Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 580: Harvested farmland, the king who goes no

The sun is rising, and the clouds are overwhelming. This is the autumn light of September. The mountain wind is blowing, and the long scroll wolf flag is shining. Cooking smoke and birds, flicking the eagle feathers. Outside the flat city of Shuigu, the continuous Mexica camp was bathed in the bright morning light, gradually filled with voices.

"Drip, drip!"

When the trumpet sounded, tens of thousands of legion warriors woke up from their sleep. They tidy up their armor, maintain their weapons, and prepare their morning meals.

"Woo~! Woo~!"

The desolate horn passed through the vast valley, awakening the camps that stretched for dozens of miles and had more than 20 places. Under the orders of the militia captain, thousands of Traska mothmen emerged from their simple shacks and holes. All men, women, children, and children then gathered before the emblem of the Lord God in the center of the camp.

Soon, under the guidance of the priest of the main god, more than 100,000 people raised their heads together, facing the morning light in the east, and prayed to the supreme main god!

"Praise my God Vitzilopochtli! She is supreme and omnipotent! She gives us sunshine and rain, harvest and food!  …"

The chaotic sound of prayer resounded in the vast valley, like a rainstorm in the rainy season, and it melted into a neat thunder. This kind of group gathering prayer, every time it is held, is so unforgettable, and it is deeply rooted in the hearts of the villagers and samurai!

At this moment, many Tlaxcalans who had just converted to the Lord God couldn't hold back their tears. In the sky, there seemed to be a ray of light falling on their barren and dry hearts, dispelling the darkness of death and bringing hope of new life! Everything, like the farmland near the Tuntian camp, is about to harvest, heralding perhaps a peaceful future.

"...Praise my God! She protects me, and with spear and plow, I write a new chapter in the whole world!"

Shulot was wearing sacrificial attire, with his hands raised high, facing the red sun in the sky, he shouted the king's prayer. He stood at the head of Shuigu City, looked around, and the endless cornfields came into his eyes.

The corn in the field is lush and lush. Most of the plants have produced one or two cobs, and few of them are leggy and lodging. Coupled with the passing of the rainy season, the weather is fine and the weather is very suitable for harvesting. This year, in the area of ​​Water Valley City, it is obviously a rare bumper harvest!

"The land after a fight always needs to be more fertile... The use of compost also helps..."

Shulot's eyes were bright and his spine was straight. He looked at the endless green and golden farmland in front of him, with a satisfied smile on his face, like a sincere child, even his voice became clear.

"500,000 mu! 500,000 mu of harvested fields! I have been stationed here for nearly half a year with the Imperial Guards, personally managed the various camps, and guided more than 100,000 Tlaxcalans, just for this scene!"

Looking at the king's star-like eyes and hearing the king's proud announcement, Naxiu's heart also beat fast. She pressed her heart with difficulty, her eyes gradually became hazy, like dew in the sun, she rushed towards the sun's rays without hesitation.

"Congratulations, Your Highness! You are the real king!"

Botard bowed his head respectfully, and praised sincerely.

"The harvested fields are where the people's hearts are, and where the divinity is! You are the immortal Shulotel, who is in charge of new life and death, and will bring pure and bright vitality after destroying the rotten death!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Xiulot laughed heartily, feeling comfortable all over, even his pores were dilated. Building and creating always bring lasting joy. At this moment, the joy and satisfaction in his heart is better than leading thousands of people to fight on the battlefield!

The sun is rising slowly, the birds are circling in the sky, the farmers are busy in the fields, and the warriors are practicing in the camp, everything is in order.

Shulot walked down from the top of the city, changed into a light white robe, and walked into the main hall in the city. He sat cross-legged in the hall, behind him was Naxiu with a dagger, and on his left was Bertard with a bronze sword. And on his right side was a resolute and steady middle-aged warrior. The warrior's face was a little old, but his eyes were as sharp as a falcon.

"Botard, September is coming to an end, the rainy season has passed, and the autumn harvest should be fine. King Avet sent a messenger again, urging him very urgently... In two days, I will take four thousand imperial guards to the north , meet the king in the tree snake city!"

Speaking of this, Shulot looked at the calm warrior commander, then at the middle-aged warrior on the other side, and smiled gently.

"This time going north, in addition to the 4,000 imperial guards, there are also the 8,000 Feather Goose Legion, the 8,000 Flower Tree Legion, and 1,000 elite fire warriors recruited from various ministries to supplement the king's new hair-cutting guards... There are more than 20,000 people in total. As long as the army prepares food for 20 days, when they arrive at the North Route Army, there will naturally be food supplies."

"Your Highness, you...only bring four thousand guards?"

Hearing this, Bertard pursed his lips and asked in a deep voice.

From Water Valley City to Tree Snake City, it is only one hundred and fifty miles away. The large Tlaxcala strongholds along the way were all wiped out by the North and South Army. It only takes ten days for the South Route Army to go north, even with the slow-moving artillery battalion. However, after more than a hundred miles, there are two states controlled by the North Route Army. And the King's Legion occupies an absolute advantage...

