Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 487: The Siege of Water Valley City, the Fall

Remember [] for a second,!

"Wow! Wow! Wow!..."

Ding Zhuang, who was black, carried a bamboo basket on his back, like a moth fighting a fire, and came under the burning southern city wall. Soon, the big puff of sand rushed up, the fiery flames went out, and the pungent poisonous smoke was still dispersing. From time to time, "moths" fell to the ground, not dying quickly, but just fluttering on the ground in vain.

Seeing the death of the mothmen, the Tlaxcala warriors who oversaw the battle turned a deaf ear. They were just driving the moth people from a distance while looking nervously at the city head. Hundreds of corpses were already lying down on the entire city wall, and the blood flowed and solidified like a dark red swamp.

"Boom! Boom!"

The golden giant beast spit out thunder again, banging on the head of the city that was shaking people's hearts, hitting the wooden shields in the row. The sturdy wooden shield is like thin pottery, and it shatters in an instant! Countless sharp pieces of wood splashed and shot towards the warriors behind, causing a scream.

"Ah! It's the evil beast of the Mexicans, it's the evil thunder!..."

"Quick! Quick! Let the priests and elders of the holy city of Cholula come over! Hold a sacrificial ceremony and ask for the divine power of the God of Hunting to suppress the enemy's evil beasts!"

The Lord of the Water Valley, a noble noble of Tlaxcala, "Black Snake" Telcott roared angrily. He was wearing a gorgeous leather armor and a long crown of feathers. He was standing on a high platform behind the city wall with hundreds of guards. From this position, he could clearly see the situation outside the South City, and it was outside the enemy's shooting range. Of course, you still have to be careful about that terrifying thunder copper beast.

"Quick! The samurai fills the gap! The militia brings shields and arrows! Grab the lime jars! ... The Mexicas are lining up, and they will be attacking soon!"

"Black Snake" Telcott quickly ordered. He looked at the four fields and estimated that there were tens of thousands of Mexica legions, and his heart was full of remorse. He pursed his lips and suppressed his strong uneasiness. He always paid attention to the enemies outside the city, and also pondered the current situation.

"Too much! Too fast! Mexica, how come so many, so fast!  …"

The official expedition of the Mexicans began last December. In fact, as early as July and August, the four states of Tlaxcala received information about the mobilization of their old enemy from the priests of the holy city of Cholula.

In order to prepare for the war, the states finished their food harvest in early October, and then carried out a thorough mobilization. All tribal warriors were conscripted, and the frontier fortresses were filled with warriors and militias. And the noble "Cloud Serpent" gods of Tlaxcala also sent four messengers to ask for help, respectively to the northern Vastek divisions, the eastern Totonak divisions, the southern Mistec Alliance and the southeastern Sapo Turk Union.

At the end of October, Mexican scout teams began operating on the border. At the beginning of December, Mexica Tratoani and King Avit held a grand sacrificial ceremony in the capital, announcing that 100,000 warriors would go out to launch a divine war against the Tlaxcalans!

Regarding the "100,000 warriors" and "war of gods" claimed by the King of Mexica, "Black Snake" Telcott did not take it seriously before, and only regarded it as a false threat.

The "Battle of Flowers" between the two sides is going on every year and has been fighting for half a century. The Mexicans made numerous expeditions to the east, but failed to break the alliance of the four states. And the water valley city he guards is an important town in the south. It is located deep in the long and narrow valley of Tepeyakak. It is a fortified city built of stones!

Water Valley City is more than 100 miles away from the frontier fortresses. The city walls are towering and the terrain is dangerous. It is surrounded by mountains in the east and west, and the Tulsatian River flows through it in the north and south. It is not afraid of long-term siege, and it is extremely easy to defend and difficult to attack. In the past half century, the Mexicans have invaded the state of Tepeiac several times, and the troops have been under the water valley city, and they have nothing to do with the fortified city.

At that time, when I first heard the news of the massive invasion of the Mexicas, the priest and elder in the city, Shiloh, laughed loudly and left a rhetoric, asking the Mexicas to sacrifice 10,000 warriors to the **** of hunting under the water valley city. heart!"

"Hey! Elder Shiloh!..."

Thinking of this, "Black Snake" Tercot sighed. He looked at the enemy camp in the south, and on the spear he set up a few meters, there was just a white-haired feather crest head. Elder Shiloh's body fell outside the city. As a high priest who was shot, he would naturally receive the "honor" of hanging his head.

"God of hunting! How can you bear to watch the people of the cloud snake fall into desperation!"

