Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 64: Archer

The sun is merciless, and the autumn wind is chilling. Between the loneliness of heaven and earth, is the king's battlefield.

Shilot stood on the hillside, watching King Tissok in the distance.

Wearing a skull helmet and plain white armor, the king is still a majestic and terrifying evil spirit warrior. The helmet covered his face, making it impossible to see the king's expression. He just faced the direction of Avit, staring at the other king's flag.

Marching in the mountains is always difficult, and Tisok's shoulders have long been lost. Now he bears the king's flag, and the huge canopy makes him stand out. The warriors of Tysok looked from time to time at his king's banner, as if it were their last source of morale.

Beside Tisok, was the tall and burly commander-in-chief Totec with a cold expression. The rock-like commander-in-chief, the true backbone of the army, was watching Avit's warrior formation. His eyes swept across the other king flag, but he was unmoved.

Totec is wearing a double-layer leather armor with a broken hairline. He held a giant shield over one meter high in his left hand, a battle stick over one meter in his right hand, and a huge two-handed copper axe nearly two meters long on his back. The unusually strong body carries dozens of pounds of equipment, but it does not affect his agility in the slightest.

Shirlot recalled Totec, the blow that smashed the stone platform with his hands, Marqua Vettel, and couldn't help but sigh, "This is the man who truly surpasses the jaguar, the unparalleled general in the world!"

Next to the commander-in-chief of the broken hair, there are five hundred guard warriors with the same broken hair pattern. These loyal King Guards have the strongest individual combat capabilities, and many are clad in double armor and hold armor-piercing bronze axes.

They are indifferent, silent, rigorously trained for many years, and have good discipline. The hair-cutting guards are often specially selected from civilian warriors, and there are even many alien warriors. As long as the king's flag does not fall, their loyalty will never change.

Behind the guard warriors is a thousand eagle noble chapters, which are heavy shield infantry who are good at forming formations. Most of these first-class military nobles came from small noble families. Looking at the king flag opposite, there was a vague commotion at this time. Totec glanced back majestically, and the military nobles bowed their heads and saluted, shutting their mouths in awe.

Beyond that, there are seven thousand warriors directly under the royal family. Warriors of all levels wear leather armor of different colors. Their faces were weathered, emaciated from hunger, and exhausted from marching in the mountains. Unlike the Eagle Noble Chapter, they didn't dare to make a noise, they just looked at the same king flag and the same army with complicated expressions.

Many warriors bowed their heads slightly, obviously demoralizing. They had been besieging the city under Ottopan for many years, plagued by the rainy season. Then failed to retreat, was chased and harassed by the Otomi people all the way, endured the hardships of the mountains and forests and lack of food. Seeing that they are going home, and now they are fighting against the royal legion of the same family... Many people can't help but think of the recent rumors.

On the right flank of the directly subordinate samurai, there are four thousand city-state samurai. Most of them were from the Legion in the holy city of Teotihuacan. These city-state warriors were disheveled and dusty. They were excluded from the periphery of the warriors directly under them, and they were obviously not trusted. They were on the south side of the army formation and blocked the southward passage intentionally or unintentionally.

Shulot stood on tiptoe and looked around. He skipped many familiar figures and finally saw his father. Husok, wearing a beast helmet and a battle flag on his back, looked thin and tall. He was gathering with the city-state's two hundred jaguar chapters, who happened to form a strike team. At this time, the father also silently looked at Avit's king flag, where his son was.

Further down, there are 10,000 militiamen who were recruited. The militiamen were far away, carrying various luggage and supplies. They were only equipped with simple stone weapons, and under the management of the village chief, they gathered in groups and made a lot of noise.

If it was a siege, the militiamen could be used as coolies to build the village and fill the trenches, but in the large-scale samurai battle, the commanders all forgot about the militia. Because these militias with only stone spears were ineffective against the samurai warriors, and they would only occupy precious fighting space in vain.

Looking at the Tisok Legion that was short of soldiers and food, the young man couldn't help but think of his first meeting with the king in Teotihuacan.

At that time, the Mexican army had twenty legions and more than 70,000 warriors. Mighty like a long river, awe-inspiring like a mountain range, majestic in the heaven and earth, and mighty in the wilderness.

And now, everything is blown away like rain and wind.

"That's what a man should be." The decisive battle was imminent, the young man felt his lips dry and always wanted to say something, "Bah, it's not good. It should be him who can take his place."

