Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 695: The Disposition of the Black Wolf, Frien

Remember [New] in a second! The light rain fell from the sky, fell on the earthen burial pits, hit the asphalt bone piles, flowed among the tall stone tablets, and brushed over the stern faces of many army generals.

The land of Totonac has a tropical savannah climate, warm and humid all year round. The coastal lowlands are particularly hot, with rainy and windy summers, and can even be farmed year-round. At this moment, the drizzle is falling and the breeze is blowing, bringing a little bit of coolness, which makes people feel refreshed.

Black Wolf Toltek raised his head, stared at the generals present, and pondered for a long time. He received His Highness's order in the camp of Tree Snake City, and led a lone army to march eastward. He walked down a plateau of more than 2,000 meters and traveled more than 500 miles before reaching the coast of the East China Sea occupied by the Totonak people. .

Now, the army has completely left the supply range of the Tree Snake City camp, and has come to the coastal area where the alliance's influence is weak, and is completely hostile to Totonak's various ministries. His task is no longer to plunder and capture prisoners, and leave after burning, but to truly take root along the coast and establish a port stronghold that allows the kingdom's fleet to go to sea. In other words, he had to start running the place, take root here, obtain local food supplies, and support more than 10,000 troops by himself.

General Heilang frowned slightly, feeling heavy pressure. He thought for a while, before facing the respectfully waiting generals, he spoke in a deep voice.

"Lord God bless! We have conquered the northern holy land of the Totonak people, the ancient ancient city of Feathered Serpent! The wolves have been running for so long, and finally arrived at the mouth of the sea that His Highness wanted. Next, this is our territory, and the legion will not Let's go!"

Hearing this, all the generals cheered sincerely. The Guajili Legion has been fighting for more than a year, fighting dozens of times, and it is indeed a bit tired and needs to be recuperated. As for the surrendered generals, they had to take on the most arduous task in the raid for the sake of the army, and they often suffered the heaviest casualties, so they really wanted to settle down.

"The army walked down the warm plateau and came to the hot lowlands. Although the various ministries along the way had simple weapons and no armor, they resisted tenaciously. In the battle of the ancient city of Feathered Serpent, the descendants and priests who believed in the false **** Totonak, In the name of the Holy Land, we mobilized the warriors and militiamen of all tribes to rely on the towns to resist and struggle! We fought for three or four days, and thousands of warriors were killed in battle. In the end, artillery was used to disperse the warriors of the god-descendant family , to surrender the terrified militia..."

General Heilang paused, glanced at the militia leader who surrendered first, and nodded with a smile. Red Ear was overwhelmed by the flattery, and immediately beamed with joy, respectfully returning the salute.

"...After entering the ancient city of Feathered Serpent, the descendants of false gods and priests led hundreds of warriors to fight against the pyramid temple. We shot rockets, which ignited the black oil in the temple and ignited a big fire. The fire burned for ten days, and now it’s all turned into ashes! His Highness asked me to keep the inheritance boards and stone murals in the temple as much as possible. I didn’t do it, and I made a mistake..."

Hearing this, the red monkey Ozuoma coughed lightly and replied with a smile.

"Respected leader of the Black Wolf Legion, there is so much black oil stored in the Feathered Serpent Temple, and I don't know what to do with it. I see, the priests in the temple have made up their minds to set fire to the temple. .This is not your fault, but the priest of the false **** was confused by the evil spirits, unable to see the glory of the true God, so he was burned!"

Hearing this, Totonak warrior Wood Lizard opened his mouth. He wanted to explain something, but he didn't dare to say it in the end. He had guarded the Feathered Serpent Priests before, so he knew the uses of those black oils, one was used as a mural paint, and the other was used to embalm corpses. And if it weren't for the terrible gunpowder arrows used by the Legion, these black oils would not be so easy to ignite...

"...Well. In any case, it is my responsibility to burn down the ancient temple without leaving a legacy board, and I will admit my mistake to Your Highness!"

Hei Lang was silent for a moment, but he didn't make any excuses. As proud as he is, he doesn't bother to push the responsibility on the head of the dead. He raised his head, scanned everyone sternly, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Witness of the Lord God! After the Feathered Snake City was captured, the three thousand god-born nobles, priests and warriors who dared to resist were all beheaded and sacrificed by the army! You all looted your property and women and indulged yourself for several days. Now, you have to start afresh. Restrain the army! Otherwise, if I restrain military discipline myself, I will not be merciful!"

Seeing Hei Lang's cold expression, the hearts of all the generals trembled. They all bowed their heads and responded respectfully.

"Yes! The Lord God bears witness! I obey you, the brave Chief Black Wolf!"

"Very good! You are my pack of wolves. When you should bite, you must do your best, and when you should eat, you should also feast. Now that you are done eating, you should stop and obey orders!"

Black Wolf nodded in satisfaction. He sorted out his thoughts and talked again.

"After more than a month of fighting, you should also be aware of it. The Totonak people are also a wilderness tribe that went south hundreds of years ago. They are our distant brothers who speak the same language and come from the same origin. Although they have been at ease for a long time, But if you really fight for your life, you can fight!"

Hearing this, all the dog-born generals nodded. After several years of conquests, the ranks of the various ministries that the Legion has fought against are probably the Tlaxcala people who are united with the army and the people, with the largest number and the strongest combat effectiveness. The people of the clouds, Mystec, are separated from the noble and the humble, and the militia is weak, the weakest overall. And the organization degree of the Totonac people is even higher than that of the Nantex people who live in the mountains, and can be ranked second!

