Aztec Eternals

v1 Chapter 928: Snake's future

The latest website: "Praise the Lord God! It's so late, is Your Highness resting?...Huh? This voice... Is Your Highness drunk?"

The night is dark, and the moonlight is as clear as well water. Snake priestess Miyawa swayed, carrying a clay pot filled with water, and walked quickly around the hall. From a distance, she heard His Highness Hanhu's chanting, and some incomprehensible drinking words. Her eyes flickered for a while, then she smiled and looked at the chief guard Eckart who was guarding the door.

"Respected chief guard, let me serve His Highness to rest!..."

Saying that, Miyawa, the snake priestess, lifted her footsteps and walked into the hall. The head of the guard, Eckart, raised his brows, his footsteps flickered, and he silently stood in front of Miawa.

"Witness of the Lord God! Respected Chief Snake Girl...His Highness is drunk and will stay overnight in the palace tonight."

The head of the guard, Eckart, said calmly and expressionlessly.

"Your Highness has given you an order in advance to drink tonight and never get drunk. And his will for you is to have a good rest and rest earlier."


The snake priestess Miyawa raised her brows. She stopped, her eyes widened, and she stared at the head of the guard, Eckart.

"The lord **** testifies! I am His Highness's woman, serving His Highness to rest is like a river surrounding a high mountain, which is common sense in the world... Honorable Chief Guard, do you really want to stop me?"


Eckart, the head of the guard, was silent for a moment. The voice in the hall floated indistinctly. In that drunken voice, there were many emotions from the heart, and many deep emotions were vented.

"Avit... At that time, he was my teacher!... Before... how good it was!... Now? He became the God King, and it changed!... I remember when he succeeded, I did it A dream! He was sitting on the cold throne, looking down at me coldly... Then!...I pulled him up, but he didn't get up, and he pushed me away!..."

"And that female snake!... When we met for the first time, I put medicine in the wine!... He made loops for me all the way, fanned the wind behind my back... Don't I know? I know! But, can I do it to him I can’t! What is he, he is Avet’s loyal dog to bite people! It’s up to the owner to beat a dog!…”

"Hahaha! Didn't he just want the little prince Chimalpili to inherit the alliance?!... Isn't he just wary of me, afraid that I will threaten Avit?!...But, will I? I won't! I care about him Well, I don't care about him. But I care about Arvette!... In the end, he's just a shadow of Arvette..."

"Witness of the Lord God! I can't let it go! The whole world, the future of countless tribes, who else can I give up!... In my eyes, where is it just the inheritance of the alliance, and where is it just a corner of the world on the Mexica Plateau? I see it in my eyes Yes, it is the distant Eastern Snake Island, the even more distant North and South Continents, and the world far across the sea!...Thousands of years, the unprecedented changes in the world are coming! At this time, the Alliance How can there be internal turmoil?!...I can only endure it!..."

"Ah! Ah this!...This...Your Majesty, you are really drunk! Please, please rest! Your Majesty, I'm going out now, I...I'm going to the bathroom..."

"Haha! Mecate, you are not allowed to go! Come! Have another drink with me! I am happy today! I will tell you again! My layout in the whole world!..."

"Your Highness! Please!...Ah! I'm drunk! I can't do it!


The king's voice in the main hall was vaguely the Mexica language of the Alliance, with the accent of the Holy City.

The snake priestess Miyawa listened attentively, but could not quite understand the drunken language of Naham Lake and the dialect of the holy city. But she could understand a recurring name.

"Avet? Huh?...Avet...Avet Sauter? The king of the alliance!...Eh! Your Highness's tone... seems to be...dissatisfied?..."

Eckart, the head of the guard, grew up in the holy city, and even if his voice smelled of alcohol, he could still understand it. He pursed his lips while listening to His Highness complaining to the Alliance King after he was drunk, his expression obviously changed.

"Respected Chief Snake Girl! Please go back! Patriarch, it is not suitable to see you tonight!..."

"Praise the Lord God!"

The snake priestess Miyawa's eyes rolled, and many thoughts flashed in her heart. His Highness seems to be talking about something, it's an incredible secret, and if she can know... Miyawa smiled and lifted the clay pot in his hand, and bowed his head to the head of the guard.

"Dear Chief Guard, Your Highness is drunk. I made some herbal tea to sober up, please let me in!..."

"Chief Snake Girl, please leave!..."

Hearing this, Eckart, the head of the guard, turned cold and his tone became severe. He knows the intention of the snake girl Miyawa, but he must not let the other party in, even if he offends the other party, he must drive her away!

"The owner is not going to see you tonight! Please leave!..."

"Please remember! The head of the family has a mistress! The mistress is the eldest princess Alyssa who is extremely respected by the alliance, and you are just one of His Majesty's, without a canonized concubine..."

"Please be sure to recognize your identity and know your position! Regarding the alliance and the kingdom, you'd better stick to your duty... Please also protect the child in your womb! The child of the Patriarch, the blood of the Holy City The continuation of your life is your current value and your future reliance!…”

Hearing these harsh words, the snake priestess Miyawa's expression changed suddenly, her heart fluctuated violently, and her figure shook a little. She covered her heart, her eyes widened, she gave the chief guard a deadly look, and then immediately looked away.

She knew that a close retainer like the chief guard, who was always guarding His Highness, was actually one of His Highness's most trusted confidants. She absolutely cannot offend people like this.

And with the qualifications and status of the head of the bodyguard, he is even above the head of the Black Wolf Army. The other party is fully qualified, and there may not be any malice in saying these words, at least she cannot take it as malicious... because the other party is His Highness's shadow, an extension of His Highness's will. And the words just now must have the will of His Highness! …

"Dear Chief Guard...I see..."

Thoughts flow, but within a few breaths. The snake priestess Miyawa pursed her lips, lowered her head, and forced a smile.

"Praise the Lord God! Thank you for your advice, I was the one who offended you! Tonight, I really shouldn't come here to disturb...the Lord God is a witness! Then I will leave the herbal tea here to sober up...Leave now!..."


Looking at the respectful snake priestess the head of the guard, Eckart, raised his brows, his eyes were a little deep. Being able to quickly control his emotions and show a suitable posture... This snake mother chief will indeed have something to do in the future... He was silent for a while, nodded, took the pot from the other party, and spoke again calmly.

"In that case, please leave! No matter how much you hear His Highness's words tonight, please forget them! ... Your future is to raise the heirs of the Patriarch, in this vast coastal land... and the plateau Everything on the Internet has nothing to do with you!..."

"Thank you! The Lord God blesses His Highness, and blesses you too!..."

The snake priestess Miyawa saluted again with a sincere smile on her face. Afterwards, she turned around, and left slowly as she did when she came. And when she was leaving, she lowered her head, recalling what the chief guard said, stroking her swollen belly, and gritted her teeth unwillingly.

"My only in this seaside land?..."

"Witness of the Lord God! Not necessarily!..."