Back To Eighty

Chapter 293: advantage, disadvantage

My aunt stayed at their house and never returned to the factory.


And her family is all in the city, so it's obviously more convenient to be closer to home when they do it.


Lu Huai'an hummed, but had no objection: "I'll tell you from the factory side, her salary is still based on the factory's."




Shen Ruyun specially picked an afternoon and had a good chat with her aunt.


"Oh, that's good." My aunt said, still a little embarrassed: "I was still worried, you don't want me anymore, you want me to go back to the factory."


At that time, her family was too poor, and she had no way to do it, so she thought to stay far away and go home once a week.


Unexpectedly, luck is so good.


It just so happened that Lu Huaian and the others needed someone to cook, so she came directly, not to mention being close to home, and seeing her child every day, she couldn't be happier.


Shen Ruyun sighed, and her smile became more sincere: "That's great."


Simply signing a contract can be regarded as a formal decision on this matter.


After Lu Huai'an heard it, he also agreed: "It's good to do things according to the rules."


Since Shen's father and Shen's mother couldn't stop him, he began to ponder: "If you are free in the past two days, make a list and ask your brother to buy something."


After all, Mother Shen has helped them so much, and they don't want to give them money. It's always good to buy something to bring back.


"Okay." Shen Ruyun thought about it, there are too many things to buy.


Brother and sister's clothes and so on, it's so cold now, it's even colder back in the mountains, you have to buy them more jackets or something.


And all kinds of food...


Shen Ruyun pressed her forehead and smiled: "Don't say it, I really have to make a list."


After thinking about it, I felt that the house was empty and nothing was the same.


"And that..."


Lu Huaian was about to speak when the phone rang.


He had to stop and walked over to answer the phone quickly.


But it was Xu Jingye's phone call, with a somewhat urgent tone: "Huai'an, have you heard about Weihai Island?"


Weihai Island?


Lu Huai'an really didn't know, so he said directly, "I don't know, what's wrong?"


"Haven't they been quite poor before? A document was issued last year and gave them an indicator."


Last year, after the "Minutes of Discussion on Accelerating the Development and Construction of Weihai Island" was issued, Weihai Island became a key area for opening up.


This document states that Weihai Island can, according to needs, approve the import of industrial and agricultural production materials for production and construction; it can use local foreign exchange to import some consumer goods that are in short supply in the Weihai market.


So, the leaders of Weihai Island used this document to import many cars.


"Isn't this good?" Lu Huai'an said, feeling a little envious: "It would be great if Nanping had such an opportunity."


This is simply money falling from the sky!


And it's banging them on the head, so there's no need to take any risk.


Xu Jingye sneered and shook his head: "It's so simple, last year they imported tens of thousands of cars, especially high-end cars, and now they've been checked."




Lu Huai'an moved and said hesitantly, "Lao Qian and I bought a car last year..."


"Then you are very lucky, you have caught up with the east wind." Xu Jingye said, and he was quite emotional: "Last year, their batch of cars was probably the cheapest."


Not only is it cheap, but all documents are real and legal.


"Then why were they investigated?" Lu Huai'an frowned, not understanding: "Since it is legal and compliant, why are they still being investigated?"


"Because of what I said above, they can import it, but it can only be used for the construction of Weihai Island, not out of the island."


As a result, the reality is very clear. These imported cars not only left the island, but also came to Nanping.


Listening to Lu Huai'an, he couldn't help but regret: "If I had known, I would have just bought a few more cars, haha."


"Who said no."


However, Xu Jingye didn't want to sigh with him, he paused: "Weihai Island is very strict, and even all kinds of private banks are gone, which also affects my side."


Seeing the disappearance of private banks on Weihai Island, the banks in Dingzhou also saw hope.


They have long seen Xu Jingye's private bank not pleasing to the eye!


The heads of several banks found leaders, and they strongly protested the existence of Xu Jingye's private bank.




Lu Huai'an frowned, and quickly asked, "Then what?"


"Then the leader came to talk to me."


What the leader meant was that at the cusp of this storm, Xu Jingye didn't need to take such a big risk and fight against others.


After all, since the Weihai Island side can be turned off, it means that private banks are actually more risky.


"He asked me to take down the bank's sign and turn it into an underground bank."


When it was turned into an underground bank, he couldn't handle things in an upright manner, but it seemed that he was breaking the law and discipline, and Xu Jingye felt very uncomfortable.


Lu Huai'an pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "No one said, so you can just turn it off."


If his private bank hadn't threatened other banks, it wouldn't have happened.


But since there was a threat, why didn't they just force him to stop?


"Yes." Xu Jingye also cheered up.


Lu Huai'an thought for a while, then slowly analyzed: "The monthly interest rates of banks and credit unions, I remember, are divided into several types."


"Yes." Xu Jingye said these things: "Their demand deposit is 0.24%; the 5-year long-term deposit is 0.78%; the loan interest rate is 1.5%."


