Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 489: The siege of Water Valley City, a decisi

Remember [] for a second,!

The flames burned and died, the poisonous smoke rose and dispersed, and the projected fireball seemed endless, dyeing the clouds in the sky gray.

The Mexicans threw the wooden beast for ten days, and there were scorch marks everywhere inside and outside the southern city. Ding Zhuang, who died of flames and poisonous smoke, probably had hundreds of thousands of people.

However, the holy city priests also found a way to use the divine power of the water **** to resist the evil power of the volcano demon: that is, soaking their clothes in water and covering their mouths and noses to resist the invasion of the volcano's breath. Inspired, the warriors believed in the blessing of the hunting god, still holding bows and arrows, and stood firm at the city head.

However, the good times did not last long. When the Mexican Thunder Bronze Beast arrived in late March, the situation took a turn for the worse. These copper beasts can swallow the roar of thunder and fire irresistible stone bullets. Even the thunder of the demons can never be resisted by ordinary people!

The thundering copper beasts bombarded for three consecutive days, the warriors and militiamen in Mizutani City were in turmoil, and their morale dropped rapidly. In order to appease people's hearts, the priests in the city held blood sacrifice ceremonies day and night, asking for the divine power of the God of Hunting!

Soon, the **** of hunting gave a response. The bronze beast outside the city suddenly exploded, and the bronze gun body flew out more than ten meters away, crushing four or five gunners into flesh. The priests were overjoyed, frantically cut their faces and prayed, and held a grander blood sacrifice. The defenders in the city were also excited and prayed devoutly to the **** of hunting. Unfortunately, such a blessing never happened again.

Subsequently, the Mexicans reduced the frequency of thunder and stopped bombarding them day after day. The copper beast would stop every half-day bombardment. Then, some barbarians from nowhere pushed the shield car forward and broke into the vicinity of the city wall. After the shield chariot was in place, there were some elite warriors in bronze armor, holding long bows, relying on the shield chariot to shoot each other with the defenders at the head of the city.

After that, they set up a cloud ladder and drove some barbarians to the city to fight with the defenders. The longbow warriors in bronze armor will take the opportunity to shoot, focusing on killing the warriors defending the city, consuming the elite of the defenders. After five or six days of this siege, the defenders in the city had already lost two or three thousand casualties, and the barbarians on the other side had also lost one or two thousand. And most of the casualties of the defenders were brought by these bronze armored warriors who were good at shooting!

"Damn bronze armor warrior! This **** hard bronze armor!!"

"Black Snake" waved his stick and cursed angrily. He stared at the faint white-gold figure behind the shield cars, and his heart was full of powerlessness and fear.

These bronze-armored warriors stayed five or sixty paces outside the city. No matter whether it was stones, spears or lime jars, they could not hit them. Only archers could shoot them. But their bronze armor is extremely sturdy, and they have a shield car to cover their figure. Even if they are shot into a sieve, they can still shoot against the city head!

On the water valley city, it is often necessary to kill a dozen or 20 Tlaxcala archers before they can shoot a bronze-armored warrior by chance.

A few days ago, "Black Snake" tried to send 500 elite warriors out of the city to attack. Unexpectedly, these bronze-armored warriors were still strong in melee combat, and they quickly scattered the elite who left the city, and almost took the city gate back. In the end, the "Black Snake" had no choice but to block the city gate and erect a large shield at the top of the city to resist the shooting of the Mexicas.

"Boom boom boom!..."

The third round of the drums of war struck, and the Mexican army moved again. Under the cover of longbow warriors, thousands of Tekes pioneers carried dozens of ladders, bowed their heads, and rushed towards the wall of Water Valley City! They were still descendants of soldiers, and they all wore gray-yellow rattan hats, thickened paper armor, and short bronze spears, but there was an extra cheap wooden shield.

Among the thousands of soldiers, there were also two hundred Tekes warriors mixed with them, holding a wooden shield in one hand and a bronze hatchet in the other. They are not responsible for carrying the ladder, but to carry out a decisive assault after the ladder hits the city head!

"Boom boom boom!..."

The drum of war was low, beating in my heart, like the footsteps of soldiers running. A thousand Teks pioneers carried dozens of ladders and quickly broke into the city within 20 steps. This was the most dangerous distance! The tribal warriors stepped up and shouted in a hurry, they were about to erect the ladder and hook it on the city head.

"Blessed by the Lord!..."

"Blessed by the hunting god! Throw rocks, throw ash jars! Quick!"

