Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 872: Translation books of various parts, sque

More than 20 days later, Mickey, the wise man, returned from the North Bay of Napa Valley with a boatload of grain. It was already mid-July at this time, the sun seemed to have been washed, and the sky still had no trace of cloud or rain. Two rows of thatched huts were built in the camp at Xishan Port, and a lot of fields by the river were reclaimed, making it look like a village.烜

And until Mickey stepped off the longboat and stepped on the kingdom's camp, he was still in a daze. He recalled the unusually "enriched" teaching and learning over the past twenty days, as if he had returned to Shinway University in the capital.

"God bless you! Mickey, you're finally back!"

The exploration captain Zuvaro stood in front of Mickey with a look of joy on his face, with excitement in his voice.

"If you hadn't sent a samurai back and told the camp that you were all right... I would have taken the fleet to the north bay and rescued you!"

"Uh... Lord God bless you!"

The knowledgeable Mickey shook his head vigorously before recovering from his absence. He looked at his excited friend and replied with a wry smile.

"Zuvaro, you don't even know that in the past twenty days, I haven't been idle for a moment... It's like a tomato that has been squeezed dry!..." Xuan

"Ah this? Squeezed tomatoes?"

Hearing this, the exploration captain Zuvaro was surprised. He looked at the Miwok hunters on the longboat who were unloading tribal food, and then at Mickey with a haggard face. Finally, he glanced down, and then looked at his friend with dark circles of sympathy.

"...Mickey, you should have said it earlier! I will send a few more warriors to help you. The tribes in the Northland are so enthusiastic, how can you handle so much by yourself? If you are so exhausted, I will How to report to the kingdom?…”

"Eh? What?"

The well-informed Mickey was startled, and looked down with Zuvalo, then the corner of his mouth twitched, and he shouted angrily.

"Lord God! Where are you thinking? I mean, my wisdom will be completely drained by the old fox in Beiwan!"

Saying so, Mickey the Knowledgeable reached out his hand, took out a roll of thick paper books from his arms, and handed it to Zuvaro.烜

"No! Take a look! This is the main result, the translation book for each department's communication!"

Exploration Captain Zuwaro took the paper book, unfolded it slightly, and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh! It's really amazing! . . writing 'sky', painting a high blue, pronounced Nahua 'ilhuicatl' (Ilhuicatl), Prepecha 'cundiro (diro)', Yaqui 'nandu' (?andú), Paiute 'kao' (ka?au), Kumeya 'tii'chu' (tii'chu), Miwok 'black Er' (helh), Puget Salish (PugetSalish/Lhootseed) is 'Aisyuked' (sq?uq??d)..."

After reading this awkward vocabulary, the exploration captain Zuwaro was startled and asked in doubt.

"Mickey, how is it possible for you to know the languages ​​of so many tribes? This Yaqui, Paiute, Kumeya, Miwok... We have all heard and encountered them. But this what' Puji Salehi language', what is it?"

"Phuket Salish language is the language spoken by the tribes along the coast after going north for more than a thousand miles. And the other big bay that His Majesty predicted, according to the description of the cedar shaman, is just three thousand miles to the north. And The coastal tribes in that area also speak Phuket Salish!..."

The well-informed Mickey has a serious expression, and in the eyes of Zuvaro's surprise, he tells the news of the farther north. Then, he shook his head and said with emotion.烜

"The Lord God testifies! Of course I don't know so many languages! Although I wrote down this scroll, I only speak Nahua, Prepecha, and Yaqui. The remaining Paiute, Kumeya, Miwok, Phuket Salish... are all dictated by the Cedar Shaman, and then written down by me..."

"The language we communicate with is Yaqui. But these days, he has learned a lot of Nahua. It is estimated that in a few months, he will be able to communicate with us in Nahua. exchanged..."

"Ah? Lord God! Such a powerful shaman can speak so many languages? Has he been to so many tribes?!"

"Yes! When the cedar shaman was young, he traveled around for ten or twenty years, learning the languages ​​and herbal medicine of various tribes. Except for the sea in the west, he traveled far and far in the east, south and north by himself. Familiar with the languages ​​(language families) of the four major ethnic groups and more than a dozen tribal languages..."

Hearing this, the exploration captain Zuvaro was shocked. He looked to the east at the high mountains, and the forests everywhere. There are tribes that migrate indefinitely, and wild beasts in the mountains. It was really hard for him to imagine that a person could travel and study in such a wild environment.

