Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 914: The quick-witted **** monkey shows up!

The latest website: "Sacrifice to the Patriarch of Xiajin, sent to the red country..."

On the sacrificial platform for offering sacrifices, lay the noble sacrifices of the descendants of the gods. Yazar, the elder of the God of War, smiled and stared intently at Kuluka's expression. The monkey Kuluka is wearing a gorgeous marshal robe, but his simple face is full of bitterness.

The elder Yazar, the **** of war, brought two thousand temple guards and sailors, along the Leman River, from the lake capital of the alliance. It was only a few days before he arrived in Hekou County. Before the big ceremony, he also informed Kuluka of the sacrifice, and pointed out that he was an "alliance nobleman who made a big mistake and needs His Royal Highness to sacrifice!"

The monkey Kuluka was a little uneasy at the time. Who knew that on the day of the great ceremony, the nobleman who was on the altar turned out to be one of the five most powerful city-state legion commanders!

"Respected Marshal Kuluka, this is a sacrificial dagger inherited from the Alliance, please hold it! ... When you cut the knife, aim at the heart, the sooner the better! ... This will make Patriarch Xia Jin walk faster, There won't be much pain..."

Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, took out a simple sacrificial dagger and handed it to the monkey Kuluka, without giving any chance to refuse. Afterwards, he turned sideways, giving way to the position of the chief priest who was wielding the knife. The other five deacons grabbed the limbs and head of the victim respectively, and waited patiently.


The monkey Kuluka held the sacrificial dagger vigorously, his fingers trembling slightly.

He clearly knew that if this knife fell, not only the Highness of the Lake Kingdom, but also the local nobles in the northern Xiajin City of the alliance would form a deadly enmity. And even he himself will become the common enemy of the local nobles of the alliance, and even all the great nobles!

After all, he was just a commoner warrior, but he personally sacrificed such a nobleman, which is unique in the history of the alliance! ...The great nobles dare not hate the king, dare not hate His Highness openly, don't they dare to hate him openly?

"No, they will only hate me even more! Put everything on my head... Lord God! These are the nobles who want me to cut myself off from the alliance!..."

Seeing Kuluka's hesitation, Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, raised his brows. He glanced to the side and pressed his lips tightly, but Mavelo, the chief priest of the lake who did not object, smiled and said to Kuluka.

"Respected Marshal Kuluka, I came here with the will of the God King and the High Priest to hold a grand Western Expedition Ceremony! ... This ceremony is not only for the Chapala Western Expedition you presided over, but also for the sun God's will..."

"Not long ago, there were rumors in the capital that the discord between the two suns was caused by underground demons! ... After the Xiajin patriarch made the decision to sacrifice voluntarily, the rumors of demons were quelled by devout beliefs... "

"In the entire alliance, naturally only the supreme god-king Avit is the incarnation of the sun god! And today's ceremony is just to pay homage to the main **** and announce it to the world! The sun in the sky is supreme, and the new rising sun follows closely. The day before and the day after the day together illuminate a hundred years, and the future of the alliance will be brighter and hotter than ever before!…”

"Dear Marshal Kuluka, do you understand?..."

".I see…"

On the high altar, the monkey Kuluka was silent for a moment, and finally nodded. Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, came with the will of the king and the high priests, and his highness was not in the kingdom, so it was difficult to refuse in his capacity. The purpose of sacrificing the patriarch of Xiajin is also to declare the master-slave alliance of the two kings again, to quell the rumors in the capital, and to deter all the great nobles who oppose centralization! …

Kuluka can think clearly about all this, and Mavelo, the chief priest in the lake who represents the kingdom's theocracy, can naturally also think clearly. Mavelo didn't speak, naturally acquiescing to the king's will. And this series of political considerations and general trends forced him to bear the burden of this **** pot from heaven! …


The monkey Kuluka took a deep breath and walked to the front of the sacrificial platform, facing the lying chest. He stretched out his hand, and under the guidance of the deacon, he pressed Patriarch Xiajin's heart, feeling a strong heartbeat. Afterwards, he looked at Patriarch Xiajin who was looking directly at the sun with tears in his eyes, his eyes flickered slightly.

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the devout Patriarch Xiajin!...Respected Elder God of War, I don't know how the alliance will deal with the fiefdom of Xiajin City after Patriarch Xiajin goes to the Kingdom of God?"


Hearing this question, God of War Elder Yazar raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised. He looked at the calm monkey Kuluka, pondered for a while, and answered truthfully.

"The devout Xiajin patriarch voluntarily offered sacrifices to the Lord God... For such a noble act of fearless dedication, the alliance naturally let his wife's sons and daughters inherit his fief... The Xiajin Glory family will be treated fairly. Divided into five! And every successor will accept the generous canonization of the God King, and all become noble nobles of glory!"

"In addition, the five honorable nobles have happily agreed to contribute to the expansion of the alliance! They will hand over the family's fiefdom in Xiajin City and transfer it to the vast land of Totonac to open up the seaside for the alliance!..."

"One divided into five, canonized by the **** king. Transferred to the East China Sea, opened up the seashore..."

Hearing this, Marvelo, the Chief Priest of the Lake, took a deep breath, lowered his eyes and remained silent. And the monkey Kuluka's eyes flashed again, and he suddenly bent down and put his ear close to the smiling mouth of the patriarch Xiajin, as if he was listening to something.


Seeing this scene, Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, was astonished. But soon, he will understand. The corners of his mouth curled up and he smiled, but he didn't make a sound to stop him.