Tercot was desperate. He looked outside the city, the mysterious black wolf king flag, fluttering high on the mountains in the distance. The unfamiliar hound flag was erected at the siege camp outside the southern city. As for the east and west sides of Water Valley City, different Mexica city-state flags were erected, symbolizing the familiar old rivals of various states. Only the north side leading to the hinterland has not yet been surrounded.

At the beginning of December, the Mexicans divided the north and south armies to attack the alliance of four states. The Northern Route Army was personally led by King Avit, and the Marshal of the Southern Route Army was the Mexican "Death God" His Highness, Shulot.

"...He is the most noble of the gods, who can listen to the enlightenment of the gods and use the divine power of the **** of war! He summoned the divine power of thunder and fire, and destroyed the mighty Tarasco kingdom with his own hands..."

"Black Snake" Tercot recited in a low voice the poetry of the West Expedition from the Mexica Union. Soon, a new round of fireballs rose again from the enemy's line, with burning smoke, and fell towards the city!


Telcott lowered his eyes, unmoved. He firmly believed that with the blessing of the "cloud snake", this kind of fireball would definitely not hit him. Sure enough, the fireball flew past him with a roar, and smashed into the hut dozens of meters away, igniting a large cloud of poisonous smoke. And the mothmen in the city were again driven by the warriors to extinguish the burning poisonous fire.

"Cough cough! The breath of the volcano demon... The priest of the holy city of Cholula said it well... It's a pity!..."

Turcott continued to reminisce, coughing.

From December last year to March this year, the enemy's situation is almost clear. The southern army of the Mexicans was estimated at 50,000 people, of which there were four official legions, all composed of warriors who were good at fighting. Among these legions, there are the most elite royal warriors in Mexica, the city-state warriors recruited from the south, the conquered Prepecha warriors, the Chichimeks from the north, and even the far west. The Turks Warriors!

Thousands of warriors from different sources gathered together, loyally serving under the banner of the black wolf king, rushing towards the east like a tide!

At the end of December, the canine squad of the enemy on the south road was the first to cross the mountains in the west and broke into the valley where the Water Valley City was located.

However, the Tlaxcala Four-State Alliance is a real city-state alliance, and the city lords of each city-state hold the actual power of the army of their own state. "Black Snake" Telcot, as the lord of the Water Valley, is the most powerful tribal leader in the southern state of Tepeyakak. Together with the "Water Snake" honorable noble Akotel and the elder priest Shiloh, he controlled 70% of the military and manpower of Tepeyakak State, and ruled nearly 300,000 moth people!

And to resist the Mexica invasion, the entire state of Tepeiac was mobilized. By the end of December, in the water valley city area, there were 12,000 Tlaxcala warriors, 3,000 Cholula warriors, and 30,000 tribal militiamen!

Yes, after the Union of Mexica announced the alliance of the four states of Tlaxcala, the holy city of Cholula officially made a decision to join the Tlaxcala side.

At the end of December, the messengers of the holy city communicated to the Quartet, asking for reinforcements from the various ministries of the Nahua sect. At the same time, the priests of the holy city also began to move, preparing to join the army of Tlaxcala, boosting the morale of the warriors.

In the face of the brutal war of gods of the old enemy Mexica Alliance, the Tlaxcala nobles everywhere have no possibility of surrender. There is a deep blood feud between the nobles on both sides, and the loser has to be sacrificed... Their only choice is to assemble all the samurai and militia, and fight the deadly enemy that has been fighting for decades!

The entire Tlaxcala tribe mobilized and resisted stubbornly. The canine team that first broke into the Mizutani Castle area did not achieve any results worth mentioning. Afterwards, thousands of canine warriors appeared in the mountains in the west, fighting fiercely with the tribes guarding in the mountains, staining the mountains with blood. On the other hand, the main force of the enemy on the south road, with the king flag of the black wolf, appeared in front of the mountain pass fortress group more than a hundred miles to the south.

In early January, tens of thousands of Mexican legions built large camps and gathered outside the mountain pass fortress group on the border.

After "Black Snake" Tercot, "Water Snake" Acotel, and Hilo Priest and Elder had a collegiate agreement, they let "Water Snake" personally lead the team and added a large number of reinforcements to the mountain pass fortress group. The entire southern border area, relying on the mountains and camps, arranged a total of 7,000 Tlaxcala warriors and 15,000 tribal militias.

From the point of view of the "Black Snake", the southern defense line occupies a favorable geographical position, and there is support from the Water Valley City. The warriors have high fighting spirit, sufficient food, and are equipped with many of the latest longbows... Not to mention indestructible, stable as a rock, they can last for at least half a year!

