Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 638: The 2nd kingdom exploration, Maya 16 cla

The setting sun slanted down and fell into the clouds on the sea, reflecting the layers of colorful clouds. Tikaro stared blankly at the sky, as if seeing the three thousand-year-old Mayan epic, rolling out in the sea of ​​clouds, overflowing with brilliance.

The sun fell on the edge of the clouds, reflecting the golden outlines, the glory of the golden age. The light pierced the clouds, revealing a deep red glow, the prosperity of Mayapan's revival. When the light falls into the depths, only the bottomless abyss remains, that is the darkness and despair of the destruction of the Kecom family!

Now, the goddess child who was thousands of miles away from home and who was once desperate, has grown up, and is even old. But for forty years, the hope he had been pursuing so hard was still so dark, like a dark moon.

"In this world, there will be no second, the hero Kekem blessed by the gods."

Tikalo pursed his lips and hid all his emotions in his heart, turning them into desperate hatred and courage.

"Mortals can't pray for fate. They can only throw everything away and go to the edge of fate to grab the edge of that fate...even if the price is death!"

The moist wind blows from the sea, blowing the corners of people's clothes and foreheads. Everyone on the flagship was immersed in the story of the Eastern Maya, unable to extricate themselves for a long time. Golden Ages come and come to an end, heroes of the godborn come and go, and great kingdoms are built and destroyed. Now, in the lowlands of the eastern Maya, only clan chiefdoms are left.

"Of course, this is not a bad thing for alliances and kingdoms who are aiming at the world!"

Priest Tomat pondered for a moment, his eyes flashing light. He looked at the Mayan businessman who would recover, and asked in a deep voice.

"Tikalo, you said that the Shiu family attacked the Kecomu royal family, and the Mayapan kingdom perished. How could such a huge kingdom be destroyed so easily? The Mayapan generals, didn't they attack the Shiu family? Killing the royal family, committing such a big crime, what good will it do to the Shiu family?  … What does the Mayan lowland in the east look like now?”

Hearing this series of questions, Ticarlo pondered. Unsurprisingly, the kingdom's priests and generals have great ambitions. And a divided Maya will inevitably attract the peeping of bears like tempting honey. As long as... the bear is close enough to reach.

"The huge Mayapan Kingdom is actually a city-state alliance composed of hundreds of city-states spread across the Yucatan and the lowlands. The locations of the Mayan city-states are all close to water sources, and are distributed over a radius of 700 miles. In the jungle with difficult roads, communication is not convenient, and it is difficult for a large group of warriors to march. Most of the alliance city-states are governed by the local god-born families. The immortal Mayapan is the common respect of all states. The suzerain! The divine Cocom royal family enjoys the title of 'King of the Maya' and is the link that maintains the entire alliance!"

For the demise of Mayapan, Ticarlo had been sleepless all night, thinking seriously for many years. At this moment, he spoke in a succinct manner, but he had the calmness of a sage.

"The Shiu family originating from Uxmal is the most powerful city-state leader family near the capital of Mayapan, with several large city-states and a dozen small villages and towns in their hands. Transferred from Uxmal to Mani. And this city-state is only fifty miles away from Mayapan! With their respected blood and their own strong strength, they are highly involved in the kingdom's politics and are the most powerful in Mayapan. One of the influential noble families... In other words, it is like the relationship between the former Texcoco city-state and Trochititlan!"

Hearing this, Tomat, the priest of the main god, was a little surprised. It turned out that this rebellious Xiu family was a real prince who was very close to the capital! Such a rebel with different intentions, powerful strength, and close to Chi Chi is really hard to guard against, so he can only take the initiative to attack!

For the Mayans, they revered the blood of divinity, which has been passed down for thousands of years, and the class is almost constant. They have a very strict hierarchy of nobility and inferiority, and they also have aristocratic power that is far stronger than the alliance.

Many god-descendant families have proliferated for thousands of years, with a very large number of family members, often controlling more than one city-state, and also in charge of the theocratic and military power of the city-state. Therefore, the political structure of the Mayan tribes is the oligarchic or exclusive clan chiefdom formed after the development of clan politics to the extreme.

"The conflict between the Xiu family and the Kokom royal family has a long history. There are twists and turns, and even from the golden age, the hostility between the gods and the snake capital began. After the establishment of Mayapan, the Kokom royal family continued to expand and gradually centralized power. And as the real power **** family closest to the capital, the Xiwu family has lost the most. The Xiwu family is respectful and obedient on the surface, and has even been married to the royal family for many generations, but secret dissatisfaction has been accumulating... It's a pity. In Mayapan, there is no ruthless elder who can kill this group of hidden poisonous snakes in advance!"

"The Xiu family raided Mayapan, killed the royal family of Kecom, and burned the capital. The entire city-state alliance lost its condensed bond. It is inconvenient to march in the rainforest. Far away. The destruction of the royal family was too fast. Within ten days, the blood of thousands of gods and tens of thousands of civilians smeared the capital and drowned the stadium into a lake of blood! Under the brutal slaughter of the Xiu family, There is no prince of Cocom, who is respected in any position, who can escape from the capital and call on all states to come to aid..."

Ticarlo lowered his eyes, suppressing his choked voice. He bit his lower lip hard, and then he returned to speak calmly.

