Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 719: The 2nd Kingdom Exploration, Prayer Unde

"Aia, bombaia, bombe. (Aia, bombaia, bombe.)

Lammasamanaquana! (Lammasamanaquana!)

Aia, bombaia, bombe. (Aia, Bombaia, Bombe).

Lammasamanaquana! (Lammasamanaquana!

The cheerful chorus echoed under the night sky of the Caribbean coast, and scattered into the waves far away! The moon is curved, the stars are shining, and there are clouds floating across the sky, showing the depth of the night. And the bright bonfire is lit on the square of the village by the river, making the sea and the sky lively!

"Boom boom boom! The goddess of storms, Guabancex, controls the sea and waves. He makes long-lost friends come from afar; let us dance and dance happily and sing the happiest song!"

Hundreds of simple and joyful smiling faces were full of anticipation in the firelight. Young girls danced, young people danced, and old people sang old songs. And various musical instruments of the Taino people also appeared one after another. The skin drum is passionate and hasty, the rattle is cheerful and rustling, the wood Xiao is low and distant, and the conch horn is long and fluttering.

Young children will also play interesting bifurcated wooden drums, like knocking on pottery, and play the crisp "Ding Dong" like flowing water. At this moment, a dinner to welcome the arrival of the longship has become a sea of ​​music and singing!

"Boom boom boom!. Atabeyra, the mother goddess of the moon, controls the moonlight, fresh water and reproduction. He bestows the gentle moonlight and bestows the spring water of vitality. Friends who come from afar, let us drink this cup , under the moonlight, chasing and rolling like hares, thriving and growing!"

After the cheerful music played for two moments, the style of the song suddenly changed, full of the charm of singing. Then, amidst the high-pitched praises of the tribal priests, the dancing crowd of hundreds suddenly burst into joy. The young girls in the village, with their upper body bare, stretched out their arms, involuntarily catching the strong visitor from afar. They can't wait to leave blood from afar, give birth to healthier children, and continue the vitality and vitality of the tribe.

"Ah? Ah this! Lord God! No, I still don't need it! Go find Puap, yes, the one who screams the loudest, he has strength!"

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, had a wry smile on his face and struggled hard to escape from the embrace of several young and enthusiastic people. He walked in a hurry, his clothes were messy, even the short jacket on his upper body was torn away by someone, and he probably won't be able to get it back tomorrow.

"According to the tradition of the Taino people, the clothes taken by the woman must belong to the woman. In the past two months, I have lost seven or eight short clothes. The local village is really warm and terrible! It is the rabbit that was planted. , you have to rest for a few days, right?."

Chivaco shook his head and sighed, walking towards the longboat by the sea. In the distance, he could also hear Pu'apu's heroic shouts, like a confident warrior on the battlefield.

"Haha! Come here, let me do it! Hahaha! I want one to fight ten! Don't worry, come one by one"

Indistinctly, there seems to be a tomato priest, cadenced, full of emotional preaching.

"Come! People of the Lord God! Let me teach you the teachings of the Lord God's light! God said that those who obey the gods will ascend to the kingdom of heaven, and those who disobey the gods will sink into the abyss."

"Hey! Priest Tomat, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, is devoutly devoted to the Lord God, is also like this."

Chivaco blinked his eyes, curled his lips in disgust. Shaking his head, he climbed up the flagship's rope ladder, staggered to the cabin, and touched a large jar of sealed tapioca juice. This white drink is a specialty of the Taino tribes. After a little fermentation, it has the taste of some light wine and has a special sweetness. Well, best as a freshwater reserve for nautical travel.

"Gudu! Huh! After two months in Cuban Snake Island, the fermented cassava juice is what suits me best! Gudu is sweet and delicious! Well, cassava is also good, and the output is large and full, but it is difficult Save Gulp"

Chivako drank slowly for a long time before he got out of the cabin and came to the deck under the moonlit night. As soon as he showed his head, he suddenly saw a figure with a strange posture, with his head down and he didn't know what he was doing. The old militiaman's eyes suddenly sharpened. He drew out the dagger at his waist vigilantly and asked in a low voice.

"Who? Who's there?"

"Oh! It's me, Honorable Captain Chivaco!"

The figure turned around, revealing a slender head with a polite and gentle smile on its face. It was Tikalo, a Mayan merchant.

"Hey! Ticaro, aren't you at the dinner party? Why are you back so early?"

"Ha! In the following activities, I can't bear to have people in their forties, and I have to keep more useful bodies to serve the kingdom."

"Ah? Witnessed by the Lord God! This is true. Haha!"

The two old men looked at each other and smiled wryly at the same time, but there was also a tacit understanding.

