Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 759: letter from the kingdom

Outside the Tree Snake City, the Mexiga camp stretched for several miles, and the slaughter was severe. Hundreds of alliance warriors, wearing armor and holding bows, are patrolling around the camp. And on the hills a few miles away, the flag of the main **** is flying on the head of the White Snake City, and two thousand-man warrior battalions are stationed.

As for the more distant mountains, Yunshe Mountain City is quiet and deserted, standing alone on a towering mountain. The large alliance camps have blocked almost all the mountain passes and cut off most of the inflow of materials, especially food and salt. Even the city-state nobles of the alliance, as long as they are found daring to smuggle salt into the mountains, they will be executed by military law!

Such a strict siege has lasted for more than a year and a half, making the defenders in the mountain city even more distressed and difficult. And in this dangerous mountain city, only the last four or five thousand deities, warriors and militiamen of Tlaxcala remained. They already knew that the city of White Snake Hill had completely fallen, and all the god-born nobles had been executed! At this moment, the descendants of the cloud snake gods are just holding on to the last sliver of hope, and are struggling to hold on to the mountain fortress that will not fall.

A bonfire was lit in the large tent, and stars fell from the ceiling. When Shulot returned to the camp of Tree Snake City, the kingdom's war machine once again sped up. There are many letters and newspapers gathered from all over the place, most of which are just reports after the event, and only a few of them need the king's instructions.

Under the current military system, the chief of the royal capital, the bishop of the priesthood, and the local county officials all have great administrative autonomy. They made their own decisions and took the initiative to maintain the operation of the kingdom's war machine, without needing Xiulot's personal command. It was under such a decentralized kingdom system that Xiulot could lead the army to go out and not return to the capital for three years.

"Patriarch, this year's autumn harvest information of the Lake Kingdom has been delivered urgently. Hekou County, the weather is good and the harvest is good. Gyeonggi County has floods in the rainy season, and the harvest is a little poor. And Zicao County and Apa County, which opened up wasteland, are average. As for For Qingqiu County in the north, the specific letter has not yet arrived, but according to previous estimates, there is little change."

The head of the guard, Eckart, was holding a stack of letters, summarizing the latest information. There was no one else in the tent, so he naturally addressed him as the head of the house, making him even more intimate.

Xiulot listened carefully and recorded the main points with a pen. As soon as he comes across a concern, he checks it out himself,

"Floods in the rainy season in Gyeonggi County? How much is the harvest?"

"About 10% of the harvest is short. The area of ​​farmland affected by the flood is not large, and it is not serious."

"Since there is a flood in Gyeonggi County, the downstream counties of Zicao and Apa will also be affected! They reported that it was an ordinary year, so they must have concealed something. They dispatched a few teams of secret guards..."

Speaking of this, Xiulot paused, thought for a while, and changed the Wang Ling again.

"No transfer of secret guards. Transfer a batch of grain from Hekou County to supplement Gyeonggi County. Then transfer a batch of grain from Gyeonggi County to the south to supplement the two counties in the south!"

"Patriarch, according to the latest news report from Hekou County, Yin of Kuluka County has assembled the army again after the autumn harvest, preparing to plunder the Chapala Lake area downstream. He expects to mobilize 4,000 spear warriors, 10,000 dog-born militias, and then Gather 6,000 Guamal tribes to form a plundering army of 20,000 people!...He needs to leave enough food, maintain the logistics of the army, and trade prisoners of war with the Guamal people. Therefore, Hekou County cannot recruit too much food .”

"A looting army of 20,000 people?..."

Hearing this scale, Shulot rubbed his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

"How were the 10,000 dog-descendant militia formed and how are they equipped?"

"10,000 canine militias, 5,000 from the experienced Guajili banner team, 3,000 from the Bosalos sent from the Northland, and 2,000 from the wilderness miscellaneous tribes who can't tell their ethnicity..."

"This ten-thousand-dog militia group are all skilled warriors from the wasteland, good at marching and attacking. Most of them wear paper armor, a few wear leather armor, all of them are equipped with copper spears and axes, and there are also many cheap bamboo and wood bows ...Generally speaking, their combat effectiveness will not be weaker than the alliance's city-state legions, and they may even be better than them!"

"Able to pull out 10,000 warriors from the wilderness, and the equipment is not bad... Monkey has really done a good job in the past few years!"

Xiulot nodded in satisfaction and sincerely admired. He was not worried about the expanded army in the hands of the monkey, because the bronze armor rate of the kingdom's main army was steadily increasing, reaching 10 to 20 percent. And half of the bronze-armored imperial guards in his hands have an overwhelming advantage over the local legions!

Moreover, the monkey Kuluka was born as a civilian warrior and lacked family roots. He didn't have the background of self-reliance, so he was allowed by the king to acquiesce and grasp more military power. In fact, the most frequently used generals by Schlott, the warrior commander Berthard, the black wolf Toltek, and the miner Ezpan... are all of civilian origin. Most of the remaining legion commanders are their own retainers.

"Since the monkey is going to fight again, let's not adjust his grain. It's better to transport grain from Gyeonggi to supply the two counties in the south to open up wasteland!"

"Yes, obey you! Patriarch!"

