Back to 1990

~: Extra Story (1): Later

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Time will smooth out everything, even the land and the ocean. The 90s have passed, and the times have different feelings for everyone. Many times I miss the past and think that living in that era is less stressful and happier. escape.

There is no bitterness or sweetness in life. There is only one state, which is to suffer. When you have too high demands on the future, you will become more and more dissatisfied with the present. There is a saying that Lu Feng likes very much. All the anger is because of incompetence, but Is there really someone omnipotent in this world?

Over the century, Lu Feng opened up the sales channels in two years, established direct sales channels in major cities and provincial capitals across the country, and the new mobile phone was officially launched.

This year, Giti Mobile launched five mobile phones in one go, aiming at different groups of people and occupations. The best mobile phone uses a 3.2-inch resistive screen and is equipped with a stylus. Directly caused a sensation in the global industry.

In 2002, Hurricane Semiconductor achieved full profitability, the semiconductor industry came out of the trough, and the world entered the era of high outbreaks. Lu Feng took the opportunity to expand aggressively, reformed his semiconductors, and subdivided the industry. Several core companies became subsidiaries and independent companies. Responsible for profit and loss.

Liucheng is in charge of research and development projects, and production projects are no longer in charge of management.

Throughout 2002, in the field of semiconductor expansion, Lu Feng directly spent 500 million yuan, basically throwing out all the profits of the company in the past two years.

The counterfeit machine market also ushered in an explosion as expected, but compared with the previous generation, TSMC did not take much advantage. The prices of Hurricane Semiconductor's chips, motherboards, and screens are extremely cheap, and they can be sold at a very high price in the aftermarket. The low price is wholesale, which makes the chips on the other side lose sales.

The processors, motherboards, and memory of Intel and other companies are expensive, and it is not cheap to assemble a computer. As a result, Hurricane products are flooding computer cities across the country. In all kinds of Internet cafes that are emerging, 80% of computer accessories are is a product of hurricanes.

The explosive sales of Hurricane Semiconductor did not bring much profit, and the overall profit margin has been maintained at around 20%. Compared with its peers, this profit is simply not profitable.

Lu Feng understands very well that the future belongs to him only if he dies on the other side. What's more, now is the best time for development. In terms of semiconductors, he has talked with almost all domestic brands. Whether they are competitors or not, Lu Feng has a meeting with them , as long as you can develop and grow, even if you have a stalemate with Giti Mobile, it is not a big problem.

Since then, Hurricane Capital has completely entered the era of great competition. In the following two years, Lu Feng established a brand new mobile phone brand, split the mobile phone business, and each became two independent subsidiaries, requiring the two to compete freely in the market. The better the company is, the more support the group headquarters will provide to the subordinate enterprises.

Duoduo graduated from high school in 2002 and did not take the college entrance examination. Instead, Zhang Fengxia acted as a recommender, and Lu Feng donated a sum of money to let Duoduo go to Harvard directly.

The further development of United Securities, especially the listing of mainland companies in Hong Kong, is basically operated by United Securities. In just a few years, Su Yourong has been very close to the major consortiums in Xiangjiang, and United Securities has also become a front company in Xiangjiang. At the same time, it has provided financing and guarantee projects for some large state-owned enterprises in the Mainland.

Under the suggestion of Lu Feng and Zhang Fengxia, Huasha carried out reorganization, divested daily chemical products, and established a new high-end brand at the same time, cooperated with overseas companies to develop high-end brands, mainly engaged in high-end clothing, shoes and hats. It is the most profitable product.

At the beginning of 2000, the Hurricane investment department invested in a number of Internet companies and semiconductor companies, and actively deployed domestic offline electrical appliances.

With the listing of Minsheng Bank, Lu Feng's value has skyrocketed all the way. Forbes has called Lu Feng many times, hoping that he can accept the list. After all, this is also a manifestation of strength for the country. I don't care, not to mention that I have already been in the limelight in the past ten years or so.

The days that followed were mainly low-key.

Except for some important meetings, Lu Feng basically doesn't appear in the media at other times. Even so, it still can't stop some people from making troubles.

In 2005, Forbes released the latest ranking of the world's richest people, which immediately sparked heated discussions on the domestic Internet. Lu Feng ranked third in the world and first in Asia with an asset of 38 billion U.S. dollars. According to exchange rate conversion, Forbes estimated for Lu Feng The net worth is 300 billion RMB.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly exploded in the Tianya forum. The young people were a little surprised by this person who had hardly heard of it. They didn't expect there to be such a rich man in China, but some older people knew Lu Feng very well. They posted on the forum that he For the TV king of the year.

All kinds of media brought Lu Feng's legs to the forefront, but it didn't last long. All the major media stopped talking about it, and there were only some legends left on the Internet.

How much Lu Feng's assets are, even he himself doesn't know. The valuations of the 37 companies under him are fluctuating every day. If calculated according to the peak market value, the investment in banks, securities, semiconductors, communications, Internet, etc. Enterprises, etc., are not much different.