Chivako felt a little relieved, his eyes were sharp, and he glanced at the palm of the Mayan businessman. He didn't see a weapon, only a small wooden carving with the word "big" painted in white paint on it.

"Huh? Ticaro, what is the mallet in your hand?"

"Uh, Captain Chivako, this is the head of the Jinhu Department. He gave me a wood carving Zemi (Zemi). This wood carving Zemi is engraved with the family crest of the Kekemu family, and it was enshrined in the Jinhu Department for sixty years. Years. Calculated, it should be the last batch of Mayapan’s royal fleet, left behind after the Jinhu Department’s transaction. The leader said that if you give this to me, it can be regarded as returning it to the original owner.”

As Ticaro spoke, his expression became a little depressed, and his voice gradually became inaudible. Holding the Zemi in his hand, he feels the mysterious belief in Taino culture, and thinks about the glorious time of the Mayapan royal family.

In the cognition of the Taino tribes in the Caribbean Islands, the so-called Zemi is an abstract and mysterious symbol with the divine power to change the environment and society. This kind of divine symbol is always associated with gods, ancestors and rituals, and it can be a very abstract pattern or a very specific object. As for Zemi’s physical support, the most common is the “three-pointed shape”, but it can also be a clear family pattern, or very delicate people and animals.

In other words, this is the "magic card" or "rune totem" of the Caribbean tribes.

"Sixty years ago, Zemi enshrined by the Kokom family"

Hearing this, Chivaco raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

In the past two months, the fleet has been on the island of Cuba, repairing ships, replenishing fresh water, looking for the three lost longships, and getting help from many Cuban tribes. The reason why these local tribes were so enthusiastic when they first met was partly due to the simple and hospitable nature of the islanders, and partly due to the communication foundation left by the Mayapan royal fleet. In particular, the powerful Western Mountains on the side of Cuba is the hometown of the translator Cuba’s ancestors and has a long relationship with the Mayan royal family, which is also the most helpful for the exploration fleet at the beginning.

"Lord God bless! This way, the banner of Mayapan has not been forgotten by the Cuban tribes!"

Chivaco reached out and patted Tikalo on the shoulder. He smiled, handed the cassava juice pot in his hand to the bald-headed Mayan merchant, and made a gesture of drinking. Then, he leaned against the side of the boat and looked at the bonfire celebrating on the shore, with tranquility, peace and hope on his face.

"The Taino people don't lack food, and they don't fight. Their eyes are clean, and their hands are clean. Much cleaner than ours. Oh! How wonderful! These simple, kind, hospitable people are like Patz How nice it is for the flamingos flying over Lake Quaro to sing until they are old and dead, instead of falling into the prison of fighting on the earth!"

Hearing this, Ticaro raised his head and looked into the eyes of the old militia Chihuaco. At this moment, the cunning and wise "Old Sea Turtle" in his mind was showing the clean look of a Taino in his eyes. It's just that those eyes have experienced more time and become older.

"Yeah! It's so good! Isolate from the world, without hatred and ambition"

Ticaro was silent for a moment, and responded in a low voice. Chivaco heard it, with an old smile on his face.

"Yes! Sometimes, I really want to stay here and never return to the kingdom. But, I still miss my daughter. Sometimes, I am afraid, afraid that the arrival of the fleet will change everything this beautiful The fighting and blood brought the majesty and fire of the gods to this big island."

"Phew! Dear Captain Chivaco, I have heard a truth from my father and grandfather who carried the family since I was a child."

After a moment of silence, Ticaro closed his eyes and shook his head. He deeply buried the momentary weakness in his heart, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already smiling but determined.

"There are no invincible flowers in the world. The more beautiful the flowers, the more fragile they will be when the wind and rain come! It is the cold cactus on the Mexican plateau that can really endure hardships. Mexica People grow up in the land of cactus and go through blood and fire, and the gentleness of all parts of the world will be ended by the end of blood and fire."

"Huh? Fragile flowers, **** doom"

Hearing this, the old militia Chihuaco lowered his eyes. Your blind Highness has spoken of the prophecy revealed by the gods, that is also the end of blood and fire, but it was brought about by the white-skinned demon in the prophecy. And this peaceful land of Snake Island will be the first to be on the verge of extinction, just a few years later

After a while, Chivako raised his head and looked at the sea under the moonlit night where the stars were reflected. The surface of the sea is glowing with starlight, reflecting the light of fire, reflecting the long long boat, and a crooked moon. The two people on the boat watched silently for a long time before they spoke softly and prayed sincerely.

"May the Lord God bless you!"

"May the Lord God bless you!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :