Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 821: Coyote City Fire

Rolling thunder echoed in the sky, but the sky was clear and cloudless. The golden red sun passed through the forest tops and fell on the wilderness by the river. The wilderness has been cultivated for many years, and a large area of ​​farmland is covered with grass. Before it can be burned for spring plowing, it is trampled to pieces by the army of warriors.

The river flows to the north, the farmland stretches along the river, and the marching footprints come from the west. At the center where farmlands, rivers and footprints converge is an ancient city-state in the jungle, "where the wolves of the woods wander", Coyote City.

The ancient coyote city was built of bricks and stones. The temples in the city were towering, but the city walls were not very high. At this moment, a corner of the low-rise west city wall has been blown down, and flames are burning on top of the wall. Faint gunpowder smoke drifted around, spreading the breath of the volcano. And the shouts of panic and confusion, one after another, spread all over the defenders on the city wall.

"Ah! Sun God! The city wall! The city wall has collapsed!"

"It's the Aztecs! They summoned the terrible thunder! The priest of Thor is dead!  …"

"God's punishment! This is God's punishment! Everything is can we resist the gods?!"

"Ah! They're coming in! They're coming in!..."

"Where's the chief? Where's the brave warchief?"

"The great chief fled to the city! He fled to the granary!"

"Gods and ancestors! Surrender! We surrender!..."

Black Wolf Toltek stood outside the city in heavy armor. He watched the defenders who were in chaos and began to surrender, and also watched the Totonac Pioneer Battalion, who was screaming excitedly and entered bravely, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, and he nodded.

"Tribal Pioneer Battalion, you're doing pretty well..."

After these Totonak descendants took a blood oath, converted to the main god, and swore to fight for the kingdom, they seemed to be reborn suddenly. As long as there is support from the Kingdom Headquarters, they will have a lot of courage to charge up, and they will even be able to completely suppress the original Totonak tribal army. And when they entered the city, they killed the noble chiefs even more ruthlessly than the dog descendants of the wilderness...

"Almost! Coyote City blocked the army for half a month, and it should fall today!"

Black Wolf Toltek looked cold and calm. Capturing such an ordinary city-state did not bring him any joy. He just watched the legions pouring into the city, and ordered coldly.

"Send a battalion of Guakili warriors into the city to watch over the newly recruited wolf cubs. They are not allowed to kill randomly, let alone set fire!"

"The red-haired hunters put on their armor and entered the city. Immediately control the granary and the barn, and guard them for me! Anyone who attacks the granary without my permission will be killed!"

"Yes, boss!"

Several personal guards left immediately, and the red-haired hunters also took action. Soon, a large group of kingdom warriors entered the city, and batches of captives in the city were escorted out. Seeing that the general situation has been settled, the black wolf Toltek looked a little relaxed. He turned around, looked at Chief Totonac who bowed his head beside him, and asked with a smile.

"Lin Lang, how about the divine punishment of the Lord God?"

"Respected Chief Black Wolf, God's divine punishment... Every time I see it, I can't help but bow my head and pray to Him devoutly!"

Timberwolf Ma Yakun lowered his head, cautiously, responding to the commander of the black wolf. Holding the amulet of the sun hummingbird around his neck, he respectfully prayed to the Lord God, praising the power of the God of War.

"Praise the Lord God! He controls the thunder in the sky, which is stronger than ever..."

"Very good! Lin Lang, you are very pious and know the times! Your name has the word 'wolf', very nice!"

Seeing Lin Lang's performance, Hei Lang grinned with satisfaction. After thinking for a while, he waved his hand and ordered generously.

"Lin Lang, since you are the former chief of Coyote City, you should be back home when you come back here! After you fall into the city, I will leave it to you to identify the tribal captives in the city! Pick out the family warriors under your command first. , Form a team of soldiers who can fight, and then point out the leaders in the city who dare to resist, and clean them up for me!"

Hearing this, Timberwolves Ma Yakun was overjoyed. As long as he has the power to identify the captives, he can gather his men again. Then, as long as you pretend to convert and be patient, the future is full of hope, haha...

"Ah! It's on fire! It's on fire! The granary is on fire!"

"Lord God! Fire Rat chief Marsar, set the granary on fire!..."

The black wolf Toltek was in a relaxed mood, and was giving instructions for the post-war arrangements, when he suddenly heard panicked shouts from the city. Then, the red-haired hunter Mi Kui ran out of the city with a gray face, scrambled and crawled, rushed to the feet of the black wolf, and responded loudly.

"Boss Black Wolf! In the city, that Shu King chief actually ordered the granary!"


Hearing this, Hei Lang suddenly changed color, and his face was instantly gloomy, full of frightening coldness. He looked at the thick smoke suddenly rising in the center of the city-state, and shouted fiercely.

"Get out! Go put out the fire!"

The red-haired hunter Mi Kui knelt on the ground and rolled skillfully on the spot. Then, he raised his dark face and shook his head vigorously.

"Boss, this fire can't be extinguished, it's too late! In the lit granary, black oil was poured in advance! The fire started whizzing, and rushed straight to people...even killed a hunter!"

"Pour black oil? Black oil from the seaside?!...Damn it! Damn it! I will cut off his head with my own hands!"

Hearing this, the black wolf Toltek gritted his teeth, unable to bear the anger in his heart any longer, and roared loudly. Once the black oil is ignited, it is very difficult to extinguish. The current fire is so fierce, the granary in this city is completely over! And without the food in the city, there are tens of thousands of captives...

Thinking of this, Hei Lang's expression stern, and a wolf-like cold light flashed in his eyes. With a "dang", he pulled out the copper ax from his waist and shouted sharply.

"Where is the mouse that set fire?"

"Boss! He set fire to the granary and set himself on fire. He refused to die, and rolled around on the ground. Then, he was caught by hunters and **** as a turkey waiting to be slaughtered." Same..."

"Go away! Go and bring it here!"

"Yes, boss!"

The red-haired hunter Mi Kui rolled vigorously again, and rushed into the city quickly, like a nimble ape. Hei Lang stood outside the city, watching the fire in the center of the city, with emotions in his chest, but his face gradually calmed down.

"Timber, how many tribes are there in Coyote"

"Respect to Chief Black Wolf, the tribe in the city... there are estimated to be 20,000 people."

Timberwolf Ma Yakun lowered his head, not sure what the commander-in-chief of the black wolf was planning. But an ominous premonition had already hit his heart.

"Twenty thousand people... plus the 20,000 tribes who surrendered outside the city... that's 40,000 people!... There are only 10,000 people in the camp with food for a month, and if 40,000 people come to eat... "

Hei Lang lowered his eyes and used the newly learned mathematics to do simple silent calculations, and his murderous aura became even more awe-inspiring. He stared at the restless Lin Lang with his ruthless wolf eyes, and asked again in a deep voice.

"In Coyote City, besides the granary in the center of the city, are there any other large stores of grain?"

"Chief Black Wolf, the northern city of the god-born nobles, there is another barn... But since it was deliberately set on fire, it will not let it go!...Look, the flames in the city, the one to the north A cloud of smoke...supposed to be the barn..."

Timberwolf Ma Yakun sighed and pointed to the north of the city. Hei Lang heard the words and looked, and sure enough, he saw another rising black smoke. Under the thick black smoke, there is a raging fire that appears and disappears from time to time. The raging fire burned wantonly, burning the most precious food in the coastal rainforest into smoke and dust flying in the air...

"Burning food? ... Burning food! ... If it weren't for His Highness, how could such a ridiculous method stop me? ... My supreme wolf king, please let go of my chains! .. .”

Hei Lang murmured, showing his sharp teeth, suppressing the mania in his heart. His eyes were gloomy, and he looked at the Timberwolf Chief next to him, making him feel cold all over his body, as if he was being targeted by the most dangerous beast.

This unexpected fire did not hurt the warriors of several kingdoms at all. However, it outperformed tens of thousands of Totonac tribes and successfully blocked the army's eastward journey.

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