Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 641: The second kingdom exploration, the demo

The torches were lit in the hall, and the statue of the snake head twisted and twisted on the wall, casting a slender snake shadow. The snake-haired, long-headed Crocodile King Ain had a smile on his face, holding a snake-patterned scepter, and his mouth showed shining snake teeth. In the shadows and firelight, he looked extraordinarily amiable.

The old militiaman looked around, looked at the equally kind Mayan warriors, was silent for a moment, and forced a smile to speak.

"Respected Crocodile King Ain Chief, we are happy to trade with you. I just don't know, we are the news of the gem fleet, where did you find out?"

small book booth

"Haha! Very good! This is the divine revelation of the Moon Mother Goddess. The devout descendants of the gods will naturally listen to the words of God and know of your arrival."

The crocodile king Ain kept a divine smile, and told the lake-containing and mysterious answer according to the habits of the gods.


The old militiaman scratched his head, glanced at Priest Thomas, who looked unhappy, thought about it, and changed his question.

"Respected Chief Ain, your piety is admirable! May I ask whether the Mayan tribes in the northeastern peninsula have received divine enlightenment at this time and know of our arrival?"

"Well... it depends on the piety of the gods and their favor with the mother goddess."

Crocodile King Ain thought about it for a while, estimated the speed of the envoys from the lower divisions, and replied with a smile.

"In the Red River Basin, blessed by the Mother God, all the ministries along the river have received divine revelation: the God of Wealth has sent a blessed messenger, a foreign fleet full of gems, is sailing along the coast and heading east! . . . .As for the northeastern lowlands blessed by the God of Serpent, God of Rain, God of Feathered Serpent, and God of Corn, the Mayan tribes there will probably receive divine revelation a few days later. But no matter what, the divine revelation has already spread. Come. All the ministries will be ready to 'welcome' the arrival of the exotic gem fleet!  …”

"So, my friend, let's start trading first! Red Lake Town is the center of the Changhe trade in the south, and there will be enough goods here to keep your most precious gems!"

"Ah?... Divine Revelation has spread, and all the ministries warmly welcome?!..."

The old militiaman pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer for a while. This time, it was very difficult to travel 5,000 miles east, away from the influence of the alliance. I don't know what's going on now, but the news of the gem fleet has spread among the Mayan tribes... Then this trip to the East may not only be difficult, but also called dangerous!

"I would rather not have a warm welcome like this!..."

The old militiaman looked sadly at the Mayan warriors around him. He finally understood where the unease along the way came from. Tomat, the priest of the main god, lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, and made up his mind. Afterwards, he held the scriptures in his hand high in one hand, and held the sun talisman around his neck in the other, with a majestic expression, he strode out.

"Praise the Lord God! Huizilopochtli protects us! Respected moon and water gods, Crocodile King Ain, I am the messenger of the sun god, the **** of war, the **** of Mexica, the priest Tommat. Our fleet brings The gems came from the western plateau, and we also took our weapons to resist the evil in the East China Sea! We carry the oracle of the Lord God and the prophecies of the prophets. This trip to the East China Sea is by no means just It's just for trade!"

Seeing the foreign priests standing up, the crocodile king Ain looked solemn. For the messengers of the gods, even if they are foreign gods, the Mayan nobles will maintain basic respect. What's more, the gods of the various parts of the Mexican plateau have guided the eastward expedition of the plateau several times, and also left a brutal and powerful shadow in the Mayan tribes...

"Respected foreign priests, what are the oracles and prophecies?"

Crocodile King Ain nodded slightly, looked directly at Priest Tomat, and patiently listened to the other party's story.

"Respected Chief Ain! The Lord God sent down the oracle, the seal of the East China Sea was loosened, and the power of the demons recovered. White-skinned exotic demons, within a few years, will come from the end of the sea, bringing slaughter and destruction, plagues and death!"

"Huh?! White-skinned demons, within a few years, will come from the East China Sea?!"

Hearing such an accurate prediction, the crocodile king Ain's face showed astonishment. He looked suspiciously at Priest Thomas, but only saw the senseless and firmness in the other's eyes, as well as the enthusiasm for sacrifice for the gods.

"Yes! Chief Ain, the Mayans are our lost brothers. The Prophet of Mexica received divine revelation, and it was not far away. He sent us to the sea with gems and wealth to tell you terrible prophecies!"

Priest Thomas nodded affirmatively. On this eastbound trip, His Highness Shen Qi gave him an important task, which was to publicize Shen Qi's prophecy among the Mayan tribes. He remembered every word of His Highness firmly, and now is the best time to tell this amazing prophecy!

"...The white-skinned demons will have roaring giant beasts, filial thunder, and huge snake ships! They will pretend to be the messengers of the gods, with hypocritical faces, and under their faces are the hideous beasts that devour everything. They peep at the divinity, wealth and land of the gods, and they are always thinking of plundering, looting, and taking their own. They have a deep greed for gold and silver, and they will slaughter the sons of the gods for these useless decorations. People! They will hold high the cross of the evil gods, burn the books of the gods, destroy the temples of the gods... They are the embodiment of evil and greed!"

"And what is even more evil is that they will spread the plague of death, spreading a terrible poisonous cloud in the air, causing the descendants of the glue man to fester and die in an extremely miserable way! Such a plague is very terrifying and difficult to guard against... Ain Chief, please be vigilant, and please pass on the prophecy of the white-skinned demon to the Mayan tribes in the upper reaches of the long river. Our fleet will continue to sail to the northeast, while spreading the prophecy of the prophet, while looking for the East China Sea In the depths, where the seal of the gods is loose, guard against the first group of demons to arrive!"