The initial situation was indeed similar to what "Black Snake" estimated. The Mexicans dispatched thousands of city-state warriors and tried to attack some mountain pass forts, only to leave hundreds of corpses in vain. By mid-January, however, many of the lower camps could no longer be held as the Mexicas built fireball-throwing wooden beasts. And at the end of January, when the heavy and large copper beasts, transported from the Texcoco Lake District, let out a thunderous roar and smashed the wooden camp...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The deafening thunder sounded from the south again, bringing an irresistible bombardment!

"Black Snake" Telcott closed his eyes in pain and prayed devoutly to the God of Hunting.

"O supreme **** of hunting! Please lower your boundless divine power to shut up the opponent's copper beasts and lose their roaring power! Your pious descendants will offer blood sacrifices for you..."

The first appearance of the Thunder Bronze Beast was shocking, and even more sow fear. The most critical mountain pass fortresses, even those built on high mountains with sturdy stones, fell in one day!

Frightened by the thunder's roar, the Tlaxcala knelt down to the **** of war, losing all will to resist. Thousands of samurai laid down their weapons and marched out of their mountain fortresses with a larger number of militiamen to surrender to their old enemies, the Mexicas.

By mid-February, most of the mountain pass fortresses that the Tlaxcalans had built for 30 to 40 years and stretched for dozens of miles had fallen, leaving only the last few stone castles guarded by nobles. As for the seven thousand city-state warriors and fifteen thousand tribal militia guarding the defense line, at least three or four thousand died in battle, and more than ten thousand surrendered.

In just one month, the strong mountain pass defense line was broken, and tens of thousands of Mexica legions poured in. "Water Snake" Arcotel had to take seven or eight thousand remaining soldiers and stubbornly retreated along the Tulsa River.

The Tlaxcalans take the "God of Hunting" as their main god, and take the incarnation of the "Cloud Serpent" of the "God of Hunting" as the noble bloodline of the gods. All honored noble nobles are related to "snake".

"Water Snake" Arcotel never thought of surrender. With his bloodline identity, if he surrendered to the Mexicans, it would definitely be a dead end. He summoned the tribes along the way, Ding Zhuang, and as a noble goddess, he ordered the mountain tribes to resist guerrillas and delay the advance of the Mexicans.

In February, the high priests of the holy city of Cholula came quickly to appease the turbulent warriors in time.

"...The **** of war of the Mexicans has fallen and colluded with the darkness of the ground! Those fire-breathing wooden beasts and thundering copper beasts are not the divine power of war gods, but the demonic power of volcano demons! Behold, Warriors of the God of the Hunt, those evil beasts still smell like craters! They will spread disease and darkness, so that the people of the God of the Hunt will never be saved!... Fight, warriors! You will fight for the Cloud Serpent Fight, but also fight for the earth under your feet!"

The priests' words finally appeased the warriors' hearts, but they could not change the balance of power between the two sides.

"Black Snake" sent the main force of the warriors in the city to meet the defeated "Water Snake". The 8,000 Tlaxcala warriors fought head-on with the 7,000 canine legions that were chasing after the enemy, but they were defeated by the hidden 1,000 bronze armored guards, and lost more than half of them. ..

At the beginning of March, the "Water Snake" was forced to retreat to the Water Valley City to meet up with the "Black Snake" who was sitting in the town. The two together, including Cholula's remaining reinforcements, only had six or seven thousand warriors left in their hands, completely losing their ability to fight in the field. However, the militia guarding the city was still very abundant, with 15,000 people remaining.

The south of Shuigu City has fallen since then. Large tracts of towns and villages, many tribes and warriors, were swept away by the Mexican army. The billowing black smoke rises from the Countless moth people are strung with hemp ropes and escorted to the southern sky, going to an unknown distance.

"...The cruel Mexicans, where are they going to be taken? Are the humble moth people also worthy of sacrifice to the gods?"

The cannon roared, drowned out the cry of despair, and the warriors lined up, ready to charge up the city. While trapped in the city of sorrow, a strange question suddenly flashed in "Black Snake" Telcott's mind. After counting his breaths, he shook his head, ignoring the fate of the moth people. Because, even the noble gods are now unable to protect themselves!

"O supreme **** of the hunt! Your gods are begging you again to shut up the other's copper beasts and lose their roaring powers!..."

It seems that he heard the prayer of the black wolf. Outside the southern city wall, the gunners who were using the guns finally stopped. They carefully touched the hot copper cannon, pushed the hardwood cannon hard, and pulled the copper cannon to the rear of the army formation. And a moment later, the fierce drums of war sounded just outside Nancheng, mixed with faintly audible pious shouts!

"Dong dong dong! Dong dong dong!..."

"Praise the Lord God!..."

"Dedicated to God!..."

"Roar! Roar!"