Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 901: The root system of the extension of the

In late autumn, the Mexica Plateau is still full of green grass and evergreen trees that do not shed their leaves. A large group of migratory birds returned from the cold north, hovering over the distant mountains and forests, looking at the hot scene here, screaming "Yo Yo". According to their experience of not having many birds, there will always be food that can be found in the range of activities of this large-scale two-legged beast. Sometimes it's grain, sometimes it's dead bodies... Of course, there are also dangers here, especially those red-haired hunters with excellent archery.

"Lord God! There are so many big birds, if you can shoot one down, you can add a meal... Tsk tsk! It's a pity, I don't have any dogs who are good at shooting... Bah! Those local dogs who are accurate at archery blinded me with shooting One eye! Otherwise, I would have to be a fourth-level warrior, and maybe I could become a military noble..."

Tai Shishan, the leader of the village, raised his head slightly, looked at the sky, took a sip, and looked at the road ahead. On these second-level county roads built last year, he walked quickly and steadily. After a while, a post station with a large area appeared in front of his eyes.

It is said to be a post station, but it is actually a large area of ​​simple shacks. There is not even a serious wooden house, only a half-built wooden longhouse. And the curling smoke rose from the large open space between the shed and the longhouse, and the aroma of grains wafted from afar.

"Lord God! How wonderful!..."

But when he saw this newly built crude inn, Tai Shishan, the leader of the village, licked his lips, feeling a little envious. He knew that there was a good well in this station, which was dug deep and could provide a stable water source; a deep and large cellar to store the grain brought in; there was also a wooden shed for key guards, There are precious metal tools stored inside... and all of these belong to the station master, a retired fourth-level senior warrior, Luo Duarm!

"Praise the Lord God! Luo Duarm, how is your lunch today? Ding Zhuang in the village worked hard all morning, eat more!"

"Praise the Lord! In the kitchen, I'm making it. Your pumpkin pie and bean paste have already been prepared a lot. They will be finished soon!"

At the gate of the post station, a strong one-armed warrior grinned, smiled at Tai Shishan who was blind in one eye, and held the golden amulet around his neck to pray devoutly. Then, he turned around and walked to the open-air kitchen behind. For so many people's food, the grains are piled up in piles, and they must be cooked outside in the open air, which cannot be done in the small shed of the post station.

The strong one-armed warrior is called "Luo One-armed". I don't know what his real name is, but everyone calls it that. He didn't care about having only one arm, and he was even proud of it, often talking about his injuries in battle.

There are many fine scars on Luo Duarm's face, like tortillas sprinkled with chili strips, or like rags that have been sewn, which is very hideous and weird. His smile was stiff, even more vicious than when he didn't smile. His accent is also very strange, and it always has the taste of a villager in the mountains and forests in the south of the kingdom. And the only thing that makes people feel kind is the pure gold sun talisman on his neck, which is said to be a reward from His Majesty himself after he has made military exploits!

"A talisman of pure gold! It was bestowed by His Majesty himself! . . . It's really amazing!  …"

Tai Shishan, the leader of the village, opened his eyes wide, and couldn't help but glance at the gleaming sun amulet on Luo's one-armed neck. And for the other party's ferocious appearance and strange accent, he has long been used to it.

He knew that Luo Duarm was not from Prepecha, but a warrior of the Tekos tribe in the southern mountains and forests. He was conscripted into the Royal Army, and even joined the Royal Guards led by His Majesty himself! And in the Guards Corps, the battalion of Luo Duan, like many Terkos warriors, is known for its bravery and piety, and it is a pioneer throwing battalion that specializes in throwing "magic balls"!

"Lord God! The ball of divine power, the roar of thunder, as long as you touch it, you will be disabled even if you don't die!..."

Thinking of the throwing and explosions he had seen during the Northern Expedition, Tai Shishan's heart trembled, and he looked at Luo Duarm's eyes with more respect. He had boasted to the other party that the small wounds on his face and half of his broken arm were the first to climb to the top of the water valley city when he was conquering the Tlaxcalans in the east, and were blown off by the ball of divine power thrown by him. of. And also killed and injured by the bombing, there were dozens of Tlaxcala warriors from the top of the city!

"Kingdom's law, the first to ascend and kill the enemy is a first-class military achievement. Throwing a ball of divine power is also a military achievement with a heavy reward! The Vanguard Throwing Battalion of the Imperial Guard Corps is really a way to reach the sky!  … "

Thinking of this, Tai Shishan, the leader of the farm, looked at the vast post station, and then at the fields around the post station, and the envy on his face could not be restrained.

