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Chapter 46: Skin test

When he got downstairs, Jiang Xiaoyan was distressed and annoyed when he saw him like this. The two helped him upstairs. Lu Feng was already drunk and unconscious, struggling constantly.

"Don't touch me, Secretary Li, give these people money and leave!"

Lu Feng mumbled endlessly while lying on the bed, very arrogant.

"Do you know who I am? I am Lu Feng, CEO of Sipu Technology, isn't it just money, I have money..."

Jiang Xiaoyan and Gao Zhiwei were confused. He said something that he didn't understand, such as short video new media, 5G Internet, technological innovation era, and global trade.

"Is his brain okay?" Gao Zhiwei thought he was a little crazy.

"No, thank you for sending him back. Sit down and drink some water." Jiang Xiaoyan said politely.

"No, I should go back too." Gao Zhiwei said politely, turned around and went downstairs.

Jiang Xiaoyan closed the door, her smiling face disappeared, and she walked to the bed and found Duoduo lying next to him and hitting him with her hand, still screaming: "Smelly baba, stinky baba!"

"Don't forget to drink to death, just like before." Jiang Xiaoyan looked at him, and the memory of the past appeared in his mind, and became even more angry. She raised her hand and slapped his thigh twice.

"Do you dare to hit me?" Lu Feng hummed.

"Yeah, didn't you drink numbness? Do you know it hurts?"

Lu Feng just felt that he was spinning around the world. One bottle of liquor and five bottles of beer were already his limit. The memory in his mind was chaotic, and his past and present were constantly appearing in front of him.

He felt like he was back ten years ago. At that time, he had just started a business, and his life could not be maintained because he had lost money. The girlfriend who had once pledged each other had a quarrel just because he wanted to change a mobile phone, and finally broke up.

This incident was very exciting to him. He once naively thought that as long as two people are together, all difficulties are small problems, but how many women in this world are willing to accompany you?

"Don't you think I don't have money? You don't think I am poor. Wait until I get rich...I'm looking for..."

Jiang Xiaoyan wiped his face with a towel, her hands froze on the spot when she heard this, and looked at him: "What are you talking about? You speak with conscience. When did I think you were poor? I can't hold back the truth with a drink. What are you looking for?"

"I... I'm looking for... find a beautiful one!"

Jiang Xiaoyan threw the towel into the water basin angrily, kicked Lu Feng several times, and kicked Lu Feng off the bed, covering her face and crying.

At 8 o'clock the next morning, Lu Feng woke up and found himself lying on the ground. He climbed up and said, "How do I sleep underground?"

"I didn't leave you downstairs. It's already giving you face." Jiang Xiaoyan stretched out her hand to open the curtains and said, "People say they speak truth after drinking, are they really?"

Lu Feng patted his head with his hand, remembering what he said last night, and smiled awkwardly: "No, can you take it seriously?"

"Isn't it pretty good? Find a beautiful one, go chant, you have this strength now."

"I was wrong, there is something more prettier than you." Lu Feng said, hugging her slender waist from behind, feeling a little bit in his heart. Perhaps the most important thing to him in this life is that there is a woman who is sincere. Stay by his side.

"Stop it!"

Lu Feng was busy changing his clothes and coaxing Jiang Xiaoyan, making small movements from time to time, making both of them irritated. Duoduo looked like a loyal guard. He stared at something wrong, and shouted not to bully his mother.

After breakfast, Lu Feng squatted down and kissed Duoduo, and said seriously: "When Dad makes money, I will definitely send you to kindergarten, I swear!"

"How old is she going to school?" Jiang Xiaoyan saw through Lu Feng's thoughts, and said with a blank look at him: "Aren't you busy, there are other things in your mind!"

Lu Feng stood up, hugged her, gave her a hard kiss, took the bag and went downstairs.

What happened at the dinner party last night has spread to the local business community. Now everyone is waiting to watch the show. According to Mr. Huang, Lu Feng is called Xianyu turn over. Whether he can turn it over depends on his own ability. .