"By the way, send another messenger to the monkey with a message: Let him pay attention to the intelligence of the various tribes in Guamal, and further win over some small tribes who are willing to join. When the Chapala Lake area is annexed, the barrier of the northern plateau, where the Guamal people live The land, the kingdom must also be taken down! At that time, the best excuse for sending troops to the Guamal people is to be invited by some Guamal tribes to arbitrate their inheritance or disputes..."

Xiulot said a few words, and the point was over. He believes that the monkey can understand the meaning, and he is sure that the other party has already buried a secret thread among the Guamal people. This message is to encourage the monkey to go one step further, to be bold, to divide the various tribes in Guamal, and to find an opportunity for the kingdom to take advantage of.

"Follow you! Patriarch!"

After talking about the military situation of the kingdom, the next step is the development of the kingdom. Among them, the most critical ones are land reclamation, faith preaching, mineral production increase, ironware promotion, nitrate production increase, new navigation exploration, and large-scale road and water network construction.

"Patriarch, 400,000 people in the two southern counties have reclaimed 1.6 million mu of new land this year, with a total of about 3.6 million mu of farmland... It's just that the new land has just been reclaimed, and the yield per mu for autumn harvest is still insufficient."

"Huh? 1.6 million mu has been reclaimed?..."

Shulot stroked his chin and calculated a little. In the two southern counties, more than 200,000 Tlaxcala tribes moved in successively, most of whom were young and strong. This year, 1.6 million mu of land has been newly reclaimed, and the per capita is about 8 mu... This figure is relatively reasonable, even if there are some false reports, it is not too much.

"Send envoys to tell Yin of the two counties in the south, especially Yin Ezpan of Apa County: Don't be too harsh on the newly 'immigrated' Tlaxcala tribe. Sufficient food and rations must be provided. Send priests to guide."

"The rainy season is over now, and the autumn harvest is complete. After the autumn harvest, the large-scale construction plan must be properly mobilized to ensure food supply. The Eastern Expeditionary Army has worked hard to transport the people back from two thousand miles away. It is not for you to consume casually. .Even if they are enfeoffed serfs, they must be fed with miscellaneous grains..."

"Of course, for the young and rebellious warriors who refuse to convert, especially some Totonak warriors brought back can let them bear the heaviest labor! Before next year's spring plowing, there will be more More than 100,000 tribes 'moved' into the kingdom, mainly Totonac people. Give me patience, and take care of these seaside people..."

Having said that, Shulot pondered for a while, weighing the pros and cons. There are really too many new tribes in the two counties in the south, and it will take time to digest them, and the missionary work must also be strengthened. In a short period of time, it is better not to move in too many immigrants. After thinking over and over again, Xiulot made a decision.

"As for the distribution of the more than 100,000 tribes, the four counties are roughly divided equally! Apa and Zicao are each divided into 30,000 people, while Hekou and Gyeonggi are divided into 40,000 people each!..."

"Yes! Patriarch!"

Eckart, the head of the guard, quickly drew up the king's decree, and then asked the king to use the seal. The first royal decree was naturally given to the samurai commander in charge of the farm in Shuigu City. The next few royal decrees were given to Yin of the four counties, and Nuoya, the head of the Southern Navy who was in charge of transshipment.

It is worth mentioning that after Puap was sent to the exploration fleet, he participated in two long-distance voyage explorations. And the management right of the southern navy of the Kingdom belongs to the newly promoted hereditary nobleman of Prepecha, Noah.

Noah was born in the boatman family of Preepecha, and was familiar with the water network lakes in the south of the kingdom. There is an ancient family behind her, with more than a hundred naval backbones passed down from generation to generation. And Noah's appointment came from the strong recommendation of Chief Minister Jatiri. Her allegiance meant that the last group of hidden elites in the Preepecha tribe had chosen to join the kingdom ever since.

All of these are the incomparable advantages of Huitu Puap. After thinking about it for a while, Shulot handed over the fleet transportation of the Talsas River to Noah, the head of the navy.

Facts have proved that Nuoya has done a good job and lived up to the trust of the king. As for Puap, if he can successfully return to the voyage, Xiulot has prepared another position, the captain of the navy along the west coast, who is responsible for the business of the northern route.

"Patriarch, the Divine Revelation Office of the Royal Capital sent an urgent notification. They brought good news from the Divine Revelation! The application of struvite in the farmland has greatly increased the yield of the field!..."

"Bring it! I'll see for myself!"

Hearing such a report, Xiu Luote was a little tired and suddenly cheered up. He stretched out his hand, directly took the documents from the Divine Enlightenment Office, and read them carefully. But after a while, the king's young face was filled with a joyful smile.

"...Your Highness of God! We ground and applied more than 30 tons of struvite, and sprinkled it on 1,800 mu of corn fields...After the autumn harvest, compared with the surrounding farmland, the fertilized fields increased their yield altogether More than 120 tons, about an increase of more than 130 catties per mu this year...And 1 ton of struvite can increase the production of at least 4 tons of grain, and this is only the first year!" "According to your revelation, these buried in the soil 'Nutrient' should flow out of vitality continuously, so that the earth will have a good harvest!... The alliance's farmland needs more, more struvite!"

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