He knew that after Luo Duyi survived the brutal vanguard siege, together with the surviving throwing vanguards, he was given a pure gold sun amulet collectively, and was promoted to a fourth-level kingdom warrior! This samurai level is one level higher than his third-level samurai.

According to the kingdom's military rewards, senior warriors of the fourth level should be awarded 240 acres of land and 12 servants. But the Lord God bless! It was just the right time for the other party to return to the kingdom. When the kingdom was building a post station, he was awarded the position and fiefdom of the postmaster.

"Blessed by the lord god! The position and fiefdom of the postmaster... that is not much different from that of a first-class military nobleman!..."

good! According to the latest law of the kingdom, the position of postmaster is not an ordinary official, but a real title of managing a piece of road! This title is between the fourth-level senior warrior and the first-level military nobleman. As long as there are no major omissions, it can be hereditary!

"The kingdom's second-level county roads, set up a post station every 20 to 30 miles. There is a postmaster, two or three warriors, a dozen militiamen, thirty servants and serfs in the post station to maintain the surrounding two. Thirty miles of roads!... And the fiefdom of Luo Duarm is 400 mu around the post station! In the post station, wells, tools and houses are all ready-made, and there are rewards from the kingdom... As long as there are no problems, the positions and fields , you can still pass it on to your son... Tsk tsk! It's really enviable to have red eyes!..."

"It is said that several senior warriors from Gyeonggi County wanted to compete for the position of postmaster. Although Keluo Onearm is a Tekos, he came from the Imperial Guard Corps, and he has set a precedent. Deng's combat exploits are incomparable to others..."

"Well, a post station has been set up here, and there is a small team of soldiers. The surrounding traffic is also improved, and it will be more stable..."

Tai Shishan, the leader of the garrison field, was thinking enviously, and at the same time followed the head of the post station, Luo Duyi, into the post station where the fragrance of grains was wafting. Although he doesn't understand any major principles, he understands the extended road, which can facilitate the movement of the army. And with the establishment of these post stations, the root system of the kingdom's rule will also become deeper...

"Hey! This is so lively!..."

Tai Shishan walked into the crowd who were busy cooking, looked around, saw two Tekos warriors who were also not good at words, and greeted them with a smile.

"Luocang! Luojing! Have you been hunting in the woods recently?"

Hearing Tai Shishan's question, the taller Luo Cang carried a hunting bow and said nothing, just shook his head. Luo Jing, who was shorter, smiled and replied in blunt Prepecha.

"No! There's too much work, I'm busy... I have to go to the army, I have to watch the post, there's no time."

Luo Cang and Luo Jing, the two Tekos warriors, are actually relatives of Luo Duarm, and also descendants of the southern mountain forest tribe. Luo Dubi had never been married, so he was sealed here, so he brought his two brothers here. They are all from the Terkos tribe in the south. They didn't have surnames, only names based on birds, animals, plants, and tribal camps. The "cang" is born near the barn, and the "well" is born near the mouth of the well, or conceived near the mouth of the well. Well, concise and to the point, very innocent, but also very wild.

As for the "Luo" surname, it is actually the surname Luo joined the Imperial Guard Corps with one arm, and took His Majesty Xiulot's middle character as the surname. In fact, the entire Praetorian Guard Corps, the 2,000-member Terkos Battalion, almost most of them are surnamed Luo! It is worth mentioning that "xiu" (Xo) means "walking light". It is a royal surname with divinity, and it cannot be used casually!

At this moment, Tai Shishan, the leader of the village, didn't think so much. He looked at the two people in front of him, pulled his hair, and asked hesitantly.

"Want to go to the army? Where did the soldiers come from? We are all on the edge of Gyeonggi County, and Hekou County will not leave here if we send troops?...Could it be the dog-born tribe in the rear? Or from Gyeonggi County?"

"Yes! The Lord God testifies, not the red-haired hunters with bows on their backs, but soldiers from Gyeonggi County! Uh... what is that, the tribe in the east, also with bows..."

"The ones in the east, with bows on their backs, are also very good at archery!..."

The short Luo Jing faltered and gestured, but couldn't explain clearly for a while. The tall Luo Cang touched the bow and arrow on his back, and brought up the topic of archery. At this time, after hearing the conversation between the three, the head of the post station, Luo Duyi, came from the open-air kitchen again. He glanced at Taishi Mountain, thought of something, and said in a deep voice.

"Tai...Shan. The scouts of the kingdom, pass it on. Today at noon, we need to pass the soldiers... Pumpkin and bean paste are enough. Corn cakes are not enough. The corn cakes in your village must be brought from the south, Tlaxcala warriors Let's eat first!"