Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 515: sunset at hilltop city

Remember [New] in a second! "Hey, in the city on the top of the mountain, is there a sacrifice?"

The sun rises to its highest height and descends with its fierce rays. Wearing bronze armor and holding a longbow, Black Wolf Toltek stood on a hillside, looking at the city on the top of the hill hundreds of meters away.

The area of ​​Shanding City is small, and there are hills hundreds of meters from the west and south sides, occupying a bit of a favorable location. A few miles to the east is a small river, and there is a large area of ​​reclaimed farmland along the river, which can be regarded as a piece of fertile soil. As for the mountaintop city itself, there is a circle of five or six meter high earth and stone walls, and a circle of sparse fences around it. Although the city walls are a bit low and the fences are very simple, they form a rough and complete defense to protect the defenders in the city. And if the defenders are sufficient and have the ability to attack, such a complete city cannot be captured in a day or two.

However, at this moment, there were only a few hundred Tlaxcala warriors and two or three thousand militiamen on the northern side of the mountain city. Most of the warriors from Tepeyakak State were buried in Shuigu City. And those who stayed in the city on the top of the mountain were only one or two thousand warriors and five or six thousand young and strong militia mobilized urgently.

Most of the defenders at the top of the city held hunting bows, spears and stones, and shouted twice from time to time, trying to intimidate the Mexica army outside the city. It's just that the number of warriors among them is too small, which instead reveals the emptiness in the city. Behind the city wall is the towering central pyramid. Dozens of priests of the God of Hunting were lighting the holy fire, dancing and singing crazily, offering sacrifices to human animals that came from nowhere.

Hei Lang glanced at it, and saw dark city walls, white cloth armor, yellow flames, and red blood stains, just like a picture of spring flowers blooming.

"Tsk tsk, it looks decent! It's just, what's the use of offering sacrifices at this time?"

Black Wolf grinned, showing his sharp teeth. Then, he waved his hand and waved his longbow excitedly, his fighting spirit burning like fire.

"Haha, it's rare that His Highness isn't here! Is this mountaintop city a soft persimmon or a hard rock? Let me try it myself!"

"Okay! Boss, the red hair of the legion will go with you! When this city is broken, the warriors... be happy!"

"Well. Pass down the order and let the warriors fight bravely! Break down the city on the top of the mountain and plunder for two days without leaving a single nobleman!"

"Aww! Chief Black Wolf, good chief! Kill, kill, kill!"

Soon, the ups and downs of howling wolves sounded from the mountaintop city, carrying undisguised killing intent. Afterwards, tens of thousands of Mexica troops rushed in like a tide, and within two or three quarters of an hour, they formed several army formations of different sizes. And a black wolf's flag was directly planted in the field outside the northern city, only two or three hundred meters away from the city!

"Boom boom boom!..."

The low-pitched battle drums sounded, giving the order to attack. The defenders at the top of the city were frightened, watching the elite army attacking in an orderly manner.

The first was two thousand Tlaxcala soldiers, wearing the same costumes as the city leaders, holding simple wooden shields, and holding ordinary short spears. Carrying dozens of ladders, under the supervision of hundreds of Mexica warriors, they broke through the wooden fence twice and quickly approached the city.

Behind the surrendered soldiers were more than 600 armored red-haired hunters, who marched almost simultaneously with the descended soldiers.

These elite sharpshooters each hold a longbow, wear copper armor, and a copper helmet, and they don't look like wilderness barbarians at all. The equipment on them is far better than that of ordinary Mexica warriors. This is all Hei Lang asked for from His Highness with a shy face!

The black wolf stood in the center of the red-haired hunter in high spirits. He personally led the armored guards to attack the northern city wall, handed over the western city wall to the red monkey Ozoma, and handed over the eastern city wall to the red frog Keka, and supported the attack at the same time.

"Hey, this is called, that, three omissions and one omission!"

"That's right! Hunting bison in the wilderness is the same. Surround three and drive towards one!"

The personal guard Miwa smiled foolishly, and also changed into a bronze outfit, looking stupid and capable.

"Boom boom boom!..."

The drums of war gradually increased, and the Tlaxcala soldiers approached the city, and they were within a hundred steps in a blink of an eye. The aristocrats commanding the city shouted, and the defenders threw and shot arrows down the city desperately, not caring who the descendants were. In fact, most of the city-states only care about themselves, and they will not show mercy to warriors of the same clan in other city-states!


The soldiers who surrendered were only wearing thin paper armor. After a few rounds of shooting, they were all dead, and two or three hundred people were lost. They howled indiscriminately, uttered crazy shouts, and braved the continuous rain of arrows, desperately erecting the ladder to the top of the city.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A round of sharp feathered arrows rose from the red-haired army formation outside the northern city and landed on the low city. This wave of feathered arrows was surprisingly accurate, directly killing ten or twenty warriors defending the city, and even more militiamen!

"Rush up! Kill!"

Hei Lang stood within sixty steps of the city, facing the arrows of the defenders. He raised his hand and shot an arrow to death a warrior guarding the city. Then, he shouted sharply, urging the soldiers in front to surrender.

"Kill! Climb the undead first, join the legion, become a regular soldier, and then be promoted to a third-level warrior!"

If you can become a soldier, you will leave the precarious surrender camp and become a member of the kingdom's warriors. And if you are promoted to the third level of warrior, you can grant land and slaves, and become a master from then on!


