Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 530: fire of vengeance

The dead silent room was shrouded in darkness, dissipating all life. Surrounded by the distant divine smoke, the soul will go to the kingdom of God. And through the ceiling of the quiet room, you can see the dark night, even the stars are hidden.


The wooden door opened gently, and the shadow entered silently. Through the dim light of the aisle, he quietly looked at the sleeping old man. Then, he took two steps forward, squatted down, and took a careful breath.


Chevali, who has always been like a sculpture, finally let out a low sigh. He stood up and bowed solemnly to the corpse of the high priest. Then, he left silently again, taking away the clay pot with the yellow clay lid.

The wooden door closed again, and time flowed in the darkness. It was not until the night was dark, nearly midnight, that a middle-aged personal guard came quickly, ready to serve the high priest to rest.


The personal guard Ewa stood at the door and called out respectfully. The door was silent, and there was no response. A faint divine smoke floated out from the crack of the door, without a bit of light, just like the shadow that hit my heart.


Guard Ewa frowned, it seems that there are no candles in the house? He is from a family warrior of the Holy City family, similar to Etalic, Elvi, and Esco. His family has served the Holy City royal family for generations, and he can only serve as the sidekick of the high priest after proving the loyalty of generations. At this moment, he felt a shudder in his heart, and an ominous premonition arose, and he decisively pushed the door and entered.

A faint light came from the candles in the corridor, illuminating the small quiet room. The old high priest lay reclining on the ground, motionless, showing his silver hair. He seemed to be in a deep sleep, had a long dream, and even had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

In front of the high priest, there is a table. There was an empty bowl, two burnt out divine smokes, and an empty can. On the farther wall, there is an extinguished candle, silently witnessing everything.

Ewa was sluggish for a few breaths, followed by a panicked shout!


He threw himself to the ground with a jerk, and reached out his hand tremblingly to the end of the high priest's nose. He waited in anticipation for a long time, his face slowly showed despair, and he finally shouted sharply.

"Come on! Come on! Something happened to the high priest! Come on!!..."

Chaotic footsteps came from all directions. More than a dozen family warriors who were close guards arrived first. When they saw the scene in front of them, their faces showed incredible shock and fear.

"what happened?!"

Eckart, the captain of the guard, came hastily. He was just outside the mansion, inspecting the guards and defenses of the warriors. The people lived in the city of Cholula, and they had deep disbelief and vigilance against the nearby Tlaxcalans and the so-called Toltecs. Seeing this scene in front of him, Eckart immediately stood on the spot. Soon, he widened his eyes and shouted sharply.

"Who? Who killed the high priest?!"

"When I found it, it was like this. The high priest didn't have any scars on his body, his face was blue with a smile, it must be poisoned! ... And the case is full of smoke and potions, all of which are Cholula. Sent by the priests!"

Eva gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. With tears in his eyes, he complained angrily.

"The high priest, poisoned by the priests of Cholula!"


Hearing this sentence, the eyes of the family warriors instantly became wet. All their honors and disgrace are tied to the Holy City lineage. And to murder the high priest is to murder their elders!

"The priests of Cholula, dare to poison the high priest!..."

The evidence is conclusive, and there is no need to do what he thinks. The high priest came to negotiate and coerced a group of elders, but was poisoned by divine smoke and potions... The captain of the guard, Ekat, instantly clarified everything, and flames ignited in his eyes. From the very beginning, he had never trusted anyone in Cholula!

"Damn! Damn! These demons who should go to the abyss!..."

"what to do?!"

"Send messengers to scold the Cholula priest and find out the murderer?"

"Damn! They are all murderers! Go out and kill all the evil **** priests here!"

"You have to report to His Royal Highness Shulot in the south! Send someone to report the capital!"

"No! The most important thing right now is to take the high priest's body out!"

Many family warriors discussed quickly, and quickly came up with an outline, but it was unclear what the order was.


The captain of the guard, Eckart, pulled out his copper axe violently, and with a slashing slash, cut off a corner of the case.

