Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 507: Siege of Feathered Serpent, King's War


Half an hour later, the sound of the attacking drums slowed down a little, and the huge army formation started to run. The second batch of two thousand royal bow warriors moved forward quickly, approaching the city wall, and continued to suppress the city head.

Outside the city walls full of corpses, the first group of royal warriors heard the drums and fired their last feather arrows, killing the militiamen at the head of the city. After a few moments of fighting, they shot down two bags of feather arrows, and their stamina was exhausted for a while. At this moment, they took the bodies of dozens of bow warriors who were killed in battle and retreated from the city in an orderly manner.

"Boom... boom boom!"

The rhythm of the war drums changed significantly, once again becoming increasingly intense. Two thousand city-state warriors followed the order and rushed to the west and north walls. The first batch of city-state warriors in Chengtou suffered a lot of casualties, but they were unable to open up the situation for a long time, and only barely managed to gain a foothold in the city. The corpses of both sides fell like rain from the city head, and they were entangled and overlapped, and even the blood was connected into a small pool.

Seeing the arrival of the second batch of city-state warriors, the first batch of warriors breathed a sigh of relief and finally stopped insisting. They took cover alternately and retreated from the city head, giving up the gap that had been opened. The warriors of each state belonged to different legions and were not obliged to bleed for the attacks of other city-states.

"Praise the **** of the hunt! ... uh..."

Seeing the hundreds of remaining Mexica warriors retreating from the city, the Tlaxcala defenders just cheered, and a precise feather arrow roared and took away dozens of lives!

"Whoosh whoosh! Whoosh whoosh!"

The cutting-edge royal bow warriors shoot arrows quickly, focusing on killing nobles and warriors in the city! The two Tlaxcala nobles let out a miserable cry and fell from their backs, and the family warriors behind them panicked. However, the fierce arrow rain did not stop, and the "bang bang" hit the big shield at the head of the city, attacking and killing the emerging enemy, and also suppressing the throwing of the defenders.

"Praise the Lord God, fight for God!"

Led by the war priests, the second group of city-state warriors let out a cry. Then, relying on the cover of the bow warriors, they climbed to the top of the city one after another and continued to fight with the defenders.

Seeing the start of a new wave of siege by the Mexicans, Quehuiz, the city lord of the Feathered Serpent, gritted his teeth. He waved the command flag, and hundreds of Feathered Serpent warriors rushed to the top of the city to fill the line of defense of flesh and blood. The battle is close at hand, and the battle stick cuts through the body, and no one can escape. The bright red flower of life blooms up and down the top of the city; and the mournful song of death echoes throughout the snake city!

"Huh, the warriors of the family, finally retreated!"

The mountain patriarch Yzel, wearing bronze armor and a robe, stood in the army formation outside the northern city. This pair of bronze armor was gifted by the royal highness of the kingdom.

At this moment, Izel looked at the samurai who had finally retreated, and let out a long breath. There was both joy and sadness on his face. Today's battle of the Mountain Legion should have ended here, but another 200 warriors were lost.

"These days, the siege of the city has become more and more cruel. The Mountain Legion has killed six or seven hundred warriors, almost two thousand militia! The four city-state legions combined, it is estimated that two or three thousand warriors and six or seven thousand militia have also been killed or injured... And The king's royal family warriors were wearing sturdy bronze armor, but they just shot arrows under the city to suppress them, and the casualties were no more than 300 people! ... Let's fight like this..."

A glint of vulture flashed across Iser's face. But when he thought of the three royal legions that the king held, and the thousands of bronze-armored warriors and longbow warriors... Izel sighed deeply, murmured, and harbored hatred in his heart.

"Respect the king of the Mexica Confederation... You are my king, but not the king of the city-state warriors!..."

"Very good! The Gorgon Army of Weiphutland, succeeding the Mountain Army of Trokham, attacked the northern city! The Acidwood Army of Tepanikapan, succeeded the Reed Army of Atotonilke, Attack the West City!"

Avit watched the battle of the various city-state legions with a faint smile on his face. He meant something and said with a smile.

