Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 66: flee south

It is still the noon sun, but with the light of near-death. Under the sun, the Guards were fiercely fighting, and the samurai from both sides were enthusiastically watching.

Shirlot looked at Totec's running back, and was amazed. In this direction, he saw the King Tisok flag not far away, full of envy. Further forward, a charging squad of jaguar warriors attracted his attention, and the two familiar figures at the head were fearlessly charging towards the king's banner.

"It's bad, it's not good!" Seeing his father and Orosh, Shirault immediately reacted. He jumped up suddenly and grabbed Avett's arm.

"Come on, Avit, let's charge Tisok, father alone can't stop Totec!"

"Good! The time has come, we must not let Tisock go!"

Avet waved his divine scepter again, the king flag moved forward, and the hundreds of family warriors with large shields and bronze spears immediately moved forward. Under the leadership of Stanley, they bypassed the hundreds of guards who were desperately blocking them, and rushed towards the king flag of Tisok.

Shirott also called up the Longbow Guard, and together with Bertard, ran quickly again.

Totek strode into the shooting star and arrived under the banner of King Tisok. A moment ago he threw the great axe, but unfortunately, the success was lost, and Avit was rescued by a small warrior who could not see his face. Now he's got a spare shield and stick, ready to fight to protect the king!

He quickly watched the situation. The betrayal of the Teotihuacan Legion was a direct hit. The strength of the two sides suddenly turned hot, and the Wang army fell into a clear disadvantage. More importantly, after the connection between the king flag and the directly affiliated legion was cut off, and after being out of the commander's control, the loyalty of the eagle nobles and the directly affiliated samurai now made him suspicious!

Totek no longer hesitated, let out a low roar again, and at the same time boosted the spirits of himself and the guards, and then went straight to kill the approaching jaguar warrior team.

Hearing the roar, Shirot, who was coming, shuddered, and he temporarily had some psychological shadows on Totec's battle roar. The boy looked ahead and saw Totec holding the shield in his left hand diagonally and waving a long stick in his right hand.

The tip of the stick was as fast as lightning, and it hit the vital point of the jaguar warrior. The force penetrated the body, and the warrior fell to the ground. The soldier shuddered and fell, then rolled over in excruciating pain. In an instant, nearly ten jaguar warriors fell.

Husok, wearing double armor and a beast helmet, stood side by side with Orosh, who was also dressed as a jaguar warrior, and bravely faced him. Totec swung his long stick to the side and was deftly blocked by Orosh, while Husok smashed hard from the side and back.

Totec frowned and stepped back. He moved flexibly, shield dance with his left hand, blocked the attack of the two, and held a stick in the right, shrinking and ready to go. The samurai were most vulnerable in fast movement and strong attacks, and Totec's eyes were like falcons, staring at the postures of the two.

Husock was obviously impatient. He hit with a strong stick, exhausted his strength, but was flashed back by Totec, and staggered slightly.

Totec immediately raised his left hand and threw the shield at Orosh violently. Then, holding the stick in both hands, he turned his upper body slightly to gain momentum, quickly turned sideways, and swept forward vigorously.

Between the lightning and flint, Husok only came and leaned his shield in front of him, and then an irresistible force struck, knocking him and his shield several meters away. He immediately spewed blood and fell to the ground. He fell headfirst on the muddy ground, his hands and feet were numb and weak, his body twitched slightly, and he couldn't move for a while.

As soon as Olosh pulled away his shield, he saw the scene in front of him. He turned pale in shock and hurriedly took two steps back to protect Husok. The surrounding city-state jaguar warriors also embraced, dragging Husok's hands and feet and evacuating back.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Sherlot exclaimed in surprise. Fortunately, killing the general was not Totec's goal. Seeing the Jaguars retreat, he did not pursue them.

Totek just stood there, breathing heavily a few times, recovering the stamina that was rapidly consumed by the short and fierce battle. One of the guards picked up the shield on the ground and handed it to the cold-hearted commander respectfully. The fierce battle had left the guards with blood.