"Well. Four thousand imperial guards, including three thousand heavy armor and one thousand artillery battalions, are completely enough!"

Xiulot smiled confidently and made a decision.

"As for the remaining 3,000 imperial guards...Bothard, I will leave them to you! The black wolf has sent an envoy to express their surrender, and the Mixtecs have fully shrunk. The legion will be returning soon. The scouts in the south have also confirmed the movement of the Mixtecs."

"...Since the threat of the rear is lifted, half of the royal army and militia can be drawn from the mountain pass fortress group and Daolu City to fill the camp of Water Valley City. This is the three thousand Mexica warriors and the three thousand lake district militia , a total of 6,000 people. There are more than 10,000 people in the Pan Mang Legion. Although they are mainly militias, they can also be used to maintain various camps. In addition to the 15,000 people in the hands of the black wolf..."

"Bothard, my loyal warrior commander, sit in the south for me! After I leave, all the 30,000 warriors in the south will be under your command!"

"Take care of the camp in Water Valley City, complete this year's autumn harvest, and appease more than 100,000 Tlaxcala villagers! ...By the way, Hei Lang said, he will bring back more than 20,000 Mixtec young and strong. You Please help me transport these precious people back to the Kingdom of the Lake!"

Hearing that he was sitting in the south, Bertard was shocked. He opened his mouth in surprise and asked worriedly.

"Your Highness, this time going north, the guards around you?"

"Haha! It's okay. The head of the guard, Eckart, is very skilled in martial arts, and he has also guarded my grandfather for many years. This time when I go north, he will follow me, give advice on the military, and participate in the guard. Well, this is also the suggestion you gave me before."

After finishing speaking, Xiulot extended his hand kindly and patted the shoulder of the middle-aged warrior on the right. The other party was his grandfather's personal guard, and also a family warrior he had known since childhood.

"Eckart, I'm counting on you to go north this time!"

The former high priest's head of guard and middle-aged family warrior Eckart immediately knelt down and bowed his head to pay respects.

"Your Highness, you are the heir to the royal family of the Holy City! I will swear to guard by your side, just like my father, grandfather and brothers! I will stand in front of you, no matter if it is thunder, arrows, spears or axes, It's still poison!"

Seeing Eckart who was kneeling and saluting facing the king, Bertard pursed his lips, with complicated emotions surging in his heart. However, he knew that His Highness had already chosen a new path for him. All of this is unavoidable after all.

After a few breaths, the silent warrior commander knelt down on one knee and bowed deeply.

"Your Highness, follow your will, my only sun!"

"very good!"

Shulot nodded slightly, with a calm expression, but a more mature majesty. He pondered for a while, calculated the food in the camp, and then asked seriously.

"Bothard, how is the transfer of Tlaxcala's youth going?"

"Your Highness, since the Eastern Expedition, the Army of the Southern Route Kingdom has always taken the acquisition of Dingkou as its top priority. Before attacking the Holy City in June, the Southern Route Army captured 120,000 soldiers from various departments in Tlaxcala, killed 30,000 soldiers, and transported 30,000 soldiers. , all young and old under the age of 35."

Berthard paused for a moment, looked at His Highness's calm face, and then spoke cautiously.

"The holy city of Cholula...After the pacification, another 90,000 people were captured and 30,000 people were killed. In the past three months, a large number of new canoes built by the Kingdom were launched, and the transshipment was accelerated, and a total of 60,000 people migrated! Now, the South Route Army has captured 210,000 people, and 90,000 people have been relocated. There are still about 120,000 people stationed in the valley around Shuigu City, responsible for the autumn harvest of 500,000 mu of land!"

"Good! Good! More than 200,000 people, nearly half of them have migrated! As long as these 200,000 tribes are placed in the south of the kingdom, the strength of the Lake Kingdom will undergo a completely reborn growth!"

The young king was very satisfied. He turned around and looked to the southeast. When the Black Wolf's Guajili army returned, there would be another 20,000 young and strong. These migrating tribes and young adults have been wiped out of their original nobles and leaders, and can be completely controlled by the kingdom! And when the more than 200,000 people stabilized, they could support a full-time army!

"This disputed world of Central America After all, it depends on the legion in your hand!"

Shulot lowered his eyes, thoughts flashed in his heart, and ambition surged in his chest. After a long time, he beckoned, let Bertard approach, and said another key task, which was also the final arrangement.

The bonfire is burning, and there is no wind to shake it. The moon sets and the sun rises, and it's another two days of running water. The flowing water flows southward and northward against the Talsas River, which is the original source of the river. And the towering White Snake Hill City, Cloud Snake Mountain City, is just sixty or seventy miles north of Heyuan.

At the end of September, the king's banner of the black wolf was erected high, and surrounded by four thousand imperial guards, it slowly marched north. The heavy copper cannon was dragged by the peasants, containing the power of destruction. And the huge number of city-state legions have already gone one step ahead and headed to the king's camp outside the tree snake city.

The king walked along the mountain road, from the harvested fields in the south, to the north where the grass was overgrown. However, this time, there was no wolf flag on his back, only a silver box that looked cold but warmed him.

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