Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 633: The second exploration of the kingdom, t

In the depths of the market, the flow of people has decreased slightly, but the prosperity has increased a bit. Maya's sacred smoke rises in front of the wooden shed of the smoke shop and floats in all directions. Several city-state nobles were wearing fancy clothes, smoking expensive cigarettes, chatting and laughing. The nobles all brought a few warriors behind them, and a few steps away was the crowd gathered. Like a group of snakes, they stretched their heads greedily, sniffing the scattered smoke, with yearning on their faces.

"Hmm...the magic smoke of the corn man..."

A dozen or so steps away, Puap looked at the Maya's business shed, struggling and hesitating.

The kingdom enforces religious laws, one of which is to prohibit warriors from smoking magic tobacco. According to the descriptions of the priests, this kind of smoke that communicates with the gods will burn the vitality of mortals, especially harmful to the lungs. And once you take too much, it will reduce the ability of the samurai to run and fight!

Of course, the kingdom's more effective measures are to prohibit the private sale of Shenyan and impose taxes to make the price of this consumable beyond the affordability of ordinary warriors.

"The price of magic smoke here seems to be much lower than that of Kingdom and Alliance!..."

Puap saw it clearly. The nobleman just took out a gem from the lake and brought several bags of magic smoke. This price is probably only one-fifth of the kingdom!

The goods of the Mayans are far cheaper in this nearby port than in the kingdom two thousand miles away. The gemstones in the lake have gradually become a relatively popular "currency" in the luxury trade due to their stable quality and huge inflows. Now, Pu Apu has a full bag of hundreds of gems in his hands, and he can even buy all the magic tobacco in the tobacco shop!

"Sacred object...Sacred smoke..."

Puap, in his eagle helmet, wandered about the smoke shop in a restless state. Two tufts of forked short feathers dangled on the dust warrior's helmet, like a fat turkey walking around with its wings open.

A few steps away, an old man in his fifties was wearing a feather suit of a tribal witch doctor, sitting cross-legged on the ground. In front of him, a roll of white cloth was spread out. On the white cloth, there were more than a dozen monkey skulls, an obsidian amulet, four or five ancient jade pendants, and three or two pots of strange herbs. And in the middle of the white cloth is a simple and mysterious black purple pottery dish the size of a human head.

Occasionally someone would walk up to the old witch doctor, bow his head and ask a few questions, but the old witch doctor didn't answer, just waved his hands. He sat on the ground, squinted his eyes, and watched the dangling "fat turkey" carefully for a while, and suddenly sang slowly in the common Nahua language.

"O eagle in the sky, come from the west! Thunder on the sea, come down from the east! The road ahead is long and long, and my hometown is far away. Strict god, will you let me go? Let me return to my hometown safely! ..."


Hearing the hoarse singing, Puapu stopped in his footsteps, and after listening to a few words, his face suddenly changed. He immediately turned around and looked at the old man dressed as a witch doctor, his eyes flickering.

"Hey! . . . the old . . . witch doctor. What are you singing about?"

The old witch doctor ignored him, and didn't even raise his eyes to look at Pu'apu. He just shook his head, picked up the clay plate on the white cloth, hugged it to his chest, and sang hoarsely again.

"Divine pottery plate, tell me the future of mortals! The fate of all mortals has long been written by the gods. In the west, there are high volcanoes; in the east, there are endless abysses; in the north, there are thunderstorms ;South, there is a sea of ​​green trees!...The gods step on the edge of the world, how can mortals go there easily? A soul without guidance is doomed to go and never return!..."

" Never come back..."

Listening to the old witch doctor's singing, Pu'apu's expression suddenly changed, and he became inexplicably awed. He stepped forward, moved his eyes up and down, and soon noticed the pottery plate in the old witch doctor's arms.

The style of the pottery plate is extremely simple, the edges have been worn out, and it seems to have been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. On the front of the pottery plate, there is a sacred tree carved up and down. The sacred tree is dyed green, branches out, and divides the pottery plate into three layers. The upper part of the pottery plate is engraved with various gods, dyed the blue of the sky. In the middle of the pottery dish, draw an oval section with twelve directions. In the center of the ellipse is the pyramid temple fused with the tree trunk, dyed golden with gold powder. And in the lower part of the pottery plate, there are red volcanoes, yellow abysses, and black dark seas.


Looking at such a mysterious and meaningless pattern, Puap felt awe in his heart.

As if sensing Pu'apu's gaze, the old witch doctor glanced at him, and put the pottery plate into his feather suit. And for a moment, the gray-soil warrior with good eyes could vaguely see the back of the pottery plate, engraved with dense symbols and divine patterns, as well as a ring symbolizing the calendar.

"Huh? The calendar and astronomy are recorded...Could it be that this is the pottery plate inherited by the priests?"

Pu Apu's heart moved, his thoughts fluctuated. With a smile on his face, he asked the old witch doctor with a smile.

"This respected old...priest, can you lend me a look at your pottery plate?"

"Ha! The gods have spirits, and they are not allowed to be peeped at. The cruel fate has long been doomed, and mortals can only accept it, and there is no way to change it!"

