Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 869: Napa Valley without grapes, the North Ba

"The Lord God testifies! I have decided. Don't stop me!..." Sui

The vast bay is calm and calm, occasionally there are plump fish jumping and splashing light water. On the plain along the coast, the leaders of the fleet communicated in low voices, as if they had encountered some difficult choices. And five Miwok hunters stood on the other side, close to their boat. While they waited patiently, they watched vigilantly at the people arguing.

"Since the chief of the North Gulf has issued an invitation, he will not have too much malice. On the contrary, if we refuse his invitation, it is very likely that the other party will misjudge, and even lead to conflicts and killings... and we are here for the first time , the farmland has just been planted, and the house has not been repaired, there must be a stable life to lay the foundation!"

The knowledgeable Mickey looked at the other leaders with firm eyes, and firmly grasped the sun amulet around his neck.

"The Lord God bless me! I'm going to the North Gulf! If we want to settle here for a long time, we must contact the surrounding tribes! What's more, the fleet's food is running low. We have to trade with the Miwoks Just do it!..."

"Mickey, I didn't tell you not to go..."

Exploration Captain Zuvaro frowned, with obvious worry on his face.

"It's just that you are alone, in case something happens to's better to let Shi Jian lead a team of armored warriors to accompany you to the North Bay. And I will bring ten long boats to meet you on the shore..." Sui

"Zouvaro, I'm not alone, I also have translation deer bugs."

The knowledgeable Mickey smiled and replied confidently.

"As long as we can communicate, the power of language will be stronger than a hundred warriors! What's more, if I take the warriors to go, it will easily cause hostility in the North Bay. And if this tribe really has so many hunters, once they come out What's the problem, a small number of warriors are useless, but their sacrifices are in vain..."

"So, let me go alone! I believe that the Lord God will bless me!"

Seeing Mickey's determination, the exploration captain sighed. He shook his head, gave some instructions in a low voice, and then two warriors followed behind Mickey.

"Don't refuse... just two people. You go to the North Bay to meet that important shaman chief. You can't go empty-handed! Bring some gem cotton cloth, copper axes and copper spears as gifts... In case something happens Question, looking at these gifts they don't have, we still have a chance to redeem you..."

"Hmm... good!" Sui

This time, Mickey didn't refuse. He just raised his head, looked at the sun rising into the sky, and prayed devoutly again.

"Supreme Lord God! May you bless me, bless our fleet, and bless the Miwoks here!"

Since it was necessary to bring gifts, the boats of the Miwoks were obviously not enough. A longship of the kingdom, accompanied by the canoes of the Mewokk hunters, was rowing north.

Mickey the Knower invited Lefeng the Cloaked Hunter to board the longship, and gave him a silver sun talisman.

"Ah? Such a big ship!"

Le Feng, the cloaked hunter, was surprised and couldn't help expressing emotion.

"What kind of thick logs do you need to dig out the shape of a boat? Could it be that in your southern land, there are big trees that can only be surrounded by a dozen people?" Sui

"This long boat is a blessing from the Lord God!"

The well-informed Mickey smiled, pointed to the sun amulet in Lefeng's hand, and preached gently and kindly.

"As long as you have the blessing of the Lord God, all inconceivable power will appear in front of you! And as long as you believe in Him and respect Him... such great power will also be bestowed on you, even your tribe!..."

"Huh? The ancestor spirit of the gods in the south? He can build ships?...Ah?! He was transformed from a sacred tree spirit, who can make big trees grow into boats? Hey! What a powerful and strange ancestor spirit of the gods!"

Le Feng, the cloaked hunter, was amazed. The communication between the two obviously went wrong, and the interpreter deer worm trembled, saying that it had nothing to do with him.

The two talked like chicken and duck like this, and after talking happily for a long time, the long boat only rowed fifty or sixty miles, and it didn't even reach the northern coast. This big bay is really too wide. It is more than a hundred miles from Xishan Port to the north shore. And one day's work is definitely not enough.

As night fell, everyone leaned towards the east bank, and spent the night hastily on the beach. In the land of Jinwan in June and July, the daytime temperature is around 20 degrees, and the night temperature is around 10 degrees. The overall climate is fairly mild, but sometimes it can be very windy, and you need to sleep wrapped in a thick blanket. furtively glance

"Huh? Is this a cloth blanket? Not fur?"

Le Feng, the cloak hunter, came forward and touched Mickey's blanket, with both surprise and envy on his face.

"You southern tribes have so much cloth! You know, only the chiefs and priests in the tribe have clothes made of cloth!..."

For these daily conversations, the translation of deer worms is fairly reliable. The knowledgeable Mickey moved his eyes and asked with a smile.

"You lack cloth? Then what are your clothes made of?"