"No, it's not good either. It's better for those who gain the Tao to help more, and those who lose the Tao have little help..."

"Yes, it's still King Wu's intention to attack the merchants! Si Wu accepts it, wins Yin and restrains Liu, and Qi Ding Er Gong..."

The young man was thinking about something when he felt his shoulders suddenly sink. The young man looked up, but it was the dignified Avit. He was also wearing a blood-colored battle robe, carrying the king's flag, and holding a ruby ​​scepter.

"Shirot, don't be nervous." Avette was still able to smile with a relaxed smile. "When things come to an end, just let go of your courage. This is what you said to me."

"Look at the distance of the king's flag on the opposite side. Can the longbow be shot there?"

Sherlot stretched out his hand to measure the distance. He closed his left eye, opened his right, then straightened his right arm and raised his right thumb. Then let the left side of the thumb stick to the target king flag, and open and close both eyes alternately.

"The current distance is more than 500 meters, and it is impossible for the longbow to reach it." The young man thought for a moment in his heart before answering seriously. Immediately, he measured the marker ahead.

"If Tisock can be led near the big rock in front, it will be within 300 meters, just within the range of the longbow's projection!" The young man assured.

"Okay!" Avit nodded, "I'll invite Tissock to meet later and try to get him as close as possible. He probably doesn't know the range of the longbow yet. You bring the longbow guards forward slowly, and then reduce Some distance between the two sides."

"As soon as I wave the divine scepter in my right hand, the Longbow Guards will focus on him! Give him an honorable death of a samurai!"

The boy nodded vigorously, a little excited. If you can kill the king in one fell swoop, this battle can be easily won. The opposing army will also surrender without a fight!

Shirott then called Bertard and the 150 Longbow Guards. He instructed carefully, and the longbow warriors took out their powerful longbows, replaced them with armor-piercing bronze arrows, and were always ready.

"The great new Grand Tratoani, master of Tenochtitlan, the city of the lake, bearer of Montezuma's scepter, honorable Avit, and brother of the same blood, always Meet the deposed former king of the priesthood, the failed alliance commander, and the incompetent Tisok!"

Dozens of war priests walked to the front, holding high the banner of Ketoko, which had the decoration of the chief priest on it. They neatly shouted to the army on the opposite side, and the agitated voice entered the ears of most of the samurai, and the samurai directly under the front row were in a commotion.

Following the shout, the opposite Wang Qi also responded. Tisok moved forward almost instantaneously, anger burning violently in his chest, almost turning him into the flame of the sun god.

Totec frowned slightly, the cold-hearted commander always looked like a rock. He took two quick steps forward to cover the king beside him, and then stretched out a strong arm, half to support, half to stop.

"Wang, this is deliberately angering you, don't be fooled!"

Tisok tried his best to take two more steps forward, maybe it was the burly commander who couldn't drag him down, so he calmed down.

"Go forward! I want to meet this traitor! Totec, can I trust your bravery?"

"Death for you!" Totec made a fist with one hand and put his fist on his chest.

"I don't know how the situation in Wangcheng is, and the morale of the army worries me. I must kill this traitor in this battle! Be prepared, and I will try to get as close to him as possible."

"As long as I wave my divine scepter, you will lead the guards to rush up and split my dear brother in half!"

"Death for you!" Totec bowed his head without hesitation and took orders.

Then, under the order of Totec, the five hundred broken-haired warriors raised their shields and swarmed up. They protected Tisok in groups and marched forward around the king's banner.

Under the strict protection of hundreds of elite family warriors, Avit carried the king's flag and marched forward. Beside him, Stanley, as strong as a bear, also held a giant shield to guard him.

Behind him, Shulot was wearing a battle armor and a mask, and he was inconspicuous. He didn't want Tisok to notice for the time being, so as not to be detrimental to his father. Bertard followed with the longbow guard, the samurai's longbow concealed as much as possible behind his robes and shields.

Shirot's heart moved slightly, neither of the two kings led the Jaguars or Eagles.

It seems that in the royal civil war, the Jaguars and Eagles, as the backbone of the alliance's military nobles, are very loyal and are not completely trusted by the kings. This is like the Mongolian Qixue Army, who was secretly suspected by the Khans of both sides in the Mongolian civil war between Kublai Khan and Alibuge.

