Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 92: Audience and Unknown

In the early morning sun, Lake Texcoco undulating brightly. In the bright light, there are the reflections of countless flowers. This is the great botanical garden of Tenochtitlan, a place that symbolizes royalty and nobility.

Under the sun and unknown shadow, in the sea of ​​flowers and trees, a beautiful lantern begonia is blooming. The branches are entwined with a deep golden edge, and the red flowers are like hanging lanterns, exuding a pleasant honey fragrance.

A young blue-green hummingbird was attracted by the fragrance of honey. It danced quickly among the flowers, with the sound of the wind flapping its wings, like a brilliant lightning. Then suddenly stopped, hung in front of the flower, stretched out a slender beak, and happily sucked the sweet nectar.

However, at the moment when the hummingbird stopped flying and drank happily. The golden edge of the flower branch suddenly jumped up and turned into a golden streamer. The streamer took the flowers in the blink of an eye, and the hummingbird disappeared, leaving only a golden javelin snake.

The javelin snake closed its bright red mouth, and a bulge slowly slipped from its throat to its abdomen. Then its forked tongue stretched out, licked its mouth, and exhaled the air in its belly with satisfaction. It feels languidly comfortable when you're full. At this moment, a shrill wind sounded from the sky, and the shadow of the sky expanded rapidly until it was drowned. It raised its head in shock, and was about to open its fangs' red mouth.

An old eagle descended from the sky, pounced with lightning speed, and pecked at the seven inches of the javelin snake. The red mouth trembled, and the long tongue hung down weakly. Then, the eagle took the golden snake in his mouth and flew away without leaving a trace. Only the lantern flowers trembling slightly in the wind.

Murder is hidden in the beautiful capital, but who knows who he is?

When the sun slanted slightly in the east, two thousand warriors gathered outside the Montezuma Palace. Afterwards, Avit said goodbye to his daughter and took away Shirott. Surrounded by family warriors, the group went to the palace of the chief minister.

The chief minister's palace is to the east of the Great Temple, not far from it. The scale of the palace is not large, but it is extremely high, almost equal to the Great Temple. There is a special channel directly between the temple and the palace, which is convenient for people on both sides to communicate.

In fact, during the decades when the elders intervened in politics, the palace of the chief minister was the center of imperial politics. The messengers then went to the Great Temple through this passage and conveyed the orders to the priests of all levels. The warrior guards of the Great Temple also obeyed the elders' orders.

Arriving under the chief palace, Shilot saw hundreds of elite warriors at a glance. Armed with sharp and sturdy bronze weapons, these warriors wore leather armor and veiled beast helmets, and stood motionless in the sun. This is the Elder Guard, equivalent to the existence of the King's Praetorian Guard.

The family warriors stopped here. Avette and Shulot continued on their way up with important followers. Climbing dozens of meters on the stone steps of the palace, is another heavily guarded hall. Then the messenger stepped forward and announced that the elder only summoned Avit and Shulot. Intelligence Officer Gilliam, Guard Stanley and Warrior Commander Bertard could only stop here.

The two of them put down their weapons, took off their leather armor, and only wore the noble clothes. They walked into the corridor behind the hall, and behind them were the elderly guards holding gifts. On both sides of the corridor are huge murals, depicting majestic gods, magnificent temples, tall kings, and simple warriors, and at the bottom are various fallen enemies.

Shulot observed the frescoes, all of which were chapters of the patron saint Huitzilopochtli. From his victory over the gods on the Serpent Mountain to become the **** of war, to his replacement for the sun **** and ascending to the sky, and then to the mortal world, he promised the Mexica ancestors, and gave the Mexica leaders the authority of the world, and then to the order of the Toltec people. And the surrender of the Tepanek, and finally the great sacrifice of the king's conquest of the south. There are still large blanks in the back waiting to be smeared.

Shuluotian nodded, these frescoes were a dissertation discussing how the gods were created by man. This is the development history of the Mexicans, and it is also the most immortal achievement in the life of the elders.

Then, the promenade came to an end, and on one side was the flat-topped Great Temple in the West, facing the red Temple of the Patronus. On the other side, which is flush with the temple, an elder who has spanned centuries was sitting quietly on the stone seat of the god, and turned his eyes to the crowd who stepped in.

Shiloh looked around quickly, the elder on the stone seat was unusually old, reminiscent of the ancient divine tree. His face was calm, indifferent like a lightless deep sea. The body is tall and straight, and the momentum is like a majestic mountain. His eyes fell, giving people a heavy pressure, cold and without any emotion. In his hand, he held a small copper bell.

Behind the elder, stood smiling Kechar and the fat Uger. Further back, there is the guard of the elders, as well as the head of the statue of the warrior and his pottery.

Seeing the elder, Avette's eyes were solemn, and he bowed respectfully with Shilot.

"The great Sivacovatel, the immortal sun of the Mexicas, the supreme elder! Your best descendant, Avit, I offer you the most sincere respect and blessings! May the patron saint be with us, and the sun will forever Don't fall!"

