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Chapter 1195: ?

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Everyone who watched Lu Feng's howling and weeping scene was full of tears, and they were all focused on watching the drama of brothers fighting against each other. Who cares that this is a funeral, but Lu Feng's expression of grief makes people feel that he is the one with Mr. Feng. The one with the best relationship.

The scene finally restored some order and began to follow the etiquette process.

On the other side, at the headquarters of the Sun Hung Kai Group, several people from the administration department opened Feng Zhicheng's office and began to work. Others in the company saw a group of people cleaning up the boss's office, and they all poked their heads and whispered.

"What is this for? Are you going to change offices?"

"I don't know, you go and ask."

Someone with a good relationship quietly approached and asked in a low voice: "What is this for?"

"Let me tell you, don't go out and yell." The other party whispered mysteriously: "The vice president ordered him to come down and pack his things and tell him to get out."

"Which vice president?"

With a look from the other party, this person immediately realized that he had asked too much, and hurried back to his seat. In less than half an hour, everyone in the company knew that Feng Zhicheng was going to leave, and knew that Feng Zhiyao was coming back without asking.

This internal strife in the Feng family is finally coming to an end.

At 10:30 in the morning, with the end of the farewell meeting, the family thanked each other, followed by the funeral. According to local customs, the burial cannot be at noon, and must be staggered.

With the official end of the crying ceremony, Mr. Feng completely finished his body.

Lu Feng did not participate in the burial. At noon, he and Su Yourong had a meal together in a hotel. Su Yourong said while eating, "This matter is settled, what are you going to do next?"

"I can't talk about landing, I have to wait and see. I'm afraid that he won't admit defeat and insists on doing something wrong." Lu Feng lit a cigarette and said, "It would be best for him to know the current affairs, and nothing will happen next. .”

"Let's take a look at the company in the afternoon. I can basically agree with what you told me these days, but I have an idea. If you lack funds, you can split the R&D company and go public. In this regard, I I can help you." Su Yourong put forward his own idea.

"I've had enough of capital." Lu Feng shook his head again and again. He knew the risks after going public, and all kinds of capital came in. He was not short of money, but the company might not be his own. Don't want to go all over again.

What's more, according to Lu Feng's guess, the one who is most likely to eat him is Su Yourong.

"Then, as a member of the board of directors of Hurricane Capital, I will hold United Capital and let United Capital provide financial guarantee for Hurricane Capital and provide you with financing. But in this case, I have to expand my holding in Jufeng Capital, or United Capital will not agree. .” Su Yourong said.

"How much equity do you think you can agree to?" Lu Feng asked back.

Su Yourong was taken aback when he heard this, and thought for a while before saying, "You can get 7% of the funds for 10% of the total assets. This is like a mortgage, and there is interest. Let me tell you, how about For financing, if you are afraid of being controlled, you can control the proportion of equity, which is stipulated in the contract."

"I have an idea, can I do AB shares?" Lu Feng asked.

"What are AB shares?" Su Yourong asked in confusion.

"In the resolution of the board of directors, one of my votes is worth 100 votes, and a small stake controls up to 100 stakes."

Su Yourong shook her head with a smile when she heard this, and said, "This is the first time I've heard this kind of statement. No investor will agree. Even if your company can grow into a world-class giant in the future, I think they will I don’t know how to invest, isn’t this just taking other people’s money to start a business without paying interest?”

Lu Feng inquired for a while, and it seems that the AB stock model is not feasible in this era. After thinking for a long time, Lu Feng said: "Then raise money, help me find an appraisal company, and raise the asset appraisal to a higher level." Let's do it."

"I'll take care of things, don't worry."

The two held up their wine glasses and clinked, and at the moment they knew each other. Lu Feng knew that the chip company might not be able to make any money within two or three years, and the best way to support such a large R&D company was to own a financial company and provide continuous blood transfusions.

According to Lu Feng's guess, if the R&D company becomes independent and wants to turn losses into profits, at least it will be around 2010. At that time, the explosion of mobile phones happened. If it is at the forefront of the world, then it will become a pivotal enterprise.

Su Yourong also has her own ideas. There are no pure financial enterprises in Xiangjiang now. They are either finance plus real estate, or finance plus insurance, or high-tech. Every year United Capital transfers so much money, but it is all channeled to other companies , which makes financial companies very unhappy.

To put it bluntly, a financial company is a water pipe, but there is no reservoir, and the water in the water pipe belongs to others. At most, it passes through you, and you charge some interest, price difference, bridge toll, etc.

This is why large companies are engaged in finance, that is, to install a special water pipe for their own industry, so that funds can be crazily invested in their own industry, and they use the money of investors and shareholders to do their own business.