"Fur, or grass. It will be cold in winter, so you have to wrap it thicker. The tribe tried planting cloth, but they couldn't grow it, so they had to change it from the south..."

Lefeng, the cloaked hunter, gestured and told a lot about the tribal trade. furtively glance

"We will go to the south and trade with the Yokut. Sometimes we will use fur to exchange for the cloth in their hands. And they can't grow cloth, so they have to exchange it from tribes further south..."

The well-informed Mickey touched his chin and guessed that the cloth in the other party's mouth should have two meanings of "cloth and cotton" at the same time. However, what the other party just mentioned...

"The Yokut people in the south? What kind of tribe is that? We came all the way from the south, haven't we met?"

"Oh! They don't live on the coast, they live in the valleys and rivers in the inland south...their tribes are as numerous as the loose feathers of grouse...they can farm better than us and can grow a lot of pumpkins and corn , string beans...they also grow echinacea, frankincense trees..."

"Echinacea, frankincense tree? What's that?"

Hearing about the new plant, Mickey, the knowledgeable man, was refreshed for a while, and his drowsiness disappeared immediately.

"Is it delicious?" Sui

"Eh... Echinacea is a kind of flower, and it is a very important herbal medicine for the tribe. Especially when you catch a cold, cough, sneeze, you have to rely on it to treat it. Well, if you are injured, eat it, it will not hurt so much, and it will not hurt. It is easy to rot wounds... As for the leaves of frankincense tree, it also relieves pain... We hunters always take some dried echinacea with us when we go out..."

The cloaked hunter Lefeng fumbled, took out a small cluster of gray-blue echinacea from his bosom, and handed it to Mickey.

"Try it! The priests of the tribe said that these echinacea can drive away diseases and bring vitality to the hunters! Yes, you can eat it dry or make tea..."

The knowledgeable Mickey took the echinacea curiously, looked it over, smelled it, and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed, it was bitter at first, and gradually sweet. After a while, I did feel a little calm.

"Native herbal remedies for ailments... echinacea, frankincense tree..."

After thinking for a while, Mickey immediately took out the scroll and moved to the campfire. He drew the appearance of echinacea, recorded the efficacy of this herb, and asked the hunter Lefeng a few words from time to time. Since the fleet is going to settle here for a long time, there will definitely be local diseases. The herbs of these tribes will be very useful to all, even beneficial to the kingdoms and alliances in the south.

"Lefeng, you know a lot, you are a knowledgeable, wise, and brave cloak hunter! Hmm... are there any other herbs?" Sui

"Hahaha! You speak so nicely! ... Yes! And corn silk, treat that man

"This!...You continue to say... Are there any herbs with a wider range of uses?..."

"Oh! There are also eucalyptus leaves, which can treat various wounds and body pains... Sage, many southern tribes use it, make tea and drink it to sleep... You are from the south, you should understand. Hmm... Purslane Tea, it’s sour and delicious, I don’t know what it’s good for. But the priests say it’s good…”

Moonlight rises, and the bay is a peaceful night. The two people who met each other just talked in front of the bonfire for half the night until late at night.

The next day, Mickey the Knowledgeable dozed off, sat on the swaying longboat, and continued sailing north. The long boat rowed for another forty li before reaching the north bank. Afterwards, under the guidance of Hunter Lefeng, the crowd continued to paddle toward the upper reaches of the northern inland along a wide river.

"It's very wide and the water is very clear... Lefeng, what kind of river is this?"

"Ah? Oh, this water can be drunk, you can drink it directly. There is also something sweet, Tianshuihe!" Sui


The knowledgeable Mickey glared at the interpreter, and asked again.

"I said, what river is this? Its name, its name!"

"Name? Well... around this river, there are a lot of flying birds, and some big cats come to catch the birds. We usually call it the Niaomao River!"

"Niaomao River?..."

The knowledgeable Mickey blinked, and recorded the name of the river on the paper. He didn't know that the name of this long river was called "Napa River" in later generations, which means "river with leopards" in Spanish. And he would never know that in later generations, the fertile land irrigated by this sweet water river is a world-famous wine producing area, California's "Napa Valley"!

The terrain of the valley is very narrow and long, more than one hundred miles from north to south, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the climate is warm and pleasant. The Napa River flows between the valleys, nourishing the fertile soil along the river, and also flows into the great bay in the south. The crowd rowed north along the river for half a day, and patches of green farmland began to appear on both sides of the river. Then, tribal camps stretching for several miles, continuous thatched huts, and thousands of Miwok tribesmen appeared in the fertile valley! furtively glance

"Lord God! The mountains and valleys suitable for farming, the powerful and rich Beiwan, I have finally arrived!"

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