Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 551: The battle of the tree snake city, the o


The raindrops are sloppy, disturbing people's hearts. The fight just now seemed long, but it was actually only half an hour. At this moment, dusk came in the heavy rain, and the shouts of killing in the city were disturbing. The dim skylight fell on Tessie Whitt's suddenly changed face, revealing a dash of shock and deepness.

"What did you say?"

The burly turquoise general took a step forward. He stretched out a large hand and grabbed Travitt's shirt tightly.

"Damn, make it clear to me!"

"...cough cough!"

Travitt's chest hurt for a while, and he couldn't help coughing. He took a few breaths, glanced at his wife behind him, and replied in a low voice.

"The death of your master has other secrets... I can tell you everything I know! But, you have to swear to the Lord God and let me and Chichipati be spared!"

"Hehe...let you go?"

Hearing the cloud snake hunter's words, Tessie Whitt's brows raised, her heart was very irritable, and her killing intent was almost boiling. Regarding the death of the legionnaire, he was actually a little uncertain... The burly general let out a sneer, without hesitation, he punched him.



The heroic cloud snake hunter groaned, and the end of his nose bleeds. The pattering rain fell on his face and into his mouth, bringing a strong **** smell. Travito gritted his teeth, pursed his lips, and remained silent. This kind of irritable performance of the opponent is very different from the calm fighting style before, it can be seen that he is confused and cares very much.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Tessie White punched three times in a row, and the Cloud Snake Hunter, who hit him straight, had a bruised nose and a bruised face.

"Praise the Lord God! Kill them!"

The cries of the Mexica warriors were getting closer. The brigade of Alliance warriors scattered and were cleaning up the remaining enemies in the city. I am afraid that it will not be long before warriors from the royal family or other city-states will arrive. At that time, these noble captives will be handed over to the king as sacrifices during the capital festival.

"Despicable Archer!"

Tessie White suppressed the flames in her heart, stared at each other's eyes, and shouted angrily.

"Quick, tell me! Everything that happened that night!"

" swear to the Lord God, let us go!"

The cloud snake hunter answered. His mouth was swollen, and his voice was a little muffled.


Tessie Whittle pursed her lips and raised her left hand with another rocky punch.


The cloud snake hunter was hit **** the jaw, causing a concussion to the brain. The unbearable pain came in an instant, causing him to scream.


"You, tell me or not?"

Tessie Whitt's eyes widened, like a tiger and a leopard who wanted to eat.


Cloud Snake Hunter was sweating like rain, his face was twitching, but the corner of his mouth tried to raise a smile.

"You... swear first..."


Tessie Whittle gave a low growl and raised her fist again. He looked at the cloud snake hunter who was about to be knocked out, paused for a moment, and then slowly lowered his hand. He stared fiercely at the cloud snake hunter, thought for a while, and finally made a promise amid the nearby shouts of killing.

"Hoo... despicable archer! Tell me, everything you know! If the death of the legionnaire really has nothing to do with you, I'll let you go!"

"You... swear! Leave me and my wife alone!"

The cloud snake hunter gritted his teeth and demanded stubbornly. For traditional warriors who value honor, the oath is the guarantee that can be trusted.

"...witness of the Lord God! I, Tessie Whittaker, swear by the glory of a samurai! And you, too, swear to the gods!"

Tessie Whitt clenched her fists, resisted the killing intent in her heart, and said word by word.

"You, tell me everything you know about the night attack! If the death of the legionnaire has nothing to do with you, I will let you all die!"

"Okay, it's a deal!"

The cloud snake hunter had a hard smile on his bruised and **** face.

"The cloud snake witness! I, Travert, swear by the glory of the samurai, and what I say next is the truth!"

"Say it!"

"Huh, huh... That night, I saw the arrows shot at your master from the side and rear of the army formation."

Travitt panted, recalling the scene that night. Although only half a month had passed since that rare victory, it felt like a lifetime ago.

"And at that position, I didn't see the attacking tree snake guards, nor did I send an attacking team before!"


Hearing this, Tessie Whit's expression changed, cloudy and sunny. There was a turbulent wave in his heart, like a flood hitting a rock, making a roar.

"go on!"

"...After the battle, I brought the warriors back to the Tree Snake City. The city mainly rewarded the warriors who have made meritorious deeds, and I searched for the remaining tree snake guards, but couldn't find anyone who was shooting arrows..."

Travitt glanced at the other party's gloomy face and carefully organized the language. The heavy rain blocked everything, and only the two people close to him could hear his low voice.

"I've thought about it carefully these past few days. It was very dark that night, and your master was wearing thick armor and was guarded by a military formation. Even with my archery skills, it's hard to shoot him..."

"And the person who can shoot an arrow through his neck must be very close, and his archery skills are very strong! He shot this precise arrow from the angle that the guards were not wary of... And the timing of this arrow, Just as the sky is about to dawn, the Mexican Legion has stabilized in the night attack. Even if the main general is killed, there is no risk of collapse..."