The old witch doctor shook his head. He looked at Puap for the first time with his old eyes, and waved his hands lightly.

"Samurai from a foreign land, don't think about my fetish. It is your luck to hear me sing a song. Let's go! Your fate is destined to be in the far east, in the abyss of the sea... "

"Hiss! My fate is in the abyss of the sea?!"

Hearing this, Pu Apu's heart tightened suddenly. He squeezed his fingers, bit his lips, and forced a smile.

"This old priest, do you know where I am going? What is my fate?"

"No, I do not know."

The old witch doctor looked relaxed and shook his head again.

"The gods have spirits, and they know their destiny. He just speaks through my mouth. Foreign warriors, let's go! Destiny cannot be forced."


Pu'apu's eyelids twitched, and he looked at the old witch doctor with a cold expression. After thinking for a while, he took out a shining gemstone from the lake and put it on the white cloth.

"This old priest, I would like to offer a gem! Can you let me take a look at the object and guide me a little bit?"

"The gods have spirits, and fate is destined. Take it, take it! And take the gem, don't bother me."

The old witch doctor closed his eyes, waved his hand again, and didn't even look at the gemstone.


Puap gritted his teeth, reached into his bosom again, took out five gems, and begged.

"Six is ​​the number of divinity, and it is the gods of the four directions and the upper and lower. Respected old priest, I would like to offer six gems, and implore the gods to speak and reveal my destiny!"

"Let's go, let's go!~"

No matter how Puap begged, the old witch doctor just closed his eyes, held the pottery dish, and kept shaking his head.

After a while, the gray earth warrior Puap finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted sharply.

"You old guy! You don't know what to do!"

Hearing this, the old witch doctor finally opened his eyes, looked at the gray-earth warrior lightly, and said calmly.

"Foreign warrior, you are doomed to die, why force it?"

"Ah! Damn old thing!"

Pu'apu's heart was shocked, and his expression became serious. He strode forward, holding down the copper ax with one hand, and grabbed the lapel of the old witch doctor's clothes with the other, staring at him fiercely, and said threateningly.

"Do you know! Even in this busy city, if I want to kill you and **** this pottery plate, it's a breeze!"

"Haha! Can the fate of mortals be changed with the copper ax in their hands?"

The old witch doctor smiled calmly.

"Even if you kill me, so what? Your fate will not change because of this. Gods have spirits, you will only offend the gods, and you will die faster!"


Pu Apu stared fiercely at the old witch doctor. The old witch doctor had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't care about life or death. The two stared at each other for a while, until they caught the attention of the city-state warriors, and they were about to step forward to check.

"You, foreign warrior, what are you doing? You are not allowed to fight in the city! You are not allowed to be rude to the witch doctor!"


Seeing the city-state warriors around them taking out their battle sticks one after another, shouting and about to gather, Pu'apu's expression softened suddenly, and he knelt down on the ground with a "plop". Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he hugged the old witch doctor's waist, put his face on the pottery plate on the other's chest, and begged in pain.

"Ah! Respect the old priest, please, give me the guidance of fate! I would like to offer a sincere tribute, twelve gems!..."


The old witch doctor was hugged by the strong gray soil warrior, and the corner of his mouth twitched. He tried to struggle, but the other party hugged him tightly, unable to break free at all. After a few breaths, he finally sighed helplessly and spoke.

"Hey! That's fine. Just let go, and I'll beg the gods to show you your fate!"

"Good! Good! Dear old priest, I praise you!"

Pu Apu nodded again and again, stretched out his hand excitedly, took out six gems from his bosom, and put them on the white cloth. Seeing such rich and wealthy foreign warriors, the nearby city-state warriors all had their eyelids twitching and their expressions moved.

The old witch doctor held the pottery plate and looked at the crowd around him. He nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"I want to implore the gods to show this ominous foreign warrior a cursed fate! The gods are watching, and the fates of mortals will interfere with each other, and disasters may be passed on. Also, all warriors, please spread out a little to avoid affected."

Hearing this, the expressions of the people around changed. They took two steps back in a hurry, looked at the ominous gray-earth warrior in distaste, and left in a hurry.

"What?... My fate, is it cursed?"

Hearing this, Pu Apu's face turned blue, and he sat down carefully on the ground according to the old witch doctor's instructions. Afterwards, he stretched out his hands and pressed on the center of the pottery plate that he took out again, his heart "thumped, thumped", beating violently.

The old witch doctor held both sides of the pottery plate, closed his eyes silently, and felt for a while. After a while, he suddenly realized and let out a long sigh.

"I see!"

"Dear old"

"You have the curse of the eagle on your body! That is the noble descendant of the eagle. Before death, he exhausted all his divinity and life, and imprinted it on your fate with deep-seated hatred!"


Pu'apu's hands trembled, his body shook violently, and he fell to the ground. The secret deep in his heart was revealed like this, which brought him panic and bewilderment from the bottom of his heart. After a while, he suddenly fell to the ground and kowtowed twice with "bang, bang".

"Old Prophet, please save me!"

You are a genius, remember for a second: Hong Ganquan: