Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 809: New Seaside Parish, Inquisition

The sacred conversion ceremony started in the golden sunrise and ended in the **** sunset, and lasted for three full days. More than 60,000 Totonak tribes cut off their hair, drank blood wine, swore a blood oath to the burning holy fire, and converted to the supreme Lord God!

As a witness of conversion, tens of thousands of Totonak soldiers, under the gaze of the priests of the main god, tremblingly took up weapons and killed more than six thousand priests, warriors and Burakumin. This tenth of the blood and corpses should be the most stubborn and stubborn people among the seaside tribes. When they completely disappeared and were destroyed in the hands of the same race, it also meant that the surviving Totonak tribes had completely broken with the old beliefs!

"Looking at the eyes of the gods, the world is blood red! The red dusk has passed, and the new dawn is golden vitality..."

Shulot stood on the altar, watching the sacrificed blood pit, full of fresh corpses, which were buried bit by bit by Totonak's descendants. He listened to the cry of the Totonac people, feeling the fear and confusion in that cry. Soon, the gentle comforting voices of the priests of the main **** resounded among the weeping crowd, filling the blank hearts of the believers who had just collapsed.

"The lord **** testifies! The lord **** of light sows the radiance of the sun, warming the hearts of believers! He forgives devout believers, forgives their past crimes, and leads them to the red kingdom after death!  …"

"Praise the supreme Lord God! He bestows a bright flame, burns away all past sins, and protects us mercifully! Come! Pray to Him for divine forgiveness!..."

Under the persuasive guidance of the priests of the main god, low voices of prayer finally gradually sounded from the mouths of the newly converted Totonak tribe.

"Praise be to the Lord God! We pray to you for your forgiveness!  …"

Hearing the prayers of the Totonac people, Shulot finally smiled for the first time on his stern face. After the cruel baptism, the surviving Totonac tribe turned their backs on the past, paid the price of blood, and finally converted to the belief of the Lord God.

"Your Highness, they have betrayed everything. Only by converting to the Lord God can they obtain salvation! And only such a costly conversion can make the converts who have sacrificed everything have nowhere to go. They can only sincerely believe in the Lord God!"

Shulot lowered his eyes, thinking of this insightful admonition, his heart was slightly disturbed. He slowly walked down from the altar and came to the raging holy fire. And the senior priest who said this commandment was wearing a plain robe and stood respectfully with his head bowed.

"Praise the lord god! My lord suzerain priest, your loyal follower Yi Cui, salute you!..."

"There is no need to be too polite. Chief Priest Yi Cui, you have been in the southern part of the kingdom for the past few years, presiding over the inquisition team, and you have done a great job. You have dealt with some stubborn nobles and leaders..."

With a smile on his face, Shulot stretched out his hand and stroked Yi Cui's hair. Then, he smiled and spoke meaningfully.

"You should have heard the news... I traveled thousands of miles to summon you from the south of the kingdom, and I was officially promoted to the fourth-level chief priest. Why..."

"Yes! The Chief Priest of the Divine Apocalypse, I am willing to die for you!..."

Hearing this, Chief Priest Yi Cui lowered his head excitedly, an uncontrollable joy flashed across his face.

"I will obey your will, manage the newly established seaside province, spread the glory of the Lord God, and educate the newly converted believers! I will grasp the scales and not persecute too much, but I will continue to purge the beliefs of all ministries. I The pious will be given preferential treatment, and a group of pious and reliable believers will be cultivated as soon as possible as the foundation of the kingdom's rule!..."

"Well, not bad! Very good!..."

The sun was setting and the sky was full of red clouds. Looking at the sunset on the seashore, Shulot nodded in satisfaction after listening to the preaching ideas described by the Chief Priest Yi Cui. After that, he didn't speak, just sniffing the sweet sea breeze, and gradually turned around, looking towards the already dark east. Chief Priest Yi Cui stood on the left and right, watching the words and expressions, but also did not say a word. He patiently accompanied the Chief Priest of the Divine Enlightenment, staring at the vast and gloomy East China Sea, and disappearing into the endless darkness.

"On the eastern sea, darkness is coming... The coast of Totonac is the front line of the belief of the Lord God, and it needs to be cleared as soon as possible!"

After a long time, Shulot opened his mouth quietly. He stared at the steady Chief Priest Yi Cui, pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind to further let go of the chains that bound the tiger.

"As a newly conquered seaside parish, the belief in the main **** is not yet stable. Yitri, I allow you to go a step further and form an Inquisition! The Inquisition in the seaside parish can be from the tried and devout Totonac believers, Recruit a Temple Legion of 2,000 people! This religious regiment will be equipped with the leather armor and bronze soldiers of the main army, and 500 pairs of bronze cloth face armor!"

"The chiefs, warriors, and priests of the seaside tribes, and even the nobles who migrated from the alliance, the Inquisition can directly review their beliefs! As for the hereditary nobles and chiefs, or less than fifty people, the Inquisition directly judges them without reporting. The power to deal with it!"

"Ah? Form a temple legion of 2,000 people, and the alliance's hereditary nobles and below can be directly judged and dealt with?"

Hearing His Highness's Chief Priest Yi Cui took a breath. Although he has a strong reputation among the nobles in the south of the kingdom, he actually behaves quite appropriately, and will not censor or judge the upper echelons of the kingdom.

However, at the moment, what His Highness means is to let him strictly purge his beliefs on the seashore, without holding back! Even the power to form the Temple Legion and expand the church's armed forces was granted!

"This? My lord, the suzerain priest of the divine revelation, you mean... to carry out strict purges, and to decide everything with faith, regardless of status or background?..."

Chief Priest Yi Cui licked his dry lips and carefully asked for confirmation.

"If it's true... Once the fire ignites, I may not be able to extinguish it... What's more, there is also the high priests of the capital city in the lake..."

"Yi Cui, in the next twenty years, in the entire coastal area, obeying the belief of the Lord God is the only right way!"

Shulot nodded solemnly, expressing his affirmation to Chief Priest Yi Cui. Then, he stretched out his hand and patted Yi Cui's shoulder lightly. The elder Chief Priest suddenly shuddered and bent half of his waist in an instant, as if he was carrying a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"I have already reported to the high priests to form the Inquisition of the Binhai Diocese, and you will be in charge of all religious affairs!..."

"Go ahead and do it! The Kingdom's Eastern Expedition is still going on, start with spreading the faith first! In the future, no matter how many people you judge, I will keep you safe for a day. People, or Totonac people... In this thousand-mile seaside land, I only want to believe in the devout Lord God! And all heresies and heresies, no matter where they come from, will be burned in the fire!  … "

"Yi Cui, the preaching of the seaside, the front line of the main god's belief, I will leave it to you!..."

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