Totec nodded and saw that the Jaguars had indeed retreated. Only then did he turn around again, and with two hundred guards with broken hair, he rushed into the Teotihuacan warrior group on the left. He wants to get through the command contact with the Eagles Chapter, and use his unquestionable prestige to regain control of the Legion again.

In a loose battle formation, ordinary samurai cannot cooperate with each other. Totec is always mobile, creating easy one-on-one attacks and then one-hit kills. In less than a quarter of an hour, he had knocked down a dozen people in a row, and he was about to kill the battle formation. He saw the Eagles in front of him from a distance.

A terrifying anger suddenly appeared on Totec's face. A seasoned commander can judge the intensity of the battle just by looking at the engagement area of ​​the army formation.

He has discovered that the Eagle Noble Chapter did not fight to the death. These noble warriors just formed a dense shield formation and fought one-sidedly with the Jaguar Chapter, which had the same dense shield formation. The battle sticks slammed against each other's shields, making a huge shock, but the warriors on both sides hardly suffered any casualties.

At this time, the dull bow sounded again.

Shirot finally took the longbow guards and moved to a flat shot position 150 meters away from the king's flag. He quickly lined up the longbow warriors, increasing the angle of the shot. The swift long arrows shot like a waterfall, and the archers began to fire at 10 arrows per minute.

More than a hundred guard warriors formed a tight double-layered shield formation, but long arrows continued to shoot through the shield and drilled into the gap. The guards in the front row kept falling to the ground with arrows, and the warriors in the back row lifted the corpses in the front row, continued to block the arrows, and offered their last loyalty.

Hearing the sound of the big bow, Totec turned around again and saw the king's flag under the rain of arrows. Even with his rock-solid will, he felt despair at this time: he was shaken all the way, and his military heart had long been dissipated;

Totek roared in a low voice for the fourth time, calling for the two hundred guards who had always followed loyally and fought with blood. Then, he gave up the eagle noble warrior who was already in front of him, but could not be driven by him, turned and rushed in the direction of the Longbow Guards.

Hearing the roar again, Shulot's mood has calmed down a lot. He glanced at the approaching Guardsmen, and confidently ordered the Longbow Guards to shoot at Totec.

Totec bowed his body at this time, hiding behind the giant shield. His body swayed rapidly, but the center of gravity was stable at a fixed height, and his footsteps kept jumping, repeatedly accelerating himself. This is to imitate the swift running of a jaguar hunting, and the speed may even reach ten meters per second.

The longbow threw two rounds from a distance of more than 200 meters, only killing 30 or 40 guards, but was unable to focus on the fast-moving Totec.

Shulot's eyelids jumped, and he turned around without hesitation and ran, blowing the snail horn for retreat as he ran. Bertard ignored the longbow warriors, and also took cover beside Sherlot.

"In the end, there are too few archers!" The young man complained as he ran quickly. "If there are a thousand longbowmen, let alone a tiger that can run, you are an eagle that can fly, and I will shoot you down too!"

Before the boy could run far, Totec chased the tail of the longbow warrior, and the long stick swept vertically, and in a blink of an eye, nearly ten warriors fell to the ground.

After a while, the bronze spear warrior who was supporting him finally came. Stanley avoided Totek, but only let the warriors close in in a phalanx, trying to trap Totek. And Avit's king flag was erected far behind, keeping a safe distance from the unparalleled fierce general.

Totek charged for another moment to disperse the Longbow Guards. Looking around, there are only a hundred or so guard warriors. Looking into the distance, the Eagles are still entangled with the Jaguars, and the warriors directly under the royal family also form a phalanx to fight against the familiar warriors on the opposite side.

With a helpless sigh, he turned around and rushed under the king's flag, like a lonely jaguar.

"King! The army has dispersed, we are defeated! Let's go! I will protect you to the south!" Totec knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to face Tissock. Blood and sweat dripped from him, staining the ground below him red.

"They all betrayed me! They all be damned! ... Totec, can I trust your loyalty?" Tisok's hair was disheveled, his face was full of dust, and the dust revealed a sickly pale, only a pair of fierce His eyes flashed with crazy light.

