Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 58: speeches and trials

It was past noon, but the sky was still gloomy, making people feel heavy in their hearts.

Avit was not affected by the weather. He stood majestically outside the camp, looking at the open gate and the commander who surrendered, the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc.

He gave a majestic order, and he didn't take care of the simple warrior who was lying on the ground, but only let his guards take care of him. Then, thousands of jaguar warriors and tens of thousands of warriors, fully armed, entered through the gate of the village. They defended the city gate, quickly occupied the main points of the camp, and finally disarmed the warriors in the camp and gathered them together.

The commander of the legion surrendered, the command flag of the legion landed, the superior warriors entered the village, and the king's flag appeared!

The 8,000 samurai in the camp were already shaken, and now there is no resistance. They surrendered directly to Tratoani's honor guard and Montezuma's scepter. The fighting stopped at the last moment and the camp changed hands in peace.

Until it was determined that the army had completely controlled the Hilotepec camp. Avit entered the camp in high spirits.

Standing on the high watchtower, he promised the captured warriors aloud:

"...I forgive you for your rebellion against the new king, because you didn't know about the change of thrones beforehand. You did a great job in defending against the Otomi! I'll go to the warriors who made their exploits in the past few months. Rich rewards: the best thousand warriors will be given cotton cloth and cocoa, the best one hundred senior warriors will become military nobles, and the best ten nobles will be given the land of Chinampa!  …”

The emotions of the prisoners quickly calmed down during the speech.

Finally, Avit made the most important promise: "I will end the war in a month, and let all the warriors go home! Go home, go back to the beautiful city of the lake! Go back to the beautiful Mexica. state!"

With the cries of going home, there was thunderous cheers in the camp. No matter the captured 8,000 corps, the 20,000 warriors who followed, or even the militiamen in the camp, everyone cheered enthusiastically and hugged each other.

Soon, deliberately guided, the cheers resounding through the camp turned into a deafening slogan: "Go home! Go home! Follow Grand Terra Toaniavit! Go home! Go home! Follow Grand Terra Toani Avit!"

Shilot smiled lightly and looked at the boiling camp in front of him cheerfully. This speech was his proposal.

During the confrontation just now, the young man could clearly see that the morale of the warriors was very low, whether it was the army outside the camp or the guards inside the camp.

The war has been going on for nearly a year and a half. With the attack of the Otomi people and the failure of the siege of Ottopan, the warriors saw no hope of victory.

Their hearts are already filled with thoughts of going home. Put forward the slogan of withdrawing troops and ending the war, and you can conquer the hearts of the samurai to the greatest extent in the shortest time. For the next final battle, save the greatest energy!

In the Nahuatl language, Tratoani is the epithet of the king, meaning "people who speak". Grande Tratoani is the "big talker". The title of Grand Tratoani is somewhat like the title "Montezuma", which is higher than Tratoani, just like the emperor is higher than the king.

Of course, this concept is not arrogant enough to be the emperor of the Mexican tribes. This is just a necessary psychological preparation for the next military operation against Tisok.

Shulot looked at the bubbling warriors and militia in the camp quite contentedly. Immediately, he saw the simple warrior who was imprisoned in the corner. As his thoughts flickered, the young man took a closer look at the simple warrior's face.

The samurai was probably in his early thirties, not too old. He has high cheekbones, a pointed chin, a broad forehead, and a thin face that resembles an ape. It is far inferior to the great noble Ketoko's genes and appearance.

His face is weathered and his temperament is as simple as that of a peasant. Obviously, his birth was not noble. And a pair of eyebrows draped below made him look a little more sad. Only a pair of shrewd and transparent eyes show flexibility and wisdom in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the simple warrior was listening to Avette's speech, his face changed rapidly with the content, obviously he had a deep understanding. In the end, when he heard the cheers of the crowd, he finally couldn't help sighing, and simply lay flat on the ground, his face pressed against the soil on the ground, without the demeanor of a samurai.

Shilot watched quietly, thoughtfully.

At the end of the speech, Avit went to the Chinese army tent in the camp surrounded by the generals. Although it seemed that the samurai had returned to their hearts, the precautions to be taken were indispensable.

First of all, officers at the battalion level and the regiment level were all under guard, regardless of whether they were direct descendants of Tisok. Next, Avit first allocated some of the materials from the logistics materials and rewarded the outstanding warriors and military nobles of each army to continue to win the hearts of the army. In the end, he sent loyal family officers to join the battalions as key commanders.

Shulot was also on the side, learning how to manage and organize the army.

Until finishing the most important military affairs and firmly grasping the army in his hands, Avit finally breathed a sigh of relief. He just remembered something at this moment, and ordered in a low voice, "Bring the surrendered commander here!"

Soon, the simple warrior bowed his head and was led in by two strong jaguar warriors. Only then did Xiulote realize that the warrior was too thin and not tall. It should be because he didn't keep up with his nutrition when he was a child.