"The roaring beast, the thunder of filial piety, the huge snake ship? ... pretending to be the messenger of the gods, longing for gold and silver, holding the cross of the evil **** high, burning down the ancient temples? ... Spreading the plague of death, festering and dying! ... "

Hearing the details of these prophecies, the crocodile king Ain's expression suddenly changed. He was silent for a long time, and there was no trace of lying on Priest Thomas' face. After a while, he asked in a low voice.

"A priest from the Menghu tribe! Even though you have a sincere face and your speech is can I believe that the divine revelation prophecy you said is indeed true?"

"Respected Chief Ain, you don't need to believe in the prophecy of God's revelation at this moment. You only need to be prepared, and you will naturally be able to see its arrival within ten years! The prophets only hope that when you meet the white When fighting a skin demon, don't be fooled by the other party's evil methods and demons. Please remember: the white skin demon and the yellow skin us are destined to never die. Even if we fight for hundreds of years, one of them must fall. , there is no room for compromise!"

Priest Tomat held up the Book of Ali, holding amulets, his voice was loud, and his words were calm. He firmly believed in everything in the prophecy and was ready to fight.

And the Mayan gods who heard these prophecies, whether they believed it or not at this time, as long as the appearance of the white-skinned demons reflected everything in the prophecies, they would naturally have an answer!

"His Royal Highness has said that fighting the demons from the East China Sea is an extremely long process. We must unite all the descendants of the glue people, so that they all know the true face of the demons, not to be confused by the other side, and not to give them a chance to gain a foothold and grow. !... The biggest chance of victory is to lay down the chess pieces first and spread the prophecy of divine revelation!"

The fire flickered, the snake shadow swayed, and the Mayan palace fell silent for a while. After a while, the crocodile king Ain clenched his divine scepter and smiled reluctantly.

"The priest from the Menghu tribe, I already know about the prophecy of the East China Sea. I will naturally ask the mother goddess of the moon for such a big event, and obtain the divine revelation of the mother goddess! Now, let's have a dinner together and trade gems! "

"Thank you for your hospitality, Honorable Chief Ain! We are happy to attend your dinner, but divine prophecy urges us not to stay here for too long."

Priest Tommat looked solemn, with firmness in his words.

"As for the gem trade, it is also one of the will of the Lord God, and we are naturally willing to follow it. Please bring the goods from the trade and go to the shore with us, and deliver it there! After the delivery, we will leave."

"Huh? Trading on the banks of the long river? Won't you stay longer?"

Hearing this, the crocodile king Ain raised his brows and looked slightly cold. He slapped the divine scepter heavily, and the Mayan warriors around him all looked sharp, clenched the spear in his hand, and tightly surrounded everyone.

"My friend, I entertained you so warmly and prepared a grand dinner! You don't want to stay here for one more night?"

"Respected Chief Ain, we have a sacred mission, which is related to the whole world of gods. If we delay here and delay the major affairs of the Lord God, I am worried that the supreme **** will bring down the disaster of divine punishment!  … "

Priest Tomat's expression softened slightly, and his face also showed respect, leaving room for Chief Ain.

"This time the fleet travels east, following the divine revelation and spreading prophecies is the most important divine order! Tomorrow morning, the fleet must follow the divine order and set off on time. Even if we are all here, the fleet will not wait at all. I'll just leave!"

Hearing that the fleet would leave everyone behind and leave, the crocodile king Ain's eyes flashed, and the chill on his face gradually disappeared. Seeing this, Priest Tomat smiled and spoke openly.

"The Lord God blesses the world, she guides the fleet, and guides all the tribes in the world! The transaction of gemstones is just a way for the Mayan tribes to listen to the prophecies of God's revelation... Let's do it! Chief Ain, since you have listened to God If you want to, then in the next trade, we can give you 30% of the price of all goods, and give you 30% more gems!"

"Oh? Give 30% more gems!"

Hearing this, Crocodile King Ain thought for a moment, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Such conditions are indeed far from his most perfect plan. But the other party is not a soft and delicious black persimmon, nor a turkey slaughtered by others. In general, it is acceptable. What's more, after hearing the detailed prophecy of the Mexicas, he felt a little bit of fear in his

"Very good! Friends from the Menghu tribe, the Moon Goddess welcomes your friendly arrival and supports your divine voyage!"

Crocodile King Ain raised the scepter of the moon **** and grinned, revealing gleaming serpent teeth.

"Come on! Then let us make a divine transaction under the holy moonlight and beside the blessed mother river! Our friendship will flow like the water of the red river, like a divine serpent, until East China Sea! Praise the Mother Goddess!"

"Maya's brother, our common glue man ancestor, witnesses our sincere friendship! Praise the Lord God!"

Conversations with hidden murderous intentions go away in the flowing snake shadow. Prayer of sincere praise comes in a bright bonfire. The Mayan warriors put away their spears again and toasted with the kingdom's sailors. The leaders of both sides also drank a cup of cocoa, and under the watchful eyes of the gods, made a soul oath.

The night is getting darker, and the bonfire is slowly rising. Everyone praised friendship and gods, indulged in laughter, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves. Nothing terrible happened. Just like on the small temple, the black wolf, the **** of death with red tongue and cold eyes, suddenly grinned, amiable, and turned into the **** of wealth.