Back To Eighty

Chapter 659: wonderful

Anyway, the manpower has been given, the confidence has been given, the company has also been built, and the main frame has been built.

As long as he doesn't kill himself later, there is basically no problem in his development.

Meng Juncheng also knew it, and others knew it even more.

Backed by the mountain of Xin'an Group, Wuhai Building is sure to do it.

Especially, when they heard that the people from Wuhai Construction were the original team selected from the two companies of Xin'an Construction and Wanfu Construction, everyone's eyes lit up.

"this is OK!"

"Exactly, I took a piece of land in Huishui District, and I haven't found the engineering team yet!"

"Me too haha! I heard that Mr. Lu's side has been completed?"

"Not only that, but also Mr. He's side! I heard that Boss Zhong is also rushing to work these days, and it will be over soon!"

This is really great news!

Immediately, they were all excited and gearing up for work: The three companies actually freed up time immediately, not to mention his dozen or so projects and their small projects, that would be no problem at all, right?

Probably with this idea in mind, when the Wuhai Building officially opened, many people came.

Although they were hesitant after meeting Meng Juncheng, they felt that this man was too young.

But after seeing Zhong Wan and Shen Bin willing to be green leaves and leading him to get to know all the bosses along the way, they were not sure.

Although he is a little younger, he can make Lu Huai'an so important, and Shen Bin and Zhong Wan have no objection at all...

This Meng Juncheng should really have something, right?

Others were still hesitating and hesitating, but Boss Wen, who had just won a piece of land in Huishui District, said directly: "Mr. Meng, congratulations, do you have any arrangements here for the time being? If not, just in time. , I have a project here, and I want to talk to you about cooperation..."

No matter what, he doesn't think about it so much.

Anyway, this Wuhai Building is backed by Xin'an Group, which is a brother company with Xin'an Construction and Wanfu Construction.

If he really screwed up the project, could Lu Huai'an just sit back and ignore it?

Impossible, it doesn't exist!

Boss Wen's little abacus crackled, and he took Meng Juncheng and directly negotiated the business.

He didn't even try to calculate Meng Juncheng, the price set was Shen Bin and Zhong Wan's external price.

This order was made, and Meng Juncheng's price was fixed in the future.

It is equivalent to positioning Wuhai Building directly on the Xin'an Building of Wanfu Building, which is completely incomparable with Liu Longjun.

Seeing that they had finalized the business on the spot, other talents came to their senses one after another.

Yes, they are afraid of shit!

"Hey, Mr. Meng! I have something I want to talk to you about!"

"Mr. Meng... I also..."

As for Shen Bin and Zhong Wan, it was not that no one thought about it, but they were politely rejected.

After they finish the project here, one has to go to Bohai City and the other has to go back to Nanping. There are projects waiting on both sides, so there is no way to delay.

Everyone who was hesitant before suddenly regretted it.

"Hey, old Wen, this old thing!"

"It's too quick to start!"

I haven't eaten this meal yet, so I just ordered it.

Really are.

Meng Juncheng was not stage fright, but smiled heartily, saying that there are two teams under his company's name, and he will make regular inspections, so there is no need to worry about the progress and quality of the project.

Another order was placed on the spot, and the latter had to see when the two orders were closed.

However, Lu Huai'an found something interesting: several of the people present were from Gaoluo District.

"Gaoluo District... Didn't you say it was wrapped up by Liu Longjun?" Zhong Wan was a little strange.

He Chongzheng, who hurried back from out of town, greeted him. He heard this sentence without thinking, and suddenly said angrily: "Don't mention this stuff, Liu Longjun is a mess this time."

Before cutting corners, I thought that when I was exposed, I would know that it was enough.

Who would have thought that he finally begged for a project, and it was given for the sake of the past.

In the end, he was fine at first, but the money was moved to do other things, and when the money was not enough, he started to do things again.

"Everyone has been locked up for a while." He Chong picked up the drink in front of him and drank it all in one go: "Ha...comfortable!"

Recently, they were all busy with their own affairs, and they really didn't inquire about these things.

Lu Huai'an snorted and realized: "That's no wonder, they all ran here to find someone."

"Not all of them." He Chong smiled and raised his eyebrows: "On the other hand, they all came to your name."

Li Dongfeng didn't worry about it before, saying that many people ran to Gaoluo District, and no one wanted Huishui District at all?

Now that the commercial street is really going to be launched, many people have begun to acquire land in Huishui District.

They all want to borrow a wave of east wind and make money together.

This was also what Lu Huai'an hoped, so he was quite happy: "That's good."

