Aztec Eternals

v2 Chapter 948: Moonlight goes west, the king's philosop

The latest website: ". Lord God's testimony! Ticaro, so you said so much, which means that accepting the surrender of the head of the Hidden Snake City Navy has three benefits! One is to cut off the support of the sea route, which will hit the hearts and morale of the city. Let Hidden Snake City fall as soon as possible. The other is to have an internal plan to wipe out the priests and descendants of Hidden Snake City as much as possible..."

The night was dark, long shadows swayed in the hall, and moonlight cast down from the zenith. Black Wolf Toltek frowned, thinking about Tikalo's cautious suggestion. For these two military benefits, he actually disagrees. Relying on the ability of his black wolf Toltek, in the current situation, if he wants to destroy the city and wipe out the clan, what is the difficulty? !

"Well... the most important thing is the third benefit. Get a few ready-made Mayan ships, take back the longships of the two kingdoms, and a group of ready-made Mayan shipwrights... for the conquest of the Maya in the East and the development of Cuba, Provide the sailors who carry it!"

Thinking of this, Hei Lang stroked his chin and pondered for a while. He also had a letter from His Highness, instructing him to search for shipwrights and carpenters from the city-states along the way and send them to Jinwan City to serve the Kingdom's Eastern Shipbuilding Department.

He knows that shipbuilding is different from building siege equipment. It is a real technical job. There is no such thing as "strengthening miracles", and he will not throw it away after using it once after a battle. The construction of a large ship takes a long time. From the wood to the skeleton to the hull, there are very cumbersome processes and professional talents are required.

It only takes a few months or even a few days to recruit a tribal battalion, and it can be pulled out to go to the battlefield. But it takes years to form a coastal navy and build usable large ships!

"Two years, almost two years! The Kingdom's Eastern Shipbuilding Department has not yet built a single longship... Well, His Highness said that the first batch of longships has almost been built, but there are only ten... Lord God! This Fighting at sea is really troublesome!..."

Thinking of this, Hei Lang's eyes widened again, he reached out and grabbed Tikalo's lapel, and yelled sharply.

"Tikalo! Tell me the truth! Did the Mayan shipwright of Hidden Snake City be captured with you?! You old fox, why are you so careless? The whereabouts of the fleet leaked for no reason, really **** it !It should be killed!..."

"Cough! Cough! Respected Captain of the Black Wolf Army... Among the shipwrights in Hidden Snake City, there are indeed a few backbone leaders, and they are Master Mayapan, who I am going to dedicate to His Highness... But the other shipwrights should be from other shipwrights. Among the Mayan city-state fleet, those detained..."

The Mayan businessman Tikalo tilted his body and tried to break free, but he couldn't shake Hei Lang's hand at all. A wry smile appeared on his face, and he had no choice but to answer with difficulty.

"Captain Black Wolf, you know it!...It takes time to build a ship. In the fleet of Hidden Snake City, there are only three Mayan galleys, which were imitated by the shipbuilder under Priest Papu, and the rest are from forced recruitment..."

"The Lord God testifies! In the water village east of Hidden Snake City, they have a team of more than one hundred craftsmen, are building five galleys, and have a large amount of dry wood and good materials! ... These are all from Hidden Snake City The Chief Priest tried his best to raise it from various city-states and nobles... Right now, as long as Priest Papu surrenders with his sailors, it will be yours, His Highness's!..."

"More than a hundred craftsmen, five galleys under construction, and a batch of large wooden materials?"

Hearing this, the black wolf Toltek pursed his lips, his eyes flickered for a while, and then let go of his hand.

"Tikalo, witness of the Lord God! Did you witness this with your own eyes, or did you hear what Papp said?"

"Uh... Priest Papu said it! But he doesn't have the guts to lie to His Highness and you..."

"Well... I see!"

The black wolf Toltek stood up, expressionless, like a cold wolf. He looked around, stared at the blood-stained walls of the palace, and saw a wooden sculpture of a Feathered Serpent God, his eyes gradually became fierce. Afterwards, he ignored Tikalo standing next to him, strode straight to the wooden sculpture, and gave instructions to the left and right guards.

"Come here! Take the great bronze sword of our army commander!"

"Yes! Boss!"

After a while, the black wolf Toltek held a big sword more than one meter long, was silent for a few breaths, took a deep breath, and then let out a loud shout!

"Papp! Die!..."

The heavy sword swung rapidly, and with the sound of violent bursts of wind, it slashed heavily on the wood carving!

"Bang! Crack!..."

The power of this blow is so great, and the angle is so delicate! This is an astonishing combination of strength and skill, and even cut a hard wooden sculpture equivalent to a human body in half with a single sword! And if such a terrifying sword fell on a warrior wearing leather armor, it would surely be able to cut in half as well!


Feathered Serpent's head rolled down and landed not far in front of Ti Kalo. Faced with such unparalleled force and pure killing skills, Ticaro couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on his smooth head.

"This...respected...the head of the Black Wolf Army..."

"Huh?! Do you have anything else to say?"