"Shut up! We Mexicans only rely on the swords in our hands to do things, and we don't need words! ... Now, the high priest of the alliance died here, in the hands of the Cholula people. All the people in this city will be buried with him! What kind of **** priest family, what **** priest elders, kill them all, cut off their heads, and pay homage to the high priest!"

"Dang! Dang!"

Hearing the words of the captain of the guard, the warriors drew their copper axes. They turned their grief and anger into boiling killing intent, and then shouted fiercely.

"Pay homage to the high priest! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"The Lord God bless!"

The captain of the guard, Eckart, shouted sharply, his eyes burning. He made a decision and, as the captain of the guard, gave orders.

"Eva, give you fifty warriors, and send the high priest's... holy body back to the southern camp! Please, His Royal Highness Shilot, quickly send an army to attack the city of Cholula and avenge the high priest!"

"Yes, captain of the guard! I will do my best to deliver the holy body of the high priest!"

Guard Ewa bit his lip and clenched his fist to swear.

"Okay! There will also be a messenger all the way to the capital..."

Saying that, Eckart, the captain of the guard, moved his gaze. He looked at the shadow Chevali wearing a black cloak. The other party was said to be the elder's personal guard, and he was very popular with the high priest. He was always with him.

"I will rush back to the capital immediately and report back to the elders and the high priests."

Shadow Chevalli bowed his head slightly and saluted.

Captain Eckart nodded in return. He never doubted each other. Because, the other party is the one whom the high priest shows his trust.

After arranging the two messengers, he gritted his teeth and looked at the moonless night sky outside the window. The night sky was dark, and only the candles of the stars were lit in the temple near the Great Pyramid. The magnificent man-made mountain is towering not far away, just across the inner city.

Eckart narrowed his eyes, looked at the towering inner city wall, and shook his head regretfully.

Most of the priests and elders lived in the inner city, but with the number of warriors in his hands, it was definitely difficult to break through. He turned his head again and looked around the bustling outer city. Many bonfires were lit in the wood and stone noble mansions. Between the mansions, there are large huts and straw huts. If there is a fire...

"The remaining one hundred and fifty warriors, come with me!"

Eckart clenched the battle axe in his hand with determination to kill. He was so hard that even the veins appeared on his arms.

"Wait for Ewa to set off, bring all torches! In groups of ten, set fire to the outer city and drive the civilians to flee! If you encounter an enemy in a small group, try your best to kill it! If you encounter an enemy in a large group, avoid it for the time being! God bless! Let go and do it, let the city of Cholula turn into a sea of ​​fire and avenge the high priest!"

"Blessed by the Lord God! Avenge the High Priest!"

The Mexica warriors present, Qi Qi made a cry. Then, everyone no longer hesitated and acted quickly.

The bodyguard, Ewa, carried the high priest's corpse on his back and carefully tied it to him. Under the **** of fifty elite warriors, he immediately set off for the southern camp fifty miles away. Afterwards, Shadow Chevali saluted, took a deep look at the Great Pyramid in the shadows, and disappeared into the deep night.

After another half an hour, the captain of the guard, Ekat, waved his hand suddenly, and more than a dozen teams of Mexican warriors dispersed. Soon, the raging flames ignited in the outer city of Cholula, accompanied by a roar of grief and anger, and ferociously charged with ferocity!

"Blessed by the Lord! Avenge the High Priest! Kill!..."


Intense shouts of came from the outer city far away, floating on the Great Pyramid of Cholula. Petel was resting in the side hall, and suddenly woke up when he heard a faint voice.

"Huh?! What happened?"

The priest leader rubbed his dazed old eyes and barely got up from the bed. He smoked some superb divine smoke, communicated with the gods, and had a half-sleep and half-awake dream. In the dream, he sat high on the pyramid of the Great Temple, with the creeping Mexica moths below. The mothmen shouted reverently, praising the name of the new high priest, that is...


When Petel recalled this, his face immediately froze, why wasn't it his own name? He turned his head, looked out of the city from the high pyramid, and saw the flames gradually rising, burning in the south of the outer city! And he turned his ears to listen, and finally heard the content of the shout, which shocked him!

"Blessed by the Lord! Avenge the High Priest!... Kill!... Kill!... Kill!"