Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 912: Blood sacrifices to the descendants of t

The latest website: The morning sun rises from the hills in the east, and it seems to emerge from a distant river. The calls of various birds are jubilant in the surrounding forest, looking for the early worms.

At this time, the tribal station is quiet and full of vitality. There was a fire in the open-air kitchen, and dozens of tribesmen from the banner team carried baskets of grain and prepared breakfast for more than a thousand people. And the food they make is the simplest and most filling, corn cakes, pumpkin lake and refried beans.

Among the moving and busy tribesmen, a group of red-haired hunters and a few warriors from Gyeonggi also quietly moved things back and forth in the secret cellar. And when all the behind-the-scenes transactions were completed, the two leaders of the two sides, Epe the woodpecker and Mi Kui, the red-haired leader, also bumped their shoulders kindly. At this time, they looked at each other like real brothers.

"Brother Woodpecker! This expedition to the west is to completely eat that feathered chief! And this chief, the flag team has fought several times... He is the descendant of the bird god, and he runs faster than anyone else !..."

The red-haired leader Mi Kui smiled and reminded his new friend.

"So, I reckon, you don't have any big battles this time, but you should have to travel a long way! It will take a long time to come back from the fight!..."

"Ha! No matter who Prince Feather is, he will end up obediently offering sacrifices if the two armies of the kingdom press against him!..."

Hearing the reminder from the red-haired leader, Epeck the woodpecker was a little bit indifferent. He knows the power of the King's Thunder God mortars, and this time he went north, there are eight mortars! Come to think of it, in the Chapala Lake District in the northwest, there is no city-state that can resist it!

"By the way! The mesquite brother of the... um... tribe! Remember to send someone, together with my personal guards, to meet my manor in Gyeonggi, and the brother in charge! God bless you! Our future business, then But grow up, grow up!..."

"Okay! Don't worry, I understand! The Lord God blesses you! You can go on the road with peace of mind!..."

As the sun rose gradually, the archer battalion in Tlaxcala set off again. When everyone was marching on the hills, they could already see Hekou County in the sky from a distance, but after descending the hills, they could no longer see it.

"Quick! Quick! Hurry up! At noon today, it's time for the grand ceremony to begin!"

The woodpecker Epeck urged hard, and walked in the front with the big flag on his shoulders. Fortunately, after coming down to the plain from the first-level dirt road in the hills, we can go to the second-level county road paved with three-component soil, and we can trot and march. After running like this for a quarter of an hour, the red-haired scouts sent by Hekou County encountered the marching battalion. Then, under the leadership and guidance of the scouts, the Archer Battalion finally arrived at the field where the grand ceremony was held outside the county seat before noon!

On the wilderness in the outskirts, a wooden altar with a height of seven or eight meters had already been set up, and a raging holy fire was raised. And the 8,000 long spear army, 4,000 recruited dog-born tribal soldiers, 3,000 village militiamen who transported food, and the 1,000 Tlaxcala tribal archers... are exactly the size of two legions, 16,000 Army!

"Hey! For this westward expedition, the main force on the North Road only recruited 3,000 village militias to transport grain? It seems that along the Leman River, transporting grain downstream, the logistics maintenance is indeed much easier..."

The woodpecker Epeck was thinking about it, but around the altar, he saw two other thousand-man battalions from the alliance.

The first battalion was all wearing leather armor, and they were lean and not very tall. There are many strong female warriors in the battalion, and even the leader of the team is also a female warrior holding a spear. Woodpecker Epeck thought for a while, and guessed that this should be the alliance's naval fleet. With the addition of the alliance navy, it is almost a crushing advantage for the navy in the Chapala Lake area!

"The navy of the alliance controls the convenient waterways and maintains the logistics of the army..."

Epeck the woodpecker pondered, and looked at another chilling battalion. The warriors of this battalion are all dressed in the uniform of alliance warriors, with mighty beast helmets on their heads and black cloaks on their bodies. And looking carefully, under the deep cloaks of the warriors, there are actually platinum-gold bronze cloth masks!

"Ah? One thousand heavy armored elites?... This outfit, this is... this is the temple guard of the high priests?!"

Seeing this group of elite heavy-armored warriors, Woodpecker Epecker's heart shuddered. The temple guards are all elite warriors who believe in the Lord God, their morale is extremely high, and their combat effectiveness is already impressive. And after putting on heavy armor, such an elite would probably be the most fearsome opponent on the battlefield!

" many heavily armored temple guards!...The one who came today should be the elder priest who is in charge of the military force of the high priests, the elder of the **** of war Yazar?"

Thinking of this, the woodpecker Epeck stood on tiptoe and looked at the high altar.

At this moment, an elder priest wearing an obsidian feather crown and complicated sacrificial attire was standing on the highest point of the altar, looking majestically at the gathered Hekou Legion. The sacrificial uniform on his body has the pattern of thunder, so there is no doubt that he is the elder of the God of War.

On the left side of the Elder God of War is a senior priest who also wears a dark sacrificial attire. Presumably, he should be the fourth-level chief priest of the kingdom's priesthood, Ma Weiluo. And on his right is Kuluka, who is holding a marshal's scepter and wearing a marshal's robe. All three of them stood upright, unable to see their expressions clearly, but there seemed to be no dialogue.

"Ah! The priests and elders from the alliance are standing at the head of the ceremony? That's right! His Highness Shulot is not here, so according to the teaching position, it is true that the priests and elders with the highest status should preside over this great ceremony!"

Epeck the woodpecker stroked his chin, thinking about the positions of the three of them. As a Holy City warrior from Mexica, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it...

"The sun rises to the highest point, and the fierce flames descend! The eyes of the Lord God are watching, and the sacred ceremony begins!..."

At noon, the smoke rises. The priests blew the simple and desolate Tao Xun and beat the shocking drums. The grand sacrificial ceremony also announced the beginning! This kind of war ceremony is usually divided into two parts, one is offering sacrifices to the main **** and requesting the decree of the battle; the other is divination for the battle, announcing the auspicious omen of victory! In short, such a grand ceremony must achieve the effect of boosting morale and inspiring people. And after the ceremony is completed, the army will set off and officially set foot on the battlefield while morale is high!

"Praise my God, Vitzilopochtli! Her power is infinite, she is supreme, she is the holy sun, and she is also the thunder of war! She controls everything, from the past to the future, from birth to death!..."

Yazar, the elder of the God of War, looked solemn and his voice was loud and passionate. He chanted under the pious gaze of tens of thousands of people, praising the majesty of the Lord God! And when the chanting of the opening rites was completed, Yazar, the elder of the God of War, raised his hands high, facing the sun, and shouted sharply!

"The sun is shining, and the **** has come! She is watching us, waiting for the sacrificial priest! ... She longs for the red blood, and also longs for the blood of the god-born! Come! ... offer the most sacred sacrifice, which comes from the sun The descendants of the bloodline!"

"Roar! Roar!... Offer a sacrifice to the descendants of the gods! Blood sacrifice to the Supreme Lord God!..."

Hearing this, the tens of thousands of warriors and militiamen present all showed excitement and fanaticism. In the fanatical army, Epeck the woodpecker was stunned for a moment, and then looked confused.

"Huh?!...His Highness has promulgated the teaching method...Using the three animals of wolves, deer, and fish to replace the blood sacrifice of human sacrifice? Why is the big sacrifice this time still a blood sacrifice?..."

Afterwards, the woodpecker Epeck thought about it again, and when he recalled the words of the elder God of War, he felt a chill all over his body!

"Just now you said... a descendant of the sun's bloodline? Ah! Ah this?!...Which alliance's great noble is the one who was sacrificed?!"