The black wolf Toltek looked at him, and the undisguised, beast-like killing intent pierced Tikalo's heart with chills. He originally wanted to mention Priest Pap's surrender conditions, but seeing the current situation, he couldn't say it no matter what.

"Hey! I'd better go and persuade His Highness personally..."

When the words came to his lips, the Mayan businessman Tikalo tried his best to smile, and bowed his head respectfully.

"Witness of the Lord God! Respected leader of the black wolf... I'm done explaining, everything is up to you to decide!..."


The black wolf Toltek lowered his eyes, remained silent for a long time with a cold expression, and then spoke in a cold voice.



"After breaking Jihu City, the envoy who reported the victory to His Highness has been gone for a few days?"

"Boss, the first batch of envoys who reported the victory probably have already arrived in Jinwan City. As for the second batch of envoys who reported the specific battle report, they left only yesterday morning..."

"Can you catch up? Take this guy and get to Jinwan City as soon as possible!..."

"Uh! With him?"

Uta, the red-haired personal guard, turned around and looked at Tikalo who would be skinny and trembling after standing for a long time. He widened his eyes at first, then shook his head vigorously like a rattle.

"Boss! How could such a skinny old fox catch up to the coyote running in the forest?! No, definitely not...unless..."

"Huh? Say!"

"Unless I take two brothers, tie him to a stick, and pick him up like a pick!..."

"Ah! Ah this."

Hearing this, the Mayan merchant Tikalo sweated on his forehead, and his hands and feet trembled again. If this was picked up all the way to Jinwan City by some red-haired savages... His body, which came out of this dungeon, would probably have to be confessed on the way. And such a dishonorable death, for a descendant of the Heavenly Snake God who has experienced countless winds and rains, he really has no face to meet his ancestors...

"No! Your hands and feet are too rough! He has to go to Jinwan City with all his hands and feet to see His Highness properly!..."

Black Wolf Toltek shook his head, then looked at Tikalo who was shaking like chaff, and ordered.

"Look for some Totonak militiamen who are good at walking! Prepare him a what, oh, a small Mayan shoulder car, the kind that can walk in the jungle!..."

"Witness of the Lord God! Uta, you bring a team of scouts and guards, and you must send him to Jinwan City and hand him over to His Highness's personal guards!"

"Yes! Boss! I'm going to prepare right now, and I'll leave at dawn!"


Black Wolf Toltek nodded, and gave the last order before his personal guard Uta left.

"Remember! Tie him to the shoulders! Along the way, he is not allowed to come into contact with other people!..."

"Also! Gag him! Don't let this old fox speak!"

"Okay! Boss!"

The moonlight was cool, and the personal guard Uta stepped quickly, disappearing within a few steps. And behind him, the Mayan merchant Tikalo, also escorted by several personal guards, walked out of the deep hall. Seeing him trembling with sweat all over his body, it was as if he had left the beast's lair and was swimming on the edge of life and death. And the actual situation is probably like this...

"Heavenly Snake God blesses you! The hardships and hardships along the way... I am finally able to meet His Highness!..."

"I don't know, what's going on with His Highness at this moment?..."

The murmured whispers, carrying Ticaro's questions, floated to the west hundreds of miles away. To the west is the clear moonlight, and it is also the city of Jinwan lit by lights under the moonlight.

In the palace in the center of Jinwan City, a magnificent and charming dream, just like the passing clouds and rain, has just woken up. Those traces of exploring wonders were entwined on the king's body and engraved in his heart, giving him a moment of emptiness and epiphany.

"Maiden Elaine...woman...a woman who belongs only to me, the claim of the Colima Mountains..."

Shulot raised his head and looked at the moon going west on the zenith, feeling some complex emotions called responsibility, desire for monopoly, and finally mixed with desire for power. Afterwards, he struggled to get up, gently put the girl's entangled hands and feet away, stood beside the bed silently, and looked at the exhausted woman who fell asleep for a while.

"Well my woman, there is one more... a cat from the mountains of Colima..."

Xiulot stretched out his hand, touched the sleeping " and rubbed the cat's short hair, and pinched the baby's fat cheeks. Afterwards, he pursed his lips and looked at The redness on the bed of the eyes was silent for a while, and then gently wiped away the girl's tears, and then covered the other party with a cotton blanket.

"Hmm... um?...Mountain fierce...don't bite me..."


Listening to the cat's murmur in sleep, Xiulot was silent for a while, touched the pain marks on his body, and shook his head gently. The cat was obviously not very smart, and remembered everything that happened... He smiled, put on his robe, walked to the window, and watched the soft moonlight fall.

After a while, a wisp of priest's divine smoke curled up from his hand, making people feel relaxed. Shenyan communicates with the ancient sages, spanning a long time and space, making the king's deep eyes look further west. In the layered mountains that he couldn't see, there were 200,000 Colima mountain tribes, and there were even more Southwest Tekos tribes who were only nominally subject...

Well, thank you all for your concern! The author's fungus is ready, come back and update it!

(end of this chapter)