"Praise the Lord God! The Lord God blesses! The fearless Patriarch Xiajin left an immortal poem before he went to the Kingdom of God!"

On the face of the monkey Kuluka, surprise first, then excitement and joy, and finally solemnity and solemnity. After listening for a while, he raised his voice and shouted loudly, announcing to the entire altar and even tens of thousands of warriors watching!

"Pacho, Patriarch of the Xiajin, is a true pious warrior! He said!  …"

"...The lord **** is an immortal god, I want to worship him personally, dedicate everything to him, and tell the praises of the world!...The king is the supreme sun, I praise the sun! Your highness is the tall sacred tree, I praise the divine tree! ...and the devout person who presides over my sacrifice will also be the guide of my soul!..."

"He guides my soul, I trust him, and I will entrust him to future generations!... My underage children, you can go to him and build my family temple on the fertile soil of the Kingdom of the Lake!  … Where I fearlessly go to the kingdom of God, enjoy the blessing and peace of my soul!... Praise the Lord God!..."

Hearing these words, Yazar's smile froze. There was obvious surprise on his face, and after looking at the pious expression of the monkey Kuluka, he gradually turned into appreciation.

"Okay!...Take Pacho's turn myself into a guide of the build a family temple, to promise to protect the other party's underage descendants, and to resolve the hatred from the nobles of the alliance...haha! This library Marshal Luca, you are really a smart monkey! Wonderful! Wonderful!..."

"Praise be to the Lord God! Praise be to the fearless warrior! . . . Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!  …"

After hearing Patriarch Xiajin's death poem, tens of thousands of warriors and militiamen burst into cheers. They raised their weapons high, slapped the shield vigorously, and made a "bang bang" sound! They shouted loudly to the altar, calling for the most exciting moment, that was the **** climax!

"Praise the Lord God!...I praise you too! Pacho, the leader of the Xiajin clan..."

The monkey Kuluka announced the end with a pious face. Afterwards, he took a deep look at the smiling patriarch Pacho, raised the obsidian dagger in his hand, and then decisively dropped it heavily!


Severe pain came, and even under the anesthesia of drugs, Pacho, the Xiajin patriarch, suddenly raised his head, his eyes widened like copper bells. However, the five professional deacons pressed down skillfully, keeping the laying posture of the sacrifice stable, and the officiant dropping the knife stably.


The monkey Kuluka had a solemn face, and under the dying stare of Pacho, the leader of the Xiajin clan, he took his bright red hands back from his warm chest. His movements were steady and fast, so fast that Pacho was still alive. And the freshness in his hands was also reflected in Pagio's eyes, turning into the deepest terror.

"My... heart... **** ho..."

Pacho, the leader of the Xiajin clan, opened his mouth, and finally murmured something in a voice that no one could hear. Then, in the bright midday sun, he tilted his head and remained motionless.

"Descendant of the sun god, the blood of the former king, the glorious nobleman of Weipuhetland, the patriarch of Xiajin Pacho, go to the kingdom of the Lord God! His soul will wake up in the red kingdom, as if he died in a battle for the gods Like our warriors, eternal beauty and peace! Praise be to the Lord God!  …”

"Eternal beauty and peace! Praise the Lord God!  …"

With the sacrifice of the descendants of the gods, the ceremony of the great ceremony also reached its climax! And amidst the deafening and fanatical cheers, Yazar, the elder of the God of War, prayed to the Lord God, and obtained the decree to conquer the Chapala Lake District!

"God said! Chapala Lake District, the Feather Prince, disrespects the Lord God! The army is going west to capture his territory! Then put him on the pyramid of the Great Temple and sacrifice his blood to my God!..."

"God said! Xizheng captures Prince Feather and sacrifices blood to my god!..."

Dozens of priests of the main **** relayed the decree at the same time, with high-pitched and resonant voices.

"Xizheng Yu, blood sacrifice to my god! ... Ho Ho Ho! ..."

Tens of thousands of legions screamed and shouted, the ear-splitting sound, and the frenzied expression have already boosted their morale to the highest level.

"Let's go! Warriors of the alliance!...You will win another victory for the king and His Highness!...And under the blessing of the Lord God, you will win this battle!..."

On the altar, Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, also roared, calling out the auspicious omen of divination, predicting the victory of the war! And when all this is completed, the most important part of the grand ceremony will come to an end. As for the last step...

Yazar, the elder of the God of War, licked his lips with a solemn expression. He looked at the silent and calm monkey Kuluka, whose hands were stained with blood, and suddenly took from the hands of the deacons a feather crown of a glorious nobleman, a scepter of an alliance marshal, and a flag with a skull painted on it!


Seeing this the monkey was shocked. With his intelligence, he guessed the other party's intention in just an instant. Then, fine beads of sweat appeared from his forehead and back, even more nervous and trembling than before the sacrifice just now!

"Respected Elder War God! This... this is?..."

"That's right! Respected Marshal Kuluka! Your pious sacrifice has satisfied the Lord God! And the omniscient God King has foreseen all this..."

At this moment, Yazar, the elder of the **** of war, did not smile. His expression was unprecedentedly solemn, even a little stern. For this moment, he has been laying the groundwork for a long time. And the canonization at this time is the real purpose of his trip!

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the King!...Marshal Kuluka, this is God King Avit, personally bestowed on you the crown of glory, the marshal scepter, and the royal legion flag!...According to the convention of the alliance, the marshal who presides over a battle of gods , there must be a canonization from the king of the alliance and the high priests, marking that he has officially obtained the divinity of the sun!  …”

"So, please kneel down and accept the canonization of the God King and the High Priests!"