Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 687: The First Conclave of the Wolves

In spring, the sky floats, and the lake breeze is clear. The birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. It is a good time in late spring, a good day for nobles to go out. In the southwest corner of the capital city in the lake, there is a small manor with few people and a quiet environment for the nobles to go out and rest. Outside the manor, there are green reeds swaying, and there are a few small boats docked at the nearby pier.

At this moment, outside a stone hall in the manor, there are dozens of noble warriors wearing different leather armors, guarding carefully. And several great nobles in light robes and feather crowns were sitting in the stone hall, drinking tequila and talking angrily.

"...The era when the gods created five suns! Every city-state is like an independent pack of wolves, and there is a jungle-like order. The wolves of the wolf pack must obey the guidance of the wolf king. And the wolf kings everywhere Lead the pack of wolves and obey the supreme jaguar king. The sky and the earth are distinct, and the hills are independent of each other. This is the rule that has not changed in the world for thousands of years!"

Pacho, the leader of the Gianjin clan, drank the tequila in one gulp, stood up with his eyes wide open. He looked around at the few people present, raised his arms and shouted, expressing his inner anger and fear.

"Nowadays, the king is united with the high priests to intervene in the self-government of the nobles of various states, overturning the old rules! This is like a jaguar walking into a pack of wolves, breaking the unity of the wolves, and instigating the subordinates to obey the wolves, go Fight with the leading wolf king! Such a vicious strategy may not have been the original intention of the king and the priests and elders, but may have come from the hands of the ruthless chief intelligence officer!"

"That's right! The order of the world has changed, and the alliance has been overthrown. Despicable villains are like dark clouds covering the sky, and there is no fair and immortal sun anymore!"

In front of several acquainted nobles, Reed Patriarch Xintel was worried, and sighed, expressing his opinion in a deep voice.

"In the sacred tradition of the alliance, the king is the big talker of justice, while the glorious nobles of each state are the little talkers of each state's independence. Now, the center of the royal family stretches out its greedy tiger claws and rushes to grab everywhere The city-state of the city holds tributes, tributes, and warriors in its hands! The great nobles who live with the country are all like feathers! I am afraid that this is not the will of the main god, but the temptation from the underground demons... .”

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense. Patriarch Xintel, you are drunk!"

Spruce patriarch Hochkalo looked embarrassed and uneasy. He is well aware of the horror of the royal family's secret guards, and he does not want to scold the chief intelligence officer in charge of the secret guards as a villain or a monster in the capital in the lake. He looked at the people who were drinking, lowered his voice, and carefully advised them.

"In any case, King Avit attacked all parts of the world and was invincible. He is the supreme king of gods! Over the years, under the guidance of the king of gods, the alliance has grown stronger. We Mexica have become a group that rules the world, and All the honorable nobles are also high above the descendants of the gods in the world, and share the glory of the Lord God together!...This is all the achievements of the **** kings, even better than the previous kings..."

"Yunshan Hochkalo, you are also a glorious nobleman in Acidwood City! Seeing that the adjacent Acidwood family is divided into four, there is another chief priest who is in charge of the teaching... Phew, after this Oh the day! Ha ha! . . . "

Xiajin patriarch Pacho drank another cup, his face flushed from drunkenness. He glared at the spruce patriarch Hotch Carlo, and shouted again.

"Hochkalo, I don't believe you have any thoughts in your heart! If I remember correctly, your first wife gave birth to you three grown children... Don't tell me, you want to wait until after you die, Yun The Shan family is divided into three?"

Hearing this heartbreaking question, Hochkalo's face darkened. He lowered his head and sipped his drink, covering up the uneasiness in his heart. Sourwood patriarch Yotico, how did he die? What is the king's attitude towards the powerful nobles? ...As a former participant, he knows it all.

Before taking control of the Sourwood Legion, he could cooperate with the royal family without any burden, assassinate Jotico together, and seize the power of the city-state. However, at this moment, after he grasped the real power of the city-state, his **** naturally sat on the position of the speaker of each state, instinctively resisting the centralization of power by the royal family!