"This? How is this possible? He is alone, won't he be attacked by wild tribes?"

"Zuowaro, he is a shaman. A shaman is not a chief who stays in the tribe, nor is he a high priest and elder, but a healer who travels around, a doctor who belongs to a vast tribe!" Xuan

The knowledgeable Mickey looked serious and explained carefully. After seeing the tribal people's reverence for Cedar Shaman from the heart, he realized that the most important and influential identity of the shaman chief Xuesong is an absolute "shaman", not a "chief". .

"In the Northern Continent where inheritance is difficult, the ministries are small, and life is very difficult. The life spans of tribal people, tribal hunters, and even small tribal chiefs are very short! They rarely live to forty, or even in their early thirties, twenty He died when he was more than ten years old. Because each tribe often lacks effective medical inheritance, and there are few connections between different tribes. Once someone has a disease that is beyond the scope of knowledge of the tribe, they can only sit back and watch the disease worsen. step into death..."

"At this time, the only ones who can save them are the healers who travel around and the revered shaman! The appearance of a shaman can often save the lives of many people in the tribe. Therefore, in the tradition of the Northland , no matter how vicious the tribes are, they will never attack the shaman. They will even compete to invite the shaman, send hunters to protect them along the way, provide enough food, and offer gifts as much as possible..."

Speaking of this, the knowledgeable Mickey recalled the herbs from various tribal territories in the longhouse of the cedar shaman, as well as the precious black bear skin, red deer skin, and white fox skin, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"There are so many tribal gifts, and I don't know how many people the cedar shaman has healed. But with his character, I am afraid that what he values ​​more is the inheritance of herbs from various tribes, as well as various knowledge from faraway places... and once he encounters new knowledge inheritance , he is like a greedy old fox, clenched the tomatoes tightly in his paws, and squeezed them dry..."

"Eh?...squeezed tomatoes..."

Hearing this, the exploration captain Zuwaro felt a chill behind his back. In this vast and desolate northern land, the so-called new inheritance of knowledge, isn't it just him and Mickey, the god-inspired priests of the two kingdoms? Thinking of this, with sympathy on his face, he glanced at the dazed Mickey, then lowered his head impatiently, and quickly turned to the end of the translated book in his hand.烜

"...Phuket Salish, peace, 'Studhub' (sduhub?); friend, 'Swabi' (swát?b); exchange, 'Twax' (tiwáqs); grain,' Salsa' (??l??l?b); sailing 'sayosayo' (??????s)... eh? Just dozens or hundreds of words? Is there nothing behind?"

"No more! In the past 20 days, it is already very good to be able to roughly write such a translation What's more, the cedar shaman spent a lot of time learning characters and Nahua... In fact, with these words, it is probably enough."

As he said that, Mickey, the knowledgeable man, cleared his throat, stretched out his hand, with a warm smile on his face. He imitated the first meeting with the northern tribe, and said.

"Swabi! Stuhudu! Tvax, Salsar...friends! Peace! Food exchange..."

"Well, not bad!... If this translation book is really accurate, then simple communication is indeed enough."

The exploration captain Zuwaro thought seriously and nodded. The knowledgeable Mickey smiled, took out a woodcut of a flying bird from his arms, and pointed to the longboat, the cloaked hunter Lotte with his head held high.

"Don't worry! The cedar shaman gave me this token for our exploration in the north. This is what he wore when he was traveling in the north and healed the hunters of various tribes. Although many years have passed, some people should still remember... In addition, The cloak hunter of the Miwok Department is familiar with the northern coast and can speak a little more northern language. He can also use some sign languages ​​commonly used in various departments, and he can sign better than us!..."Xuan

Hearing this, the exploration captain Zuvaro burst into a smile on his face, but quickly put it away. He frowned, looked at the emaciated and excited Mickey, the knowledgeable man, and couldn't help asking.

"The lord **** testifies! Cedar shaman promised so many benefits to you, sending food, giving guides, writing translation books, giving you information about the north, and giving you your own token... He can't be because , I want to marry my daughter to you, so I gave it away for nothing, right?... Mickey, what did you promise him?!"

Hearing this, the knowledgeable Mickey's smile faltered, and he lowered his head guiltily. At this moment, his thin figure and drooping head looked like a tomato that had been squeezed dry.