Aztec Eternals

v2 Chapter 947: The art of communication, wise black wol

The latest website: "Huh? Witnessed by the Lord God! You mean... the system of the Seaside Alliance, the chief of the legion, the chief of the priest, and the chief of civil affairs that restrict each other, was not set up to restrict me?...These three are separated and do not belong to each other Military power, religious power, and civilian power are for the future power checks and balances of the seaside after His Highness and I leave the coast of Totonac?…”

In the deep hall, Black Wolf Toltek stroked the cold copper ax and sat back on the stone seat. Following Ticaro's few words, he frowned and fell into long thoughts. After a while, he glared at Ti Kalo and asked coldly.

"Huh? Ticaro, what do you think?!"

"Eh! My exactly the same as yours!..."

Mayan businessman Ticaro rubbed his head, turning his thoughts quickly, thinking about the art of communication. He has just come back, and his understanding of the Seaside Alliance is limited to brief inquiries on the way back... In other words, he has no idea of ​​His Highness's arrangements and deep meaning!

And the reason why he picked up this topic and gave ambiguous suggestions is also very simple: that is, the situation on the seashore is very complicated, and the distance is too far away. In order to rule here stably, and even further expand to the east, His Highness Xiulot's arrangement must be carefully weighed, and there are deep meanings hidden in it! From another point of view, Black Wolf Toltek's combat exploits are indeed accumulated too high! …

"Cough! Respected Captain Black Wolf, you are the most trusted general trained by His Highness all the way! Your legion is also the most capable of fighting among the legions of many kingdoms! ... And a legion leader like you is His Highness's most trusted general!" How can reliable wings be placed on the seashore in vain?  …”

The Mayan businessman Ticaro cautiously followed the words of the black wolf Toltek, and extended a little bit. He is proficient in the art of communicating with people, and he knows that to persuade others, there are two very important skill points!

The first point is called "smooth hair stroke". That is, what you say does not need to be particularly reasonable, or how powerful the words are, but it must follow the heart of the listener! Because, only when the listener can accept and listen to it, will it have the value of speaking! Especially for the cold-hearted and murderous General Hei Lang, if his words were too offensive, he would probably be snapped with an axe.

As for the second point, it is called "leaving blank", also known as "leaving a hole for mice to drill". Instead of talking about hype and explaining everything clearly, it is better to leave a blank and let people think and supplement by themselves. Because people only believe in the conclusions they draw. But at this moment, he didn't know much, and it was easy to make mistakes, so he needed to "leave blank" and let General Heilang think for himself.

"Witness of the Lord God! So, His Highness's arrangement on the seashore, that... well, the three leaders set up to check and balance each other should be prepared for the other legion leaders besides you..."

"The lord **** gave me wisdom! Let me think about it! If this system was not designed for me...then where would I go after defeating the Totonacs?...Continue to fight the Mayans in the east? Or follow His Highness?" Back to the Kingdom of the Lake? Or maybe..."

Thinking of this, the black wolf Toltek's eyes sharpened, revealing a bit of coldness. He glanced at the Mayan businessman who bowed his head, touched his chin, put away his dangerous thoughts, and changed his thinking direction.

"Witness of the Lord God! Besides me, the other legion commanders? Huh? Yes! The Totonac Legion to be established is to be stationed on the seashore... Who will be the next legion commander?..."

"Wooden lizard? He is the most reliable general in Totonac, but his qualifications are still too low... Promote one of His Highness's family warriors or personal guards trained? It is very possible, and I don't know who it will be... Tee Carlo, what do you think? Huh?!"

"Uh!...that...I...I think...uh..."

The Mayan merchant Tikalo was sweating down his back, and he hesitated and replied with difficulty.

" matter who His Highness chooses, it is for the overall situation of expanding eastward, for the management of Cuban Snake Island! ...The prophecy His Highness made is amazing! So, we must choose the most outstanding and loyal person..."

"Ah! The overall situation in the east? I know! ... Yes! Ticaro, you are right!"

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltek's eyes lit up, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and his thoughts gushed out like a spring!

He has long memorized the generals and personnel in the kingdom, and there are not many of them he can look up to. For such a major event as the expansion of the East China Sea, and such a complicated situation, if a leader who can be a great leader is to be elected, it can only be the warrior captain Berthard who stays under the Cloud Snake City and is in charge of the siege!

"It turns out that His Highness has not formed a formal seashore legion for a long time. He is waiting for the warrior commander! From this point of view, the warrior chief will be the commander of the seashore legion first, and then be promoted to the marshal of the East China Sea! And the second seaside legion chief, If you want to cooperate with the warrior commander, you should be the warrior commander's trustworthy and smooth commanding deputy... Looking at it this way, he must be like me, a member of the personal guards, who has made military exploits, and is a certain battalion leader who specifically leads the battalion!"