"...The archery is strong, the distance is extremely close, there is no precaution, the timing is right?...Patriarch..."

Hearing this, Tessie Whitten froze and stood still. The suspicion hidden in his heart was confirmed by the words of the cloud snake hunter, and it suddenly turned from the flood into a fire, burning blazingly in his chest. There was no drastic change in expression on his face, but his eyes became more and more red, and there was a deep hatred.

"You mean?..."

"That's right! The person who shot your family's head to death must be one of your own in your legion! And he's a ruthless and excellent hunter!"

At this moment, Travit's heart was not fully grasped, everything was just inference and conjecture. But his face deliberately showed a look of determination and confidence, so that Tessie Whitt could see it.


Tessie Whittaker took two steps back, bowed her head, and lowered her eyes. He waved his hand, and the dozens of guards around him had been waiting for a long time, and they all swarmed up at this time. The warriors aimed their spears at Travitt's point, and surrounded Chichipatti and the rest.

"You! swore!"

Seeing this scene, Travit's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to stretch out his hand to pick up the bronze axe that had fallen on the ground, a sharp bronze spear pressed against his neck. Travitt trembled, looked at the silent turquoise general, and shouted sharply.

"Damn it! Honorable Mexica warrior! Could it be... do you want to break the oath of the gods and give up the glory?"


Tessie Whittaker was silent, thinking, without saying a word. The heavy rain fell, messing up his hair, wetting the corners of his eyes, and hitting his face even more. The sky gradually dimmed, and the light of the sky was engulfed by the mountains in the west, as if his heart... After a while, the burly turquoise general raised his head and said hoarsely.

"Travitt, the holy fight is endless. And you, in the fight just now, lost to me."

"Ah You!"

Hearing this, Travit was shocked. The holy covenant is also the oath of the gods... Cloud Snake Hunter's face gradually showed a miserable smile, and his eyes were already filled with death wishes.

"I could die here...but you promised me that Chipchipati would be spared!...she might, already have my child..."

"Hehe... he's a lover, and he's still a samurai..."

Tessie Whitt's eyes flickered, and she looked at the cloud snake hunter carefully for a while before slowly nodding and repeating the sentence again. Then, he spoke in a low voice, which was meaningful.

"That's it! Travert, I can let you go today. But the holy covenant never lose, and you owe me your life!"

"...Tessie Whitt, I owe you my life. Let me go, and when I leave behind the descendants of the Aasimar...I' it back to you."

The wind and rain were harsh, and the screams were vague. The cloud snake hunter pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and said the other's name for the first time.

"Good! The Lord God witnesses!"

Tessie Whitt had a solemn expression, clenched her fists in her chest, and prayed devoutly to the gods.

"Cloud Snake Witness!"

The cloud snake hunter looked solemn. He glanced at the beautiful goddess girl, raised his left hand with difficulty, and vowed loudly. This was the promise of two noble warriors in the old days. They still maintain the traditional style, which is the agreement of the flower war.

"Remember your oath, Archer!"

Tessie Whittle nodded, leaving the last sentence. Afterwards, he took a deep look at the other party, turned around, and walked towards the city without even looking back. Behind him, more than a dozen acid wood guards looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, followed Tessie Whitt, and left together.


Seeing the enemy leaving, the heroic cloud snake hunter let out a long breath. He was all loose, almost lost all strength, and slumped into the damp soil.


Chichipatti was soaked all over, threw himself into the arms of the cloud snake hunter, hugged the other's strong chest, and cried deeply.

"...Patty, don't cry. We will find a way to take advantage of the darkness and heavy rain to slide down the city wall with ropes. The road behind is still very difficult, and we must preserve our physical strength..."

With the help of several personal guards Cloud Snake Hunter hugged his wife and got up with difficulty. Standing in the narrow alley, he turned and looked back, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar city-state.

The burly Mexican general disappeared into the cascading rain curtain. The towering pyramid temple stands in the severe rain. And tens of thousands of Mexica warriors are pouring into the city, slaughtering and erasing the noble people who have been inherited for centuries. After a while, he sighed heavily.

"Hey! Mexicans...Tlaxcalans...Farewell, Tree Snake!..."

The light of the sky disappeared from the west, and night fell slowly. The capital of the Tlaxcalans fell before the storm and met the end in the storm. Although the fire of the temple has not been ignited, the brutal conquest will not stop. The fighting in the tree snake city continued all night, and the warm bright red splashed in the rain, and then flowed and dispersed along the rain until it disappeared into the soil.

Fresh vitality flows into the earth, noble souls go to the kingdom of God, and the sacred blood will be cut off in the ruthless killing. This was the destruction of the Tlaxcalans and the beginning of complete assimilation and national cohesion. The seeds of great unity germinate in the watered fertile soil, and only sacrifice flesh and blood, as if singing a myth in the wind!