The captured surrendered soldiers uttered frantic cries and climbed to the top of the city. From time to time, people were hit by stones and spears falling from the top of the city, and fell to the ground screaming. But the city wall of Shanding City is relatively low, and many soldiers fell down, but they didn't die, they just kept wailing.


A large group of surrendered soldiers boarded the top of the city, brandishing short spears with all their strength, and fought with the similarly poorly equipped militiamen. Arrows continued to shoot from the army formation below the city, shooting both sides to death at the same time. The number of warriors defending the army decreased rapidly, and the morale of the militiamen also dropped rapidly. After only a quarter of an hour, the enemy on the north wall showed signs of collapse.

"Good! Good! Refreshing!"

Black Wolf laughed heartily. In the past quarter of an hour, he has shot to death more than a dozen warriors one after another, and he has also been hit by several arrows. However, these feather arrows are soft and soft, and they are all inserted on the cloth-covered copper armor, just like feather ornaments. The black wolf neither dodged nor pulled out the arrow, but just stared at the top of the wall. It wasn't until the enemy at the head of the city first showed signs of defeat that he shouted violently and ran down the city wall.

"Red-haired personal guards, follow me, go in and shoot! Put the feathered arrows in their faces and shoot!"

Cereal pulp

"In the face and shoot 'em!"

The leader who leads by example is the most inspiring. The red-haired hunters shouted in unison, and their fighting spirit boiled in an instant. They rushed to the bottom of the city at a fast pace, directly against the face of the guard at the top of the city, and shot fiercely with arrows!


Miwa narrowed his eyes, aimed for half a day, and suddenly shot a bronze arrow. The shrill sound of piercing the air was heard instantly, but with just one breath, it hit the nobleman of Tlaxcala wearing a feather crown on the head of the city a dozen steps away. The sharp copper arrow shot precisely into the neck, pierced the trachea and blood vessels, and the arrow came out from the other side!

"Ho ho! ..uh..."

The nobles at the top of the city opened their mouths, but they couldn't make a sound, only a large mass of blood gushing out. Then, after a painful pause, he fell down suddenly and died on the spot.

"Ah! Noble serpent-born nobles!..."

In an instant, the warriors at the top of the city panicked. Some jumped at the corpse, some retreated backward, and some howled wildly, at a loss.

"Okay! Okay! This is the moment!...It's time to break the city! Break the mountain city, the rich woman is ours!"

Seeing the chaos at the top of the city, Hei Lang was overjoyed. He keenly grasped the opportunity of the battle, threw away the longbow, pulled out the copper ax from his waist, and climbed up like a fighting wall.

"Aww! Go!"

"Aww! Go!"

The leader of the black wolf promised that it would be as important as it was, and he never slipped a word. The red-haired hunters let out howling wolves, pulled out their copper axes one after another, and climbed to the top of the city. Like a torrent of red, they merged into the city and directly washed away the last resistance!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the defenders in the northern city howled frantically and collapsed suddenly. Masses of militiamen dropped their weapons and knelt in surrender. More people panicked and fled frantically to the rear. Seeing the terrible scene of the city being destroyed, the priests of Tlaxcala on the temple cried out in despair. Then, they turned back and ran towards the temple of the hunting god.


After a while, a raging flame ignited from the temple. It burned the wooden walls, burned the ancient murals, burned the feather ornaments, burned the gold and silver sculptures... Afterwards, there was a pungent smell, accompanied by unhuman cries.

"O God of Hunting!...Ah!..."

"Huh?...These priests are quite sexual!"

The black wolf stood upright on the top of the city, wearing red armor and hanging a **** battle axe. He looked at the burning temple, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Haha! I know this word! The burning temple is the conquest in graphic text!"

"Yes! It's the same in the wasteland. Once the hostile tribes are burned down, the conquest will be called to conquer!"

Miwa smiled foolishly, his whole body was drenched in blood. He looked at the large number of militiamen who surrendered in the city, and at the gorgeous houses in the center of the city, and asked expectantly.

"Boss, next, do you want to do something...happy?"

"Huh? Hurry up!"

Hearing this, Hei Lang raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand with a smile, and slapped Miwa on the head hard.

"Happy things? Follow me, Hei Lang, from across the world, are you afraid that there will be no happy things?"

"Ah? Cong Hengtian?"

Miwa scratched his head, not quite understanding the meaning of this word. But it doesn't matter, only the leader of the black wolf, who has learned some lessons from the great chief, will speak some difficult words. As long as the warriors can run and kill, why do they learn so much!

" Then what are we going to do?"

"Let's get down to business."

The black wolf looked solemn, stood on the high wall, and shouted at the guards on both sides.

"Send five hundred people to block the south gate for me! Send two hundred people to control the warehouses in the city! Then tell the stubborn Tlaxcala warriors and militiamen to lay down their weapons and surrender without killing!"

Well, surrendering is not killing, just being a slave. In his heart, Hei Lang added with a sneer. Then, he looked to the west where the legion came, and finally gave the order.

"Miwa, you are the best at running! Go, bring a few people, and meet His Highness outside Shuigu City. Just say..."

"Boss, what are you talking about?"

"Haha! I, the black wolf Toltek, captured the mountain city in just one day!"


Miwa stood at the top of the city, in front of everyone, took off the copper armor two or three times, and then threw the copper helmet away. Then, he jumped, rolled down the wall with ease, and ran towards the west without stopping! In front of him is the gorgeous setting sun, and behind him is the burning temple!