The elder nodded and waved his hand. The two stood up and offered gifts.

"May the flowers always accompany the elders!"

Avit first presented flowers, which he picked early in the morning at the royal botanical garden.

The elder looked calm.

"This is the flag of the commander of the Otomi Legion, which I captured in the war."

Afterwards, Avet presented a three-meter-long command flag. Aside from the Hirotepec altar, this is the highest trophy of the entire Otomi War. This level of loot is actually not uncommon in the vast war of the Mexicans for decades.

"This is the equipment of Tarasco's senior warriors, from a hearty victory!"

Finally, Avet presented a bronze helmet, a pair of bronze shoulder pads, and a bronze great axe.

The elder's eyes finally fluctuated. He stared at the bronze helmet and shoulder pads and nodded slightly. This is a new creation of the Tarasco people in the last ten years.

Then it was the turn of Sherlot to present the gift.

"This is a trebuchet that I invented. It can throw 20-pound rock bullets to 300 meters away, and 50-pound stone bullets to 150 meters." He first presented a small catapult model.

After a series of structural optimizations, the range and power of the trebuchet have been improved. Shulot has sent people to the market to buy copper nails, customize copper connectors, and try to further improve and strengthen the trebuchet.

The elder nodded. A fifty-pound stone bullet cannot effectively destroy a solid stone wall several meters high, but it can destroy the simple wooden and stone walls of the southern city-states.

"This is the longbow I invented. It can be thrown within 270 meters and can damage unarmored militiamen. Within 200 meters, it can shoot low-level samurai in cotton armor. When shot flat, it can damage elite samurai in leather armor within 150 meters."

Sherlot presented a longbow with gilt carvings, and then confidently declared its power.

The elder's eyes narrowed. He stared at Longbow and Shroud for a moment, examining his Teotihuacan attire. Then he waved his hand, and two warriors stepped forward, put on leather armor, and tested the power of the longbow.

With the addition of the corridor, the main hall is more than 100 meters long. The samurai who tried the shot was in his prime. His upper body was slightly arched, and his hands were clearly calluses. He was a veteran of the Tlaxcala bow. He tried the shot twice first, feeling the strength of the bow, and was quite surprised. Then he pulled the bow to 70%, an arrow like electricity, penetrated the leather armor at a distance of 100 meters, nailed it to the wall, and the tail of the arrow kept shaking.

The elder's eyes stayed on the leather armor. He stared at the two arrow holes in the front and back of his chest and was silent.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kechar smiled and bowed forward, whispering in a soft voice: "Elder, the power of the longbow is really good. King Tisok died under the arrow of the longbow."

The elder looked down slightly, he didn't say anything, just waved his hand.

The warriors took their long bows and bowed to leave.

"This is the paper I invented, which can be used to record all kinds of information. As long as cheap bark, jute, bamboo, reed, it can be made into tens of thousands of paper. This three-pack of paper only takes ten craftsmen two weeks time, and it will be faster in the future!"

Shiroute presented three dans of paper and a scroll of thousand-character script with Chinese characters written on it. He pulled away the scroll to show the writing effect, and then tugged again, proving the toughness of the bark paper.

The elder motioned for Shilot to come forward. He took the paper and looked at it, then carefully looked at the paper book with Chinese characters written on it. This time he didn't nod, just thought about something.

"This is a script I invented, with a clear condensed meaning, standard writing, and a combination of Nobles, priests, warriors, and even residents of villages in distant city-states, as long as they master this script, they can clearly To understand the laws and regulations written on paper books, mythological history, and alliance events!"

In the end, Shilot presented a set of wooden boards corresponding to hieroglyphs and regular script Chinese characters, and at the same time pointed to the paper book in the hands of the elder, proudly proclaiming the great words. This is the true foundation of empire maintenance, and everything will change from here!

The elder lowered his eyes and fell into deep contemplation. The hall was solemn.

Kechar stared at the words in front of him tightly. He thought about it, and then his eyes were fixed, his face was serious, and the smile disappeared from his face for the first time. When he looked at Shiloh again, he also lowered his eyelids intentionally to hide the deep chill in his eyes.

Uger, who was next to him, was unaware. He just touched the soft paper and felt that if this thing was cheap, it would be convenient to use in some daily life. Well, definitely better than leaves and twigs!

After a while, the elder finally waved his hand. Shulot respectfully retire. His heart is full of pride, and he is confident to develop a culturally splendid future!

Suddenly, a bell rang, and Shirott heard the sound and looked, but saw the elder shake the small bell in his hand. While he was puzzled, the sculptural warriors in the hall gathered around the two of them instantly as if they had heard a spell.

"Take it!" The elder said for the first time, his voice was like an ancient rock, old and without a trace of emotion.

The elder guards swarmed up and subdued Avit and Shulot. Then, a side door opened, leading to the deep inner layer of the palace. In the daze and shock, Shulot was taken into an unknown depth.

Before entering the door, Avet glanced at the expressionless elder, but he was confident and calm.