The Tlaxcala nobles at the head of the city shouted loudly, with a ferocious expression. Hundreds of militiamen guarding the city emerged, raised stones and pots, and threw them down the city.

"Bang! Boom!"

The fist-sized stone fell like raindrops, and with a huge gravity, fell heavily on the head of the Turks warrior. In an instant, the sound of "bang bang" was continuous, as if hundreds of watermelons burst, and the city wall was suddenly red and white!

The gray-yellow rattan hat was smashed into a concave shape, along with the similarly deformed skull, stained with dazzling bright red. Hundreds of Baitekos warriors collapsed under the blackened stone wall before they could even scream in agony. What terrified the tribal warriors even more was the clay pot filled with lime. As long as these pots fall, a large piece of white ash will float away, and then there will be a howl that is not like a human voice, and dozens of pairs of eyes that have lost their light!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The longbow warriors fired rapidly, focusing on the defenders holding clay pots. Several clay pots shattered and exploded at the top of the city, causing bursts of screams!

The commanding Tlaxcala nobles showed no mercy, and drove the militia to continue throwing. Seeing the casualties in Huichengtou, the "black snake" waved the flag and sent a wave of militiamen to Chengtou. In his opinion, the huge number of militias are only consumables for cruel wars, and they are still unbearable to use in field battles, so they should be used at this time!

The close-range throw only lasted for a moment, and the thousands of Turks pioneers fell by a third. A Turks team of dozens of people suffered more than half of the casualties and collapsed directly. More than 20 Turks descended and cried, dropped the ladder, turned around and ran towards the camp. Driven by this squad, many squads have faint signs of collapse. And the wooden ladders that successfully hooked onto the city head were less than half of the total.

"Knock the war drum! Don't stop! Supervise the preparation of the team, the fleeing fugitives chop off their heads and hang their heads on the spears!"

The black wolf did not change his face, and gave an order ruthlessly.


Hundreds of red-haired hunters overseeing the battle fired sharp arrows, accurately shooting down the deserters without letting any escape. Then, looking indifferent, they cut off the deserter's head and put it on a high spear. Soon, the sound of the war drums became more and more exciting, urging the Turks who were rushing into the formation to surrender, quickly set up the wooden ladder, and bravely climbed the city!

"Stern Lord God!"

"O merciful mother of snake gods!"

"Please bless us!..."

The vanguard of the battle formation, there is no way out, there will be no escape from death. Under the watchful eyes of dozens of deserters' heads, the remaining Turks descendants gave their last cry and tried their best to erect the ladder. Many even call for the "Mother of Snake Gods", which is the traditional belief of the tribes in the Hand Snake Basin. Unfortunately, the Tlaxcalans who also believed in the "cloud snake" could not understand the shouts under the city walls. And even if they understood it, they would never let it go!

The black wolf Toltec looked indifferent and indifferent. Fighting in battles is just like that. Life must be used as fuel to burn the bright red of death. What's more, this is a brutal war of gods to destroy the country! And to him, the thousands of Texian soldiers who were recruited during the Southern Expedition were all burning firewood!

"Not bad! These days, the enemy's lime pots are almost consumed."

General Black Wolf carefully watched the situation of the city head, and soon smiled. Under the urging of the war drums, most of the ladders hooked on the top of the city, and the first group of Tex warriors had already bit their hatchets, climbed up, and jumped into the top of the city. After half a cup of tea, the sound of fierce fighting sounded from the south wall of Water Valley City!

" Very good! The first group of warriors actually set up their feet at the top of the city, and they were not driven down immediately! It seems that the enemy's morale has fallen, and the city will be destroyed today!"

Toltec moaned excitedly. A cold light burst in his eyes, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the throwing pioneers who had been praying for a long time.

"Order, the Imperial Guard Corps, throw the vanguard and attack! Ignite the ball of divine power, and carry out a decisive charge! ... The heavy armored warriors are wearing armor, ready to take over the attack! ... Destroying Mizutani City, you are all the first!!"

"Dedicated to the Lord!!"

Throwing pioneers hold the sun talisman around their necks and call out their last prayers! Then, they took the lit divine power ball from the hands of the war priest, ran towards the ladder of the city wall, and ran to the death.

"Charge for His Highness!"

The heavily armored warriors put on heavy bronze armor and held huge copper axes in both hands. They are all elites of the Imperial Guard Corps, possessing the most skilled combat skills and the most violent killing intent.

The boundless killing intent rose in the army formation, as if it had reached a certain node. It burst out from the fiery chest, turned into the most ferocious roar, and echoed in front of the entire Water Valley City!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!!"