"Therefore, in this sudden rebellion, apart from being hostile to the Shiu family, the Kanur family, also near Mayapan, did not have reinforcements from other clans arriving in time. The royal family was completely destroyed, and the military leaders of the alliance were scattered all over the place. They lost their respected suzerain, and they took the clan as the foundation, occupying the land as the king, and attacking each other... Since then, the entire Mayapan kingdom, from the east coast to the west coast, from the northern coast to the southern lowland, was divided into sixteen A clan emirate of different sizes and strengths!"

"Sixteen clan chiefdoms?"

The priest of the main god, Thomas, touched his chin, thinking about the situation where it was broken into pieces. So, among these emirates, who is the enemy of the kingdom and who is the friend of the kingdom? Or, who is an ally who can temporarily form an alliance... Priest Tommat pondered for a while, then looked at Tikalo and asked in a deep voice.

"Which clans are the most powerful among the sixteen kingdoms? Where do they occupy the Yucatan Peninsula, and how many warriors do they hold?"

Hearing this, Puapu nodded his head and said murderously.

"Yes! Where is the Hexiwu family, the blood of the Serpent, and how many warriors are there?"

"Mayapan was destroyed, and the kingdom was divided into sixteen clans and sixteen kingdoms. The four most powerful clans were concentrated in the north of Yucatan, where there was abundant water and a large population. These four clans also controlled Yucca. The land and sea trade of the Tanzanian Peninsula controls the route to the Long Island of the Feather Serpent, and occupies the most amazing wealth!"

Tikal smiled and spoke eloquently. He knew the main points that His Royal Highness Shulot valued, and he knew what to say, so that the priests and warriors of the Kingdom of the Lake would be tempted.

"These four are along the coast of the peninsula, from west to east: the westernmost side of the peninsula, the third most powerful, the Kanur family (Ahul) of Kapok City (i), the capital of Karkini; the west of the central peninsula, the capital of Dingdu Mani City, occupying Mayapan Wangji, is the most powerful Xiu family; in the east of the peninsula, the capital of White Eagle City (Zaci), is the second most powerful, with many vassals of the Kapoor family (Cupul family). ); and on the easternmost side of the peninsula, with the Holy Cozumel Yan Island (el) as the center, the Ekab Chiefdom Alliance (Ekab) that controls the route of the Long Island of the Feathered Serpent.”

"Ekab Chiefdom Alliance, control the route of the Long Island of the Feathered Serpent?"

Hearing this, Tomat, the priest of the main god, was a little puzzled.

"Tikalo, the other three are clan chiefdoms, why is this Ekabu a chiefdom alliance?"

"Respected priest of the chief god, because the Ekab Alliance is an alliance formed by the union of multiple families under the call of the Holy Land Yan Island. In the alliance, the status of each family city-state, under the eyes of the Rain God, is equal."

"Equal alliance of states? This form... If there is a major event, who will make the call?"

"Ha! Respected priests of the main god, all states have equal status, and Yan Island, the holy land dedicated to the rain god, is naturally more equal than other city-states!"

The corners of Tikalo's mouth twitched, and he said with a mocking smile.

"So, in the event of a major event, it is naturally the leader of the priests of the Holy Land to call the shots!"

Hearing this, Tomat, the priest of the main god, pondered for a while, then nodded slowly, if he realized something.

"...The strength of the Xiu family is the most powerful?"

Puap's face was a little gloomy. After half a moment, he was still ruthless in his heart and asked again.

"Tikalo, how many warriors and how many mouths does each of these families have?"

"I'm just an ordinary Mayan businessman. How can I know the secrets of these ministries?"

Hearing this expected question, the Mayan merchant blinked and answered with a smile.

"However, with the prosperity of the Maya in the lowlands, the northern Yucatan Peninsula, the homeland of the Mayapan Kingdom, with a population of 1.5 million, there will always be some!"

"One and a half million people! Thirty people can produce one samurai, doesn't that mean at least 50,000 samurai?!"

Hearing this, Puap looked shocked. Such a huge population is close to the heyday of the Kingdom of the Lake. And the eastern Mayan lowlands, and the Union of Mexica, are three thousand miles away, and it is difficult to dispatch a large army!

"Fortunately, the huge Mayapan has disintegrated and split into a clan chiefdom... In this Even if the noble gods are hacked to death, they can go to other chiefdoms."

Puap's expression changed, and killing intent was looming.

"The blood of the snake and the gods can solve the curse of the condor!..."

As the sun sets, the golden and red rosy glow changes on the horizon, falling in the eyes of everyone, like an unpredictable future. Compared with the Maya clan chiefdom, the strength of the kingdom's expedition fleet is not worth mentioning.

However, the kingdom fleet is only the tentacles of the first move. Behind the kingdom's fleet, there is a powerful plateau eagle, and an ambitious and divinely enlightened Highness! There is no doubt that this is a powerful force that can affect the Yucatan Peninsula. And this powerful force, the attitude towards each Mayan clan's first encounter, was decided in the hands of the flagships!

The old militia, Chiwako, has been watching, silently. Until this moment, he looked at Tikalo with a cold face, and asked coldly.

"Tikalo, you hairless fox, you are very thoughtful! You said so much just now, I only have one question... Who are you?"

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