Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 472: The exploration of the kingdom of the la

Remember [] for a second,!

The sound of the drums was low, accompanied by the singing of the crowd, echoing in the wilderness by the sea. The bonfire burned, reflecting on the faces of both parties, showing seemingly the same smiles.

The old militiaman Chiwako smiled, looked at Chief Karan's expression carefully, and asked aloud.

"Friend, good! Wow! ... Where is that island with many seabirds?"

"Ah ha ha!"

Chief Karan smiled warmly, but did not answer directly. He looked at the bronze spears of the Prepecha warriors and asked with interest.

"My friend, your spears seem to be different from ours... may I take a look?"

Chiwako's expression froze, and after a few breaths, he nodded with a smile.

"Friend, good!"

After speaking, he called Puap a few words. The gray soil warrior was vigilant, pressing the bronze dagger around his waist with one hand, and passing the bronze spear with the other.

Chief Karan took the bronze spear and glanced at the bronze dagger of the Astragalus Warrior nonchalantly. Afterwards, he carefully observed the blade of the bronze spearhead, and then slashed it with the stone knife around his waist, his expression changed immediately. Surprised, he cried out eagerly.

"Friend, what did this spearhead do? It's so fast and tough!"

"...This is made of a special kind of stone. Friend, tell me the location of the island, this spear, for you!"

Chiwaco took a step closer, tentatively extending his arm.

Chief Karan was about to dodge subconsciously, but he held back immediately. He also stretched out his arm, bumping into the old militiaman, pressing each other's shoulders.

"Ahaha! Friends, the flame witness of the ancestors, I will tell you everything I know! But I have a request, and that is to trade such a fast and tough weapon with the tribe in the lake!"

"Huh? Trading weapons?"

Hearing this sentence, Chiwako was a little surprised. He looked at Chief Karan's expression again, but did not feel any obvious killing intent.

"It's not impossible. It's just, friends, what do you have that you can trade?"

Chief Karan's eyes flickered and he thought for a moment. The tribe has corn, beans, fish, pottery, cotton cloth and salt, but they are not abundant. Only a few rich stones in the mountains can be traded with the southern tribes. I heard that the southern tribes valued these useless things very much... He ordered a few words in a deep voice, and several guard soldiers left in a hurry and returned to the neighboring tribes.

"Friends, please be patient like the rock on the top of the east. The warriors return to the Horde, and they will be back soon."

Seeing someone leave, Chiwaco became more vigilant. He lowered his voice and spoke in Prepecha's dialect.

"Old Pu, you go and greet the warriors and let them make some preparations, just in case. If a large number of warriors from the Yorem tribe come..."

Puap frowned and nodded slightly. He disappeared for a moment, and when he came back, he took some of the most skilled warriors and vaguely surrounded Chief Karan in the center.

Chief Karan didn't realize it. He still smiled warmly and said.

"Friend, in fact, in our area, there are lush water plants, many trees, and many seabirds. The fishermen are fishing nearby, and the small islands are full of beautiful birds. But to say that the island with the most seabirds... To count the turtle island in the northwest sea!"

"Turtle Island in the northwest? How far?"

Chiwako was refreshed and asked.

"From here out to sea, along the coast, all the way to the northwest, past the yoeme of the yaqui people, then the guaymas, and onwards, until the combative The Sri people (seri). The big island in the sea is on the land of the Sri people, and their fishermen are also there.”

Chief Karan shook his head, even the deer head he was wearing.

"The fishermen of the tribe have to row a boat for more than ten days and park in the Yaqi village several times to get there. However, your boat is very large and fast, and it may not take that long... The legend of the turtle island is that it was transformed by a giant tortoise. , inhabited by innumerable flocks of birds. The Sri people occupy the large island and also occupy the nearby waters, and the fishing boats of other tribes are not allowed to pass through."

"Um...Yaki? Sri? Friend, can you tell me about them?"

"The Yaqui are our Mayo brothers. We worship the flames of our ancestors, grow the same corn, speak the same language, and bleed the same blood. As for the Sri..."

Speaking of Sri people, Chief Karan's expression turned slightly cold.

"What they say is completely different from the surrounding tribes, without our blood! Their ancestors came from the northern desert and had an unclear relationship with the aggressive desert people. They hunted wild beasts and seabirds, and went out to sea to fight. Fish, often migrate to camps. They will also **** prey and fish with various tribes, and even harass the villages of various tribes... Friends, we need your sharp weapons to drive away these wandering tribes!"

"Okay, wow!...friend..."

Chiwako responded mildly, thinking flashing in his heart. The fleet arrived at the big island in the northwest, and went to the land of the Sri people, I am afraid it will not be smooth... He thought about it and asked with a smile.

"Apart from the large island of turtles in the northwest, what else is there in the sea, an island with many seabirds?"


Chief Karan hesitated for a moment. This question is actually not a secret. If the tribe in the lake continues to go northwest, the Yomei and Guayma tribes along the way will know the answer.

"My friend, in our due west, it only takes two days of boating to encounter a long and narrow peninsula. The peninsula stretches all the way, very long, very long... On the peninsula, there are many, many, many flocks of birds. There are also many, many small islands nearby... It's relatively dry, it can't support too many people, and there are no large tribes. The middle of the peninsula is the land of the Kochmi people (i), and there is a small tribe, which is quite friendly. "

"Within two hundred miles to the west, there is a very long peninsula. It is relatively arid, with many seabirds and many small islands... Kochmi?"

Chiwako bowed his head slightly, sorting out the valuable information of Chief Callan. He was somewhat grateful for the frankness of the other party, the old face was full of smiles, looked into the other party's eyes, and nodded again and again.

"Friend, good! Good friend!"

"Well. Friends, we are good friends!"

Chief Karan smiled, held the wooden bell, touched the bell of Chihuaco, and stopped talking. The two laughed silently, and the atmosphere in the field changed again when more than a dozen tribal warriors hurried to the chief's side with rattan baskets on their backs.

Puap quietly clenched the dagger, narrowed his eyes, counted the number of people, and slowly let go.

Chief Karan's expression remained unchanged. After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his hand and took the heaviest rattan and dumped it on the ground. In an instant, the shining dark golden light shone into the eyes of everyone! Puap's expression suddenly changed, and greed flashed in his eyes.

Large piles of crudely refined gold ore were scattered at the feet of everyone, and some still had the dark color of the original ore, like pieces of golden pebbles. Among the gold nuggets, there are more tiny gold particles scattered like corn kernels, submerged in the grass and soil.

The gold and stones were scattered, and Chief Karan didn't care, just paying attention to the expressions of the messengers in the lake. Seeing the happy expressions on everyone's faces, he felt confident and confident.

There are many of these golden stones in the nearby mountains, as well as in the creeks between the mountains. Not only the land of the Mayo people, there are these golden stones, but also the land of the Yaqi people, the land of the Sri people, and even the Opata people in the northeastern mountains! There are all these golden stones on the land of the surrounding ministries, and there is no transaction value. In fact, the entire coastal Sonora region is full of large and small deposits. In the future, Mexico will be the largest gold and copper mine, with a quarter of gold production and more than half of copper mine production!

"Huh? This..."

Seeing the dazzling gold nugget, the old militiaman's expression suddenly froze. After a while, he nodded with difficulty.

"Friend, good friend! This business, do it!"