"Among the members of the Guards, besides me, who else has higher military exploits and leads the battalion? That's right! Only Tupa, the battalion commander of the Artillery Battalion! He has fought in Totonac for so long , I am also familiar with the terrain here... Good guy! It turns out that His Highness is interested in this kid! He is really lucky!... If you want to form an army in the kingdom, it will not be his turn!..."

"Wait! If Tupa stays here, that means that the artillery battalion will also stay, and even be incorporated into the Seaside Corps? Tsk tsk! If the Mayan city-states along the way block it, they will definitely end up being blasted one by one! …Haha! I am so wise!  …”

Black Wolf Toltek rubbed his chin with a look of satisfaction on his face. At this moment, he felt as if he had received the wisdom blessing of the top turquoise, and he finally became cheerful about His Highness's arrangement on the seaside! And when he turned his head and looked at the stunned Mayan businessman Tikalo, the cold expression on his face softened a lot.

"Tikalo, I can't see it, you still have some knowledge!...Um...I remember you said just now, if I make another achievement in destroying the country, His Highness won't let me lead the army again?"

"Uh... that... the wise and brave leader of the black wolf! The Lord God witnesses! I mean... that... the tree is too tall and too big, it will attract wind and thunder!... And you, you are tall and big, if you are killed by someone into slander..."

"Ha! Ticaro, look at your secretive thoughts! Don't you just want to say that my meritorious service is hard to be rewarded, and His Highness will be afraid of me, and then won't let me lead the army again?... What a mess! I deserve credit No matter how tall I am, can I surpass Your Highness? No matter how high my prestige is, it's not as good as one-third of His Highness! A hero like His Highness has ambitions all over the world, and can't finish all the battles he wants to fight, so how can he be afraid of me? ..."

Speaking of this, Black Wolf Toltek was obviously a little bit disapproving. There was a nonchalant smile on his face, until Ticaro licked his lips and raised his mouth carefully.

"Respected Captain Black Wolf! No matter how strong a pyramid is, it can't withstand the long water dripping through stone! ... You have seen it with your own eyes. Think about the friendship between His Highness Xiulot and King Avet, and think about the recent years. Variety!…"

"Ten years ago, would you have imagined that two suns who are intimate with each other would have so many rifts?... In the final analysis, is it because His Highness' prestige is too high, military exploits are too great, and there are too many villains around the king? ..."

"In the situation of the king and His Royal Highness, if the king passes His Royal Highness and promotes you to be a prince according to the convention of the alliance... how will His Highness respond? At that time, His Highness can only set aside a fief for the sake of the alliance's tradition and rewards for military exploits. , I've given it to you!"

"And if you accept the seal, how can you support the Black Wolf Army and continue to lead the army? If you refuse to refuse, the king can make a big fuss and spread rumors that disturb the kingdom... more What's more, in the long future, after His Royal Highness inherits the alliance...maybe, there will be villains from the alliance around him, and his thoughts will gradually change..."

"Respected Captain Black Wolf! From the perspective of the long-term future, if you want to be able to lead troops to fight, then the credit for breaking the Holy City of the Hidden Snake and capturing the chief priest and the descendants of the gods... or give it to other generals, to Your Highness is the best!..."

"Huh?!...His Royal Highness and the king, change and the future...Is this your suggestion? I want to give up my military achievements and suppress my prestige?..."

After thinking for a moment, the black wolf Toltek's smile froze. The expression on his face was cloudy and uncertain, changing drastically for a few breaths. After a while, he pursed his lips, glanced at Ticaro who bowed his head, and angrily scolded The Lord God's witness! My loyalty to the Kingdom has never wavered! I am His Highness's black wolf, and I am only loyal to His Highness! ...And with His Highness' divine wisdom, how could he be induced by villains like ordinary people? ! ..."

"Bah! I'm so **** off, what nonsense! Ticaro, I think you are a villain, just like the female snake next to the king! The major events of the alliance are all in your hands! If it weren't for you little people People, the king will not send people west to make such a mess of canonizing monkeys! And His Highness will not be in a dilemma, sending envoys to the king's capital repeatedly to show his loyalty..."

"Uh! Yes! Yes! Dear leader of the Black Wolf Army, what you are talking about... um? Canonization of a monkey, a dilemma?..."

The black wolf Toltek reprimanded him for a while, and then he sighed when he looked at Tikalo who was timid and frightened.

"Hey! The Lord God blesses the alliance, blesses the kingdom, and blesses His Royal Highness! ... Ticaro, please explain carefully! Accepting the surrender of the captain of the navy, what good is it for the kingdom and His Highness!..."

(end of this chapter)