"Then." The young man pondered slightly, "As long as the opposing Eagles are separated from Tisok, and there is no direct military order, the Eagles nobles are likely to paddle and not fight desperately."

Thinking of this, Shilot subconsciously glanced in the direction of his father, and glanced at the more than 3,000 holy city warriors there. Then, thinking of his father's message, he nodded slightly.

The two king flags are gradually approaching. Avet held up the scepter of the conqueror Montezuma and looked at Tisok on the opposite side calmly.

Tisok also held a divine scepter. This is the ancient holy relic granted by the chief priest of the Great Temple when he ascended the throne. It is the ancient inheritance of the ancestors of Mexica and represents the supreme divine right.

Back then, the first emperor, Montezuma, built another divine scepter in order to bypass the interference of the chief priests and enhance the influence of the kingship. Subsequently, Montezuma revered the ancient holy city, intervened in the election of the high priests, supported the high priests from the royal family, and then elevated the high priests to an equal position with the chief priests.

After exhausting his life, the first emperor, Montezuma, finally cut the supreme theocracy in half, and divided it into two different theocratic centers, which checked and balanced each other.

These two divine rods, one represents innovation and kingship, the other represents old-fashioned and divine right. At this time, they were held high in the hands of the two kings, determined to distinguish themselves!

Across more than 200 meters, the two sides finally stood still. The warriors were holding sticks and shields, and they were ready to fight.

"Avit! You sinister viper!"

Just standing still, looking at Avit's royal uniform and divine scepter, Tisok finally couldn't bear the anger in his patience. He growled angrily.

"I should have thrown you into the abyss early, let you struggle and howl in the underground sacrifice lake, and be bitten to pieces by the crocodile! I shouldn't have hesitated, I didn't listen to the chief priest's advice, and gave you this poisonous snake chance. !..."

Tisok completely lost control of his emotions, just cursing furiously.

Shiloh shook his head. Under the blow of successive failures, the once majestic and terrifying male lion turned into a furious and powerless groundhog, roaring incompetently.

"Tisok, you failed! Kechar betrayed you a long time ago! The chief priest and elders have announced that you will be ousted, and I have already ascended the throne in the capital! Give it up! For the sake of seeing you as my brother, I only I will imprison you and let you spend the rest of your life peacefully!"

Avit looked at Tissock with a smile. He didn't care about the swearing, and even felt unusually amused by Tisock's performance. He smiled and loudly persuaded his brother to surrender.

"Lies, all lies! I've got in touch with Kechar, the capital is still in our hands, you're just a buzzing mosquito! Reinforcements are on the way, and food is being delivered, just bring You smash the mosquito, and we can still win the Otomi War!

The warriors on the opposite side! As long as you abandon the darkness and return to the and renew allegiance to your king, I, King Tisok, swear to the patron saint Huitzilopochtli to forgive your sins and never punish anyone! "

The boy nodded first, then shook his head.

No matter what his military literacy is, Tisok is a qualified king after all. Stabilizing the military's heart, promising the future, and attracting samurai are all basic operations. But apparently, the Otomi War has become the king's obsession. Until this time, Tisok was unwilling to end the war, and his persuasion would be in vain.

"The bottom line cannot be violated, and it becomes a weakness, and weakness brings death." Sherlot said softly to himself.

Tisok looked at the opposite side in disappointment, the warriors bowed their heads slightly under the gaze of the king, but did not make much movement.

"Tisok has been deposed! Only one person is responsible for his sins! Surrender, the warriors on the other side! Let's end the war and go home together!"

Avet also shifted his target and shouted to the samurai on the opposite side. Hearing the word "go home", the loyal hair-cutting guards were unmoved, but the swaying ordinary warriors were a little disturbed.

Feeling that the situation was becoming unfavorable, Tisok waved his divine scepter forward and directly flipped the table: "Go to hell! A viper full of lies!"

Seeing the signal, Totec immediately let out a thunderous roar. He held a huge two-handed battle axe, like a wild beast, and rushed towards the king's flag of Avet. Hundreds of broken-haired samurai also charged, leaving only a few dozen to guard the king.

In the face of the charging guard, Avit did not hesitate. He swung down the divine scepter forcefully, and the one hundred and fifty longbows were pulled away in an instant, making a muffled humming sound. Then, there was a huge roar, and hundreds of copper arrows, like thunder and lightning, cut through the sky and shot at the opposite Wang Qi!