Avit is still in the majestic king's garb. He put the end of the divine scepter gently on the stone seat, and there was a clear and unique sound.

The elite warriors quickly quieted down. Everyone's eyes then fell on the simple warrior.

The simple warrior raised his head slightly, then kneeled on the ground respectfully, and said politely: "Kuluka, a noble of military merit, pay tribute to His Royal Highness, the noble brother, and wish you a prosperous military luck."

Avit was expressionless and did not respond to Kuluka's words. He also did not arrange any dismantling. Because, for ordinary military nobles born as civilians, if they say they want to kill, they will directly drag them out to kill, which does not affect the overall situation at all.

Shulot is very clear that at this time, Kuluka's life and death are only within Avit's thoughts, and too many forms are meaningless.

"The first time I saw Ketoko's command flag, why didn't you open the gate?" Avit was straightforward, his handsome face full of the majesty and indifference of God.

"I found that the number of samurai is wrong. Although they are all on the scale of 20,000, there is no way that there are so many samurai in Ketoko, and there is even an elite 1,000 jaguar clan." Kuluka clearly knew his situation, Respectfully answer honestly.

"Why are you sure that Tisok is not dead? He sent you a messenger?" The "God" on the stone seat continued to ask.

"I didn't receive a messenger from King Tisok." Kuluka glanced at Avit's expression from the corner of his eye, but couldn't see anything.

He had to continue to answer cautiously: "However, if King Tisok dies, your honorable highness will officially inherit the king. You only need to send a commander to the Hilotepec camp, such as His Excellency Ketoko, and you will be able to To take over the command of the legion, there is absolutely no need to condescend to come.”

"Even if you come in person, you don't need to use Ketoko's command flag first and show the king's flag directly. As long as you have the exact news of King Tisok, accompanied by the chief priests and endorsed, your status is invincible. Shaken."

"But you decided to hide in the army of Lord Ketoko, and Lord Ketoko's behavior is very strange, which can only prove one thing."

"What's the matter?" Avette's voice fluctuated slightly.

Sherlot also watched curiously. As expected, Kuluka is really smart.

"You are an enemy... an opponent, not our friendly army, ready to capture the Hilotepec camp. The purpose of capturing this place is naturally to deal with the living King Tissok." Kuluka sneaked forward again. glanced.

Avet narrowed his eyes slightly, like a jaguar before predation.

"So you are loyal to Tisok and think I'm a rebel?" A plain voice sounded, without a trace of emotion.

Kuluka fell to the ground with a frightened plop, with his head firmly on the ground. "No, I'm just a military noble born as a civilian, and I have never received the favor of King Tissok. Being able to temporarily serve as the commander of the legion is only the trust and recognition of my comrades. For the royal family, I am as humble as I am. The power to comment."

Avit didn't speak, just let Kuluka fall to the ground. After a long time, he didn't ask again until sweat seeped from Kuluka's forehead.

"Kuluka, why did you refuse to open the door at first, and then open the door to surrender?"

This time, Kuluka did not dare to glance forward. He continued to fall down and replied: "At the beginning, I was a little ignorant and confident. I felt that even in the face of 20,000 warriors, with my talent relying on the fortress, I would still be able to defend the camp.

But later, when your king's flag was raised and the supreme divine scepter was raised high, the military heart of the camp was shaken violently. The samurai were full of doubts about fighting, and I was a little unsure. When your samurai with a big bow started to shoot, and even more than an inch into the wood at a distance of more than 100 meters, I was convinced that this camp was really unstoppable! No samurai could survive such a shot.

Since you can't hold it, no matter how much damage you cause to your army, it is meaningless to me, and it is also harmful to the soldiers who trust me. It is better to simply surrender, betting that you are a tolerant, great, benevolent and wise Highness. "

After saying the last sentence, Kuluka couldn't help but secretly glanced at Avette, who was stared straight at by Sherlot.

Avet was silent for a moment, then his voice was cold: "It seems, Kuluka, you have no loyalty to the royal family. Today, you can simply betray Tisok. Tomorrow, you will not hesitate. betray me!"

Speaking of which, a smile appeared on Avit's indifferent face, but there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes: "I will give you a chance at last to convince me to be my subordinate. Otherwise, you will go to the kingdom of God!"

There was a dead silence in the tent, and the generals were silent. This is the supreme majesty of the king, and the power to decide everything.

Kuluka lay on the ground tightly, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. Beads of sweat dripping from his neck kept dripping, and the ground was soon wet.

Seirot looked at the simple warrior on the ground, he hesitated, and wanted to plead for Kuluka.

But when he looked at Avett's familiar but unfamiliar dignified face again, he was stunned, and he couldn't say the words of pleading again.

"This is supreme power." In his heart, the young man sighed softly.