Their drawbacks are precisely these: fixed monthly interest, low efficiency, high threshold, cumbersome procedures, and low service capabilities.

"That's why your bank has been running so smoothly, and it's even better and better." Lu Huai'an tried hard to recall: "Your monthly interest is..."


"Mine is not so fixed." Xu Jingye smiled and explained in detail: "For my long-term deposits, the monthly interest rate is 1.2%, and the settlement is over 3 months; if it is a temporary deposit, the monthly interest rate is 1%, and I can deposit and withdraw at any time. ; The loan is relatively high, with a monthly interest of 2%, but it depends on the situation.”


Lu Huai'an hummed: "The bank's side is obviously more complicated and more expensive than yours, so you can threaten them."


Especially private usury, which is as high as 3% to 5%, except for bank loans, many people will give priority to Xu Jingye's private bank.


"This is your advantage and your disadvantage."


Lu Huai'an lit a cigarette and said slowly, "If I'm not mistaken, the leaders should be worried that if they are banned by force, it will cause losses to your users and cause social chaos."


"What do you mean..." Xu Jingye also slowly recalled it, thinking: "They didn't give me a way out because of my face, but they boiled frogs in warm water."


Go underground first, and make some changes on the bank's side to make the gap between them not so big.


Gradually bring customers back to the bank, and then settle accounts later in the fall, so there is no need to worry about confusion.


Xu Jingye didn't think about this either. It was because the leader was so good that he comforted him well, and even gave him some preferential policies, so that he gradually felt relieved.


"It's too early for you to rest assured." Lu Huai'an smiled and sighed: "If you really want to be safe, you still have to get a certificate."




Xu Jingye snorted: "I have a business license."


"That's not what I said." Lu Huai'an thought about it and got up, asking him to wait a moment: "I don't remember what that is called, I'll look for it."


At that time, before he cooperated with Xu Jingye to open a branch in Nanping, he discussed this matter with Li Peilin's father.


Uncle Li said a certificate at the time, saying that it is very important. If you want to determine whether it is in compliance with the regulations, and whether the above approves it, you can apply for this certificate.


If it can be done, it means nothing is wrong.


If you can't do it, you have to weigh it.


Lu Huaian went to the study and flipped through his notes.


Picking up the microphone again, Lu Huai'an said decisively, "Financial license."




"I said, you have to apply for the bank's financial license, preferably from the People's Bank of China."


Lu Huai'an repeated Uncle Li's original words: "If we can do it, we can continue. If we can't do it, we have to reconsider."


Such a certificate, so important?


Xu Jingye was a little surprised, but he still agreed: "Yes, then I'll do it tomorrow."


After hanging up, Lu Huaian didn't move for a long time.


It was not until he finished smoking the cigarette that he sighed heavily.


Taking advantage of the shortage of local liquidity, they stood in the air and made some quick money.


It's just that the quick money won't be available any time soon.


Thanks to Dingzhou's well-informed information, they had never heard of Weihai Island's cars on the Nanping side.




Lu Huaian's eyes lit up.


The news of Nanping is lagging behind!


Seeing him wearing a padded jacket and preparing to go out, Shen Ruyun still didn't react: "What are you doing?"


"Buy a car!"


Lu Huai'an went out in a hurry.


He called Gong Hao directly and asked him to come over to see the car.


Sure enough, the news from Weihai Island has not yet come, and the price of the car in Nanping is still the same as last year, and there is not much fluctuation.


Lu Huai'an pondered, gritted his teeth and settled for fifteen cars.


Fifteen identical sedans, which are really imposing.


On the way back, Gong Hao felt his heart, it was really bang bang bang bang!


"Brother Lu... is this really all right..."


The money on the accounts of the four factories was cleared out at one time. This is really not a small amount.


Lu Huai'an snorted and said with certainty, "If you are short of money here, you can borrow it from the bank first. We will sell these cars every half a month."


The news came about a week.


It also takes a week to get feedback from the market.


It adds up to exactly half a month.


"All right."


Gong Hao thought for a while, and then hesitated: "The rest is fine, what if the machinery factory wants money?"


Noah and Ark have nothing to do here. Anyway, they are old customers.


Besides, they still have a lot of goods in their warehouses. It's really not good. It's a big deal to ship a batch of goods.


But in the machinery factory, if you want money, it will not be petty money.


And they haven't shipped any goods yet. If something goes wrong, they will ask for money, which is not a small amount.


Lu Huaian snorted, shook his head and smiled: "What money can they ask for? We didn't pay the final payment for the machine tool last year."


However, because of Gong Hao's mention, Lu Huai'an pondered, and he still asked someone to pay 100,000 yuan to let Gong Hao go here.


In case something happened, he didn't even have time to react.


In the end, Gong Hao's mouth seemed to have opened up.


At night, Mao Huang called Lu Huaian.


He lost his usual smoothness, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he was very direct: "Director Lu, there is a problem in the machinery factory."