The dragon and lion dance team entered the venue, and the scene became more and more lively.

With the sound of firecrackers, the words could not be heard clearly.

Lu Huai'an invited He Chong into the box to speak, and by the way asked how the Xin'an intermediary was doing.

"It went well!"

This time, He Chong felt that it was worth the trip.

If you don't do it, you don't know, but when you do it, you find out that this intermediary is really popular.

Before they finished the formalities, a factory came to the door.

"In the beginning, it was just a few small factories, and they came to ask questions with the mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor."

I don't want to recruit many people, I just hope that there are many ways to go.

After all, He Chong's business is so extensive, and his ability to do things must be reliable.

Even if you really can't recruit people for them, it's good to make friends.

"It's this person... It's really a bit tricky." He Chong rubbed his hands, and was a little bit troubled: "What we're thinking about now is to post some signs everywhere..."

This method is effective and effective, at least many people have seen it, but...

Once they know that they want to collect money, I am afraid that half of them will retreat immediately.

After all, people come out to make money, and they still need to collect money when they enter the factory, who will.

There are also many poor people who run out with clothes on their backs without getting a dime.

This kind of person, you ask him for money, it is simply impossible.

Lu Huai'an snorted, and tapped his finger on the tabletop lightly: "As I said, if you can't charge for this kind of thing, just turn around and ask the factory to collect the money twice."

"This..." He Chong had obviously talked to someone before, and nodded: "They didn't say whether they were happy or not, but they asked me in turn..."

Ask him if the staff is sure how long they can work after entering the factory.

Does this mean that you have to pay when you enter the factory, or do you need to pay for it when you feel stable and stable for a long time?

"No, you must give money."

When Lu Huai'an was in business, what he hated most in his life was credit.

"Then I'm definitely happy, but they..." He Chong was also quite embarrassed.

Both sides are worried that there is no guarantee, and this matter is difficult to negotiate.

"It's not difficult."

Lu Huai'an lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "You can contact various local schools here... If you haven't been admitted to high school, you can get it in. We will train and get it into the factory."

Those who can grit their teeth and send them to junior high school are basically the heads of the family who have a little expectation for their children.

Some people have to turn around and go back to farming if they didn't get into high school.

These parents would be happy if they could give a new way.

"Hey..." He Chong thought for a while, and also felt that he had a door: "This is okay..."

"Well, then, these students, after all, have some basics and can be trained at the management level."

You can determine the direction, and even if there is a local branch of Xin'an Group, you can put it in and take the area.

In this way, just to mention a little, these students who are sent to the factory will be able to stand on their own and stand up very quickly.

Management, technical layer...

He Chong narrowed his eyes and grinned: "Then...the price is different..."

"Well, it can be divided into categories." Lu Huai'an thought for a while, then said, "As for ordinary workers, don't put up notices yourself."

ah? If you don't post a notice, how can anyone come?

He Chong hesitated and frowned: "But this, I'm afraid now that I have posted a notice, there may not be anyone coming..."

"That's why you can't put up a notice."

Lu Huai'an raised his eyes and looked at him with a light smile: "If you give something too easily, others won't cherish it."

Like these small factories, the factory pays the training fee, and they provide the training and send it back to the factory.

This kind of effortless, people will not cherish at all.

Therefore, it is normal for the factory to be worried. This kind of delivery will make people unhappy with the job or get tired and get low wages, so they turn their heads and run away.

"Yes, yes, that's it." He Chong nodded, quite emotional: "They are worried about this."

At that time, the money will be out, the people will be gone, the people and money will be empty!

Lu Huai'an snorted with a calm expression: "So, instead of posting a notice, arrange for a few people to spread the news on the notice wall, saying that they have a connection, they can introduce them to the agency, and then pick a few good ones, focusing on nourish."

After these people have been trained, they are sent to the factory, and these people are their living signs.

"Also, you can sign a contract with the factory, and they won't accept anyone who goes in outside."

They must go through their He Chong's eyes turned slightly, and he closed his palms: "Wonderful! It's wonderful!"

This method is simply awesome!

"Where did the cat come from, meow meow meow meow meow." Xu Jingye smiled and pushed in the door: "I knew as soon as I guessed, you two must be here."

He Chong got up and slapped him, and laughed: "I'm talking to Huai'an, don't interrupt, Huai'an, where did you just say?"

"It's about having to go through an intermediary."

In fact, the whole process is not difficult to operate.

The key is that this information is poor.

Lu Huai'an took out a pen and drew casually on the paper: "You can make a table and make a list for each factory. We will find whoever they want."

The talent they need, as long as they can tell, they can find it.

Ship on demand.