Lu Feng went to the factory. Yesterday's product design and packaging have been released, and the first batch has been produced. The price is cheaper than Wanyuan's, and the profit is also given to terminal sales.

On the desk, there is a plastic sign with bright colors and a few large characters, Jiamei, born for the health of children. Among them, the word health is marked in green, which is very eye-catching.

Gao Zhiwei flipped through the sign and read the following line of words: "This product has won the international safety certification, the national children's food grade 5A product. Isn't this a lie?"

"This is called marketing. Don't talk if you don't understand." Lu Feng waved his hand.

"I went to a few small shops in the morning. Wanyuan's products are all in front, and the wholesale market is also working hard. Even if you squeeze in, it will be bloody."

"Then I squeezed in too." Lu Feng put the sign away and said, "Go to the market, Mr. Gao, you follow me."

Gao Zhiwei wanted to see what he had done. He took a lot of products and sat in the back seat. He curiously asked, "What are you going to do? Lie those shopkeepers to put your products on top?"

"Then I lied to it, let the profit chant, he made more, naturally help me."

Lu Feng rode a motorcycle to the canteen opposite to the city's No. 1 Middle School. Now the students are in class and there are no people. The boss is sitting there and reading the newspaper. The headline is Lu Feng.

"Boss, hello, hello," Lu Feng greeted.

The boss raised his head and glanced, then read the newspaper, and back and forth two or three times, and said in surprise: "You are the person in the newspaper, right?"

"Yes, yes, you can be considered alive." Lu Feng thought he was now an internet celebrity, so he could talk as long as he was famous.

"Bah, you are shameless, playing with other people's wives in the newspaper, are you still honorable?" The boss sipped.

Lu Feng took a close look at the black line in his brain. He didn't know what the broken newspaper was. He wrote a bunch of lace news along the Metropolis Daily. The second edition even printed a bikini girl.

As for the product, he didn't even mention it, the boss told him to go away, and he was unlucky!

Gao Zhiwei wanted to laugh, but seeing Lu Feng's embarrassed look, he had to hold back for fear of annoying him. He couldn't hold back at the door, hahaha laughed.

"Funny? You think this kind of bad newspaper puts me in the headlines. Did someone spend money?" Lu Feng sighed and said, "Next one."

Gao Zhiwei thought about it carefully. It was indeed not right. Lu Feng also appeared in the newspaper once. Now there are so many newspapers, just like self-media articles 20 or 30 years and run four or five in a row. All have been launched. Leave the goods there first and put the brand on the counter. The overall net profit of these snacks is 630%, and 600% is given to the merchants. No one will refuse to agree, just spread it. Money.

At ten o'clock in the morning, all fifteen commissaries put up Jiamei snacks. Lu Feng did not continue, instead he squatted and smoked at the commissary opposite a primary school.

"You rely on these fifteen commissaries to make money?" Gao Zhiwei wondered.

"These fifteen shops are used for experiments. Did you know that the first time a person uses penicillin for a skin test?" Lu Feng stared at him and said, "I'm doing a skin test now."

"Skin test?"

As the school bell rang, the children rushed out, and the commissary was overcrowded instantly. They were so familiar with the commissary, and they were a little curious when faced with the sudden appearance of Jiamei snacks.

"what is this?"

"Eat, play, there's a little character in it, so I can exchange gifts when we gather."

"Five cents each."

"I buy one!"

A child bought one, unpacked a few quack beans, and a thumb-sized plastic figure, the black fur monster!

Another child opened it and found a golden horn king.

"Your Black Bear Monster is not as powerful as the Golden Horn King." Lu Feng said from the side: "There is a combat power meter on the bag. Your one has only a few hundred combat power and can't be beaten."

Knowing that the King of Golden Horn in his hand is very powerful, the child screamed excitedly. The other child was very dissatisfied, and took out another five cents and bought a pack.

"Aren't you awake?" Gao Zhiwei stared at Lufeng as if he was mentally retarded, and said, "Squatting here to provoke the two children?"

Lu Feng said with a smile on his face: "I'm adding fire to their desires. According to the current skin test results, it's not bad!"