"Death for you!" Totec made a fist with one hand again and put his fist on his chest. His hands were full of small wounds, like the scarred armor on his chest.

"Okay! Let's go!" Tisok simply handed over the king's flag behind him to the imperial guard and threw away the burden on him.

"Hold on to this flag until you die! I promise your descendants a future!" Although he didn't remember the name of the guard behind him, this did not prevent the king's final promise.

The hair-cutting guard bowed his head and knelt down, got up quickly, and silently took the king's flag. More than ten years of special training has instilled absolute loyalty in these guards, and they have already abandoned themselves.

"Let's go!" Tissock finally glanced around the battlefield, as if to engrave all the betrayals in his heart.

"When I return to the capital, I will send everyone to the altar and shed their blood!" The king's eyes were already full of blood-colored hatred.

"So are the Otomi people!" This is also the last madness.

Tisok fled south without hesitation. More than a hundred remaining hair-cutting guards escorted him south, leaving only a few dozen people to guard the king's flag. Totec continued to charge ahead, and the warriors directly under the royal family retreated to make way for the march.

Huosoke lay weakly on several pairs of leather armor, surrounded by warriors of the city-state who were guarding him. With a shield and double-layer leather armor, he was shocked by Totec's club, and two ribs were broken, and now he can't move. Fortunately, he did not hurt his internal organs, and there is no danger to his life.

At this moment, he reluctantly raised his head, looked at Tisok who fled south, resisted the pain in his chest, and shouted resolutely, "Come on! Don't let him escape!"

Olosh sighed and flattened Husok's head. Tisok disappeared from his eyes in an instant, and the big helpless face of the samurai captain appeared in front of him.

"Captain, don't worry. The overall situation has been decided, and Tisok is doomed to fail. With me, the tracking master, he can't escape! Do you remember the jaguar hunting we watched together when we were young? The prey is the last The struggle is the most dangerous. The jaguar will not take risks, but will continue to create wounds and follow behind the prey. When the prey is drained of blood and exhausted, it will kill with one blow!"

Husock recalled the free and fearless youth life. In that happy era when he didn't have to take on the responsibilities of his father and family. He used to have unrestrained adventures in the jungle with his old friends, chasing tigers and leopards, looking for eagles and falcons... He calmed down and put a smile on his strong face.

"I'm fine, but I have two broken bones, just go back and raise them for a month. You bring the jaguar warriors to find Shulot, and tell him not to worry about me. Quickly bring the longbow guards, and you go to chase together! Remember, don't go near Totec until Tissok is dead!"

Olosh nodded, looked at Hursok's smiling face, and smiled. He reached out and probed the temperature of his old friend's forehead to make sure there was no fever. He lifted off his old friend's leather armor and checked carefully to make sure there was no bleeding.

Afterwards, he thought hard, turned his head and instructed the surrounding warriors: "Use the rope you captured to carefully secure the regiment's chest. Remember to tie it firmly so that he can't move, just like tying a crocodile."

"Samurai Chief, how do you tie a crocodile? I've never tied it before." The samurai looked embarrassed.

"Never tied a crocodile? There are so many rivers, what did you do when you were young! Stupid turkey! Forget it, you should have tied a deer? Remember to put a soft cloth on his chest."

After finishing speaking, Olosh turned to leave, thought for a while and added: "Take another cotton cloth and cover the eyes of the regiment commander, don't let him look around. This battle has been won, let him sleep well. Yes. There is no sense of security along the way! Watch carefully, don't move!"

Olosh nodded with satisfaction, feeling that he had thought through it properly. He took the elite jaguar team and hurried to the king's flag line in Avit.

Only Husok was left with a helpless, wry smile.

Watching Totec fleeing south with Tisok, the giant bear Stanley finally came out from behind the bronze spear warrior's shield formation. He glanced at Totec's back, fighting intent and awe flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Immediately, he rushed forward bravely, rushing towards the king's flag, which was guarded by only a few dozen people. As soon as the bronze spear warriors swarmed up, they chopped down the scarred hair-cutting guards in a moment, and then Stanley held the flag with both hands again and folded it hard, and Tisok's king flag slowly fell.

