull of the boat? Hurry up, take in the sails a little bit, take in a little bit!"

Hearing the captain's order, the sailors quickly split up. A few elite sailors braved the violent wind and adjusted the yard of the mast to reduce the angle of the wind. Soon, the speed of the ship decreased significantly, and the hull stabilized a little. And in the rapid speed, the sailboat has sailed into the edge of the southern storm. The dark clouds covered the sun, the sky dimmed instantly, and the continuous wind and rain came oncoming, making everyone drowned.

"Boss, boss! We can't go any further! Judging by the situation, the storm ahead will only get bigger! Hurry up and raise the semaphore, and ask Captain Dias to return!"

Braving the strong wind, Haroldo, the new boatswain, stumbled to Bruno's side, admonishing him in fear.

This time he went to sea, he was transferred from chef to bosun by Bruno. After all, he has a history of poisoning, even if he is an old brother who has done great things together, Bruno would not dare to eat his cooking.

Unexpectedly, Haroldo actually secured the position of bosun, and managed to subdue all the sailors by some means. As for the evil rituals he performed secretly while pulling the sailors, the pious and kind Bu Nuolu absolutely never heard of it, nor did he participate in it.

"Playing a semaphore?..."

Hearing this, Bruno looked towards the front of the fleet, the flagship "San Cristovan" was leading the voyage. The other party also retracted some sails, but still sailed straight to the south. Not far away, the square-sail supply ship closely followed the flagship without stopping. Bruno hesitated for a moment, until a wave of six or seven meters high hit him head-on, and then he trembled violently.

"Foda-se! Put the semaphore! Ugh..."


The turbulent waves rushed over the bow of the boat, soaking Bruno's head and face. The salty sea water washed over his face and poured straight into his eyes and mouth. After the waves passed, the new captain didn't hesitate anymore, he spat out the seawater in his mouth and shouted repeatedly.

"Bah, bah! Make a semaphore and request to return! Quick, quick!"

Soon, an elite sailor walked to the bow, waved two brightly colored flags, and asked the flagship to return. After a while, there was an extra sailor at the stern of the flagship, and he ruthlessly waved the flag in response.

"Don't return, continue south!"

"Don't return, continue south!"

Bruno stared, and saw the reply from the Dias flagship through the faint skylight, and his heart suddenly cooled.

"Crazy...Crazy!...Captain Dias is crazy!"

The strong wind comes from the northwest, and the sea current is turbulent to the southeast. In fact, by this time, the entire fleet had run out of options. The wind direction is consistent with the sea current, and it will continuously push the fleet towards the center of the storm ahead, making it impossible to return.


Another big wave hit, with majestic momentum, hitting the entire sailboat backwards. What is even more frightening is that in the wind and rain ahead, there is a roar of thunder, and lightning falls from the dark clouds! And the northwest wind became stronger and stronger, leading the sailboat straight, rushing towards the lightning deep in the storm!


A bolt of lightning crashed down, blasting hundreds of meters to the right, causing everyone's eardrums to tremble. Bruno's eyes suddenly lit up, then went dark again, and he was so shaken that he couldn't open his eyes. Bean-sized raindrops formed a line and hit his face in large numbers, smashing his entire face to pieces.

"Lord! Bless me!"

After a long time, Bruno came back to his senses and barely opened his eyes. The small Caravel sailboat heaved violently in the wind and waves, and the wooden barrels on the boat rolled back and forth, shaking everyone's footing. He lowered his figure, his arms were tightly wrapped around the cables, his legs were hooked on the ship plank, and he roared hysterically.

"Damn it! Damn it! Never mind the flagship's orders!...Leave the sails down! Let down the sails!"

Amidst the captain's roar, several bold sailors staggered, came to the mast, and frantically began to operate. The strong wind blew the sails and tightened the cables tightly, but it was difficult to untie them for a while.

"Fool! Cut it off!"

Hearing the order, a sailor staggered, took out the dagger from his waist, and cut the rope vigorously. The rope soaked up the water and became strong and slippery. The boat was heaving and heaving violently, it was difficult to exert strength at all, and it was unstoppable for a while. The other sailor saw that, his face was anxious, and he was about to step forward to help.


A terrifying sound of came from hundreds of meters away, like the roar of a giant monster in the deep sea!

Bruno turned his head to look, his face turned pale, and his whole body was trembling with fear. The sailors on the ship turned their heads and looked at each other, all terrified and at a loss, and even prayed on the ground in despair.

"O merciful Lord! Please, please!..."

Temporary prayers are useless. But for a moment, a monstrous huge wave, like a mountain, rose from the front side of the sailboat!

This huge wave is 15-20 meters high and more than ten miles long! The front part of the huge wave is like a towering cliff, while the back part is like a gentle hillside, with the power to cover the sky, pressing down ruthlessly like a mighty Titan! In the face of such huge waves, the 20-meter-long caravel sailboat is just a toy in the hands of a giant, and it has no way to resist it.

"Lord! Please..."

"Boom... boom boom!"