Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 703: oath of the black wolf

Remember [New] in a second! The summer rain fell at the beginning, and the rain was dredging and windy for a few days, and then suddenly the sky cleared and the clouds cleared. In the deep sky, only the scorching sun is left, illuminating the fertile seashore and watching the crowds running.

Yao Lin, the king's envoy, rushed over aggressively and tried to persuade him to surrender Nian Shui City. However, he stayed for more than ten days, and after meeting the head of the Black Wolf Army several times, he kept a low profile and left in a hurry. When he left, he brought with him the eighty servants gifted by the black wolf, and the full "sincerity" that the servants bowed their heads on.

Under the **** of two hundred legion warriors, dozens of god-born nobles from Qinbo Ali also followed the messenger Yao Lin to the land of Tlaxcala. Their destination was the Tree Snake City camp where His Highness was stationed five hundred miles away.

"The attitude of the king, the attitude of His Highness, and the attitude of the great nobles of the alliance. I came here day and night, trying to maintain the tradition as much as possible, so that the three parties can accept the leader of the Black Wolf Army, but he is unwilling to accept it!"

The envoy Yao Lin turned around and looked back at the tiny Erashui City in the sky. There were waves in his chest, but his face was calm and serene.

"The waves of Lake Texcoco are tumbling, and the dark tide is raging up and down the alliance. The vortex on the seashore is the projection of Lake Texcoco, and it is not a place for snapping turtles to stay for a long time. As a combat-friendly black wolf, he jumped straight into it. In the sea, against the tide, you must have the determination not to be afraid of drowning!"

Yao Lin narrowed his eyes, watched silently for a while, and shook his head. He turned around, looked at the hills gradually rising to the west, and at the servants carrying heavy gifts, mocking himself in a low voice.

"Forget it! The changes in the alliance in the past few years are like a hurricane roaring! So many honorable people have all died of King Avet's heart. I dare not see clearly. His Royal Highness Xiulot's ambition, I also Unable to follow. As for the turmoil of the alliance's great nobles, I don't even want to participate in it."

"The hurricane hits, the raindrops are heavy, the old clouds clear, and the new thunder roars. When I can't understand the sky, I still hide my head in the mountains to barely survive. I have fought once. Since there is no result, it is also destined .My father and grandfather’s business in the seaside place, let’s give it up! Even if it’s at His Highness’s place in advance, keep a good God’s blessing in secret!”

Yao Lin held the amulet and prayed in a low voice. Afterwards, he no longer had any attachments in his eyes, and strode forward to the nearest Wushan City.

All the way to the west for five hundred miles, go to Wushan City, climb the mountain spring village, pass through the ancient market town, and finally reach the camp of Tree Snake City. And as long as he brings the noble chiefs of Totonak to the Tree Snake City where His Highness is located , the changes in the war situation in the east will have nothing to do with him from now on.

"As long as we get there, even if the sky falls... All the responsibilities will be borne by the tall Highness!"

"Boss Black Wolf! If the emissary of the Great Chief brought the noble chiefs of Totonac to the Tree Snake City, will the Great Chief be difficult to deal with? Will these noble chiefs who are in the way be released again?"

On the hill outside Erashui City, Red Deer Masat was wearing light leather armor, with a sharp copper ax on his waist, and a big bow on his back. He stared wide-eyed, looked in the direction Yao Lin was leaving, and opened his mouth with a murderous look.

"What kind of envoy just came here and took away so much spoils. Black Wolf Chief, otherwise, we would have killed him and those noble chiefs on the way! It would have been attacked by the Totonacs Look, let's see who dares to come and talk!"

".Red Deer, after this trip to the East, your courage has really grown!"

Hearing this, the black wolf Toltek withdrew his gaze and turned his head. He looked at the red deer with a murderous look on his face, with a half-smile.

"Now, even the king's envoy, do you dare to shout and kill?"

"Uh! Boss, I only have you in my heart, and His Highness Death! As for the king, he can't control me."

"Ha, you idiot! The king can't control you, but he can control His Highness!"

"Boss, Your Highness is invincible, but the real reincarnation of the **** of death. Our army in the lake is no weaker than the army of the alliance! This Eastern Expedition is the situation that our South Route Army will open first. Now fight the rebellious Totona The alliance sent envoys to restrain everyone. According to me, why listen to the king, why not?"

