Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 523: promise of death

Remember [New] in a second! The darkness extended in the hall, bringing death-like silence. The shadow hit the heart and fell on the face, making the face blurred. Only two pairs of old and deep eyes remained, looking at each other in silence.

"Clang, clang..."

Soon, two elder guards walked in with short soldiers. They took out the kindling, lit the candles under the mural, saluted respectfully, and then retreated silently. The candlelight was lit brightly, and it fell on the two white-haired old men, casting long, deep shadows. And the real shadow, Chevali, stood beside the two of them, holding the clay pot in one hand and holding the copper ax in the other.

Silence spreads, silence is soundless. The elder lowered his eyes, his expression was calm, and he waited patiently. There was no killing intent on his face, nor any urgency. He just smiled calmly, as if he was still remembering that long and real dream.

The high priest closed his eyes, and many memories flooded his mind. There are deceased fathers and grandfathers, dead wives, children who died young, and hope for continuation. The long time, flowing in his heart, is like a peaceful river, making death dull.

He thought of his own youth, that was the era of the former king Iscoartel, the newly established Three Kingdoms Alliance, and the capital city in the lake that was just showing its majesty. He thought of his youth and middle age. It was Teotihuacan, the ancient holy city that had gone through vicissitudes in the time of the former king Montezuma. Then he thought of his own old age, and of the hope that grew from the precocious chick of the holy city, to the young feather of the capital, to the eagle with wings spread in the west! ...Gradually, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and it bloomed unrestrainedly.

After a long time, the high priest straightened his spine. For the first time, he looked straight at the elder and nodded slowly with the same majestic gesture.


Hearing this, the elder opened his eyes. He looked at his nephew, seeing the calmness and calmness of the other party in the face of death, and smiled with relief and satisfaction.

"Okay! Shuttle, you didn't disappoint me."

The high priest looked calm, nodded, and did not speak. He looked at Chevali beside him, stared at the small clay pot, calmly waiting for death. He already knew what was in the other party's clay pot.

There was a smile on the corner of the elder's mouth. Looking at the high priest's expression, he whispered faintly.

"My child, not at this time, not here."

"Huh? Elder?..."

Hearing this, the high priest was slightly taken aback. The calmness on his face was finally broken, showing a little surprise.

"Sitre, I won't live long, but I can last two days."

The elder smiled lightly, confessing life and death.

"Your body can't live for two years, but you can still travel far."


The high priest was silent, waiting for an answer, an answer about death.

"Before returning to the sacred tree, don't you want to see that child again?"

The elder smiled kindly and asked calmly.

The expression of the high priest changed suddenly, and a little light gradually lit up in his heart.

"what do you mean?..."

"It's just the two of us going on the road, so it's inevitable that it's a bit deserted. In this world, there are too many old guys who don't want to leave, occupying too many positions..."

The elder smiled, his expression gentle and calm. At this moment, he looked like a benevolent old man, holding a broom called death in his hand, hoping to clean the house.

"The holy city of Cholula, the family of the twelve priests, has lasted for too long... let's take them with us!"

"Take them, together?"

Hearing this, the high priest suddenly laughed. His smile is pure and clean, like a hardworking child who also wants to clean the house.

"Well. The holy city of Cholula is where the hearts of the world live. There is no big reason, and children are always difficult to do it."

The elder smiled and nodded, the corners of his mouth curled up. He thought of the familiar old man in Cholula, and he did miss it a little.

"Just a few more days, let's make a death pact. I'll let you go and meet the kid first, and then go to Cholula City, and catch up with the old guys... Their magic smoke is good, burn it The fragrance is good, the medicine is also good, you can enjoy one or two...then, you can leave there!..."

"Where do you leave?"

The high priest narrowed his eyes, thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

"I's not bad!"

"Well. I will let the shadow Chevali, with you, leave the city in the lake."


The elder ordered calmly. This is a guarantee and a contract. Of course, form is bigger than reality.

"...You go away for two days, and I will come when the shadow returns."

"Ha, the promise of death!..."

The high priest raised his mouth. He looked at the elder's face and asked with a smile.

"Elder, don't you worry if you let me go?"

"Sittle, my boy, I believe in you."

The elder's eyes were deep, with a light smile.

"After I leave, the balance of power in the alliance will be broken. If you don't want to see the children make mistakes, you will make a choice."

"Indeed. After the warm sun sets, the cold darkness descends. Certain things are unavoidable..."

The high priest thought for a moment, then nodded slowly. With the planning of the elders, there will be countermeasures. The food roads of the South Route Army are all in the hands of the capital in the lake. And if he leaves the capital in the lake, most of the influence he can exert will be lost... Now, it's not time for Xiulot to take over.

"Forget it! With my body, there is no need to live another year or two."

The high priest smiled in relief, stretched out his hand again, and put on the revered feather crown to cover his silver-white hair.

"Elder, then we have agreed to meet at the sacred tree!"


The elder smiled happily. It was the first time in many years and it would be his last. He smiled and stretched out his hand, holding the arm of the high priest, who was equally skinny and old.

"For the alliance."

Hearing this, the high priest shook his head and replied solemnly.

"No, for my grandson."

"It doesn't matter. Your grandson is the future of the alliance."

The elder promised calmly.

"I will leave a will and hand it over to him."

Hearing this, the high priest paused and nodded heavily.

"Okay! Lord God bless you!"

At this moment, the face of the high priest Xiutel showed a rare piety. He rarely prayed like this, but now he was full of hope.

The elder was slightly taken aback. He was silent for a while before responding softly. For the first time, he prayed devoutly to the **** he had personally created.

"Lord God bless!"

The two old men lowered their eyes and prayed for a few breaths at the same time. Then, the high priest stood up, looked deeply at the elder for a while, and asked the last question.

"Elder, after I leave, who will take over as the high priest?"



"Well. In the past few years, the pace of religious reform has gone too far. The power of the priests is also too great. After we leave, we don't need to make strong changes, and we don't need to go any further... Rest Take a break and wait for a generation."


The high priest was silent for a moment, bowed his head, and saluted solemnly.

The elder smiled and nodded slightly as a return gift.

Afterwards, the high priest turned around and left without staying any longer. And behind him, followed by a silent shadow, disappeared into the dark corridor together.

The elder stared at it for a moment, smiled calmly, and closed his eyes. The deep dark sea struck again, swallowing his soul into it, bringing with him a dream that was difficult to break free from. Then, a beam of faint light lit up on the sacred tree in the dream, slowly guiding him to the end of eternity.