"In this way, the north city is 'gold', and the west city is 'wood'. In today's storm, the four city-state legions took turns to go into battle, and each of them sent a thousand warriors to the city! The warriors are fighting, and the archers' shooting is always required. Kill 2,000 defenders! After four or five days of attacking like this, I want to see whether 'Jin' breaks the city first, or 'Woo' breaks the city first!"

Outside the Feathered Serpent City, there are a total of four city-state legions from the four northern states of Mexica. They are Trokham state due west by north, Tepanikapan in the northwest, Weiphutland due north, and Atotonilke in the northeast. Well, the names of these four states are very tongue-in-cheek, but the original meaning is actually popular and straightforward.

Western Trokham, the capital is Toluca, Trokan, one hundred and fifty miles from the capital. Trokan means "mountain with much gold", that is, the city of gold. As the name suggests, Jinshan City is rich in gold, quite prosperous, and has undulating mountains. The Leman River meanders under the city and flows eastward into Lake Texcoco. The Mountain Legion came from here, and it governed 4,000 city-state warriors and 4,000 city-state militiamen. The legion commander is the mountain patriarch, the honorable noble Iszel.

Tepanicapan in the northwest, the capital is in án, Jocotitlan, that is, "the woodland among the sour fruit trees", so it is called the city of sour wood. Sourwood City is located along the Leman River, two hundred miles away from the capital. It is rich in wood and fruit and has a fairly prosperous population. The Acidwood Legion also had 4,000 city-state warriors and 4,000 city-state militiamen. The commander of the legion is the chief of the acid wood, the honorable noble Yotico.

In the north of Weipuchtland, the capital is Pachoacan, Pachoacan, which is the "land of canyons and gold", Gorge Jincheng. Xiajincheng is 180 miles away from the capital. It is very similar to Jinshan City. There are many hills and mountains outside the city, and it is rich in gold. It's just that there are not enough rivers, the farmland is not fertile enough, and the population is relatively sparse. The Xiajin Corps has only 3,000 city-state warriors and 5,000 city-state militiamen.

Northeast Atotonik State, the capital is Turango, which means "the hills among the reeds", that is, the city among the reeds. Weijian City is two hundred and forty miles away from the capital, the furthest. From Weijian City to the northeast, a hundred miles away, are the Vasteks who surrendered to the alliance.

In fact, Atotonik State was located between the Vastek people in the northeast and the Tlaxcala people in the southeast, and was the frontier of the Union's previous wars. Atotonilk () means "land between hot water".

There are many hot springs in the whole Atotonik state, and the land is very fertile, but one-third of the land is under the control of the Tlaxcala people. In the eastern part, outside the city of Hot Springs, there are two ancient holy springs for bathing, which are religious places with a very long history. It is said that the Temple of the Holy Spring has a thousand-year heritage and was built in the ancient Teotihuacan era. The Tlaxcala people have always occupied this place, and it was not until two months ago that they were conquered by the northern army of the Eastern Expedition!

In order to fight against the neighboring old enemy, the reeds city made every effort to mobilize 5,000 city-state warriors and 3,000 city-state militiamen to form a firm reeds army. The legion commander is the patriarch of the Reed family, the honorable noble Sintel.

These four glorious nobles lead the city-state are the real leaders of the northern states of the alliance. They hold independent armies in their hands, and their families inherit large territories. At this moment, they were all summoned by the battle of gods, and they led their troops to gather. Under the banner of attacking their old enemies, they were sent by the king to the forefront of the fight against the Tlaxcalans...

"The battle of the gods against the old enemy is a righteousness that cannot be refused! And the three royal legions in my hands are the general trend that cannot be disobeyed!"

Thinking of this, a cheerful smile appeared on Avette's cold face. He looked faintly at the **** battlefield, as if looking at the most beautiful scene. And the desire for conquest stirred violently in the heart of the young king, making him uncontrollable and whispering to himself.

"The supreme king is destined to conquer the Quartet! Whether it is the ministries outside the alliance or the states within the alliance, they must crawl under my feet! ... Haha!"

Avet's laughter echoed low on the hill, full of confidence in mastering everything. He enjoyed the war, and he kept waging it, gaining glory and power!

Because the cruel war will destroy the old order, and the strong will make everything new. And in the new order, loose alliances will be completely reshaped into a powerful, centralized empire!