In 2006, Hurricane Semiconductor strengthened its connection with global semiconductors and achieved innovation in many fields. The international environment improved slightly, but it still mainly suppressed Chinese companies. Lu Feng asked semiconductor companies to take the initiative in the international arena.

Buy if you can, and strengthen cooperation if you can’t. In various industries, you must have me and you. One company alone cannot fight against the entire industry. What Lu Feng can do is to let Hurricane Semiconductor There are more core technologies, at least an important part of the global division of labor and cooperation.

Duoduo graduated from university in 2006 and applied for graduate studies at Yale. In the same year, Jiang Xiaoyan gave birth to her son, Lu Qingsheng, who officially entered the first grade.

This year, Zhang Fengxia had another child. In the same year, Su Yourong became pregnant. The family had a daughter who was a graduate student, and a fetus who was several months pregnant.

In the global financial crisis in 2008, the already fragile semiconductor industry on the other side collapsed completely, and Samsung was also in crisis. Lu Feng asked all its subsidiaries to support Hurricane Semiconductor, and carried out expansion and acquisitions against the trend.

In order to alleviate the funding problem, Lu Feng entered the futures market with 5 billion yuan and began to buy more oil. After sweeping the futures market, he used the funds to acquire two semiconductor companies in Fuso, and at the same time forced Samsung to cooperate. The two parties established a research and development center. Joint research and development of display screens, motherboards, processors and other projects.

In 2010, Samsung backed out on its cooperation, and the two sides started a lawsuit. Giti’s mobile phone’s share in the global market gradually increased, and the dual-brand strategy officially started sweeping mode. Mobile phone manufacturers supply, as long as the budget cost is given, Hurricane can make a mobile phone for you.

In 2011, Hurricane officially supplied a company called Xiaomi, and formed a complete industrial chain around the world. It was Qualcomm chips that hit Hurricane head-on, and Hurricane accounted for more than 20% of global chip output. , except for some products with relatively weak capabilities, core processors, storage, display screens and other aspects are all world-class.

The only thing that makes Lu Feng feel regretful is that the operating system has not been developed. At first, four business groups were involved in the research and development. As a result, a system that could replace Android was not born. The system applications they made were gradually eliminated by the market after a few years. .

The time came to 2015, when the global terminal digital products entered a high-explosive period, Hurricane Semiconductor has completely become a money printing machine, and the annual net profit has exceeded 6 billion US dollars. Overlord of the giants.

With the rapid development of Hurricane Capital, it was soon suppressed by the international community. In the same year, Hurricane Semiconductor was fined in the United States and sued in Europe for environmental protection issues. The lawsuit between the two parties fell into a stalemate.

Lu Feng immediately withdrew everyone in his family back to the country, and at the same time communicated with many companies in the industry, asking them to pay more attention to risk prevention, and try not to let important executives go to the US camp countries.

In 2016, the United States launched a global investigation on Hurricane. They believed that Hurricane had stolen many technology patents. As for the restriction of products, Lu Feng knew that it would be difficult for them to restrict products in this life. Hurricane has a deep relationship with many leading companies in Silicon Valley. cooperate.

In addition, after TSMC was closed down by a hurricane in early 2000, SMIC and Samsung accounted for 80% of the global wafer market.

They don't have so many choices, UU Reading www. can only do some tricks on technology patents.

Entering 2018, due to the huge fines issued by Europe to Hurricane Semiconductor, coupled with restrictions and penalties on Huasha, the value of Lu Feng’s family has shrunk greatly. This year, due to the high market share of Hurricane Semiconductor in Europe, A fine was issued under the monopoly law.

None of the companies that were sanctioned in the previous life remained in this life, but Hurricane became the most conspicuous one. The world has not been changed by Lu Feng, but it cannot be said that it has not changed at all. Chips have not been sanctioned, and there is no shortage of chips in China.

It's just that the chip is just a reason, just like a hat. He may say that you hit you because you wear the hat, but it doesn't mean that if you don't wear the hat tomorrow, he won't hit you.

The world is still the same world, Lu Feng has not changed anything, the war that should be fought, the war that should be fought against you, is still against you, this has nothing to do with the addition of a powerful company in the world, and this is not something that can be changed by one company.

Lu Feng went back to that point in time again, he even went back to the hotel where he was reborn, silently thinking in his heart, what kind of person can change the world by going back?

In other words, the world cannot be changed at all, we can only change ourselves, and ourselves are meaningless to the world.

He was suddenly a little depressed. As a billionaire, he was meaningless to this world, so wouldn't it be even more meaningless for an ordinary person to exist in this world?

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly understood something. There are only small people in the big era, and there are no big people in the small era. People on the top of the waves always feel that they are making waves.

Little did they know, the next second the waves were churning and they were knocked down, obliterating everyone!

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