"You idiot, shut up!"

Hearing this, Hei Lang's eyes sharpened, and he raised his hand to slap Red Deer's face with a "slap". Red Deer staggered, half of his face swelled instantly. He covered his face, looked up at Hei Lang's fierce eyes, fell to his knees in fright, kowtowed repeatedly, not daring to say a word.

"Red Deer, remember it! You can discuss the matter between the king and His Royal Highness casually? Don't say a word that shouldn't be said! Whoever dares to gossip between the King and His Royal Highness, sow dissension, and shake the alliance In the overall situation, I will cut off his tongue with my own hands!"

With cold eyes, the black wolf stared fiercely at the red deer for a while. He watched the red deer kowtow again and again, his forehead turned red, and then lowered his eyes, his voice slowed down.

"Go back to the People's Liberation Army, put away my arrogant habits! Defeating the Tlaxcalans, Mixtecs, and Totonacs... What kind of skill is it! The Alliance's Jaguar and Eagle Battlegroups , the Royal Bronze Armored Legion is the real elite of the world."

"The king's envoys and the noble chieftains of Totonac are all handled by the Supreme Highness. Now, in Erashui City, there is no one who can get in the way anymore!"

"Huh? Boss, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Hong Lu raised his head, his face was startled, and then a look of joy appeared.

"Could it be that the soldiers can let go of their hands and feet?"


Hei Lang's eyes were deep, and he glanced at the docile Red Deer, his voice was cold and firm.

"I have dealt with all the feathered serpent priests captured by the tribes of Qinbo Ali! I have also cleaned up all the temples in this city, and all their property has been used for military purposes!"

"Listen to you, boss."

"From the more than 20,000 people in the Erashui City tribe, another 2,000 people will be conscripted! All the males over the age of 15 will be filled into the army. If there is not enough, we will use healthy women to make up for it!"

"Hiss! Another two thousand Ding?! Good! Listen to you, boss."

"Open the warehouses in the city and take all the property in the city! The local noble chiefs have left and will not come back. They copied their long houses and houses for me! The samurai of the Nian Shui Department were recruited, and each of them was given a piece of cotton cloth. Capture them Ding Zhuang, each person will be given a basket of grain! If there is a leader who dares to resist, I will arrest them all!"

Hearing these arrangements, Red Deer Massat beamed with joy, even forgetting the pain on his face. He half fell on the ground, raised his head high, and promised loudly.

"Ah! Praise the Lord God, praise the generous leader! We all listen to you, Black Wolf Chief!"

"After finishing the treatment, let go of the hands and feet of the soldiers, and eat as much as they can for three days! All the nobles and female relatives in the city will also be pulled out for the brave warriors to enjoy! Three days later, hold a ceremony for me, blood sacrifice for the leader of the rebellion The army is going south to attack Jinwan City! Red Deer, do you remember everything?"

"Remember it all! Boss, I will feed and drink the wolves and prepare to hunt and kill!"

"Huh! Go Hurry up and do it!"

"Listen to you, boss!"

The red deer rolled twice before standing up and running quickly towards the city. Soon, the warriors in Erashui City mobilized. Ferocious shouts resounded from various camps, and gradually spread to the city, like a herd of beasts waking up from a deep sleep.

The black wolf Toltek didn't look back, but stood up straight and looked towards the southeast coast, like a lone wolf standing proudly on the top of a mountain. He watched in silence for a long time, pulled out the obsidian dagger at his waist, followed the ancient ritual, and prayed a few words in a low voice. Then, without hesitation, he cut his handsome cheek and swore a **** oath.

"Lord God bless! This time I go south, I will break the Totonac coalition army and kill all the tribes to surrender! If I succeed, I will sacrifice blood to the descendants of the gods and worship the revered Lord God! If I fail, let me shed all my blood and die in battle In the land of the sea!."

"Your Highness, I am your sharp blade, go forward bravely, and will never leave a retreat for myself! And now, I have no retreat!"

The latest map is in the easter egg chapter, which can be used as a reference.

(end of this chapter)