"Therefore, if we want to firmly occupy this place and manage the seaside, we must carefully distinguish the various ministries of Totonak, and also see clearly the different groups within each ministries, distinguish enemies, and clearly see friends..."

Speaking of this, Hei Lang paused for a moment, thinking of His Highness's previous teachings, the words were meaningful.

"Your Highness said, who is our enemy? Who is our friend? It is the primary issue in the war!... Look carefully, among the Totonac people, from top to bottom, they can be divided into four classes! "

"The top two classes are hereditary priests and nobles. They are the least in number, but they have the greatest power and wealth! Then, there are thousands of tribal warriors in the middle class. They control the force of war, but they often belong to different clans. Priests, nobles and headmen. Finally, there are tens of thousands of tribal people at the bottom, who are responsible for farming, fishing, logging, building and making tools... In general, they are priests, nobles, warriors, and commoners , Each has to be handled differently!"

Hearing this, all the generals looked at each other with some thoughts in their hearts. The red monkey Ozuoma concentrated his attention and listened most carefully. He also felt awe of His Highness who could say these words.

"...How to distinguish between enemies and friends? Simply put, enemies are the targets of wolves, while friends are wolves who can cooperate. If we want to annex the wolves of the Totonac, we must bite the first wolf Die, kill the leading nobles and priests, and **** the dominance of the wolves! This process of seizure must completely eliminate the priests' theocratic power, and try to gather the jurisdiction of the leaders... That is to say, the Feathered Serpent Priest All are executed, all the big nobles are sacrificed, and the heads of the small tribes are kept depending on the situation!"

Hei Lang's cold words fell into the ears of the generals, like thunder, making people's hearts turbulent. In the entire Central American world, only the Mexica who assumed the destiny and considered themselves chosen by God would take the terrible idea of ​​destroying the gods and sacrificing their descendants as a matter of course.

"Only by killing the leading nobles and priests can we get enough property, land and small mouths to reward the loyal warriors who follow us! The Guacili Legion has land in the kingdom, so they need enough property rewards. As for the follower Mist Only the land and serfs should be divided into enfeoffments for the Totonak warriors and Totonak warriors. In the same way, the priests and nobles, and the warriors and militias of the coastal ministries will lose their loyal leaders. Subdue!"

Hearing this, the woodpecker Rich and the god-born priest Andy Wei looked at each other, and nodded tacitly.

Now, the Mixtec warriors under them have completely killed their wildness, and are no longer the obedient ones tamed by the priests and nobles. And these Mixtec warriors were able to obey the command and were not afraid of death, but they were only afraid of the powerful force suppressed by the Mexica Legion, and they were able to plunder and kill wantonly after the war, gaining unprecedented vent and wealth.

An army like this is really like a pack of wolves, ready to backfire at any time. The two of them were not as ferocious and brave as General Heilang. When they led the vanguard battalion, they were always trembling. And if the warriors can be granted land and serfs, it is indeed a way to stabilize the morale of the army and restrain the brutal warriors.

As for the warrior Wood Li and the leader of the militia, Hong Er, they were a little skeptical when they heard that they could divide the land and serfs of the noble heads, and they couldn't believe it yet.

"Priests and nobles are the destined enemies of the kingdom. Warriors and militiamen are the friends the kingdom can win, and they are the wolves of the middle-aged. We must subdue the wolves of the middle-aged, kill a few of the rebellious ones, and make most of them obedient. Order the wolves, and take them under their command one by one!"

"As long as the tribal warriors and militia surrender to the kingdom, they can replace the position of the noble head, and obtain wealth, land and tribes that have never been imagined! In the traditional Totonac tribe, they have absolutely no possibility of obtaining all these... .As long as they accept the kingdom's reward, they will become slave wolves to maintain the kingdom's rule! Of course, the standards for entrustment should be different for different tribes. Let the soldiers who follow us first get the benefits first! The one with the greatest merit will get an extra copy!..."

When all the generals heard, they were all fascinated, as if they had an extra target to fight. The words of General Heilang fell into the ears of the generals, and they were no longer harsh and terrifying, but became kind and majestic.

"Those who resist will be put to death, and rewards will be given to surrender! As long as the head wolf and adult wolf are dealt with, the remaining weak old wolves and young wolves, tens of thousands of tribesmen, can only follow behind and work obediently for us. They leave The command of the priests and headmen has no ability to resist, and they cannot be regarded as enemies of the kingdom. And they believe in false gods, and they cannot be regarded as friends of the kingdom until they sincerely convert and convert to the main god. They just need to remember that the original Give the tribute to the headman, give it to the kingdom, and then submit to the Lord God!..."

Speaking of this, Hei Lang paused for a while, touched his head, and vaguely felt that something was wrong. He has been fighting for many years, so he is well-informed and has seen too many different and similar tribesmen.

Tens of thousands of tribal people from all parts of the world have always only known to obey the nobles, believe in gods devoutly, and do not know how to resist. They are prey eaten by the upper class. In fact, they are not old wolves and young wolves at all, but at most they are domesticated turkeys and weed rats!

At this moment, Hei Lang was a little dazed. He couldn't help but look to the west, groaning in confusion.

"His Highness has repeatedly emphasized to me that civilians are like tides, and they contain power like mountains and seas. But where is this power hidden? I have never seen it..."