At this point, the outcome has been decided, and there is only one king left on the battlefield!

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, the majestic Avit raised the king's flag and divine scepter high, and once again surrendered: "In the name of the patron saint Huizilopochtli, only Tisok is to blame, and those who surrender will not be to blame!"

Following Tissok's southward flight and the fall of the king's flag, the Eagle Noble Chapters were the first to react. They have been observing the situation, and when they heard Avit's promise, they immediately retreated slowly and tacitly separated from the Jaguars.

Then, they threw away the original legion command flag, replaced it with a big flag painted with a blood-colored sun, and saluted Avet on one knee to show their surrender. Because the family crests of the royal families on both sides are the same, they can only be distinguished by different royal guards of honor, obviously they are well prepared.

In the end, the noble warriors pushed the legion commander who was loyal to Tisok and had long lost his power to the front of the battle and tied it with hemp rope. This was also the scapegoat introduced by the public.

Shulot watched the surrender of the nobles, and only felt that the process was smooth and smooth, without a trace of fireworks, and the surrender was justified.

Directly under the samurai is much simpler. Hearing the king's promise, the seven thousand warriors directly under him threw away their weapons, knelt down toward the king's flag, bowed their heads and bowed to the ground. They cut off part of their hair with obsidian blades to show loyalty and obedience.

While Avit sent his personal guards to collect the surrendered samurai, he quickly gathered his generals.

In just a moment, Stanley brought the bronze spear warriors, Shulot the longbow guards, and the city-state jaguar warriors of Orosh, gathered together under the king's flag.

The teenager asked Olosh worriedly: "Teacher, how is father's injury?"

Hearing the title of "teacher", Avette frowned slightly. He gave Olosh a dissatisfied look.

"The head of the regiment is not seriously injured, and there is no danger to his life. He told us to chase after Tisok!" Oloshi gave the boy a reassuring wink.

The boy nodded, and he looked worriedly in his father's direction for a moment.

Avit tapped the scepter in his hand with his fingers. With a crisp sound, the generals immediately became awe-inspiring.

"Tysock must be caught! Shirot, I'll give you seven hundred family warriors, and you will bring a hundred longbow guards and two hundred jaguar warriors from the Holy City, and hurry south to pursue them!"

This battle was short and brutal, with the Guards on both sides bearing the lion's share of the losses. Arvet's two thousand family warriors lost three hundred The Longbow Guard also lost nearly fifty men.

These family warriors, a legacy from his mother, maintain the highest loyalty to Avit. Now he handed it over to the seven hundred young men, leaving only one thousand loyal warriors by his side to rule the army of the royal family.

"In the south, I have already arranged more than 10,000 blocked warriors, and I have also given you their command. They will besiege Tisok with you!" Avet smiled and gave the boy a letter.

"Stanley, you are also with Shulot, protect him, and be careful to guard against Totec!"

Stanley got down on one knee and bowed his head respectfully.

"Tisok is Totec's belief in fighting. Don't think about catching him alive, just shoot Tisok to death! Don't melee with Totec! Protect yourself." Avet finally bowed his head slightly and whispered in the boy's ear , and then reached out and touched the boy's head.

Shilot also knelt down on one knee and bowed his head. After the first battle, the friend has become the only king. He needs to show respect for the king in front of the generals.

Avit nodded, then held up the boy's hands, and watched the boy leave. He wants to stay here, continue to recruit the surrendering army, and coerce the eagle nobles.

A thousand elites gathered immediately.

Shirot straightened his chest and looked at his subordinates confidently: the elite warriors held bronze spears, longbows and battle sticks, and Stanley, Bertard, and Orosh bowed and obeyed.

The young man is in high spirits and high spirits. This is his first time leading an army alone, and also his first time, to capture a king!

"All generals obey!" The young man had no magic scepter, so he could only wave the stick in his hand to the south: "Go south to search for the enemy, regardless of life or death!"

Qianjun complied with a bang, and then hurried southward, like a pack of wolves chasing after him. This is the final hunt!