"Phew, praise the Lord God! The revered King Avet is leading us like a condor! Her divine eyes should be watching the hostile ministries in the world, and should not be distracted by the small family affairs of the nobles everywhere. ..”

The mountain patriarch Yin Zeer raised his head, held the sun amulet around his neck, and praised the king. Afterwards, he lowered his voice, looked at the rest of the people, and asked cautiously.

"Perhaps, we can invite an old man from the royal family to come and appeal for nobles everywhere... such as the revered new chief minister, the elder Kakamazin?"

"The elder, Kakamazin, is kind and friendly with the great nobles of various states. It's just that he never participates in politics, nor will he oppose the king's will."

Yuyan Elder Mitou shook his head, speaking for the first time at the banquet. The Feather Goose family rules the Sun City Tonatico, and is actually a local branch of the Mexica royal family. At this moment, Mihoti, the head of the Yuyan clan, is still leading the Yuyan Legion, stationed in the South Route Army. When Mitou came to the banquet, he never thought that he would encounter such a situation.

"The powerful aristocrats of the alliance and the leaders of the states are all complaining and dissatisfied! King Avet's rule... Hey! The persecution has indeed gone too far."

Hearing the complaints from the great nobles, Elder Mitou pursed his lips, feeling both shocked and worried. The reason why he came to the capital this time was also because the Suanmu family was divided into four, which shocked the Yuyan family.

Mihoti, the head of the Yuyan clan, is actually the child of the former king Asaya Cartel and the female chieftain of Tonatico. The elders in the family, including Elder Mitou, belong to the matrilineal side.

Therefore, the prince Montezuma II was exactly Mihoti's half brother. This is a hidden danger of inheritance, especially not long ago, the prince Montezuma II obeyed the will of the former king Asaya Cartel, officially married Mihoti's half-sister, and fully obtained the Yuyan family inheritance!

"If the royal family uses this as an excuse to divide the Yuyan family. Or if the head of the Mihoti family has an accident during the expedition, then the future of the family and the rule of the city-state may..."

With the authorization of the elders, Mitou came to the capital in the lake in a hurry. He wanted to communicate with the central government of the royal family as a branch of the royal family, obtain the king's promise, and clarify the future heir of the family.

"Speakers, the king's decree to the nobles is like a stone falling into the water, not only splashing the sky, but also frightening the birds by the lake! And such stones, falling one after another, And who can sit idly by?"

Reed patriarch Sintel looked serious. As a landlord, he pondered for a while, and then led the discussion at the banquet again, talking about the most important inheritance dispute.

"Last month, some older nobles united and sent the elders of the clan who complained to the high priests to tell the most sincere suggestions: 'Starting from the first generation of the ancestor Akama Pichitli, each The succession of the nobles of the state has always been the self-determination of the elders within the family! In the 160 years since the founding of Trochtitlan, the capital of the lake, there has never been a practice of the royal family taking action to rule on the succession of nobles everywhere...'”

"I've heard that too! The High Priests rejected the nobles' proposals, and even replied..."

Xiajin patriarch Pacho blushed, and with suppressed anger, he recounted in a deep voice.

"In the history of the alliance, there have been two precedents for the king to decide to determine the heirs of the nobles. The main **** gave the divine revelation, and the elders established the religious law, in order to regulate the order among the nobles and protect the rights and interests of the nobles! The newly established The Chief Priest of Arbitration will not take the initiative to interfere in the family affairs of the nobles. Unless the descendants with the right to inherit, encounter the darkness and injustice like the moon, they take the initiative to invite the arbitration, and let the sacred sun dispel the darkness..."

"Listen, listen! What is this doing? This is instigating our heirs, letting the young eagles kill each other, disregarding the family inheritance, and smashing the family's earthen pots to pieces!"

Hearing this, the young mountain patriarch Yin Zeer's expression changed, and he felt strong dissatisfaction in his heart.