Su Yourong has another idea. She has indeed gained a firm foothold in United Capital. The equity in her hand has already made her one of the major shareholders, but she can't really control the company. She only needs to eat up Lu Feng's R&D company , then she holds the equity of Jufeng Capital, and there is room for movement when the two parties superimpose.

If the meeting of the board of directors of United Capital cannot be achieved, then it can be discussed at Hurricane Capital to find a home venue for itself, not to mention that it can tie a talent like Lu Feng to death.

Lu Feng's search for financial companies is not limited to United Capital. Another alternative is Sun Hung Kai. It is a pity that there is such a tiger as Li Shau Kee, so he first chooses United Capital to test the waters.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, after attending the funeral, Feng Zhicheng returned to the company to pick up some things. When he entered the office, he found that all his personal belongings were gone.

He couldn't believe it, and even walked out of the office door to read it again, and then yelled at the president's office next to him: "Where are the things in the office?"

"I'm not sure!" A man standing at the door hurried away after saying that.

Feng Zhicheng felt the eyes of the surroundings gathered towards him. At this moment, he seemed to be stared at by everyone, no one spoke, and he didn't have the enthusiasm of the past, just watching and paying attention!

"Where's the person in charge of the administration department?" Feng Zhicheng asked again.

"I haven't come back yet, I went to the farewell party." A woman next to him whispered.

"Where's the supervisor?"

"I don't know where he went."

"Go and call someone over!"

The woman was a little embarrassed, struggled for a while, and walked downstairs, but she didn't go to the administrative supervisor.

Feng Zhicheng felt uncomfortable being stared at by the eyes in the office, he looked around and shouted loudly: "Why are you doing nothing? Are you all so busy?"

Everyone lowered their heads and was busy with their own affairs. The suffocating air just now seemed to have circulated instantly.

A few minutes later, six or seven men came up, all of them looking burly, and the leading man spoke Mandarin and said, "President Feng, your things are all in order, I'll give you another place."

"Who are you?" Feng Zhicheng looked him up and down, and felt that the man in front of him must not belong to the company.

"Don't worry about it, let's go!" The man said hello, and the people behind stepped forward and pushed and pulled Feng Zhicheng downstairs.

"Call the security guard! Let the security department come over!" Feng Zhicheng yelled, but no one answered at all in the company, and everyone tacitly pretended not to hear him.

Not long after, Feng Zhicheng was brought downstairs and yelled at the security guard at the door, who also pretended to be deaf and dumb. He was taken to the parking lot, where a Jinbei car was parked, and all his personal belongings were in the car.

"Everything is here, not a lot." After the man finished speaking, Feng Zhicheng was released.

They didn't listen to what Feng Zhicheng said, and turned their heads away. Feng Zhicheng felt that something was wrong, so he hurried back, and when he reached the gate of the company, he was stopped by security.

"You need an ID card to enter and exit the group building!" the security guard said to him. UU Reading

"Are you **** blind, aren't you? You don't know me? What were you doing just now? Get out of the way!" Feng Zhicheng pushed the security guard away and was about to walk inside.

In an instant, six or seven people rushed out and pushed him out. When he reached the door, Feng Zhicheng had already raised his hand to beat him, and the security guard had to call the police after controlling him.

In the parking lot not far away, Feng Zhiyao in a Mercedes-Benz car watched what happened before him. He didn't know how many times he was pushed out by these security guards. generally.

Now Feng Zhicheng has experienced how he felt back then.

In less than half an hour, the police came, and after a long questioning, the company said that there was no such person, not even on the company's management list, only Feng Zhiyao's name, not Feng Zhicheng.

After tossing until the evening, Feng Zhicheng knew that there was no going back. It might have been a trick for him to replace Feng Zhiyao's name at work, but the other party had already made a perfect plan, even if he changed his name, it would not affect the present.

After 7 o'clock in the evening, Feng Zhicheng stopped making noise, knowing that it was a defeat, and if he went on like this, he would lose his face and gain nothing.

Feng Zhiyao watched him get into the car and drive away with his own eyes, so he ordered the driver to drive home. On the way, Feng Zhiyao received a call from Lu Feng, asking the legal team to confirm the will and divide the estate as soon as possible, so that the matter can be completely settled. Certainly.

"Hold on tight, lest you have long nights and dreams, invite the best lawyer team, I may go back in a few days." Lu Feng finished talking to the phone and hung up.

"Is it spacious enough here? Where your office is located, my office is downstairs, separated by a floor." Su Yourong introduced.

"It's the chairman's office as soon as you enter the door, isn't it appropriate? By the way, can the villa be retired?" Lu Feng asked.

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