As a humble bastard, he first secretly procrastinated and watched his elder brother be killed, and then conspired with the chief intelligence officer to send his father to the Kingdom of God, and only then did he take the position of the patriarch of the mountain. He knows better than anyone else how strong a desire the suppressed heirs can have, and use external forces by all means to seize the inheritance right that is close to Chi Chi!

"The royal family intervenes in the succession, and the descendants are equally divided into the family. Once such a precedent is set, the noble and glorious nobles of each branch may never have peace! There will also be filth among brothers and sisters..."

The mountain patriarch Yin Zeer closed his eyes, heaved a long sigh, and echoed softly.

Although he ascended to a high position by stepping on the bones of his relatives, he never hoped that the same situation would happen to his descendants. Among all the great nobles present here, he is the one who yearns for brotherly respect, father's kindness and son's filial piety the most, because that is what he has been asking for since he was a child.

"Cough! The division of the Suanmu family should be a special case. The wise King Avet has the ambition to conquer the world, and he will conquer all directions! He will definitely not abuse the power of the **** king and repeatedly touch the bottom line of the great nobles."

Seeing that the content of the discussion was gradually slipping into danger, Yuyan Elder Mitou had no choice but to stand up and smooth things over with a smile.

"At this moment, His Royal Highness Shulot is leading three southern city-state legions to besiege the last fortress of the Tlaxcalans and attack the disobedient Totonacs. The alliance's territory is about to expand again. The old enemy will also shed blood...Let us raise our cups, congratulate His Highness, congratulate the king, congratulate the Lord God!"

"Congratulations to His Highness, congratulations to the king, congratulations to the Lord God!"

The speakers of the city-states looked at each other, their faces changed, they all smiled and raised their glasses to celebrate. Spruce patriarch Hochkalo's eyes flickered, his fat face was smiling, full of sincerity.

"I heard that after the fall of the last Cloud Snake Fortress of the Tlaxcala people, the land of the four states of Tlaxcala will be transferred to the nobles of the alliance states, and His Royal Highness Chimalpili will be the king! This time Eastern Expedition, as you all have seen, the Tlaxcala Basin is so fertile!...The king of Kang Ti has promised to use double the territory of the four states to replace the nobles who are willing to transfer the title!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed, and thoughts flashed in their hearts. Reed patriarch Xintel thought for a while and asked with a smile.

"Oh? Spruce Hochkalo, are you planning to transfer to the land of Tlaxcala?"

"Exactly! Follow His Royal Highness Chimalpili, open up the fertile land in the east, and expand our Mexica city-state, which is the guidance given by the Lord God!"

Spruce patriarch Hochkalo stretched out his hand and drew a sacred "囵" character. In Acidwood City, the Yunshan family has been under the Acidwood family for a long time, and the territory and population they control are not the most. And his control over the Sourwood Legion is far from enough, and he can't use his arms like the dead

"So, as long as the price is right, it is not a pity to give up everything in Suanmu City and transfer to the fertile land of the East!"

Now, the territory directly under the central government of the royal family has expanded to the west around Aurwood City. Hochkalo judged the situation and decided to sell the other nobles in the city-state long ago, and handed over Acidwood City to the royal family. Of course, the premise is to obtain enough territorial returns and the promise of independent inheritance from the family.

"Bless the Lord God! We will continue to win and rule the tribes all over the world! Come, come, drink, drink, and drink the tequila that has been preserved for more than ten years in the palace of the tree and snake city!"

Knowing the idea of ​​patriarch Spruce's reassignment, Patriarch Reed Xintel's eyes flashed, and he did not continue the topic just now. He exchanged glances with the Xiajin patriarch, then looked down at the mountain patriarch, then smiled and toasted, drinking wine with everyone. Then, he clapped his hands and shouted instructions to the guards.

"With good wine, how can there be no beauties? Come, let the noble ladies of Tlaxcala, naked snake bodies, dance the cloud snake dance close to the body of the noble tigers of Mexica!"

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